Inside Wilmslow & Alderley Edge April-May Issue 67

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inside april - may 2019


Issue 67

wilmslow & alderley edge

The local magazine our readers love to keep One of six magazines delivered to over 45,000 homes



What’s INSIDE this month

wilmslow & alderley edge In my Feb-March ramblings I was musing about how I like to stay positive and anticipate what’s ahead rather than wallowing in the January blues. Now, as if by magic, here we are in late March and it’s a beautiful Spring day! Blue sky, a bit of warmth from the sun and people smiling as they walk around, instead of scurrying along, heads bowed against the wind and rain. It’s so refreshing, even as an earlybird, to wake up in daylight. This is a lovely time of year to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. There’s always a new walk to try in every issue of INSIDE, and often a suggestion for a day out or two, as well as all the events listed in the INSIDE Guide. Also, remember we’re always on the lookout for good local photos for the cover, so if anything catches your eye when you’re strolling around, snap it on your phone and send it in. With Spring in the air, you might feel moved to get a few jobs done around the house and garden. Where better to look for someone to help with your project than in your local magazine? Happy reading.

7 wilmslow then & now 11 The Ivy comes to manchester 12 Diary of a Geeky Knitter 15 DIscover Victoria Baths 19 NGS Springtime Openings 20 fabulous phlox 23 In Touch 32 Recipe 36 35 Bollington Festival 36 The Walk 41 the house that George Best built 45 Puzzles 46 travel - greece & croatia 49 Declutter your life 50 simply books book club choice 32 53 INSIDE Guide 59 bygone times 60 Just 4 Kids 62 Children’s Activities 64 Dogfest 66 Puzzle Solutions 69 Useful Numbers 70 Classified Index


Editor: Claire Hawker

Tel: 01625 879611


Inside Magazines, 352a Park Lane, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1RL. email: Signpost in Spring by Stuart Merchant.

Copy deadline for the next issue: Wednesday 8 May




Inside Wilmslow & Alderley Edge is produced by Inside Magazines Ltd. We cannot be held responsible for views expressed by contributors or any advert content, including errors or omissions, or endorse companies, products or services that appear in this magazine. We endeavour to ensure that all local information given in this magazine is accurate, but we cannot always guarantee this. © Copyright Inside Magazines Ltd 2019. Material from this magazine may not be reproduced without prior written permission from Inside Magazines Ltd.

Design and artwork by Spring Creative | | 01925 714203

wilmslow then... ...and now Hawthorn Hall was built by John Leigh in 1698 and for many years was the heart of a farming estate. In the 1830s it was converted to a small private boarding school to cater for the sons of the booming middleclass. As Wilmslow expanded during the Victorian period it enjoyed some success, and by 1881 the headmaster, Thomas Summerville, was accommodating twenty boys. The photograph taken around 1890 shows three local tradesmen – plumbers James Price and James Hoyle and builder Levi Brown – posing next to one of the hall’s distinctive pine cone finials. By this time the school was in decline and in 1896 is recorded as having been untenanted for several years and threatened by demolition. However, it returned to use a private home until the Second World War after which, by then surrounded by interwar housing, it was converted to offices. In 2006 Zurich Financial Services vacated by the hall and it once again returned to use as a private residence, just as it began over 300 years earlier. Now heavily screened by trees and behind impressive gates the hall is not easily visible from the road. The colour photograph was taken by a member of Wilmslow Historical Society during the 1970s.

Photographs: Wilmslow Historical Society Collection

by Jon Armstrong > Wilmslow Historical Society



“My job’s killing me” My first patient of the day seemed fraught as she started to reel off all her work related pains. It got me thinking about the causes of stress in our work environment and how a few minor adjustments can make the difference between a day with constant aches, or one without pain.

Commuting Even the journey to work can build tension. Increasingly heavy traffic on our roads can add to the stress and soon your shoulders are hunched up. An overworked clutch foot can lead to build up of tension in your knee, buttock muscles and back, especially if the pedals are slightly off-set. All this before you even get through the door of the office!

At the desk Then you sit for long hours at a computer slumping on the front edge of your chair, leaning into a computer screen that’s too low, or even worse a laptop. You overreach because the mouse is too far from the keyboard and forget to take breaks. Before you know it you’re rubbing your neck, shaking out the pins and needles from your hand and that sharp pain in your elbow is the start of tennis elbow.

Sound too familiar? You need help! Here are a few tips to reduce the stresses: ■■ Don’t get anxious about being late, leave home 10 minutes early, put on some relaxing music and don’t think about work until you get there ■■ Avoid twisting your back. Get into your car bottom first then swivel both feet in and reverse this to get out


■■ Make sure your car and office seat are set up properly, check our website blog for correct ergonomic set ups ■■ At your desk, use your chair to support you. To reduce shoulder, wrist and elbow pain don’t overreach to the keyboard or mouse ■■ If you already have painful twinges come and get some treatment and advice before the niggle becomes a pain and you too come in saying “my job’s killing me!” Margaret Gul, South Manchester Osteopathy, Wilmslow Health Centre, Manchester M19 1RR. 01625 533455

Call 01625 533455 and get relief for those office related aches!

THE IVY COMES TO MANCHESTER What a lovely email to receive - would I like to review and feature one of the most exciting restaurant openings in Manchester? I didn’t take much persuading! Located in the heart of Manchester, The Ivy Spinningfields, set across four fabulous floors, offers Mancunians a totally new dining experience. The restaurant, the largest to open in the UK in 2018, features a ground floor brasserie, first floor private dining room, an opulent Asian bar and restaurant on the second floor and a sumptuous roof garden featuring fire pits and lush foliage on the top floor. From the minute you are greeted at the door, you know the evening is going to a good one. The stylishly-attired staff greet and escort you everywhere you go in a very friendly, courteous but not over-formal manner. Any concerns we had about dining in an empty restaurant on a Tuesday evening were soon dispelled. We’d walked down from Piccadilly, passing many deserted bars and eateries, but The Ivy had a buzz about it as good as you’d expect at the weekend. Our evening started with a cocktail in the first ever Ivy Asia – a glamorous bar and restaurant, serving Asianinspired cocktails alongside dishes such as Wagyu beef with truffle sauce, salmon fillet teriyaki, and avocado, crispy tofu, lime and ginger dressing. The entire floor is illuminated with a show-stopping green, semiprecious stone flooring, set against a striking antique gold mirrored bar, gold-gilt ceiling and luxurious Asian fabrics. It was a stunning setting to enjoy our unusual and delicious cocktails!

We’d opted to dine in the traditional Ivy brasserie, open all day, seven days a week, serving ‘modern British classics’ to suit all occasions. If I chose to criticise anything, I’d say the tables are quite close together so if you’re a couple, sitting alongside a table of four or six, it’s not what you’d call an intimate dining experience. But to be honest, the buzzy feel of the place is what made it for me, so this wasn’t an issue - I’d choose this atmosphere any day over the very formal, superattentive service you sometimes encounter when you’re out for a ‘special’ meal! The menu is extensive and wide-ranging; we eventually settled on starters of Roasted Scallops with grilled chorizo and roasted butternut squash, and Smoked Salmon and Crab with dark rye bread. Both were sensational. For main course, I was slightly disappointed with the classic Ivy Shepherd’s Pie if I’m honest – nothing wrong with it, just not a very inspired choice on my part. In contrast the Monkfish and Prawn Curry with jasmine rice and sweet potato crisps was an absolute winner; it was fragrant and sublime. The cheeseboard was awesome and ample to share but obviously we had a dessert each and the proverbial icing on the cake for me was the Apple Tart Fine with vanilla ice cream and Calvados flambé, an elegant and totally delicious way to round off the meal. For variety, for quirkiness, for delicious and reasonablypriced food in unique surroundings, The Ivy Spinningfields would be hard to beat. Tel: 0161 503 3222 By Claire Hawker


Diary of a geeky knitter Public Speaking When it came time to write up this little column again, the timing couldn’t really have been better as it coincided with a talk I had agreed to give to Ludworth & Mellor WI. I was approached by the secretary, Caroline, about half a year ago to arrange this event, and being so far in the future (this was back in my unmarried days after all!) I said yes without hesitation. Fast forward to about a week ago, where the realisation really hit me that, wow, I needed to give a 45-minute talk about what I do for a living. Something that may appear like normal dayto-day for some, but for the majority of us, it smacked heavily of public speaking. You’ve read my words in past columns about stepping out of your comfort zone and taking that leap, but my goodness had I forgotten the fear that hits you before an interview for a new job in front of strangers, or even giving a dreaded PowerPoint presentation at school. I was very nervous, but I had a good feeling that the ladies in a WI (the friendliest afternoon group in the area, I have been assured) wouldn’t be quite so scary as an English literature teacher asking you your thoughts on The Merchant of Venice in front of a restless group of 20+ teenagers.

They didn’t disappoint! Welcomed by Caroline, Sheila, Elaine and the other members, I gave my talk to what I hope was an interested audience, and enough questions were asked about my job as editor of a crochet craft magazine and what it involves, that it filled me with confidence that perhaps it wasn’t so bad. In fact, the newest face in the group even managed not to cry the whole time I was speaking and given that he couldn’t have been older than 1 year old I took it to be a great compliment. Even his mum, whom he dragged along, was interested - who knew young children these days could be so interested in the inner workings of publishing, eh? At the risk of saying it once, and saying it again, I do heartily encourage you to think of ways you can just step a little further out of your usual routine to do something a little different - maybe you’re not ready to give a long speech in an established group (I may delay my next one for some time…) but perhaps joining or sampling a new group could be the way to go? The Ludworth & Mellor WI meet to have a knitting, crochet and all handicrafts club every Tuesday morning from 10am to12 noon at the WI Hall on Lower Fold Road, and everyone is welcome to join in - members or not; a great way to do something a little different in the week.


