9 minute read
inside guide selected events in your area march - april 2020
Friday 28 Feb to Saturday 7 Ma rch Veronica’s Room A chilling mystery thriller by the author of Rosemary’s Baby, this play explores the thin line between fantasy and reality, madness and murder. Award-winning cast perform in this intimate theatre. Bar, tea and ice cream available in the interval. Tickets, £9 (£8 concs) from www.carvertheatre.co.uk or Hollins of Marple tel 0161 449 8363 Carver Theatre, Chadwick St, Marple, SK6 7AX 7.45pm weekdays; Saturday 29th matinee 2.30pm
Wednesday 4 March Matthew Sharp (cello) with the Northern Chamber Orchestra Mozart - Overture, The Marriage of Figaro. Dvořák - Cello Concerto no 2 op 104 (with Matthew Sharp, cello). Haydn - Symphony no 101 in D major ‘The Clock’. Copland - Saturday Night Waltz and Hoedown Tickets: £15/students & under 18s free/groups 10+ £13.50 The Forum Theatre, Romiley, Stockport 7.30pm
Wednesday 4 to Saturday 7 Ma rch Quartet - An extremely witty comedy Tickets from 0161 302 2302 B rookdale T heatre B ramhall. Curtain up 7.45pm
Thursday 5 March Friends of Bramall Hall & Park A talk on ‘The Story of Herbert Schmaltz’ by Mr Richard Fletcher. £1.50 refreshments included carolinefurious@gmail.com B ramall H all, B ramhall 7.45pm
Don’t forget! Secure your space
Copy deadline for the next issue is Thursday 9 April Tel: 01625 879611 email: info@insidemagazines.co.uk Thursday 5 March Would you like to meet new friends? Thursday group is a social group for unattached people of mature years, with several activities run by the members every week. These include walking, dancing, badminton, theatre and restaurant visits. For more info see www.thursdaygroup.co.uk or ring Bill on 07505 076838, or just come along to new members night on the first Thursday in each month where you will be met by group members. The Bulls Head Pub, 30 Wilmslow Road, Handforth, SK9 3EW 8.30pm
Saturday 7 March Hazel Grove Festival Winners’ Concert Pay on the door £5 Hazel Grove Methodist Church 7pm
Tuesday 10 March East Cheshire Association of the National Trust Lecture – Adlington Hall – Anne Woods Brookdale Club, Bridge Lane, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 3AB 2pm
Thursday 12 March The Family History Society of Cheshire, Bramhall Group Wills and where to find them by David Guyton. David will talk about why wills are so interesting and where to look for them. Visitors very welcome, admission £2. For more information email bramhall@fhsc.org.uk United Reformed Church Hall, Bramhall SK7 2PE, 7.30pm
Thursday 12 March St Thomas’ High Lane Men’s Forum Barbara Speake “Writing Crime Fiction” St T homas’ Church H all, B uxton R oad, H igh Lane 2.15pm
Monday 16 March Hazel Grove Townswomen’s Guild AGM and speaker David Walker talking about Guide Dogs for the Blind. For more information contact the Secretary on 0161 483 9559 Civic Hall, Hazel Grove 1.30pm
Wednesday 18 to Friday 20 March North Cheshire Photographic Society Annual Exhibition Come and see a fantastic display of photographs produced by the North Cheshire Photographic Society! Our Exhibition will be open to the public from 10am until 4pm on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th March with free admission. In the evenings of 18th and 19th we will be hosting our major photographic competitions featuring the best images from clubs all over the North West and beyond, and all are welcome. For more information visit www.ncps.org.uk Poynton Civic Centre 10am to 4pm
Thursday 19 March Wilmslow Guild Natural History Society Gardening for Butterflies – illustrated talk by Jan Miller. Visitors very welcome (£5) Details from Steve Osborne 01625 879087 or www.wilmslowguild.org The Guild, 1 Bourne St, Wilmslow SK9 5HD 7.30pm
