2014 August Southern Indiana Power News

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7 a.m.–4 p.m., Monday-Friday MAILING ADDRESS

P.O. Box 219, Tell City, IN 47586 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Gary Waninger, Chairman


Don Braun, Vice-Chairman


Jeff Vogel, Secretary/Treasurer


Philip Meyer


Randy Kleaving


Kevin Waninger


Michelle Lynch


Michael Hammack PRESIDENT/CEO

Steve Seibert


Karen Mangum


Jeff Hilgenhold


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Cooperative holds annual meeting BY STEVE SEIBERT

The 74th annual meeting was held at the Perry County 4-H Fairgrounds June 21. Our records show 673 members registered and we issued 1,495 meal tickets for members and their families. For those of you who missed the meeting, I’ll give a brief recap of events. You can see photos on page 8. The event featured attractions for all ages. Young members enjoyed inflatable rides and bounce houses, pony rides, face painting and bucket truck demonstrations. Children could also register to win Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari tickets. Members were able to talk with Southern Indiana Power employees about energy efficiency issues, check out the Hoosier Energy mobile Energy Wall and play Bingo in the 4-H building. Food, soft drinks, popcorn and ice cream were provided throughout the evening. The Touchstone Energy® hot air balloon and Southern Indiana Power’s electric car were also on display for attendees to see. Near the end of the event, the business meeting was held in the 4-H building. I gave a tribute to former Manager of Member and Corporate Services

Don Etienne. The year 2012 was the International Year of Cooperatives, and a short video was shown entitled “Hoosiers Power the World” which documented Indiana co-ops’ mission to bring electricity to remote villages in Guatemala. Board Chairman Gary Waninger conducted the business meeting. Directors Jeff Vogel, Philip Meyer and Michelle Lynch were re-elected to represent districts one, two and seven, respectively. Joe Boesing of Monroe Shine reviewed the financial report. Waninger noted some highlights of 2012. I previewed upcoming challenges and goals for 2013, and members viewed a short video from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association entitled “Cooperative Purpose.” The meeting ended with a drawing for door prizes. Samuel Jent, Richard Lanthrop and Clarence Enmen each won $500. There were also several winners of cash prizes ranging from $50 to $250. Colton Weyer and Matthew Meyer each won four tickets to Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari in the children’s prize drawing. STEVE SEIBERT is the chief operating officer of Southern Indiana Power.

Operation Round Up application deadline approaches The Operation Round Up board of trustees will be accepting applications from Aug. 1 until Sept. 16. Disbursement will take place in October. Those eligible to apply for funds include groups, organizations, individuals or families located within the Southern Indiana Power service territory which covers the counties of Perry, Spencer, and areas in Dubois and Warrick. Applicants are not required to be members of the cooperative. The maximum grant amount available to any group or organization in any one year is $5,000 and the maximum amount available to any individual or family in any one year is $1,000. An organization that received a grant in the last cycle will not be eligible for the current grant cycle.

ELECTRIC CONSUMER • AUGUST 2013 • ElectricConsumer.org

Grants are available for local volunteer fire departments, youth programs, 4-H, senior citizen programs and other community service projects. The fund will NOT be used to pay any electric or utility bills or be used in any way to support or oppose any political candidate or campaign. If you or your organization is interested in applying for an Operation Round Up grant, please visit the Southern Indiana Power office or download the forms from the website at www.sinpwr.com. Due to the possible volume of requests there will be no blank applications mailed. If you have any questions please contact the Southern Indiana Power office at 800-323-2316 or 812-547-2316 or email to dharp@sinpwr.com.

IVE Operation Round Up grants awarded to local organizations Evanston Civic Association Cheryl Southwood accepts a $2,500 grant from Operation Round Up board member Donna Harpenau to purchase energy-efficient appliances for the concession stands.

Rate Schedule How to compute your monthly electic bill

Shown below is the rate schedule information needed to figure your bill for electric use in July. Wholesale power cost tracker $0.00678 Indiana sales tax $0.07 General Service Rate Facility charge All kWh

Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Dept. Fireman Abraham Welch accepts a $1,500 grant from Operation Round Up board member Donna Harpenau to purchase two gas detectors. Welch is the oldest fireman since the department organized in 1965.