Discover Victoria Baths Manchester’s Water Palace When it opened in 1906, Victoria Baths on Hathersage Road, Manchester, was described as “the most splendid municipal bathing institution in the country” and “a water palace of which every citizen of Manchester can be proud.” Not only did the building provide spacious and extensive facilities for swimming, bathing and leisure, it was built of the highest quality materials with many period decorative features: beautiful stained glass, rich terracotta, sumptuous tiles and amazing mosaic floors. Victoria Baths served the people of central Manchester for 87 years and was regarded with universal affection. So, when Manchester City Council decided it had to close Victoria Baths in 1993, there was, unsurprisingly, a vigorous reaction in the local community. The campaign to try and prevent closure of the Baths became the Friends of Victoria Baths and a charitable trust - the Victoria Baths Trust - was set up with the aim of fully restoring the building and bringing the Turkish Baths and at least one of the swimming pools back into public use. This goal is still some way off, but in the meantime, a visit to this wonderful building is well worthwhile.

A Visit to Victoria Baths We were lucky enough to squeeze in a visit last September, on a gloriously sunny Wednesday, just before it closed in October for its winter break. By Garth Aspinall

Our guided tour lasted about an hour, starting with a brief introduction to the history. We visited the Aeratone (Jacuzzi) room. We studied displays of photographs and stories about the many colourful and well-known characters that had used the Victoria Baths. We climbed up elegant, tiled stairways. We visited the three impressive swimming pools, each dominated by amazing stained-glass windows, as well as 64 individual wash baths. We saw the Superintendent’s living quarters and learned much about his daily life and duties. He was responsible for all of Manchester’s baths. Our tour finished with a visit to the Turkish Bath Suite which was reached via a tasteful meeting room, adorned with yet another exquisite stainedglass window – arguably, the jewel in the crown. On completion of the tour, we enjoyed some liquid refreshment and cakes in the attractive Tea Room. There is also a shop offering a range of souvenirs and craft items, many made by local artists. Victoria Baths is beautiful - a great testament to Edwardian architecture, and it merits a visit for this reason alone. That’s why it won BBC Two’s first Restoration programme. That’s also why Victoria Baths has been host to numerous television programmes, including Cold Feet, Peaky Blinders, Who Let The Dogs Out, Life On Mars, Prime Suspect and many more. But equally fascinating is its accompanying social history, depicting a time when females and males were afforded separate facilities and when males themselves were segregated into first and Continued over


second-class groups. As you walk round this large building, you get a sense of just how much restorative effort is still required. This building is very much a work in progress, and you can only admire the enthusiasm of its many volunteers.

The Year Ahead 2019 promises to be an interesting year – more information about the following opportunities is available on the website.

Open Days Usually the second Sunday of the month from April to November, when the admission price enables you to self-tour the building and provides entry to any special event or activity that might be taking place. Guided tours are available every Wednesday afternoon - pay at the door, or book in advance. Group Tours are available midweek, tailored to meet the needs of social groups, schools and colleges.

Be Involved Anyone can volunteer at Victoria Baths, no matter what your skills, experience or background. For most roles all you need is enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. You can also join the VB History Group or donate items to the archive representing the rich history of Victoria Baths and other baths and wash houses. The collections are housed in a temperature and humidity-controlled environment, with items stored in acid free boxes, inserts, tissue paper or fabric. The Trust welcomes memories from any period of the Baths’ life, especially older ones, before they are forever lost. Photographs, objects, newspaper clippings and relevant documents of any description are welcome. There is also a Family History group with an interest in researching family and local history and ancestry links. New members are welcome, and help will be given by experienced members of the group. Just phone the main number to find out details of the next meeting. Victoria Baths also welcomes proposals from Artists, Artist Groups, organisations and arts students who would like to make use of the building for their work. Past uses have included research projects, performance, theatre, experimental work, exhibitions and site related installations.

Offer Financial Support Venue Hire Victoria Baths provides a unique, unforgettable setting for a wide range of events. Wedding receptions, photoshoots, staff training events, food and drink festivals, and a great variety of arts performances and exhibitions have worked exceptionally well here. There are many different spaces and backdrops, from the grandeur of the Gala Pool and 1st Class entrance to the more modest Females Pool and Superintendent’s Flat.


There are many restoration projects yet to be undertaken and there will be many appeals. Details of these can be found on the website or in regular newsletters. Donations are always very welcome. Victoria Baths, Hathersage Road, Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester, M13 0FE Tel: 0161 224 2020

National Garden Scheme

Spring Openings 2019

At the time of writing, we have all just experienced a lovely, generally warm and sunny February. What a contrast to last year, when we were battening down the hatches ready for the Beast from the East. Come rain or shine, though, gardeners continue to garden, and garden visitors continue to want to get out to visit. As usual, our early gardens have now completed their ‘Snowdrop Openings’ and already, with the early warmth, we can see some of the magnolias opening! At the National Garden Scheme in Cheshire and Wirral, having completed a near-record fundraising campaign during last year (2018), we are looking forward to doing it all over again. Let’s see if we can whet your appetites for what is to come.

Brook Cottage

If you can reach the Wirral (conveniently just off the M53, Jn 4) the well-established Poulton Hall, with its literary themes and gardens designed specifically for children is opening on Saturday 20 and Sunday 22 April. Sunday 21 April also sees one of a number of openings by All Fours Farm, set right alongside Curbishley’s Roses, so you can visit and spoil yourself with an Easter present! Long Acre, Bunbury, another longstanding opener welcomes us on Sunday 28 April. On 4 and 5 May, the spectacular Mount Pleasant opens, with views across to Wales and the Cheshire Plain. by John Hinde

NOTE: REGRETABBLY, MANLEY KNOLL, SCHEDULED TO OPEN ON 5 MAY, WILL NOT BE OPENING DUE TO ONGOING WORKS TAKING PLACE AT THE PROPERTY. Brooke Cottage, home of designer Barrie and wife Melany Davy will welcome visitors again after its refreshing last year: it features on the cover of our current Cheshire booklet. We have a new garden for you on Sunday 19 May, Hall Lane Farm in Daresbury. Originally designed by leading designer, Arabella Lennox Boyd for the Daresbury family, it’s now in the capable hands of the Bibby family and their garden team. Cheriton, Alderley Edge opens on 26 May, establishing itself as a favourite, whilst 10 Statham Ave, Lymm will no doubt dazzle visitors with its exuberant, structured planting! Cheshire and Wirral have nearly 80 gardens and it’s only possible to give a sample here. Apologies if we haven’t mentioned your favourite garden. Full details are available in the well-established yellow booklet available in garden centres, libraries etc or, in case of difficulty from, from, via the NGS app, or usually by simply putting the garden name into Google (other search engines are available!) followed by ‘NGS’. If you are interested in opening your garden to help us raise money for our charities, (we will be donating about £3M to our charities this Spring based upon money raised in 2018), please contact us (you can use the email address above) and we will be happy to talk to you and if suitable, provide every help and support.


Fabulous Phlox Border phlox are old fashioned plants with a bright new future as gardeners switch to perennials with great scent, hardy disposition and minimal care requirements. They can give years and years of service in the herbaceous or mixed border and provide a wonderful, scented summer display. The ideal site is sunny, with rich, well-dug soil and perhaps a little late afternoon shade to protect them from the extremes of summer heat. In practice they get full sun or light shade in my garden and do pretty well in either.

Phlox make good cut flowers – cut in the morning and remove the lower leaves. At the end of the season cut down the stems to ground level and put them in the council green waste bin rather than the compost heap to avoid carrying any pests or diseases from season to season.

Border phlox are incredibly hardy and start to show new growth in February. The new leaves are often attractively coloured but only a few varieties maintain these coloured leaves into summer, the others gradually turn green. Good coloured leaf types include Starfire and Blue Paradise. Variegated phlox have lovely white and green or cream, red and green leaves throughout the summer to compliment the flowers. Enriching the soil with compost dug into the top 1ft of soil will do wonders for the plants. I find the chalk in mushroom compost helps to reduce mildew problems. I always give my phlox a good dressing with a wellbalanced fertiliser like Growmore in spring followed by blood, fish and bone in mid-summer. Also give the plants some space if possible, to improve air circulation; plant border phlox about 2ft apart. Water the ground not the plant and try and use water at air temperature (say from a water butt, or a can filled a few hours before) rather than an icy blast from a hosepipe.


by Martin Blow >

There are 100’s of varieties to choose from and often it’s the old, heritage varieties that are new to our nursery range as they are “rediscovered,” growing in happy neglect in an old garden. In recent years we have reintroduced the old German varieties Sternhimmel (Starry Sky) and Lavendelwolke (Lavender Cloud) to go with Monte Cristallo and Kirchenfürst plus a new English variety raised by Terry Dagley and named Maude Stella Dagley, as well as promoting old English varieties such as Elizabeth Arden, Bright Eyes, Border Gem and White Admiral. Once you’ve grown border phlox you will be hooked by the beauty of the flowers and the heady scent on a summer’s evening. Janet and I run Special Perennials, our website is full of colour photos and growing tips. We sell by mail order and at Plant Hunters’ Fairs throughout the season. Please see Locally we will be at the Plant Hunters’ Fairs at Bramall Hall on Sunday 7 April and at Adlington Hall, Macclesfield on Sunday 12 May (£3 for garden & fair entry). We are happy to bring orders to plant fairs for you to collect.

