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Executive Report
Emergence and growth seemed to be the common theme for your cooperative during 2021. The past few years have brought about changes for everyone, both personally and professionally. Most everyone was impacted by the pandemic in some way, with many losing friends and loved ones to COVID-19. Some of the challenges we faced initially with the pandemic in 2020, and the resulting changes we implemented with our business operations, were carried over into 2021. However, the year 2021 also revealed an emergence from the pandemic environment through significant growth in all sectors of our membership including commercial, industrial and residential development.
Dr. Fritijof Capra, an Austrian author and physicist, once said, “The phenomenon of emergence takes place at critical points of instability that arise from fluctuations in the environment, amplified by feedback loops.” The pandemic undisputedly brought about instability across the world, and yet through persistence and resilience we are emerging from it with greater knowledge and hope for a brighter future.
Our 2021 Annual Report includes data from various cooperative areas of operation. This data represents much of the work performed on a daily basis by our team to ensure we are achieving our mission of safely providing you with economical and reliable electric power, while offering you superior member service.
As we continue to emerge and grow, we want you to know what a privilege it is to serve you, our members. Despite the challenges and changes that occur, your cooperative is always looking out for you.
R. Gary Harrison President/CEO