2017 November Woodruff Electric Timely Topics

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Woodruff Electric Cooperative Corporation

November 2017 Volume 45 Issue 11


Automa c bill pay is a convenient service offered by Woodruff Electric and your bank that allows your payment to be made directly from your checking account without you having to write and mail your check. It is designed to make bill paying as easy as possible, saving you me, postage and a monthly check. It’s an easy way to pay your electric bill, and may be used for residen al, farm or commercial accounts. Complete and detach the form below, then return the form to your local Woodruff Electric office. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

KIDS’ CORNER: Safety Posters


Never touch a power line when it’s raining! (or any me)

Aiden Sharp of Colt, 6 years old Kids, send your drawing with an electrical safety p to Woodruff Electric c/o Kids’ Corner (address found on page 2) or e-mail info@woodruffelectric.com. If your poster is published, you’ll receive a prize. All entries must include your name, age, mailing address, and the names of your parents/guardians.

OUTAGE REPORTING Call our automated outage repor ng number at: Call 870-633-7100 or 1-888-559-6400

EFFICIENT HOLIDAY LIGHTING Decking the halls doesn’t have to take a toll on your energy bill! Keep your holiday ligh ng merry, bright and energy efficient with LED light strands.

Consider replacing older strands with new ENERGY STAR LED lights, LED strands are 70 percent more efficient and last 10 mes longer than the age-old standard bulbs. You can get the cozy ligh ng with LEDs. Just look for “warm white” on the label. LED lights give off virtually no heat, making them safer for kids and pets (and reindeer). Save energy by se ng a mer for outdoor ligh ng and decora ons. Program the mer so the lights turn on in the evening and turn off later at night when you typically go to sleep. Sources: Dept. of Energy Woodruff Electric is offering a program to our coopera ve members to HELP improve their homes in order to lower their u lity bills and improve comfort. The types of improvements to the home will be those that offer an economic return for the cost of the improvements. Contact Woodruff Electric for more informa on on the H.E.L.P. program or visit www.woodruffelectric.coop/help

READER RECIPES: Old Fashion Fruit Cake

1 qt. of pear preserves 3lbs candied fruit - any kind 1 cup of raisins 4 cups of pecans 2 cups of coconut 1 cup of walnuts Op onal: 1 cup of dates/almonds (or both) - Dice all ingredients listed above. Mix 1 cup of Eagle Brand milk with self-rising flour and use just enough to hold it together. Add to diced ingredients. Then, pack into 3 bread pans (greased with Crisco) using a big spoon or your hands. Decorate the top with pecans and a candied cherry in the middle. Bake at 250 degrees for 2 ½ - 3 hours, un l brown. “I’ve been making for Christmas at least 50 years.” Daisy Tate of Wynne, Arkansas Send your favorite recipe to Woodruff Electric c/o Reader Recipes (address found below) or e-mail your recipe to info@woodruffelectric.com. If your recipe is published, you will receive a prize and entered into the grand prize drawing held at the end of the year. Entries must include your name, mailing address and phone number.

Woodruff Electric Coopera ve Corpora on

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