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Clear right-of-way vital for reliable service
Power lines and trees can be a dangerous combination if they come into contact. Trees touching — or worse, falling into — power lines cause outages or blinks and also create safety hazards for line personnel and members of the public.
That's why North Arkansas Electric Cooperative considers regular maintenance of its right-of-way — the land below, above and on either side of the power lines — to be vital in providing members with reliable electric service.
NAEC personnel and contractors work to maintain a minimum clearance of 15 feet on either side of our power lines, including service drops to members' homes and businesses.
"In addition to increasing our right-of-way easement to 60 feet in past years, we have made a concerted effort to remove as many trees and vegetation from under our lines as possible," said James Woody, vice president of operations. "We ask members not to plant trees and shrubs near our lines."
Plant Trees Safely
Avoid planting shrubs or trees within 30 feet of the power lines. Any vegetation taller than 10 feet will be trimmed or removed.
Maintaining the right-of-way through tree-trimming and removal is not only NAEC’s responsibility, but it also is required by the Arkansas Public Service Commission and the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
In addition to considering the mature height of trees before planting, members can help maintain the right-of-way and keep service reliable by:
• Calling NAEC at 870-895-3221 if a dead tree is in danger of falling on lines or branches are touching lines. Please note: Dead trees will be cut but not removed by co-op personnel.
• Keeping the area on either side of NAEC’s lines or equipment clear of vehicles, deer stands, buildings or other structures.
• Considering the placement of fences and gates within the easement, as NAEC will need access to the lines and equipment for maintenance and outage-restoration purposes. Email info@naeci.com for more information.
Plant medium trees (under 40 feet when mature) at least 30 feet away from power lines.
Plant large trees (over 40 feet when mature) at least 50 feet away from lines.