in touch your local community noticeboard april - may 2019

ADIEU LA fRANCE, HI AMERICA! On 18 May, the Alderley Edge Symphony Orchestra will take you on a dazzling dance tour from the concert halls of Paris to the wide, open plains of Dvorak’s New World symphony. To guide them on their travels are the popular conductor, Robert Chasey, and brilliant young flautist from Chetham’s School of Music, Joanne Lee. The concert will open with the overture from Offenbach’s popular comic opera, La Belle Helene. This was first performed in 1864 and was an instant success. It tells the story of Paris and Helen and her abduction by the Trojan prince disguised as a shepherd. It is filled with lively melodies and dance rhythms. This is followed by a beautiful flute composition, popularised by James Galway: the Poulenc Flute Sonata, orchestrated by Lennox Berkeley. The orchestra is joined for this by 18 year old flautist, Joanne Lee, currently studying at Chetham’s School of Music. Joanne was born in South Korea and moved to America when she was 9 years old. She started playing the flute in America and moved to Chetham’s at the age of 12. In her first year there Joanne won the annual Chetham’s concerto competition. She was in the category final of BBC Young Musician of the Year in 2016. For the next piece of music, cast off your sophisticated French couture and don your check shirts and cowboy boots for a rousing stomp with Aaron Copland’s Rodeo! This ballet was composed in 1942 and is a love story of the American South-West. The orchestra will play two movements from the ballet suite: Saturday Night Waltz and Hoe-Down. You will need that interval drink! The second half of the concert is one of the most popular symphonies of all time, Dvorak’s beautiful Symphony No. 9, From the New World. The concert will take place at 7.30pm on Saturday 18 March in the Festival Hall in Alderley Edge, SK9 7HR. Tickets cost £10 for adults and £1 for under 18s. Tickets will be available on the door or can be bought in advance through the website or on the ticket hotline 01625 581321

For more information about the orchestra visit If you are a string player looking to join a friendly and ambitious orchestra get in touch with us via the website or by phoning Roger Dowling on 01925 756390. Continued over


in touch - your local community noticeboard

ALDERLEY EDGE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Alderley Edge’s Neighbourhood Plan group has completed its latest round of consultation with residents and businesses. 233 people commented on its emerging policies. The group consulted not just with residents and local businesses, but also with developers who want to build on one of the green belt sites identified for possible development by Cheshire East Council. Sarah Greenwood, Co-Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan group, was pleased by the response: “We delivered leaflets to 2,500 households and businesses and made the questionnaire available online, on paper, and at the Open Day. We also had a large banner on London Road, so we hoped we would get a good response, and we did - both in numbers and quality of responses.” Mark Allison, leader of the Housing group, observed that: “Housing development lies at the heart of the Neighbourhood Plan. The answers we got confirm that residents are keen to see housing better geared to local needs, which means more affordable housing and smaller homes for older residents who want to downsize.” Other themes that emerged were: The importance of preserving a green gap between Alderley Edge and Wilmslow, so that Alderley would retain its village character; the importance of managing traffic in the village centre better, with encouragement for walking and cycling; the need for additional car parking – a particular concern for local businesses; the importance of protecting green space in and around the village and the value residents place on encouraging independent local businesses. However, the Neighbourhood Plan cannot solely be based on the opinions of residents and businesses. The group also has to carry out survey work to provide objective data to underpin its proposed policies. The group is already well advanced with carrying out this work. “I know it seems like a long process,” says Sarah. “It does to us too! But we have to make sure that the Plan complies with national guidelines, or it will be thrown out by the inspector, who will assess it once it is complete. Done right, this Plan has real power over future development within the village, so it has to be done right. The group has put in hundreds of man hours on it, and the work will continue until we deliver it.” Residents and businesses will get a chance to vote on the final plan, due for completion later this year.

The full report is available on the Neighbourhood Plan website at

TAI CHI SHORT FORM PRACTICE Every Sunday from 10.30am to 11.30am - weather permitting No tuition and no fee. free car parking on Sundays.

Cricket Ground at Wilmslow Leisure Centre


Continued over

in touch - your local community noticeboard

WILMSLOW CLEAN TEAM’S SPRING CLEAN WEEK Come and join us on one of our litter-cleaning events. Families welcome but children must always be accompanied and supervised. All equipment and instruction provided but wear suitable clothing and footwear. You will be asked to agree to and sign the current Safety & Legal Guidance for Volunteers which is printable from our website (below). Mon 1 April 6pm to 7pm. Meet in The Unicorn PH car park, Dean Row, SK9 2LN. At 7pm we will adjourn to The Unicorn for some rest and relaxation. Newcomers are most welcome to come along too in order to meet the team and find out more about our voluntary work. Wed 3 April 10am to 11.30am Lindow Common. Meet at main car park, SK9 5LR. Sat 6 April 10am to 11.30am Meet in Kings Arms PH car park, SK9 1PZ. Sun 7 April 2pm to 3.30pm. Meet at bottom end of Wilmslow Garden Centre car park, SK9 2JN.

For more information visit

Curtain Call for Henbury Hall We are really pleased to confirm that the highly popular plant fair at Henbury Hall will go ahead for one last time this year on Friday 28 and Saturday 29 June and that this is the final opening of the garden before the hall and gardens move into new ownership. So, we encourage all garden lovers to make the most of this opportunity to come along and explore this treasure. Entry to the lovely 12-acre gardens and plant fair is only ÂŁ3. Henbury Hall is a hidden gem in the heart of the rolling north Cheshire countryside, set in an undulating landscape and surrounding two magnificent lakes, the gardens contain many fine trees and shrubs including some rare specimens as well as more intimate spaces such as the walled garden. The plant fair features highly respected specialist nurseries with a great range of perennials, alpines, shrubs, trees, rare species and old heritage varieties. The fair is open from 10am-5pm and there is lots of free parking. Homemade refreshments and light lunches will be available. Dogs on leads welcome. The gardens are two miles west of Macclesfield on the A537, (SK11 9PJ for Satnav).

Full details from


INTRODUCING ADLINGTON RETIREMENT LIVING Make a move into retirement living and keep your independence Adlington Retirement Living represents a new way of thinking about retirement living; it’s about choosing the way you want to live, totally independent and worry free. Their developments give you the opportunity to socialise with neighbours, participate in the varied programme of community activities, enjoy a freshly cooked meal in the table service restaurant, treat yourself to a new hairstyle in the salon, unwind in the Therapy Room, enjoy the landscaped gardens, have friends and family stay over in the Guest Suite... and you can always just close the door and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of your apartment. The choice is yours, and here’s a few reasons why it’s one of the wisest moves you could make. Where quality living combines with independence Every Adlington apartment is designed to fulfil two essential requirements: a level of community that enhances your way of life, and thoughtfully designed apartments that help to maintain your independence. Built from quality materials and finishes throughout, your apartment conforms to the highest safety standards that include smoke and fire detectors. It’s not only safe, but also secure, as you have an audio and visual security entrance system as standard, allowing you to see who’s calling before letting them in. Every detail has been thoughtfully considered All Adlington apartments feature a modern kitchen complete with fully integrated appliances and contemporary units. Quality carpets are fitted throughout and most apartments have a patio or balcony. There’s also a fully tiled shower room and/or bathroom, and in select apartments you’ll have an en-suite shower too. And, whether it’s a one, two or three bedroom apartment, the master bedroom features fitted wardrobes.


There’s a varied programme of communal activities, ranging from craft demonstrations and exercise classes in the Activities Studio, to informal get-togethers arranged by your neighbours and management team. You can enjoy a freshly-cooked breakfast and delicious three-course lunchtime meal, served at your table in the restaurant. There’s no need to go out to have your hair done either: just book into the hair salon.

Taking care of your independence As we grow older, we may need more assistance to maintain our independence, and that’s something you’ll find at an Adlington development. Before moving in, Adlington ensure that all health and personal needs are clearly understood and that, as those requirements change, so too will the level of care on offer, available through a package tailored to meet your precise needs. Every apartment has 24-hour on-site support, providing assistance and peace of mind. And in later life, should additional care support be needed, the team are on hand to help find a suitable care package for your individual needs. Helping you make the move

Privacy and community: the best of both worlds

The thought of moving home can be challenging, that’s why Adlington offer a moving made easy service. From helping to de-clutter before your move, through to providing you with a Personal Clerk to look after all the issues that come with changing your address, Adlington are on hand to help. They even provide a complimentary handyman to help to get your new apartment looking just the way you like it.

An Adlington apartment gives you the privacy needed to just get away from the hustle and bustle of modern-day life. Outside your door, however, you’ve access to shared facilities that generate a true spirit of community.

Stylish apartment, community, location: An Adlington development is the perfect choice if you wish to live an independent, worry free lifestyle in a contemporary and secure environment.

Here at Uniquely Chic Furniture we source and sell quality pine, oak, vintage and shabby chic furniture. We have a vast range of stock which changes constantly. New pieces arriving almost daily. We also paint furniture. Our painting team are experts at transforming our furniture, or yours, into hand painted, individual, unique pieces. If you have a favourite or inherited piece that fits your space why not have it upcycled and uplifted in our workroom? We occasionally buy your furniture or sometimes we even do part exchanges, so why not pop in and see us, or email us. As well as furniture, we also sell lighting, mirrors, shabby chic home accessories and gifts. New and returning customers always use the same two phrases when they visit...”Aladdin’s Cave” and “Treasure Trove”! We are open 6 days a week, including weekends. Come and visit us, you never know what you will find when you step through the door.

Canalside, Goyt Mill, Upper Hibbert Lane, Marple SK6 7HX Tel: 0161 484 5116 or 07785 794308 Email: Opening Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 10-5.30pm Sunday 11-4.30pm Closed Mondays (except Bank Holidays) @be_uniquelychic

@shabbychicuk Official stockists of Frenchic ecofriendly chalk paint and accessories.