Friday 20 March Stockport Historical Society “Radio Caroline-North” By Brian Cullen. Visitors very welcome Admission £3. Further information from Tony Nightingale 0161 440 0570 Stockport Sunday School, 96 Nangreave Road, SK2 6DQ (N ext to Aquinas College) 7.45pm
FRIDAY 20 March A fun evening with songs from the Shows, music from the world of Opera, Light Opera and Musical Theatre performed by Supertonic, who are four wonderful singers with piano accompaniment. Drinks in the bar 7pm, concert 8pm. Tickets £10 from Jean James 0161 439 8241. All proceeds will to be going to the Club’s flood fund. The Brookdale Club Bridge Lane Bramhall SK7 3AB 8pm
Friday 20 March Ladies Fashion Show and Pop-up Shop in aid of Stopford Cat Rescue Shop your favourite High Street brands at 50% off or more! Tickets £5 obtained in advance from 07900415674 or stopford.cats@gmail.com Trinity Methodist Church, Bramhall Lane Stockport SK3 8T L 7pm
Saturday 21 March Barnby Choir Spring Concert Bach ‘Magnificat’ and Haydn ‘Nelson Mass’ Conducted by Lloyd Buck, Accompanied by Musica Nova Tickets £12, Concessions £10, Students £5 Available in advance by phoning 01625 520193 – or on the door, but advance booking recommended. St. Michael and All Angels Church, St. Michael’s Avenue, Bramhall, SK7 2PG
Wednesday 25 to Saturday 28 March Shrek The Musical Based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks Animation film, Shrek The Musical is a Tony Award-winning fairy tale adventure. Shrek brings all the beloved characters you know from the film to life on stage and proves there’s more to the story than meets the ears. Performed by the awardwinning team from NK Theatre Arts, Shrek proves that beauty is truly in the eye of the ogre. Tickets £18/£15 24hr Box Office 0333 666 3366 www.theforumtheatre.co.uk The Forum Theatre, Stockport SK6 4EA 7.30pm Saturday Matinee 2pm
Wednesday 25 March Offerton Hatters WI. This month we have speaker to tell us about the history of the Garrick Theatre. We hope you find this interesting. If anyone would like to join our WI, please contact June Golding 07812 639207 St Albans Church Hall, Offerton 7.45pm
Saturday 28 March Stockport Symphony Orchestra Tchaikovsky: Romeo and Juliet; Tchaikovsky: Sleeping Beauty; Sibelius: Symphony no 5 Conductor Matthew Wood www.stockportsymphony.co.uk Tickets from box office, online or on the door £15 full price/£13 concessions/students £5/accompanied children under 16 free Stockport Town Hall 7.30pm
Saturday 28 March Hazel Grove Worker Bee Market Locally sourced fresh produce and handmade gifts, crafts and homeware will join tasty International street food vendors at this popular event run by local artisan market organiser. Easy parking next door at the Park&Ride. Find hand-picked quality artisan goods right on your doorstep. Workerbeemarkets.wordpress.com R ising Sun Pub, 2 B uxton R oad SK7 6AD 10am-3pm
Saturday 28 March Poynton Male Voice Choir ‘Spring Concert’ with guests the Ladybrook Singers providing you with a varied and interesting programme of entertainment. Tickets £10 (Students/Children £5) including refreshments, available from choir members, on the door or reserve on 0161 456 4266. Poynton Methodist Church, Civic Hall Car Park, Park Lane, SK12 1RB 7.30pm
Sunday 29 March The Lindow Singers Dvorak’s Mass in D and Copland’s Old American Songs. Tickets: £12 adults and £6 for young people, from choir members or call 01625 611124. Price includes tea, coffee or soft drink St Bartholomew’s Church Wilmslow 3pm
Thursday 2 April Friends of Bramall Hall & Park A talk on ‘A Prospect of Arley’ by Ms Judy Popley £1.50 refreshments included carolinefurious@gmail.com B ramall H all, B ramhall 7.45pm

