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Report of Nominations for Directors by the Nominating Committee
The Committee on Nominations appointed by the directors of Canoochee EMC met on the 11th day of August 2024 at 5 p.m. at the Office of the Corporation in Reidsville, Tattnall County, Ga., to make nominations of the members of the corporation to serve as directors to be voted on at the Annual Meeting of Members to be held on the 8th day of October 2024, with the following members of the committee present, to wit:
Caroll F. Anderson
Shane J. Brannen
Noah Covington
Mike Dollar
Tina Eason
Ronnie Holland
Don Martin
Barry Miller
Jesse L. Rhodes
The duties of the committee were explained to them, and they were advised that the terms of the following three directors would expire at the time of the holding of the Annual Meeting of Members. Their successors would be elected for a term of three years, or until their successors were elected and qualified.
It was explained that the directors were to be elected from their respective districts in order that all sections of the area served by the cooperative would have representation on the Board of Directors.
After considering various members of the corporation, their residence, experience and qualifications, the members of the corporation whose names appear listed below were nominated to be voted on as directors of the corporation by the members of the corporation at the Annual Meeting of Members of the corporation thereof or by early voting, to wit:
District 2–Lavanda Lynn
District 5–Marvin E. Bradley Jr.
District 8–Robert E. Dasher
The Secretary was instructed to post a list of the parties nominated, as provided in the Bylaws. There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion made, duly seconded and carried, said meeting was adjourned.
This 11th day of June 2024,
Carroll Anderson Chairman, Nominating Committee
Don C. Martin Secretary, Nominating Committee