Spinach and Feta Frittata


Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes Serves: 4 to 6

Ingredients ■■ 2 tablespoons olive oil ■■ 1 medium shallot, finely chopped (about 2 tablespoons) ■■ 1 medium clove garlic, finely chopped (about 1 teaspoon) ■■ 1 (5-ounce) bag baby spinach ■■ 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh flat-leaved parsley or basil. ■■ Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper ■■ 10 eggs, beaten ■■ 1/4 cup milk ■■ 3/4 cup (about 3.5 ounces) crumbled feta


1. Preheat the grill. Heat olive oil in an 8-inch pan over a medium high heat. Add chopped shallots and cook for 2 to 3 minutes until beginning to soften. Add garlic and continue to cook for a further two minutes until softened. 2. Add spinach and parsley (or basil) and cook, tossing often until spinach is fully wilted and any water released by the spinach has cooked off. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 3. In a large bowl, beat eggs and milk with a whisk until mixed together. Don’t over-beat. Add feta, and season with salt and pepper. Pour egg mixture over spinach then gently stir with a spatula to release the spinach from the bottom of the pan so that the eggs are in direct contact with the surface of the pan, so they cook quickly. 4. Cook until the eggs are almost totally set (this takes 10 to 12 minutes), reducing heat to prevent burning. Place pan under the grill for a couple of minutes, until the top is set as well, keeping a close eye on it so it does not burn. 5. To release the frittata from the pan, loosen edges with a spatula. Place a dinner plate over pan, and holding plate firmly flip the pan over so the frittata releases onto the plate. Serve warm.


BOLLINGTON FESTIVAL RETURNS THIS MAY Of course, any festival needs its attractions and over the years this wonderful spectacle has featured a huge range of entertainment, artists and celebrities, from a Victorian helter-skelter and the town’s own Calendar Boys to Professor Robert Winston and former Church of England envoy Terry Waite (a Bollingtonian by birth). Bollington’s heritage is closely tied to the Industrial Revolution (its population quadrupled to over 4,500 between 1801 and 1851) and to this day its mills still play a vital role in the community. Dominating the skyline, their cotton-producing days may be long gone but they provide a livelihood for many thriving businesses and some stylish accommodation for hundreds of local residents.

We associate certain places with specific people: Bristol with Brunel, Stratford with Shakespeare. For Bollington you’d be hard pressed to find someone who contributed more than Dr John Coope. The estimable GP supported his community in many ways, not least through the creation of the Bollington Festival, which swings into action once again this year between 10th and 27th May. ‘Dr John’, who passed away on Christmas Day 2005, set out in the Swinging 60s to revitalise Bollington’s community spirit by promoting various social, music and arts projects. This led to the inaugural Festival in 1964, which featured the somewhat mechanical-sounding ‘Dance to two Beat Groups’, a bowls tournament and a horticultural show, with tickets priced at a very accessible four shillings. Since then the event has resurfaced many times at irregular intervals, more recently every 4 to 7 years with the last Festival being held in 2014. Organised by a committee of volunteers, each event has tended to outstrip the last and invariably galvanises the entire community of what is affectionately known as ‘Happy Valley’.

by Andrew Thorp

Given the town’s history, it’s no surprise that science and industry have been represented at past festivals; this year sees the return of the popular SciBar, hosted by two visiting professors. However, in accordance with Dr Coope’s original vision, the Festival remains a predominantly arts-focused event. Festival Chairman, Jon Beck, heads an impressive team of volunteers who have made this year’s Festival possible. “My first official involvement in the Festival was back in 2009 when I trod the boards in a production of The Importance of Being Earnest. Judging by my reviews I’m confident I’ll make a greater contribution this year! But to be honest the stars of the show are the artists, committee members, volunteers and fund-raisers who put their heart and soul into this extraordinary event.” Looking ahead to this year’s event, Jon cites a quote that Dr Coope included in his chairman’s message way back in 1964. “Perhaps we can hope that when our present itself becomes a page of history, it may also be worth remembering.” Given the longevity of the Bollington Festival and the memories it invariably creates, it seems that the good doctor’s vision will be fulfilled once again in 2019. For an overview of the incredibly packed and diverse programme, and to book tickets, visit


Alderley Edge Walk description: An easy circular walk starting from the NT car park next to the Wizard Inn. It follows good woodland pathways out along the top of the Edge, with great views north, before heading west down gentler pathways towards Nether Alderley. The route follows country lanes, before crossing farm fields back on to the top of the Edge. Distance: 5 miles Map: OS Explorer 268 Wilmslow, Macclesfield and Congleton Start: National Trust Car Park next to the Wizard Inn (SJ 860773) Travelling from the north, use the A555/A34 link to Alderley Edge village. Go through the main street as far as a small roundabout on the Macclesfield junction. Turn left up the B5087, climbing on to the Edge; in less than a mile, the car park is just beyond the Wizard Inn on your left. Toilets available in the car park. Leave the car park by a gate opposite the toilets, cut across the field and turn right after the swing gate on to a wide walking track. When you reach a junction of pathways, turn left through the gate and follow the good path slightly uphill until you reach a sandstone outcrop and former copper mine workings. This Triassic sandstone is a remnant of desert conditions from about 220 million years ago. Notice the rounded and quite large pebbles embedded in the rock, thought to have been carried by occasional river floods in the desert.


by Barry Wilson, Marple District Rambling Club

Copper mining on the Edge dates back to the Bronze Age and later Roman times, but most was mined from the late 17th until the early 20th Century. The views north and east extend over the Pennines and nearer hills of Werneth Low and Marple Ridge. The main path doubles back round to the left of this outcrop, eventually reaching the Beacon Mound, dating back to the Spanish Armada. Continue west beyond the Beacon but keep to the higher path next to a wall. This takes you along the edge of a field before arriving at a further rocky outcrop, with further stunning views north. Just past this rocky area, go slightly left then immediately right down some steps to a lower path through woodland. Walking below the sandstone edge and heading left, pause to look at the layers of sandstone showing remnants of windblown sand dunes. Soon you reach the well-known Wizard’s Well with inscriptions above it. Not long after this point, veer left up a path which leads you away from the downhill track. A gentle climb brings you to the back of houses, so follow this narrow path where you reach an access road. Go left down the hill to the main Macclesfield road. Walk down hill to the right for 400 yards or so and look out for a path marker leading between the houses on the left. The narrow pathway takes you to a stile next to the rear garden wall of a new house. Cross the stile and bear right to a further stile. This leads you down a fenced pathway to another access road. (SJ 847776) Bear right down the road between some stunning

properties, but look out for another marked pathway on the left in less than 400 yards. Take this clear path behind the houses going due south; there are a series of gates between the fields before you slope down across a slippery footbridge and on to Artists Lane. A good stopping place with seats is at the bottom of Artists Lane and across the former busy Congleton road. (SJ 844769) Return across the road and walk back up Artists Lane until you come to a footpath marker pointing right. This takes you behind more cottages and round a field before reaching a stile and short fenced track. A final stile brings you out on to the cobbled surface of Bradford Lane. Go left up the gentle hill until you reach a wide private road and bridleway on the right. Bear right along this good track through woodland and past a very old stone cottage before reaching a well marked pathway on the left. Go through the kissing gate and head north behind a large walled garden of Hayman’s Farm before breaking out on to a field track. This heads up to woodland, where you go right and follow the edge of the wood which has a private fishing pond in what appears to be a former quarry or mine. Looking behind you, there are stunning views across the Cheshire Plain. Head along the path round the wood and then up to further kissing gates, along field edges until you reach a huge mansion on your right. The path leads you out on to their driveway and through to the access road.

The Walk

Follow the lane past some stables and then bear left into Finlow Hill Wood and along a marked pathway which can be a bit muddy at times. This reaches the Macclesfield road, so cross with care down to the track opposite. In a few yards, take the path on the left, eventually crossing on awkward stile before a driveway to the stunning mansion on the right. Take the path along their left fence between trees until you arrive at a junction of pathways. Go through the gate and turn immediately left between a wire fence and hedgerow. This brings you out on the first track we followed from the car park. Go left through the gate and you will arrive at the small gate across the field and back to the cars. Either the rustic cafe or the Wizard Inn is worth visiting for welcome refreshment. Marple District Rambling Club organises up to nine walks each week on Thursdays and Sundays. For more information, either ring our Chairman, Sue Gilmore on 07775 620398, or our Membership Secretary, Claude Prime on 0161 483 8596. Alternatively, you could visit our website on to learn more about our Club’s programme of walks, socials and walking holidays.


Celebrating 30 years in the Hearing Industry Highly trained hearing aid audiologist David Roche celebrates 30 years in the hearing industry this May. David set up Cheshire Hearing Centres as a dedicated high street independent centre offering daily clinics Monday to Friday with evening and Saturday appointments by arrangement. Through their head office in Bramhall, the business has earned an outstanding reputation for excellent customer service and client satisfaction. Over the years David has helped thousands of clients, including one or two well-known faces, enjoy normal conversation even in noisy places Cheshire Hearing Centres pride themselves on their independence - this means they are truly able to recommend what is right for the client regardless of the manufacturer. By offering a no-obligation trial on all instruments, they can assist clients in overcoming any initial concerns and help them discover what modern digital hearing aids can do for them.