Thursday 2 April Would you like to meet new friends? Thursday group is a social group for unattached people of mature years, with several activities run by the members every week. These include walking, dancing, badminton, theatre and restaurant visits. For more info see www.thursdaygroup.co.uk or ring Bill on 07505 076838, or just come along to new members night on the first Thursday in each month where you will be met by group members. The Bulls Head Pub, 30 Wilmslow Road, Handforth, SK9 3EW 8.30pm
Saturday 4 April Jumble Sale Admission 50p and there is a free car park next to the church -tea, coffee etc will be on sale. We also have a Coffee Morning every Saturday from 10am until 12 noon. Call in for a coffee and a rest while or after shopping. Short Street UR C, H azel Grove, SK7 4JD 10am to 11.45am
Continued over

Sunday 5 April Plant Hunters’ Fair Huge choice of quality, nursery-grown plants. At this time of year, there will be a brilliant line-up of nurseries attending who will come laden with flowering bulbs, early flowering perennials, shrubs and trees to provide instant colour and also lots of later flowering plants to get planted for colour into the summer and beyond. Fund Raising Event for special projects at the Hall: £2 Entry to Plant Fair Details at www.planthuntersfairs.co.uk Bramall Hall, Bramhall Park, off Hall Road, Bramhall, Stockport SK7 3NX. 10am to 4pm
Thursday 9 April St Thomas’ High Lane Men’s Forum. Stephen & Angela Rowley - “Transforming a Community in Kenya.” St T homas’ Church H all, B uxton R oad, H igh Lane 2.15pm
Thursday 9 April The Family History Society of Cheshire, Bramhall Group A round trip with the seed man from Sale by Liz de Mercado. Samuel Ryder, the seed man, led an extraordinary life of success and engagement with his business ventures, community, family and pastimes. Visitors very welcome, admission £2. For more information email bramhall@fhsc.org.uk United Reformed Church Hall, Bramhall SK7 2PE, 7.30pm
Tuesday 14 April East Cheshire Association of the National Trust Lecture – Elizabeth Raffald – Suze Appleton Brookdale Club, Bridge Lane, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 3AB 2pm
Thursday 16 April Wilmslow Guild Natural History Society Brief AGM followed by Hedgehogs – a talk by Jan Miller from Withington Hedgehog Hospital. Visitors very welcome (£5) Details from Steve Osborne 01625 879087 or www.wilmslowguild.org The Guild, 1 Bourne St, Wilmslow SK9 5HD 7.30pm Monday 20 April Hazel Grove Townswomen’s Guild A talk on Dragonflies by Kevin Reynolds. For more information contact the Secretary on 0161 483 9559 Civic Hall, Hazel Grove 1.30pm
Monday 20 to Saturday 25 April Anything Goes A fabulous nautical musical by Cole Porter, featuring songs such as You’re the Top, It’s De-lovely, I Get a Kick Out of You and the show-stopping title song. Box office 0161 302 2302 Brookdale Theatre, Bridge Lane, Bramhall. Curtain up 7.30pm, Saturday Matinee 2.15pm
Saturday 25 April Marple Bridge Worker Bee Market With locally sourced handmade crafts, gifts, fresh produce, jewellery, homeware, International Street food and more. Find hand-picked quality artisan goods right on your doorstep. Workerbeemarkets.wordpress.com Windsor Castle Pub, Marple Bridge, SK6 5EO 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 29 April Offerton Hatters WI This month we have speaker talking about The Railway Children. We hope you find this interesting. If anyone would like to join our WI, please contact June Golding 07812 639207 We meet every last Wednesday of the month St Albans Church Hall, Offerton 7.45pm
Keep in touch
We’re only a very small team at INSIDE so we rely on you, the reader, to let us know what’s coming up in your area. We can’t guarantee to include everything we’re sent but if it’s local and community-based there’s every chance we will. Email: info@insidemagazines.co.uk
stand out from the crowd with our paid INSIDE Guide listings. Call 01625 879611 or email info@insidemagazines.co.uk for further details.