2015 March Southern Indiana Power Newsletter

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7 a.m.–4 p.m., Monday-Friday MAILING ADDRESS

P.O. Box 219, Tell City, IN 47586 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Jeff Vogel


Michelle Lynch


Kevin Waninger


Philip Meyer


Gary Waninger


New rebates, incentives available For many years Southern Indiana Power has offered rebates to members who choose to use energy wisely by upgrading or installing energy-efficient heat pumps, air conditioners, geothermal units or even water heaters. STEVE SEIBERT This year’s incentive program has undergone some significant changes. There are several types of rebates and incentives, from $50 for refrigerator recycling up to $1,500 for energy efficient HVAC systems, depending on the type of home and the type of equipment being installed. Last year, we introduced a new duct sealing program with a rebate of $250 or $500, depending on the application. This year we have added a new rebate for homeAir Source Heat Pump, Central Air, Dual Fuel k $150 rebate - Single speed compressor k $750 rebate - Dual/variable speed compressor: Heat Pump or Dual Fuel (Replacing 100% Electric Resistance Heat) k $800 - Single speed compressor heat pump k $1,500 - Dual/variable speed compressor heat pump Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump (Replacing 100% Electric Resistance Heat) k $300 - Single speed compressor k $600 - Two or variable speed compressor

Randy Kleaving

Geothermal Heat Pump k $1,500 - New installation only (Rebate unavailable for replacement of old geothermal unit.)


Home Upgrades

Karen Mangum

Water Heating - Heat pump or hybrid water heaters (all in one units) k $400 rebate - minimum 40 gallon size

Jeff Hilgenhold

Appliance Recycling k $50 per appliance rebate



Todd Hammond


Steve Fortwendel


This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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STEVE SEIBERT is the president/CEO of Southern Indiana Power.

Home Heating

Dirk Stein


owners who upgrade the insulation in their attic. We also have an outstanding discount LED and CFL program. Members can order bulbs directly through the Team UP To Save Lighting Rebates link on our website. There is a minimum purchase of six bulbs, but discounts range from $2 to $10 per bulb, and shipping is FREE! Full details of the rebate program and an application form are available at the Southern Indiana Power office, or can be downloaded from the co-op’s website, www.sinpwr.com. Each incentive has conditions that must be met, and an overview of these programs are printed below.

(Must be a working refrigerator or freezer between 10 and 30 cubic feet. Limit of two appliance recycling rebates per household.)

HVAC Duct Sealing k Electric heated homes: 100% of the installed cost up to a maximum of $500 rebate k Fossil fuel with central air or heat pump: Maximum $250 rebate (New homes, built in the last 2 years, are not eligible. Limit one rebate per home.)

ELECTRIC CONSUMER • MARCH 2015 • ElectricConsumer.org

Attic Insulation k Electric heated homes: 100% of the installed cost up to a maximum of $500 rebate k Fossil fuel with central air or heat pump: Maximum $250 rebate Lighting - CFL and LED bulbs k Online store with free shipping (sinpwr.com) k Minimum purchase of 6 lamps is required k Instant rebate is applied to purchase – $2 rebate: CFL lamps and reflector floods and small LED lamps – $5 rebate: Small LED lamps and reflector floods – $10 rebate: Large LED reflector floods

New Home Construction Touchstone Energy Home k New home construction program offered at no charge to homeowners and builders k Homes must meet Touchstone Energy Home Standards and program requirements k Provides a certified energy rating, home rating documents, and Touchstone Energy Home certification to the co-op, builder and homeowner k Visit www.itehome.com for details and qualifications Dual Fuel Touchstone Energy Home k Same construction requirement for all-electric Touchstone Energy Home k Requires ≥ 90% AFUE fossil fuel furnace with 100% combustion air coming from outside k Requires ≥ 16 SEER heat pump k No guaranteed heating costs k Visit www.itehome.com for details and qualifications

IVE News Briefs Free Festival Guides Stop by the Southern Indiana Power office to pick up your free copy of the 2015 Indiana Festival guides. Whether you’re looking for a winter weekend getaway for two or a Fourth of July celebration fit for the whole family, the one place you can find them both – and everything in between – is in the 2015 Indiana Festival Guide. The 92-page guide features a fullcolor cover and chronologically lists over 550 festivals, craft fairs, holiday shows, historical re-enactments and community celebrations held throughout the year in Indiana.