Being independent allows Cheshire Hearing Centres to introduce the very latest technology to their clients first. Even David with his years of experience is getting quite excited over the latest development from Audibel. Via® AI is the world’s first Healthable hearing aid to provide both superior sound quality and the ability to track body and brain health. Featuring integrated sensors and artificial intelligence, Via AI is the first-ever hearing aid with fall detection and alert capability. It also translates 27 languages instantly, has Amazon Alexa connectivity, voiceto-text transcription, and much more – the list is long! David is extremely approachable, he is more than happy to discuss specific concerns you may have over your hearing or the problems experienced by a loved

one. Even if you haven’t purchased a hearing aid from Cheshire Hearing Centres, they are still more than happy to provide you with a six-monthly check-up service, free of charge. One vital part of the service they offer is Clinical Ear Care - more commonly known as wax removal. Many GP surgeries no longer offer this service and the wait for an appointment at a health centre can be up to six weeks. Cheshire Hearing Centres have developed a reputation as one of the leading companies in this field by investing in hospital quality ENT equipment to provide microsuction, irrigation and instrumentation procedures. They were one of the first practices to introduce video otoscopy (where you can see inside your ear) before, during and after the wax removal procedure. All staff are graduates of the NHS Clinical Ear Care Centre of Excellence in Rotherham. Their fees, £40 for one ear £60 for both, are based on there being a successful outcome – there is no charge if a client needed to come back a second or third time, client comfort and safety is paramount. To celebrate David’s milestone, Cheshire Hearing Centres will be holding two Open days on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th May, where you can either have a full hearing assessment and demonstration of the latest Via hearing instruments, or just pop in for an informal chat about any hearing concerns. If you are unable to make it to the Bramhall centre, you don’t have to miss out as they will be offering the same opportunities on a home visit basis. Contact them on 0800 970 8850.


The House that George Best Built

Illustration by Stephen Millership

It’s hard to believe, as you drive past there today, that the house situated on the corner of Moor Lane and Blossoms Lane, at the point where Bramhall becomes Woodford, was once the most talked about house in the country. Towards the end of the 1960s Manchester United superstar George Best decided it was time for him to move out of his digs in Chorlton and into his own home. He approached Bramhall-based architect Frazer Crane to design a house for him that was to be built on that plot of land. Best moved into his new house in October 1970. It had cost him £35,000 (just over half a million in today’s money). The house quickly became a hot topic of conversation, not least because many observers felt the house looked like a public convenience, primarily because of the white glazed-brick which adorned its exterior. The News of the World ran a competition to name the house and the £10 prize was won by Miss E. Bardsley for her suggestion, ‘Que Sera’. Best chose the name because it reminded him of his maternal grandfather, George Withers. He explained at the time, ‘Grandad Withers was my hero when I was a boy in Belfast. I remember one time Grandad Withers took me on holiday when ‘Que Sera, Sera’ was the big hit song. It seemed to be played everywhere we went, and ever since I’ve always associated it with him.’ A few months after moving in, Best put on a lavish house-warming party, which the Daily Express bought by Stuart Bolton

the rights to. Over a hundred guests were invited, many of them famous celebrities such as Bob Monkhouse, Ronnie Corbett, Tommy Trinder (who quipped at the time, “I remember this place when it was the Odeon”), Lionel Blair and Swedish actress Yutte Stensgaard. A week after the party, the Daily Mirror featured on its front-page a report (later unfounded) about an anonymous caller contacting Cheshire police claiming that officers had used a police car to collect fresh supplies of drink from The Smithy, a local pub on Grove Lane in Cheadle Hulme. Not long after moving in, the house was to bring a multitude of problems for its first-time buyer. Best later recalled, ‘I would have got more privacy if I’d bought a giant goldfish bowl and lived in that. You’d get groups of tourists outside and if I just walked down to the local paper shop, I’d have thirty people following me and asking for autographs. It was so bad that I had to keep the curtains closed all the time.’ Some of these unwanted visitors also used to take ‘souvenirs’ with them, such as pieces of turf off the front lawn or goldfish out of the fishpond. Like something out of ‘Thunderbirds’ the house included a range of remote-control gadgets, even though the technology was often not fit for purpose. Best later reflected, ‘Everything was push-button. The bathroom had a sunken bath that was so large that the water tank couldn’t fill it higher than three-inches. I had a television set that disappeared into the chimney. I had a console beside the bed that controlled everything. All I had to do was press a button and I could open and close the garage door, the front door, operate the Continued over


television, and the stereo, open and close the curtains, which was all well and good until I found out that when an aeroplane flew overhead, it set off the whole system.’ Within a couple of years Best had had enough. In July 1972 he put the house up for sale and moved back in with his landlady, Mrs Fullaway. Three months later the house was sold for £40,000 to Irish haulier Patrick O’Dwyer, who commented at the time, ‘It’s a dream come true.’ The current owner is Harry Yeung, co-partner of the Yang Sing restaurant in Chinatown, who has lived in the house for nearly twenty years. Yeung bought the property in 1999 from Wendy Hird for £400,000. Mrs Hird had lived there with her late husband Bill since 1993. The Hirds had bought the house for £200,000 and, surprisingly, when they purchased the house the details neglected to mention the identity of its original owner. The Hirds only found out the name of its famous former resident from a local taxi driver shortly after they’d moved in, which begs the question: where had the Hirds been living up until then, on Mars?

Not much is known about the owners immediately prior to the Hirds, but during their occupation the swimming pool had had its water pipes filled with concrete during one apparent fit of rage. The white glazed-brick which had so defined the look of the house had gone too. In fact, when the Hirds first moved in they discovered the discarded bricks piled-up at the bottom of the disused pond. The house today is barely recognisable from how it looked in the Seventies. The glaring white bricks have been replaced by a more common brick, the roof has been pitched, and there are metal railings surrounding the property, accompanied by a dense privet hedge which provides the property with something that was sadly missing when George Best first moved in – privacy. For more about the locations in and around Manchester connected with George Best, please see ‘Trailing George Best’ (Pitch Publishing) written by Stuart Bolton and Paul Collier.

quick crossword Across 3 Worthless dog (3) 7 Beat to separate the corn (6) 8 Ran away to marry (6) 9 Crab claw (6) 10 Supplying with weapons (6) 11 Blood-curdling (5-8) 13 Saying something with wry humour (6-2-5) 18 Gentle walk (6) 19 Sherlock ______ (6) 20 Played at Wimbledon (6) 21 Package (6) 22 Distress call (3)

down 1 Small shellfish (6) 2 Signalling light (6) 3 Devoid of personality (13) 4 Bonds between people (13) 5 Official, decorous (6) 6 ______ and McCartney (6) 11 Perch, squat (3) 12 ___ Wan - TV fashion stylist (3) 14 Discount store (6) 15 Floor, terra firma (6) 16 Mrs. Bill Clinton (6) 17 Hole to poke your shoelaces through (6)

sudoku How to play Sudoku Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. You don’t need to be a genius. These puzzles use logic alone. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive.

Solutions on page 66 45

greece & croatia island hopping Lots of Brits visit the beautiful Greek islands every summer. With the crystal blue waters, idyllic storybook villages and fantastic cuisine it’s no wonder. But did you know, there are actually 200 islands and we only go to a handful? You can of course, pick one island and stay there, just chilling in the sun and Greece does cater well for families with lots of well-equipped, entertaining resorts. Or you could take to the waves and enjoy some Greek island hopping. Island hopping in the Aegean is a special holiday experience. Such a romantic idea, this is the perfect option for people who’d like to see a wider crosssection of Greece and have a bit of an adventure whilst on holiday. From cosmopolitan, luxurious islands to the quieter and more traditional, you can explore the diversity by booking on one of the major cruise ships, or you could go for a smaller more sophisticated yacht option or indeed a catamaran. There is a style and a ship for everyone. Each company will offer its own itinerary but here, in my opinion, are some islands you must not miss:

Crete One of the major Greek destinations, Crete is a fantastic starting off point as it’s well connected to lots of the other islands. Ships and speedboats connect Crete to the popular islands in the Cyclades and Dedocanese. Don’t forget to enjoy Crete itself though. With wild, natural beauty, thousands of years of culture and


history, and some fantastic nightlife (for the party people), Crete offers something for everyone.

Santorini Probably winning the award for most breath-taking island in Greece, Santorini is ‘romance central.’ Best known for its iconic architecture, ancient vineyards and volcanic landscape, Santorini offers a sophisticated island stay. You can enjoy some epic sunsets in Santorini, and be sure to visit the town of Oia, one of the most picturesque places in Greece with some wonderful restaurants and boutiques.

Mykonos Party all day and all night in Mykonos at some of the most unique and energetic venues in Europe; beach bars, clubs, drag shows, VIP parties, it’s all here! You can dance from sunrise to sunset - you get the idea! Mykonos also offers great shopping and is listed along with St Tropez and Porto Cervo, guaranteeing a superb shopping spree. You will find lots of designer labels here alongside trendy clothing boutiques. Lucy Allen Personal Travel Consultant Notjusttravel/waitingworld w: e: p: 07512 784700

Another equally beautiful option for your summer break, is Croatia. Fast becoming a real holiday ‘hot spot’ Croatia offers lots of interesting cities to visit, brimming with history and, like Greece, also has a number of beautiful islands to explore. The Dalmatian Coast is a sailor’s paradise and the islands are also a wonderful place to go snorkelling and diving. A suggestion for a week’s stay would be to start in the vibrant city of Split, go overnight to Korcula, then travel down the Peljesac Peninsula wine roads to Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik’s stunning old town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the setting for King’s Landing in the popular TV series ‘Game of Thrones’. The city has a booming gastro scene offering lots of wonderful seafood and Croatian wine, and each year fantastic new places are opening. In July and August, you can enjoy the Dubrovnik Summer Festival when the city is full of musicians, actors, folk dancers and art exhibitions. At Not Just Travel we work with all the leading suppliers and therefore offer a fantastic choice of properties in Greece and Croatia. We can organise everything from villas to B&Bs, family hotels to luxury honeymoon resorts. We also work with all the major cruise companies and boating suppliers so can help find the perfect island-hopping trip for you. The ‘season’ in Greece and Croatia goes on until early October so there is still time to book your beautiful escape. Based in Cheadle and open 7 days a week, we have some brilliant special offers available so hope to speak to you soon. Booking with a personal travel consultant, saves you a lot of hassle, offers you peace of mind and all your holidays are financially protected.

