summer 2012
spring highlights The Trailblazer is a publication of Northland Christian, a preschool - 12th grade school.
MISSION STATEMENT Northland Christian partners with Christian families and churches to provide a God-centered, discipleship-based school with academic excellence and a biblical worldview, equipping students to serve and influence our world for Christ.
1. For God to give guidance and provide the right people to serve on the Nehemiah Task Force as we reach toward our 5 year plan. 2. For unity and 100% involvement of our school community in pressing forward into all that God has waiting for us. Please pray how God may want you to serve in this process. 3. For discernment and success in the continuing work in our identified goals: • • • • • • • •
learn. love. lead.
Establish comprehensive counseling services Develop programs that support students with special needs - both learning disabilities and giftedness Establish a comprehensive media center that meets the needs of the students, teachers and community Increase teacher and staff development/resources Encourage and realize 100% involvement of our school community in their local church Develop relationships with churches and Christian businesses in the Northland Establish an “entrepreneurial enterprise” that funds tuition assistance Increase clubs/programs/intramural opportunities for students Determine location/facility
4. For clarity of focus and roles for the Nehemiah Task Force, the Board, and the Administration as we enter uncharted waters. Contact Lamar Eby to get involved: lamar.eby@gmail.com or 816-510-5937.
Vision Update
Equipping Volunteers
Spring Highlights
Fun Facts
Northland Christian School 4214 NW Cookingham Road Kansas City, MO 64164 816-464-0555 www.NorthlandChristianEd.com Northland Christian Education System Non Discrimination Policy The corporation absolutely does not tolerate discrimination against applicants and students on the basis of race, color, or national or ethnic origin. The school admits students of any race to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at that school and the school does not discriminate on the basis of race in administering its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship programs (if any), and athletic and other school-administered programs. The corporation will also not tolerate discrimination with respect to the employment of faculty and staff.
Cover photo by Ross Jewett Northland Christian Alumni 2012 Graduate
mark 12:30
vision update
Northland Christian instructs students to learn, love and lead the world to Christ.
hroughout the last school year, we have experienced so many exciting achievements that it was difficult for me to choose what to include in this issue of The Trailblazer. A definite highlight, however, is the emphasis on plans for the future and the articulation of God’s vision for our ministry. The process began with a prayer emphasis last summer and into the fall with opportunities for the staff, students, parents and even pastors to put into words their understanding of God’s vision for Northland Christian. One result of this sharing was a vision statement that explains the heart of who we are and is easy enough for even our youngest students to memorize: Northland Christian instructs students to learn, love and lead the world to Christ. We also developed a graphic to help us picture the “learn, love, lead” vision. As this vision came to life, three main goals emerged:
• All individuals grow toward their God-given potential • Growing relationships are established with the churches and the community • A higher percentage of students in the Northland are interested and able to attend Northland Christian The past five years were highlighted by the accreditation process which allowed us to establish a strong foundation in core functions of our school. Our focus has now turned to specific goals for the next five years that support our vision. One of our goals is to make Christian education accessible. We are researching options to develop satellite schools throughout the Northland to achieve this objective. Preferably located in partner churches, these schools could provide education through elementary grades and then students would advance to the centralized secondary school. A team is currently exploring options and beginning capital development for this central middle school/ high school location. We have a lease at our current location for five years, and are praying for our facility plan to come together so we will be prepared for the next step. Another exciting concept I want to share is the idea of an entrepreneurial enterprise that would fund scholarships so more students could attend Northland Christian. When I speak with parents, the most common obstacle I hear when it comes to placing children in a Christian school is lack of finances. We are anxious to see how creating a business to provide assistance might minimize that hurdle. This past school year, we studied Nehemiah and his leadership. We see in scripture how he had a burden for the people, sought the Lord for answers and followed through as God directed. I see many parallels to what we are doing at Northland Christian. We have a burden for the hearts and souls of young people and are committed to serving the Lord by educating these children. Our society has many broken walls, and we want to join the Lord in His work of rebuilding. At one point, when the task seemed overwhelming, Nehemiah prayed that the Lord would strengthen his hands for the work. Would you join us in praying that same prayer? We are making our hands available for the work, but the Lord is the one who gives us the strength to carry out the tasks. Nehemiah also enlisted the help of people from many different backgrounds and with a variety of skills to help him in his project. We are also looking for those who would be willing to join us. I invite you to consider what talents and resources you might lend to this meaningful work and contact me directly with your input.