Energy Assistance Program deadline Participants in the Energy Assistance Program are reminded that the moratorium on disconnection for nonpayment ends March 15. Accounts assisted by EAP must be brought up to date before then or they may be disconnected the following day. If you have questions about your account, please call the office before March 15.

Rate Schedule How to compute your monthly electric bill Shown below is the rate schedule information needed to figure your bill for electric use in February.

Wholesale power cost tracker Indiana sales tax General Service Rate Facility charge All kWh

$0.00766 $0.07 $24.50 per month $0.0975

Off-Peak Heating Systems Facility charge $28.50 per month All kWh $0.0975 Energy used for off-peak heating systems between 11 p.m.-7 a.m. (EST) All kWh $0.053 Monthly Security Light Billing LED Security Light 175-watt mercury vapor 100-watt H.P. sodium 400-watt mercury vapor

$7.50 per month $7.50 per month $7.50 per month $11.50 per month

Electric bills due by the 27th of each month. Visa, Mastercard and Discover accepted. Online payment also avilable at www.sinpwr.com.

$50 monthly drawing

Tree trimming procedures Southern Indiana Power does not trim and shape “yard trees” under service drops (transformer to meter). We will only trim a three-foot circle around the service conductor. Also, we cannot remove trees (dead or live) under or around the service conductor. If the consumer needs to remove a tree/trees, they should contact a tree trimming service, then contact Southern Indiana Power. We will send a crew out to drop the service wire while the tree/trees is being removed and reinstall the wire when the work is complete. We will continue to trim or remove trees that are in danger of contacting the primary line (7200 volts) in the right-of-way easement.

Would you like to win a $50 credit on your electric bill? You could if you follow these simple rules: 1. Clip out the coupon below. 2. Fill out and return to our office along with your monthly payment before the 20th of the month. (Delinquent payments are not eligible.) 3. Coupons are dated monthly and are not available at the office. You are automatically entered in the drawing if you have your bill withdrawn from your bank’s checking or savings account (ACH) or if you pay your bill online by the 20th. The winner will be notified and the name published in the following monthly publication of Electric Consumer. JANUARY’S WINNER: Gregg Wagner

$50 monthly drawing FOR BILLS DATED MARCH 10 PAID BY MARCH 20 NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_____________________________________________ PHONE: _______________________________________________ ACCOUNT #:___________________________________________

ElectricConsumer.org • MARCH 2015 • ELECTRIC CONSUMER   5

Southern Indiana Power

Board election petitions available Nomination process for June 19 annual meeting Being a member of an electric co-op is a unique opportunity to be part of the decision-making process in a business. Because Southern Indiana Power is a cooperative, it is owned by its members. That means members are responsible for voting for other members to take the leadership positions on the board of directors to help make business decisions for the company. Each year Southern Indiana Power holds an annual meeting and encourages members to attend and vote for the director of their choice. But before elections are held, a nomination process must occur

3. Determines a work plan and budget. 4. Sets rate and fee schedules for service. 5. Enters into contracts for power supply, services and loans for capital improvements. 6. Evaluates the performance of the cooperative and the CEO. 7. Reports to the member-owners on the financial condition of the cooperative. Any member who meets the qualifications listed and wants to be considered as a candidate should contact the cooperative to obtain a petition form.

Who can be a director?

How is a director nominated and elected?

Any member of the cooperative who is 21 years of age or older, resides in the district served and meets the following criteria can be a director: 1. Should be willing to promote and safeguard the interest of the cooperative among the members and the general public. 2. Must not in any way be employed by or financially interested in a business selling supplies to the cooperative. 3. Must not be a husband, wife, mother, father, brother, sister, child or in-law of a current employee or director of the cooperative. 4. No present or former employee of the cooperative shall be eligible to become a board member. 5. Must be willing to attend regularly scheduled and special meetings of the board of directors and also attend national, state, and local organization meetings with associated interests. 6. Must be willing to attain NRECA director certification within six years after being elected.

In accordance with the bylaws of the cooperative, all director nominees for election at the annual meeting must be nominated by a certified petition signed by 30 or more members of the cooperative who reside in the district from which the nominee is being selected to run. (For purposes of this petition, a husband and wife constitute only one signature.) Each petition must contain a certification by a member of the district that he or she personally witnessed each signature included with the petition. The petition must be filed at the office of the cooperative not less than 45 nor more than 100 days prior to the annual meeting. The assistant secretary-treasurer of the cooperative shall certify to the board of directors within 15 days after receipt of a petition whether or not the petition contains the necessary 30 member signatures. No nominations may be made at the annual meeting or during the 45-day period preceding the meeting. Forms for petition may be obtained at the office of the cooperative during regular business hours.