Declutter Your Life If you can’t lay your hands on items you need because they’re buried under piles of junk; if you’re constantly moving items from one pile to a new ‘temporary’ pile; if you find yourself thinking, “I can’t throw this away, it might come in useful one day,” you’re probably a clutter-victim. You could tune into the new Netflix series ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,’ in which expert declutterer Marie will teach you how to transform your home into a permanently clear and clutter-free space with the incredible Japanese KonMari Method. Her method is based on a ‘once-cleaned, never-messy-again’ approach. If that’s a bit too extreme, but you are ready to have a good sort out and spring clean, the following tips might help you. ■■ Deal with one room at a time and the task will seem less daunting. Stick with that room until it’s finished. ■■ Choose a nice day and take the room contents outside. Psychologically it’s easier to sort and let go if you’re one step removed. It’s also less likely that the clutter will make it back inside the house! ■■ Sort everything into three piles - label them dump, donate and keep. Be realistic: if the item in question hasn’t been used for over a year it is unlikely you will ever use it.

■■ Deal with the dump and donate piles. Do this before anything comes back into the house. It’s much harder to mess up your good work if the stuff is physically gone. ■■ Sort and label - place the remaining items in clearlylabelled boxes. Make sure there is a temporary box to house items which really belong in another room. As each room is sorted those items can be replaced, and other misplaced items can be housed there, while the de-cluttering process continues. ■■ The maxim ‘A place for everything and everything in its place’ is a good one. As you return the items you’re keeping to the room, keep small items in clear plastic boxes and store them in cupboards or wardrobes. ■■ To keep on top of things, instigate a ‘one thing in: one thing out’ rule in future. It will make you think twice about acquiring something if you know something else must go. ■■ Finally, once a week, take two bags and go through your home. One bag is for rubbish, the other for items in the wrong place. When you’ve finished throw the rubbish away and replace the misplaced items. Follow these small steps and in a relatively short space of time you will be enjoying a calm and clutter-free environment. By Claire Hawker


simply books book club choice Julian Barnes’ new novel The Only Story opens with a question:

Would you rather love the more, and suffer the more; or love the less and suffer the less? And in many ways the tale that follows is an exploration and reflection on this central proposition. In characteristically spare and elegant prose, Barnes narrates the story of a love affair between Paul and (the much older) Susan – starting in the 1960’s and spanning a period of 30 or more years. First love has lifelong consequences, but Paul doesn’t understand or foresee any of that at nineteen. At nineteen, he’s proud of the fact that his relationship flies in the face of social convention. But as the years pass, the demands that love places on Paul becomes far greater and more complex than he could possibly have anticipated. This is a sad and often beautiful tale – sharply observed and carefully crafted in Julian Barnes’ customary style, and with a fascination with the ‘slipperiness’ of memory that carries echoes of his Booker Prize-winning The Sense of An Ending. Such a pleasure to read! My other choice - The Melody by Jim Crace - is by another consummate stylist. Alfred Busi, famed in his town for his music and songs, is mourning the recent death of his wife and quietly living out his days in the villa he has always called home. Then, one night, Busi is attacked by a creature he disturbs as it raids the contents of his larder. Busi is convinced that what assaulted him was no animal but a child - and this belief soon fans the flames of an old rumour about an ancient race of people living outside the town, and a new controversy sparked by hostility to the town’s paupers. The people have had enough – it’s time these feral wastrels were dealt with… The Melody has the feel of a fable for our times. Unsettling – and at times quite otherworldly – this is a poignant and subtle story about human nature and will stay with you long after you turn the final page. And for the children…with Easter in mind Hop Little Bunnies by Martha Mumford and illustrated by Laura Hughes is a delightful lift the flap picture book based on the popular nursey rhyme Sleeping Bunnies. A perfect Easter gift… and much longer lasting than chocolate!


Simply Books 228 Moss Lane, Bramhall, Cheshire SK7 1BD 0161 439 1436 Open Tuesday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm Andrew Cant

inside guide

april - may 2019

selected events in your area

Tuesday 2 April

Saturday 6 April

Handforth Gardening Society Spring Show - In House St Chad’s Church Hall 7.30pm for 8pm start

Cheshire Sinfonia - Beautiful Music in Bramhall. Beethoven - Egmont Overture; Berlioz - Les Nuits d’été; Schumann - Symphony No. 1 in B flat major, Op 36, (Spring) Tickets: £12 (Full), £10 (concessions), £3 (students) Reserved tickets available in advance from 07967 852986 or at the door. St Michael and All Angels Parish Church, Robins Lane, Bramhall 7.30pm

Tuesday 2 April Graham Brook presents Tuesday Jazz and Swing Rip Roaring Success (Jay Bradberry, Lucille Williams, Russ Williams) £8 on the door For details of the remaining events in April see or call 01625 528336 Wilmslow Conservative Club, 15 Grove Avenue, Wilmslow, SK9 5EG 8.30pm

Thursday 4 April Wilmslow Guild Natural History Society Butterflies of the Philippines by Peter Hardy Visitors very welcome £4 Further information from Chairman, David Warner 01625 874387 Wilmslow Guild, 1 Bourne Street, Wilmslow, SK9 5HD 7.30pm

Thursday 4 April Would you like to meet new friends? Thursday Group is a social group for unattached people of mature years, with several activities run by the members every week. These include walking, dancing, badminton, theatre and restaurant visits. For more info see or ring Bill on 07505 076838, or just come along to new members night on the first Thursday in each month where you will be met by group members. The Bulls Head Pub, 30 Wilmslow Road, Handforth, SK9 3EW 8.30pm

Saturday 6 April The Lindow Singers present Vivaldi Gloria and Rutter Gloria Conductor Russell Medley and soloists from the Royal Northern College of Music. Tickets: Full price £12, Concessions £10, Students/Young People £3 available from choir members or call 01625 611124 St Bartholomew’s Church, Wilmslow 7.30pm

Saturday 6 to Saturday 13 April Wilmslow Green Room Theatre presents The Playboy of the Western World by J M Synge This classic Irish play from 1907 is a favourite to this day for its drama, wit and whimsy. To book tickets Tel: 01625 540933 Enquiries: Wilmslow Green Room Theatre, Chapel Lane, Wilmslow, 7.45pm

Sunday 7 April Plant Hunters’ Fair Fund Raising Event for special projects at the Hall: £2 Entry to Plant Fair Details at Bramall Hall, Bramhall Park, off Hall Road, Bramhall, Stockport SK7 3NX 11am to 4pm

Tuesday 9 April East Cheshire Association of the National Trust Lecture – The Riverlands Project with Christopher O Widger Brookdale Club, Bridge Lane, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 3AB 2pm

Wednesday 10 April Craft and Chatter. A fortnightly get together for crafters of all kinds, card making, quilting, collage, embroidery, sewing and any other interests you might have. Bring your own project and enjoy good crafting company with a cuppa and cake, lots of friendly chatter and the opportunity to learn from each other. Contact Chrissie 0161 439 8262 for further details. £2 donation requested. Dean Row Chapel Hall, Adlington Road, SK9 2BX. 2pm Continued over


Wednesday 10 April

Tuesday 23 April

Wilmslow Historical Society Ian Clark will give an illustrated presentation about “Handforth Prisoner of War Internment Camp in World War One”. Visitors welcome £4, students admitted free, tea/coffee and biscuits included. Tel 01625 529178 St Bartholomew’s Parish Hall, SK9 4AA. 7.15pm

Macclesfield Group of the Family History Society of Cheshire What did he die of? A talk by Sylvia Dillon. Meetings are open to the public, £2 per meeting including refreshments For further details please contact; The Salvation Army Hall, Roe Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6XD 7.30pm

Thursday 11 April Friends Reunited Ladies Lunch (formerly The Bridge Hotel Prestbury Ladies Luncheon) Join us for a fabulous Fashion Show from FIZZ of Wilmslow Two-course lunch followed by fashion show £25. Contact Jane on 07798 900682 to book. Pinewood Hotel, Handforth 12 noon for 12.30pm

Saturday 13 April Wilmslow Symphony Orchestra Dvorak’s very popular and much-loved cello concerto in B minor. Our soloist is Simon Turner, co-principal cello of the Halle. Also, the brass section is playing two pieces by Gabrieli - Canzon Septimi Toni no 2 and Sonata pian e forte. Tickets £12, concessions £10 and under 18 £2 from ticket secretary 01925 756144, Bang and Olufsen or Therapy, Wilmslow, via or at the door. Evans Hall, Wilmslow Leisure Centre 7.45pm

Wednesday 17 April Lunchtime Concert with students from the RNCM. Admission by programme £5, available at the door. Light lunches from 12 noon and the concerts start at 1pm, lasting approximately 45 minutes. Information available on www.alderleyedgemethodistchurch. com or email Alderley Edge Methodist Church 1pm

Wednesday 17 April Wilmslow Civic Trust The Wilmslow Neighbourhood Plan - what next? Members of the steering group will give us an update on results of the consultations and an update on progress. Refreshments are served before the meeting; Non-Trust members very welcome, £2 charge on the door. Wilmslow Library 7.15pm for 7.45pm

Friday 19 April Harmony ’96 Annual performance of Handel’s Messiah, conductor Angela Rowley. £5 on the door, for more information ring 0161 440 9091. All proceeds to Rowley Projects sponsoring university students in Kenya Bramhall Baptist Church, Woodford Road, SK7 2PB. 7pm


Wednesday 24 April Craft & Chatter see 10 April for details

Wednesday 24 April Wilmslow U3A Brian Greene – Magic of Irving Berlin URC School rooms, Chapel Lane, Wilmslow 2.30pm

