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Smoked Out


Snuff out those menthol cigarettes and other fl avored tobacco products. As of July, selling them is banned in Sacramento County.

The prohibition means fl avored smokes are banned locally no matter what California voters decide in November, when a referendum could repeal a similar statewide ban. Flavored tobacco is often marketed to new and youthful customers as a less-harsh version of the original.

The County Board of Supervisors followed a 2019 ban of fl avored tobacco by the Sacramento City Council. The state Legislature passed its own ban in 2020. The state’s prohibition is on hold awaiting the November referendum.

Supervisor Patrick Kennedy said he considered proposing a fl avored-tobacco ban for at least seven years. But after two terms and faced with an opponent in the June primary, he fi nally decided to act.

Kennedy repeated arguments long made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—that fl avored smokes are aimed disappropriately at youth and minority communities, especially African Americans. Supervisor Phil Serna agreed, saying the county should “make it more diffi cult for people to poison themselves.”

Supporting the county measure were anti-smoking groups, including the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council, Breathe California Sacramento Region and American Cancer Society.

Several small retailers opposed Kennedy’s ordinance, claiming the county made no effort to reach out to their businesses. Many noted minors are barred from purchasing tobacco and


By Howard Schmidt Inside The County

adults can make personal choices about smoking.

Hookah lounge operators said the restrictions had cultural repercussions and would force their businesses to close. Tobacco opponents countered no lounges closed after the city imposed its ban.

Supervisor Rich Desmond asked his colleagues about delaying the ban until the outcome of the November vote, which was prompted by a signature drive fi nanced by Big Tobacco.

Kennedy is apparently worried the state ban will fall in November. He said he’s “not confi dent in the initiative process to come out the way we would like,” and cited how Big Tobacco is likely to infl uence the vote with millions of advertising dollars. Any delay, Kennedy believes, will contribute to more deaths.

Supervisor Sue Frost questioned how the ban would impact the local economy. County fi nance director Ben Lamera estimated the city of Sacramento might have lost $2 million in sales tax revenue.

The county ban passed 3-1. Kennedy, Serna and Don Nottoli supported it, with Frost dissenting and Desmond abstaining.

The fl avored tobacco ban takes effect July 25, allowing time for retailers to deplete inventories. Before then, retailers are prohibited from purchasing additional fl avored tobacco products.


Don Nottoli was named board chair for 2022, his fi nal year before retiring after seven terms. His authority will likely mean longer meetings. Nottoli gives public speakers an additional 60 seconds to make their points, up from the normal 2 minutes. And that’s only if he watches the clock.

Howard Schmidt worked on federal, state and local levels of government, including 16 years for Sacramento County. He can be reached at howardschmidt218@aol.com. Previous columns can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @ insidesacramento. n

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