2018 November Woodruff - Timely Topics

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Woodruff Electric Cooperative Corporation

November 2018 Volume 46 Issue 11


“Feeling gra tude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” In the spirit of this quote by author William Arthur Ward, we would like to take this opportunity to express our gra tude for your membership in our electric coopera ve. Because of your connec on to Woodruff Electric, we can make our community a be er place. During this season of giving thanks, we think it’s equally important to let you and other consumer-members of Woodruff Electric know just what an impact you have on our co -op and the greater community, likely in ways you may not even realize. As part of the coopera ve business model, one of our core principles is “Concern for Community.” While our priority is always to provide safe, reliable and affordable energy, we view our role in the community as a catalyst for good. We are purposeful in partnering with local groups, events, organiza ons and numerous programs in the communi es we serve. We work closely with our local schools to provide electrical safety demonstra ons, award college scholarships and sponsor an educa onal magic show. Woodruff Electric is also a proud sponsor of the Electric Coopera ves of Arkansas Youth Tour. The Youth Tour provides area students an opportunity to visit Washington, D.C., our na on’s capital, and experience democracy in ac on. The trip is inspira onal for many students, and we are both humbled and honored to be a part of this leadership development journey. Ul mately, the community benefits from these programs because of you! You empower the co-op through your membership and through your par cipa on in and support of these programs. When you a end co-op events, alert us to problems, provide sugges ons online or to our employees, you help us improve opera ons and thereby be er serve the larger co -op membership. Because we are locally governed by members of our community, we can get a first-hand perspec ve on community priori es, thereby enabling us to make more informed decisions on long -term investments and community programs. We are thankful that our co-op board members carve out me to a end important training sessions, par cipate in planning mee ngs and keep abreast of industry trends. This investment in me results in be er informed advisors that serve the co -op’s interests in a way that our consumermembers expect and deserve. On a more personal note, we appreciate the countless acts of kindness our line workers and other employees receive when they are working in severe weather and dangerous condi ons. Our employees are thankful for your pa ence and considera on when we are trying to restore power during challenging situa ons and prolonged periods. Woodruff Electric was originally established over 81 years ago to bring electricity to our area when no one else would. The coopera ve reflects our local community and its evolving needs. Together, let’s con nue making our corner of the world a be er place . We can’t do it without you, and for that, we’re thankful for your membership!


Meter tampering can result in electric shock, is illegal and increases electricity rates for other co-op members.

• NEVER break a meter seal. • NEVER open a meter base. • NEVER remove a meter or alter an entrance cable in any manner. If you know or suspect that someone has tampered with their meter, please contact us immediately by calling 870-633-2262.


Open and Voluntary Membership Democra c Member Control Members’ Economic Par cipa on Autonomy and Independence Educa on, Training and Informa on Coopera on Among Coopera ves Concern for Community

Woodruff Electric Coopera ve Corpora on

OUTAGE REPORTING Call our automated outage repor ng number at: Call 870-633-7100 or 1-888-559-6400

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