$24.50 per month $0.0975

Off-Peak Heating Systems Facility charge $28.50 per month All kWh $0.0975 Energy used for off-peak heating systems between 11 p.m.-7 a.m. (EST) All kWh $0.053 Monthly Security Light Billing 175-watt mercury vapor 100-watt H.P. sodium 400-watt mercury vapor

$7.50 per month $7.50 per month $11.50 per month

Electric bills due by the 27th of each month. Visa, Mastercard and Discover accepted. Online payment also avilable at www.sinpwr.com.

$50 monthly drawing

Would you like to win a $50 credit on your electric bill? You could if you follow these simple rules: 1. Clip out the coupon below. 2. Fill out and return to our office along with your monthly payment before the 20th of the month. (Delinquent payments are not eligible.) 3. Coupons are dated monthly and are not available at the office. You are automatically entered in the drawing if you have your bill withdrawn from your bank’s checking or savings account (ACH) or if you pay your bill online by the 20th. The winner will be notified and the name published in the following monthly publication of Electric Consumer. JUNE’S WINNER: Larry Sandage.

Lincoln Boyhood Drama Association, Inc. Dan Wilkinson of the Lincoln Boyhood Drama Association accepts a $1,200 grant from Operation Round Up Trustee Donna Harpenau to help fund a May 2013 presentation of “The Council of Mice.”

St. Meinrad Area Revitalization Team Karen Mangum, Southern Indiana Power office/ IT manager, presents a $1,400 grant to Todd Ruxer to help in purchasing a new lawn mower for the recreation field.

$50 monthly drawing FOR BILLS DATED AUG. 10 PAID BY AUG. 20 NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_____________________________________________ PHONE: _______________________________________________ ACCOUNT #:___________________________________________

ElectricConsumer.org • AUGUST 2013 • ELECTRIC CONSUMER   5

KEEPING CURRENT • SOUTHERN INDIANA POWER 2013 Annual Meeting Annual Meeting Prize Winners: $500 cash: Samuel Jent $500 cash: Richard Lathrop $500 cash: Clarence Enmen $250 cash: Linda Hedinger $250 cash: Steve Wollenmann $100 cash: Sunshine Whistle $100 cash: Dave Balbach $100 cash: Amy Gibson $50 cash: Tammy Surgeon $50 cash: Andy Drnek $50 cash: Kenny Sweat $50 cash: Lilly Dale Church of Christ $50 cash: Terry Sutcliff

Kids’ Prizes 4 Holiday World tickets : Colton Weyer 4 Holiday World tickets: Matthew Meyer Director Elections During the 2013 annual meeting, Directors Jeff Vogel, Philip Meyer and Michelle Lynch were were re-elected to represent districts one, two and seven, respectively.

Southern Indiana Power Journeyman Lineman Scott Peter gives a bucket demo to his nephew Owen Peter and niece Madelyn Peter.

Blake Kleaving, 2009 Youth Tour delegate, is pictured inside the Energy Wall display trailer.

Touchstone Energy mascot CFL Charlie made an apperance to greet members.


Director Philip Meyer, Angela Hammack and Todd Hammond greet Southern Indiana Power members at the registration tables.

Director Jeff Vogel, attorney Chris Goffinet, COO Steve Seibert, and Chairman Gary Waninger prepare to start the business meeting.

ELECTRIC CONSUMER • AUGUST 2013 • ElectricConsumer.org

Southern Indiana Power News

School’s out

LEARNING IS IN! School may not be in session in the summer, but local students made the most of their vacation by attending Touchstone Energy Camp and the Indiana Youth Tour to Washington D.C. Five local students were sponsored by Southern Indiana Power to join hundreds of other students on these two unique learning experiences.

Youth Tour to Washington D.C. Hillary Hubert of Perry Central High School was sponsored by Southern Indiana Power to participate in the Indiana Youth Tour to Washington D.C., from June 13-20. She joined 76 students from Indiana and 1,500 students from 43 states who participated in the event. This year’s tour was the 49th annual event, a joint effort of local electric cooperatives, the Indiana Statewide Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives, and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. A highlight of the tour’s face-to-face lessons on civic participation included meeting with Sen. Joe Donnelly (D) and Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-08). “We want to personally thank Rep. Bucshon for speaking with the Youth Tour students,” Steve Seibert, Southern Indiana Power Chief Operating Officer said. “Having him take time out of his hectic schedule to meet with our Youth Tour students sends a message about the important leadership role they can play through civic engagement at the local, state or national level.” The experience directly relates to one of the cooperative principles — education, training and information. “It takes a team effort to put this trip together and the

Hillary Hubert of Perry Central High School is pictured here with other Youth Tour delegates after meeting with Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-08). She is the second student to the right of Bucshon.