Richard Rice, Principal
equipping volunteers
It was just a simple email. Margaret Barnett, leader of the hospitality team, corresponded with volunteers on her team about plans for an upcoming event. In addition to details about food and decorations, she added a note about caring for each other throughout the school year and encouraged the team to share how they might be praying for each other. At Northland Christian, teams of volunteers strive to build relationships in the process of accomplishing many tasks that support the school. “When our teams get together, it should look more like ministry than meetings,” says Julie Brown, leader of Northland Christian’s equipping team which helps organize and support volunteers. The equipping concept can be distinguished from the typical volunteer model in schools with one simple statement: It’s about fulfilling people, not filling slots. With the equipping team concept, volunteers serve in an area where they are passionate (because God has gifted them) and are encouraged to continue service in those areas that are a good match for them.
It’s about fulfilling people, not filling slots. The focus is different too. Rather than just seeking to complete the task, team members are encouraged to develop relationships and look for opportunities to serve each other in the process of serving the school. The idea is that people will feel joy as they serve and will not become burdened or overworked by working in areas that don’t fit with their unique gifts. Parents say that serving with a team of volunteers gives them the opportunity to connect and build friendships within the school community. “We don’t require a certain number of service hours from parents,” says Richard Rice, principal. “but that doesn’t mean they aren’t logging in time at the school. We feel so blessed that our volunteers step up to help – often times without even being asked.” Volunteers have helped in areas where the school does not have full time staff. A few of those roles include welcome center, admissions team, lunch service, facility maintenance, teachers assistants, library and event planning. Parents also use their gifts and talents to support other key school functions such as technology, marketing, guidance and athletics. “We just couldn’t do it without you,” said Dawn Fountain, Northland Christian teacher at an appreciation banquet for all the team members this spring. Out of the 155 families in the school, there are 135 volunteers serving regularly on teams, not including those who assist with various projects throughout the year outside of the ongoing team functions.
“We just couldn’t do it without you.” So what about parents who might be unsure about their gifts and where to best plug in at Northland? The school’s equipping team offers classes each year to help people uncover their unique design and explore what the Bible says about working together as one body. The class is not limited to adults, however. For the past few years, the team has worked with high school students to help them understand and identify their spiritual gifts. “In the Bible, Christians are commanded to serve, honor, build one another up,” says Julie Brown. “The equipping model we have at Northland gives us an opportunity to do just that as we live out the gospel.” To volunteer go to www.NorthlandChristianEd.com - Get Connected - Volunteers - Sign Up Now (on right side). Select the team that most interests you and submit. Someone will contact you soon!
volunteer profile
Visitors at Northland Christian might mistake Joe Bob O’Neal for an employee of the school. A retired railroad employee, Joe Bob spends many hours each week repairing whatever needs fixed throughout the campus. He’s been seen working on the tile floor and hovering above the parking lot to repair lights. Joe Bob was named Trailblazer of the Year for his volunteer service. He and his wife, Betsy, have one daughter, Sylvia, who was a 2012 graduate. Students and staff are hopeful that Joe Bob will continue using his gifts at Northland Christian. Joe Bob is pictured on the cover with students (from left to right) Noah Fuehring, Hope Harding and Jonah Fuehring.
For the fall aspect, I want you to be aware that ‘Evil is everywhere!’ Keep your affections pure. When sin entered the world, mankind fell in love with the wrong things. Our affections drive our cognition, which is a fancy way of saying, ‘we think about what we love.’ Joshua 23:11 tells us to ‘be very careful to love the Lord your God.’ Doing this will keep your thinking from becoming twisted!
Northland Christian graduated 12 seniors in the Class of 2012. Back row from left: Ross Jewett, Sam Elliott, Kyle Stuck, Gene Cline. Middle row from left: Hannah Miner, Mick Silvers, Brandon Fletcher, Alyssa Mack. Front row from left: Kristen Clements, Emily Hogan, Collins Brown, Sylvia O’Neal. Speakers for the 2012 commencement service were Cathy Davis, Art teacher, and Jim Borden, Science teacher. Mr. Borden shared the following challenge with seniors: “I want to leave you with three things to help you keep that perspective. The biblical world view that you have been exposed to can be summed up in three words: creation, fall and redemption.