Saturday 27 April Mixed Bowling Competition Live Music, Barbeque, Raffle. Everyone welcome. Wilmslow Conservative Club 1pm

Saturday 27 April Alderley Edge May Fair Dance. With the Swing Commanders and GI Jive. Jive, ballroom, Latin and fun dances to 30s, 40s and 50s music or just come along and enjoy the evening. Licensed Bar. Admission by ticket only £12.50 - telephone 01625 585600 or 01625 582345 The Festival Hall, Talbot Road, SK9 7HR 7.30pm to 11.30pm

Saturday 27 April Cheshire Rural Touring Arts present Diyet and the Love Soldiers Diyet fuses Alternative Folk, Roots, Country and Traditional Aboriginal with melodies and stories deeply rooted in her Indigenous world view and northern life. Suitable for children aged 10+. Tickets can be bought in person from the library or via Ticket Source, £12 – Adults, £10 - Concessions (U18, 65+, student, unwaged) Macclesfield Library, show starts 7.30pm, doors 7pm

Saturday 27 April Macclesfield Male Voice Choir annual Gala Concert. They are in fine voice and have been working hard under the direction of their talented Welsh Musical Director Robert Owens, accompanied by the prize-winning Ukrainian pianist Tatyana Goncharuk. The 60 - strong choir will be singing a programme to suit everyone and will be joined by a guest soloist. Tickets are £14 from or call 01625 584820, or from any choir member. Fallibroome Academy, 7.30pm Continued over

Monday 29 April

Sunday 12 May

Alpine Garden Society: East Cheshire Group. Group AGM Enquiries to Bob on 07808 974753 Visitors £4 Wilmslow Preparatory School, 7 Grove Ave, Wilmslow 7.30pm

Plant Hunters’ Fair Half price entry to the Gardens & Plant Fair £3 (children under 15 Free) Details at Adlington Hall, Mill Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 4LF 10am to 4pm

Thursday 2 May Would you like to meet new friends? Thursday Group is a social group for unattached people of mature years, with several activities run by the members every week. These include walking, dancing, badminton, theatre and restaurant visits. For more info see or ring Bill on 07505 076838, or just come along to new members night on the first Thursday in each month where you will be met by group members. The Bulls Head Pub, 30 Wilmslow Road, Handforth, SK9 3EW 8.30pm

Tuesday 7 May Handforth Gardening Society AGM and Plant Exchange - In House St Chad’s Church Hall 7.30pm for 8pm start

Tuesday 7 May Graham Brook presents Tuesday Jazz and Swing Enrico Tomasso (trumpet/trombone) and Rosie Harrison (vocals/reeds) with the Tom Kincaid trio. £8 on the door. For more May events see or call 01625 528336 Wilmslow Conservative Club, 15, Grove Avenue, Wilmslow, SK9 5EG 8.30pm

Wednesday 8 May Craft & Chatter see 10 April for details

Wednesday 8 May Wilmslow Historical Society. Following a brief AGM, tea/coffee and cake, Kevin Hanrahan will give a presentation on “Lily Langtree” - the fascinating American/English socialite and actress often known as “The Jersey Lily”. Visitors welcome £4, students admitted free, refreshments included. Tel 01625 529178 St Bartholomew’s Parish Hall, SK9 4AA 7.15pm

Saturday 11 May Chelford Embroiderers’ Guild De-stash Event & Sales Day Your unloved and unwanted textile treasure could become someone else’s perfect missing item. Free Entry. Refreshments available To book a sales table (£10) email: Chelford Village Hall, SK11 9FZ 10.30am to 3pm


Tuesday 14 to Saturday 18 May Sister Act Bollington Light Opera Group present the musical based on the hit movie. Music by Alan Menken, lyrics by Glenn Slater, book by Bill and Cheri Steinkellner, and additional book material by Douglas Carter Beane. Tickets: £12, Concessions £10 (restrictions apply) Call: 01625 431038 Email: Bollington Civic Hall 7.30pm Matinee on 18th only at 2pm

Wednesday 15 May Lunchtime Concert with students from Chetham’s School of Music Admission is by programme £5, available at the door. Light lunches from 12 noon or email Alderley Edge Methodist Church 1pm

Thursday 16 May Friends Reunited Ladies Lunch (formerly The Bridge Hotel Prestbury Ladies Luncheon) This man has really kissed the Blarney Stone! Tales of an Irish Innkeeper from Mr. Frank Faherty Two-course lunch £25. Contact Jane on 07798 900682 to reserve your place. Pinewood Hotel, Handforth 12 noon for 12.30pm

Saturday 18 May Alderley Edge Symphony Orchestra Offenbach: Overture La Belle Helene Poulenc: Flute Sonata orch. Lennox Berkeley Copland: Saturday Night Waltz and Hoe-Down from Rodeo Dvorak: New World Symphony Tickets £10 for adults and £1 for under 18s. Available on the door or in advance from Ticket hotline 01625 581321 Festival Hall Alderley Edge SK9 7HR 7.30pm

Continued over

Monday 20 May

Tuesday 28 May

Alpine Garden Society: East Cheshire Group Jane Allison - Making the most of your garden space Enquiries to Bob on 07808 974753 Visitors £4 Wilmslow Preparatory School, 7 Grove Ave, Wilmslow 7.30pm

Macclesfield Group of the Family History Society of Cheshire The FHSC website a talk by Alan Bennett the webmaster. Meetings are open to the public and admission is £2 per meeting including refreshments For further details please contact; The Salvation Army Hall, Roe Street, Macclesfield SK11 6XD 7.30pm

Wednesday 22 May Wilmslow Guild Floral Design Club “Something of this Nature” Craig Bullock, National Demonstrator For more information call 01625 523903 or Visitors fee: £7 (special events as advertised) Wilmslow Guild, Bourne Street, Wilmslow SK9 5HD 1.45pm

Wednesday 22 May

Don’t forget! Copy deadline for the next issue:

Wednesday 8 May

Craft & Chatter see 10 April for details

Tel: 01625 879611

Wednesday 22 May


Wilmslow U3A Peter Ashburner – Antiques URC School rooms, Chapel Lane, Wilmslow 2.30pm

Thursday 23 May Wilmslow Civic Trust A visit to the Portico and Central Libraries is being organised for members, full details will be available nearer the time. There will be a programme of events in July and September which will be in the newsletter and at Refreshments are served before the meeting; Non-Trust members very welcome, £2 on the door. Wilmslow Library 7.15pm for 7.45pm

Saturday 25 May Cheshire Chorale and Cheshire Sinfonia – Beautiful Music in Bramhall. J S Bach - Brandenburg Concerto No 1 in F major BWV 1046; Blackford - Mirror of Perfection; Handel - Coronation Anthems. Tickets: £12 (Full), £10 (concessions), £3 (students) Reserved tickets available in advance from 01969 667033 or at the door. St Michael and All Angels Parish Church, Robins Lane, Bramhall 7.30pm


Compiled by Claire Hawker > email:

BYGONE TIMES Local resident Philip Henshaw has put pen to paper with his memories of Wilmslow and district, during the period from the late 1930s to the end of the 1960s. With apologies in advance for any errors and omission, he suggested people might enjoy reading them and maybe joining in with their own reminiscences. Here are a few more, in no particular order! At Stockton Farm, which is on the 1842 tithe map, the Britland family had a milk round. Very few of my friends did not help George or Tom Britland with that. We sat on the back board – no health and safety then! I don’t remember being paid but George bought us chips at a chip shop off the main road through Alderley Edge. There was a German POW called Bruno, a nice man who delivered for Britland’s on a two-wheeled cart with horse carrying huge churns of milk. Butterfly Bank, also on the tithe map, was a great place to play. The trees were small and there was an open grassy area at the top of the hill where you could sit and from there St Philips Church looked as though it was close enough to touch. The Black Lake on Lindow Common is a hot subject now. Back then it was hardly one or two feet deep. There was once an island. On Sundays there would be small model yachts and motor boats, some on wires, some remotely controlled. Mr Slack had a boat that would take about six children and all rides were free of charge. The sides of the lake were made with railway sleepers which made good rafts when they came loose. Thanks to Philip for providing these and we hope you’ve enjoyed reading them. Philip can be contacted, afternoons only, on 01625 408891 or by text only on 07898 608278. Photograph: Wilmslow Historical Society Collection.


Answers: icing sugar, plate, cream, sponge, tea pot, jam Extra letter answer: coffee



Children’s Activities

Things to do with pre-school kids



Songs and Rhymes. 9.30am and 10.15am Term time only. 20-30 minutes of informal singing for 0-4s with their grown up. £1.50 per family. Refreshments and mini play area available afterwards. For more information please contact the church office on 01625 528892. Wilmslow Methodist Church

Under 5’s Rhyme Time 11-11.30am Term time only. Wilmslow Library. Children must be accompanied by a parent or carer. Contact 01625 374060

WFA Little Strikers Pre-School Football 10-11am 18 months – 4 years Term time only. Wilmslow Parish Hall, Cliff Road. £6 per session, no pre-booking required. Contact Erik on 07792 791382 Under 5’s Story Time 11-11.30am Term time only. Wilmslow Library. Children must be accompanied by a parent or carer. Contact 01625 374060. Under 5’s Story Time 2.30-3pm Term time only. Handforth Library. Children must be accompanied by a parent or carer. Contact 01625 378272

Tuesday Under 5’s Rhyme Time 10-10.30am Term time only. Alderley Edge Library. Children must be accompanied by a parent or carer. Contact 01625 374030. Under 5’s Rhyme time 11-11.30am Term time only. Handforth Library. Children must be accompanied by a parent or carer. Contact 01625 378272

Wednesday Tiddlywinks Mini Church 10am Term time only. Story, songs and craft for under 5’s. £1 donation appreciated. Refreshments and play area available. Please call the church office 01625 528892 for information. Wilmslow Methodist Church. Mums, Dads and Tots 1.30 to 3pm Term time only. St Benedict’s Church Hall, Hall Road, Handforth. Lots of toys for under 5’s, come along for a cuppa. Contact Jo on 07762 494843.