ELECTRIC CONSUMER • AUGUST 2013 • ElectricConsumer.org

Samantha Stephens, Claire Snyder, Chase Beckort and Madelyn Peter were sponsored by Southern Indiana Power to attend Touchstone Energy Camp.

payback is immeasurable,” said Seibert. “What these students learned by participating in Youth Tour will impact their lives far into the future.” The tour included visits to Gettysburg National Military Park Battlefield, Arlington Cemetery, the U.S. Capitol, Marine Corps Museum and various monuments and museums on the National Mall.

Touchstone Energy Camp From June 5 through 8, local seventh-graders-to-be participated in the Touchstone Energy® Camp at the YMCA Camp near Brookston, Ind. Southern Indiana Power, a Touchstone Energy cooperative, sent four students to the annual camp program. Touchstone Energy Camp provides a traditional sleepaway summer camp experience with a wide range of activities including horseback riding, archery, swimming, zip lining, and campfires. Students learn about important topics such as alternative energy, electric safety, and the impact their cooperative makes in the community. Chaperones are Indiana electric cooperative employees who have graciously volunteered to share their knowledge of the energy industry, as well as lead students through the camp experience. Local participants included Samantha Stephens and Chase Beckort from William Tell Elementary, Claire Snyder from Nancy Hanks Elementary and Madelyn Peter from Perry Central Elementary School. “The benefits Touchstone Energy Camp provides to both our community and the cooperative are immeasurable,” said Seibert. “The information students learn about electricity could one day save their life or the lives of others. Activities are structured to teach valuable leadership skills that students could someday use to lead our community and give students a better understanding of the cooperative world so they will see Southern Indiana Power as a future employer.”

Highlights of June 26 board meeting In an effort to keep you informed of your cooperative’s operations and activities, the following are highlights of the June 26 board meeting.

1. All directors were present along with COO Steve Seibert. Also present was Administrative Assistant Lisa Hinton and Attorney Chris Goffinet. 2. The first item on the agenda was the reorganization of the board. Director G. Waninger was re-elected chairman of the board, Director Braun was re-elected vice chairman, and Director Vogel was re-elected secretary/treasurer. 3. The May 28 board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved. 4. The membership certificates and vouchers were reviewed and approved. 5. The directors report was reviewed and approved. 6. Seibert gave a brief update on the office remodel project. 7. The COO report was the first item of new business with Seibert reporting the following items:

a. Seibert and Attorney Chris Goffinet updated the board on pole attachment contract proceedings. b. Seibert discussed possible issues involving the city of Tell City’s annexation plans. c. Seibert reported Ohio Valley Resource’s air permit could take 2-3 months. d. Seibert informed the board that in September the Indiana Supreme Court will hear a case involving the coal gasification plant project proposed for Spencer County. e. Seibert reviewed Indiana Statewide’s residential billing survey with the board. f. Seibert reported on the CFC Forum that was held June 5-7. g. Seibert informed directors of a Hoosier Energy tour scheduled for Oct. 2. h. Seibert reported an open meter technician position has been filled.

8. The 2013 Southern Indiana Power Annual Meeting was reviewed. Suggestions for the 2014 annual meeting were discussed. The 2014 annual meeting will be held Friday, June 20, at Perry County 4-H Fairgrounds. 9. The board approved Office/ IT Manager Karen Mangum as assistant secretary/treasurer to the board of directors for June 2013– June 2014. 10. Ken Seger, training and safety specialist with Hoosier Energy, provided substation training on May 30. Terry Adkins, senior loss control/risk management specialist with Indiana Statewide, provided pole top/bucket truck rescue safety training on June 6. Seibert advised there were no lost time accidents and no public liability claims to report. 11. Director Kleaving reported on the Indiana Statewide board meeting held June 19. 12. The next two regularly scheduled board of directors meetings will be Thursday, July 18, and Wednesday, Aug. 28.

News briefs: Office remodel in progress Southern Indiana Power members will need to use the entrance on the right (south) side of the building, formerly marked “employees only.” This will serve temporarily as the main entrance while the headquarters is being remodeled.

Watch for spray crews

Crews are spraying rights of way, beginning in the Tell City substation area. In coming weeks, please be on the lookout for utility vehicles along roadsides in the Southern Indiana Power service area.

Congrats state champs!

The South Spencer Rebels became state champions by winning the 2A baseball title in June.

ElectricConsumer.org • AUGUST 2013 • ELECTRIC CONSUMER   29

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