To read more about the Class of 2012, go to NorthlandChristianEd.com.
TRIP TO THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC For the past 2 years, junior and senior students have had the privilege of traveling to the Dominican Republic for a mission trip. The students exchange their week of spring break for a life changing experience in service to others by helping missionaries Rick and Carie Bernard. The primary ministry happens at a small girls orphanage in San Cristobol which has a food ministry that serves hot meals to 80-100 street children Monday through Friday. Some of these children have parents who work from sunrise to sunset to provide shelter for their families. Other children have been abandoned and are struggling to survive. Northland Christian students had the opportunity to visit the local hospital and provide medical clinics to the impoverished living in a refugee area. This alternate spring break experience allows our students to fulfill Northland Christian’s vision to learn, love and lead the world to Christ.
spring highlights
For the creation aspect, I want you to remember that ‘Image is everything!’ Don’t ever doubt who you are. Genesis 1:26-28 declares that you were created in His image. You are an ‘image-bearer’ of the most powerful being in the universe, the one who with the very power of His spoken word created everything.
For the redemption aspect, I want you to know that ‘Jesus Saves and Jesus is King!’ Confession is good for the soul. 1 John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive. With confession comes the promise of Romans 8:35 that nothing can separate us from Him.”
A style to be Imitated (Romans 12:2) The "Off The Rack"
Fashion Show ?
was held on April 13.
The first all-school musical was held in early May at Northland Christian. Complete with a live orchestra, the
Northland Christian’s
< Track Team
included students in grades 3 - 8 but will be expanded through high school for the coming school year.
Sound of Music =
production included students from 1st through 12th grade and was directed by Steve Fulmer, music teacher.
Northland Christian’s entry in the annual
!Snake Saturday" parade was awarded first place in our division! More than 50 parents and students participated in our walking float.
In April, Northland Christian students performed in the courtyard as part of Northland Christian Day at
Northland Christian boys’
>Varsity Basketball
Zona Rosa ?
team took first place in their conference and end of season state and conference tournaments.
The event showcased the talent of students through music and art displays and also to increase awareness of the school.
The Spring Formal = is a highlight of the school year for high school students.
thank you for your suppor t
serve-a-thon update We have had a SUCCESSFUL Serve-a-thon and we want to say thank you to everyone who supported us with their PRAYERS and FINANCIAL GIFTS! With your support, we have been able to reach out to different people in our community and share the love of our wonderful Creator with others and we truly thank you. In some cases, we do this directly and other times we work with the organizations that support these people in our community. Our goal for this event was much more than a financial one. We wanted our students to grow in their understanding of what it means to serve others as Jesus instructed. Some of the people and organizations our school served: • A local, non-profit thrift store (volunteering our time in the thrift store that supports women establishing new households free from violence) • Local pastors and congregations (providing service for our community churches working diligently to reach our world for Christ) • A local food pantry in great need of donations (collecting items and sorting the canned goods) We appreciate your prayers and financial support in making Serve-a-thon 2012 a success!
MSHSAA UPDATE: Northland Christian School will be part of the Missouri State High School Activities Association in the upcoming 2012-2013 school year as an affiliate member. Several athletic competitions are already slated with MSHAA members. Track will be expanded through 12th grade, with varsity meets already scheduled for next year. In addition to sports, the membership allows Northland the opportunity to compete against other schools in a variety of events. Debate, academic bowl and music competition are just a few of the activities available.
Support Northland Christian School 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
All gifts are tax deductible. Your donation may be made online at www.NorthlandChristianEd.com Northland Christian can now accept non-cash donations. Scheduled donations may be made through direct payment. Your gift makes an eternal difference and is greatly appreciated!
To make a donation, visit our website at www.NorthlandChristianEd.com. On the home page, click on Donate Now!
Through our partnership with iDonate we can now accept non-cash donations such as: real estate, business inventory, cell phones, boats and vehicles.
summer edition
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