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Canoochee EMC Announces a Successful Year
The Canoochee Electric Membership Corp. (EMC), a member-owned electric cooperative, is pleased to announce the assignment of $4 million in capital credits to its members for 2023. This is an assignment only and not a refund.
What Are Capital Credits?
As a not-for-profit cooperative, Canoochee EMC operates on a cost-of-service basis. Any margins earned after providing electricity at cost are allocated to members as capital credits based on their electricity use. These capital credits represent your ownership stake in the cooperative and help strengthen its financial health.
When Will I Receive My Capital Credits?
The Canoochee EMC Board of Directors reviews the cooperative’s financial health each year and determines when to retire capital credits. In 2023, the board approved a retirement of $2.039 million in capital credits. Retirements are based on the cooperative’s financial needs and future capital requirements. Since 1938, $24.3 million has been retired to Canoochee EMC members.
Canoochee EMC: Committed to Affordability and Reliability
The Board of Directors thanks its members for their continued support. Canoochee EMC remains committed to providing reliable electricity at an affordable cost. They appreciate the opportunity to serve you and look forward to doing so in the future.
Canoochee EMC Board of Directors
Board Members
Connie L. Thrift, President
Bob Floyd, Vice President
Kimberly S. Blocker, Treasurer
LaNell M. Oliver, Secretary
Robert E. Dasher
Bernard Purvis
Kenneth L. Durrence
Ed Bradley Jr.
Lavanda Lynn