If you run a local activity for young children and email would like to be included on this page please


Baby Massage 1.30pm Term time only. At Wilmslow Methodist church for babies 8 weeks plus. £5 per session, including refreshments. Please call the church office 01625 528892 or make an enquiry online to book a place Thursday Tots 2-4pm Term time only, Wilmslow United Reformed Church, Alderley Road. For pre-school children and parents/carers. £1.50 per family. Contact, or phone Barbara on 01625 584267.

Friday Friday Tots 10-11.30am Term time only, Alderley Edge Methodist Church, Church Hall, Chapel Road. Contact Susan Moran on 01625 585166. TinyTalk baby sign classes 10.45am and midday. Our award winning classes support their language development and confidence in communicating. At Wilmslow Library. For more info contact Claire 07941 904033 Baby Rhyme Time 2.15-2.45pm, Alderley Edge Library. This is for babies aged under 1 who are not walking. Sessions run throughout the year. There is no requirement to book a place and the sessions are free.

Saturday WFA Little Strikers Pre-School Football 10.45-11.45am for 18 months to 4 years. All year round. Outdoors - Ashdene Primary School, 11 Thoresway Road, Wilmslow, SK9 6LJ £6 per session, no pre-booking required. Contact Erik on 07792 791382

Sunday Messy Church 4pm onwards First Sunday of every month, Wilmslow United Reformed Church, Alderley Road. For more information please contact or phone Barbara on 01625 584267.

Compiled by Clare Blackie > email:

where she’ll chat to people all around the course and she’ll also award prizes at the acclaimed Fun Dog Show.

The ultimate summer festival for dogs returns for 2019 with a bonanza of shows, displays and activities! DogFest, the UK’s biggest and best day out for dogs, their families and animal lovers of all ages is back - with even more for next year! Now entering its sixth year, DogFest will take place in the grounds of Tatton Park on 15 to 16 June. The events once again promise a packed schedule of celebrity appearances and expert talks, jaw-dropping dog displays, educational sessions and fun, have-a-go activities. Everything is geared towards celebrating the amazing bond between dogs and people and promoting animal welfare. All this plus great live music sets, cool street food and shopping galore for pooches and people alike. National treasure and presenter of Crufts’ TV coverage, Clare Balding stars for the first time at DogFest. Famed for her love of dogs, she’ll headline on the main stage with anecdotes from her life – and those of her fourlegged friends. Clare will lead the Great Dog Walk


TV’s Supervet, Professor Noel Fitzpatrick, known globally for his ground-breaking work will front a special interactive feature for younger visitors. The world- leading orthopaedic-neuro veterinary surgeon will open The Great Dog Walk and deliver an insightful talk for fans purchasing VIP tickets. A-listers of the furry variety will be in evidence at the Dogs of Instagram Hound Hangout, whilst on DogFest’s famous main stage, some well-known faces will host mass participation activities with hundreds of dogs and their owners all coming together.

The Activity Arena will show back-to-back canine entertainment with jaw-dropping stunts and routines from the UK’s most skilful dog display teams. These super-talented animals leap through rings of fire, hurtle down zip wires, sniff out contraband and much more. Other Dogs with Jobs (such as rescue and assistance dogs) will showcase their extraordinary talents which transform people’s lives. Then there’s fun all the way with dog dancing - where astonishing sequences to rival Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers can be seen. Dog Diving is one of the biggest crowd pleasers at the festival: furry volunteers line up to leap into a massive aqua sports pool, while brand new this year is Fido’s Lido, a giant paddling pool for pups and people alike! Also new for 2019 is the Big Dog Dig, where pups can catch the scent of buried goodies and scrabble away to their heart’s content to get to the loot! A ‘just for fun’ dog show will crown the ‘happiest dog, ‘the one with the waggiest tail’ and so on through to the ‘Best in Show’.

DogFest’s guest experts are always a major draw and the weekend will be packed with talks, demonstrations and Q&A sessions on animal health and welfare, veterinary developments, dietary requirements, behavioural psychology and much more. Visitors can soak up the festival vibe throughout the show, with artisan food and coffee vans, gin-tastic bars and other wonderful food and drink stalls. Finally, DogFest’s Shopping Village is a must-see destination for serious retail therapy with food, fashion and fripperies, for man and beast alike. Further information on all shows can be found at Tickets are available from and the hotline 0871 220 0260.

From one local business to another - find out how you can get INSIDE our pages INSIDE E POYNTON ISSUE 79




















The local magazine our readers love to keep

The local magazine our readers love to keep

The local magazine our readers love to keep

The local magazine our readers love to keep

The local magazine our readers love to keep

The local magazine our readers love to keep

One of six magazines delivered to over 45,000 homes

One of six magazines delivered to over 45,000 homes

One of six magazines delivered to over 45,000 homes

One of six magazines delivered to over 45,000 homes

One of six magazines delivered to over 45,000 homes

One of six magazines delivered to over 45,000 homes

Thinking of advertising? Call our friendly team to get the ball rolling – no hard sell just useful advice. Connecting local people to local businesses. To get your business noticed call 01625 879611 or email

puzzle solutions

Don’t forget! Copy deadline for the next issue:

Wednesday 8 May Tel: 01625 879611 email:


useful numbers Alderley Edge Churches Methodist Church Methodist Church Office St Mary’s Church with Birtles St Philip’s Church (Vicarage) St Philip’s Parish Office St Pius X Church

Local Government 01625 873407/583337 01625 586713 01625 585440 01625 583249 01625 581477 01625 582386

Wilmslow Churches Methodist Church, Wilmslow St Ann’s C of E Church St Bartholomew’s Parish Church St Chad’s Handforth St John’s Lindow St Mary’s Methodist Handforth St Teresa’s RC Church St Benedict’s RC Church Wilmslow United Reformed Church Quaker Meeting House Dean Row Unitarian Chapel

01625 528892 01625 520309 01625 520309 01625 532145 01625 583251 01625 528892 01625 523384 01625 522776 01625 532600 07974 997798 01625 402952

Doctors/Medical Centres Alderley Edge Medical Practice Wilmslow Health Centre Handforth Health Centre Kenmore Medical Centre Hulme Hall Medical Group

01625 584545 01625 548555 01625 529421 01625 532244 0161 426 5844

Fire Service (non-emergency) Wilmslow Fire Station

01625 524066

Hospitals Macclesfield Hospital NHS Non-Emergency

01625 421000 111

Leisure Centres Wilmslow Leisure Centre Macclesfield Leisure Centre

01625 533789 01625 383981

Libraries Alderley Edge Library Handforth Library Macclesfield Library Wilmslow Library

01625 374030 01625 378 272 01625 374000 01625 374060

E. Cheshire Council Info Services

0300 1235500

Police (non-emergency) (non-emergency)


Post Offices Alderley Edge Post Office Handforth Post Office Wilmslow Post Office

01625 599655 01625 522946 01625 524036

Alderley Edge Schools Alderley Edge Pre-School Playgroup The Ryleys School Alderley Edge Primary School Nether Alderley Primary School Mottram St Andrew Primary Alderley Edge School for Girls

01625 599300 01625 583241 01625 383262 01625 383060 01625 383000 01625 583028

Wilmslow Schools Ashdene Primary Dean Oaks Primary Gorsey Bank Primary Lacey Green Primary Lindow Primary Pownall Hall School St Anne’s Fulshaw St Benedicts Catholic Primary Styal Primary Wilmslow Grange Primary Wilmslow High School Wilmslow Preparatory School

01625 383232 01625 383333 01625 383020 01625 525157 01625 384383 01625 523141 01625 523536 01625 520207 01625 383253 01625 526566 01625 526191 01625 524246

Travel Traveline Bus & Train Information National Rail Enquiries Manchester Airport

08712 002233 03457 484950 0808 169 7030

Utilities Electricity – Power Loss Gas – Emergency Water Floods Water Leaks Environment Agency Floodline

105 0800 111 999 0345 672 3723 0800 330 033 0345 988 1188


classified index ADULT EDUCATION Wilmslow Guild



Dave Beal



Adlington Retirement Living


Bellway Homes



All In Stone


Uniquely Chic



Carrington Doors

Alice Chilton In Home Care




Hazelmere House




Lawn Keeper


GARDENING The Easy Gardening Company



DENTAL CLINICS Trinity House Dental Care


Westgate Dental Practice


DRAINAGE Pure Clean Drainage Solutions


Metro Rod


EDUCATION & TUTION Greenbank Preparatory School


Terra Nova School




Cheshire Hearing Centres



KITCHENS Dream Doors


Matt Finish


Queensgate Glass Splashbacks


LOFT LADDERS More Than Loft Ladders


OPTICIANS Albert Road Optician



SOLICITORS McAlister Family Law


Inside Back Cover







The Stair Shop


F.T.W Services


Slater & Gordon 47



Falcon Security 48







C J C Electrical


ASM Gas, Heating, Plumbing

Adlington Manor

Steve White

Pure Clean Drainage Solutions



Alice Chilton Cleaning


Adlington Memorial Park Inside Front Cover

CAR LEASING Britannia Car Leasing



CANDLES Scent A Peace

Brilliant Fires

South Manchester Osteopathy



The Birth Company


BOOK SHOPS Simply Books




Mosley Jarman


Lucy Allen Personal Travel Consultant


TREE SERVICES Swift Tree & Arboricultural Services 58

WINDOW CLEANING Cavendish Window Cleaning




The Window Repair Centre


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