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Executive Report
We learned in 2020 that we never know what challenges may come our way, but I feel that we also learned how to adapt and make the most of our circumstances. When COVID-19 hit, we found ourselves reevaluating our business operations throughout the year to navigate our ever-changing circumstances. We developed programs to assist our members through difficult times and referred others to local community resources for assistance. Jim Rohn once said, “The more you care, the stronger you can be.” Our employees and members showed great strength during the adversity we all faced during 2020.
As if battling COVID-19 weren’t enough of a challenge during 2020, we were also hit with several major hurricanes. Despite these challenges, and the fact that our power supplier, PowerSouth Energy Cooperative, closed its coal-fired power plant, we were able to avoid any rate increases and continued our mission to safely provide our members with economical and reliable electricity.
As soon as we became aware of the potential severity of the coronavirus, we responded quickly. We provided teleworking opportunities for some employees and created rotating work schedules for others to allow for social distancing and to hopefully minimize the risk of the spread of the virus throughout our workforce. We also limited contact between personnel from our two offices to help ensure we always maintained sufficient staffing.
We implemented Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) protocols among our employees and members to help keep everyone healthy and safe. We closed our office lobbies but allowed our drive-thrus to remain open for service. We also modified procedures to allow more services to be performed electronically and online to reduce the traffic flow at our offices. Cooperative personnel were designated at each office to do frequent cleaning throughout the building, including disinfecting and sanitizing door handles and other commonly used areas of the facility.
Maintaining the infrastructure that distributes electricity to the more than 25,000 homes and businesses we serve remained a top priority at your cooperative. Line crews, right of way crews and warehouse personnel continued to work to ensure all members had power to do their jobs and educate their children from home.
Just as our forefathers overcame many challenges over 82 years ago when they worked to bring electricity to rural portions of our service area, our current board of trustees and employees are ready to face any new challenges that come our way. Your co-op cares and we are always looking out for you.
R. Gary Harrison President/CEO