2018 February Woodruff Electric Timely Topics

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Woodruff Electric Cooperative Corporation


February 2018 Volume 46 Issue 2


If you apply for the 2018 Youth Tour to Washington, you might be chosen for the week-long trip to Washington. The trip, which is sponsored by the Electric Coopera ves of Arkansas, includes tours of major sites in Washington, such as the U.S. Capitol; the museums of the Smithsonian Ins tu on; the Newseum; and the Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington, Vietnam, Korean and World War II memorials. This spring, Woodruff Electric Coopera ve will select two high school juniors to a end the 2018 tour, which is set for June 8 -14. The winners will be selected by an essay contest. Applicants must be high school juniors a ending one of the 18 high schools in Woodruff Electric’s area of service. Once in Washington, the students will join about 1,700 students from across the na on who are a ending the tour. Why do we do this? The answer is simple. Woodruff Electric Coopera ve is commi ed to its members and to the communi es it serves. Through the Youth Tour, we are helping Arkansas’ youth learn more about their na on’s government and the electric coopera ves, as well as helping to develop leadership skills. For more informa on, visit www.woodruffelectric.com for complete contest rules and applica on. The deadline for entries is March 19, 2018. To learn more about the Youth Tour, visit: www.aecc.com/community/youth-tour and www.youthtour.coop Don’t miss out on this incredible, life-changing opportunity. HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS - APPLY NOW


Glynn Carpenter was manager/CEO of Woodruff Electric Coopera ve for 34 years. He and his wife, Mildred, both came from humble beginnings in Ashley County. Mr. Carpenter worked in the electric coopera ve system for 53 years, re ring in 2003. Both Glynn and Mildred were strong advocates of higher educa on. Mr. Carpenter recognized the value of educa on and encouraged his employees, family and acquaintances to be er themselves with learning. In honor of Glynn and Mildred Carpenter, the Board of Directors of Woodruff Electric Coopera ve established the Glynn and Mildred Carpenter Scholarship Program. 2018 gradua ng high school seniors may apply to win a $1,000 scholarship. In order to be eligible for the scholarship, the applicant must be a 2018 graduating high school senior of any public or private high school in the coun es of Woodruff, Cross, Monroe, St. Francis, Lee , Phillips or in the town of Des Arc; or be a graduate of home schooling while residing in a household of a Woodruff Electric member. The applicant must also be the child, grandchild or dependent of a Woodruff Electric member. The applicant must be a ending a university, college or technical school as a full- me student in the Fall of 2018. The en re applica on must be completed with the appropriate supplementary materials. For more informa on, visit www.woodruffelectric.com for contest rules and applica on. The deadline for entries is March 19, 2018.


Daniel Baker, Woodruff Electric journeyman lineman, will par cipate in the u pcoming Opera on Razorback mission. The goal of this mission is to bring electricity to rural areas of Guatemala. The group will consist of lineman from other Arkansas electric coopera ves and they will depart on February 4. They have been preparing for this trip over the past several months. We wish them safe travels and a safe return. We appreciate their dedica on and service to bring electricity to those in need! ENERGY EFFICIENCY TIP


Send your favorite recipe to Woodruff Electric c/o Reader Recipes (addr ess found below) or e-mail your recipe to info@woodruffelectric.com . If your recipe is published, you will receive a prize and entered into the grand prize drawing held at the end of the year. Entries must include your name, mailing address and phone number.

Woodruff Electric Coopera ve Corpora on

Visit safeelectricity.org for informa on, videos, teaching materials, youth ac vi es and more that teaches electrical safety for all ages!

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