What does a director do? The board of directors is the legal body which both the Southern Indiana Power members and the government hold accountable for the actions of the cooperative. As a Southern Indiana Power member, the director serves on a part-time basis, attending board and committee meetings locally, as well as state and national seminars in order to keep informed, and to improve skills necessary to carry out the responsibilities of a co-op director.

Specifically, the board of directors: 1. Determines policy guidelines for the daily operation of the cooperative. 2. Employs a CEO to direct operations.


ELECTRIC CONSUMER • MARCH 2015 • ElectricConsumer.org

The districts up for election are: District 5: Anderson and Troy townships in Perry County District 6: Leopold, Tobin and Union townships in Perry County In the event that no qualifying petitions are received, the board of directors shall declare a vacancy in the position of director for that district at its first meeting after the annual meeting. During such meeting, the board of directors shall elect a director to fill that vacancy for the unexpired three-year term. The director so elected must reside in the district from which he is being elected to represent. …

Highlights of Jan. 28 board meeting In an effort to keep you informed of your cooperative’s operations and activities, the following are highlights of the Jan. 28 board meeting.

d. Seibert reported on the 2014 Hoosier Energy patronage capital allocation.

1. All directors were present along with CEO Steve Seibert, Administrative Assistant Lisa Hinton and Attorney Chris Goffinet. Also present were Steve Smith, president/ CEO, and Randy Haymaker, director of public affairs, both of Hoosier Energy.

f. Seibert reported on a customer satisfaction survey conducted by Hoosier Energy. The co-op’s 2014 ACSI score was 82. The average score for Hoosier Energy co-ops was 78.

2. The Dec. 17, 2014 board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved. 3. The membership certificates and vouchers were reviewed and approved. 4. As the first order of business the board approved a resolution to allow Perry County Port Authority to submit an application for a USDA REDLEG loan. 5. The board approved changes to Board Policy No. 317.R1. 6. The CEO report was presented with Seibert reporting the following items: a. Seibert gave an update on the city of Tell City’s proposed annexation. b. Seibert reported on proposed Senate Bill 309. The bill could be reviewed by the Senate Utilities Committee in early February. c. Seibert informed the board Sen. Houchin visited the co-op on Dec. 19.

e. Seibert reviewed a report from Federated Insurance.

g. Seibert reported he, Manager of Member and Corporate Services Jeff Hilgenhold and Directors Vogel, G. Waninger and Meyer attended the Spencer County Chamber Dinner on Jan. 24. h. Journeyman Lineman Eric Schank has been selected to participate in the IEC Guatemala project which is scheduled for March 17- April 2. i. Seibert reported the following dates: LEDC Annual Meeting – Jan. 30; NRECA Annual Meeting – Feb. 22-25; NRECA Directors Conference – March 30-31. 7. The board approved the inventory adjustment for the year ending Dec. 31, 2014. 8. Chuck Tiemann, senior risk management/ regulatory consultant with Indiana Electric Cooperatives, provided personal protective equipment, rubber gloves, rubber

protective equipment and safety rules review on Jan. 23. Seibert advised there were no lost-time accidents and no public liability claims to report. 9. 2015 committee assignments were reviewed by Chairman Vogel. 10. A Youth Tour Committee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, Feb. 16, at 4 p.m. 11. Director G. Waninger reported on a Hoosier Energy board meeting held Jan. 19. 12. Director Meyer was selected delegate to the Hoosier Energy Annual Meeting to be held April 29. 13. Director G. Waninger was re-elected to serve as Southern Indiana Power’s Hoosier Energy director for 2015. 14. Information regarding a board leadership course to be held Feb. 12, at IEC was distributed to directors. 15. Steve Smith, CEO of Hoosier Energy, presented a patronage capital credit check to Chairman Vogel. Smith gave a brief update focusing on Hoosier Energy’s 2014 performance results and key issues facing Hoosier Energy and the electric utility industry. 16. The next two regularly scheduled board of directors meetings will be held Monday, Feb. 16, and Wednesday, March 18.

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