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Leather fern Photos by Jan Fetler

Blue statice

Garden Greats Garden Greats


Peek outside if you dare. Behold landscape plants on the critical list, already deceased or unanimous picks for the All-Ugly Team. Craters may mark spaces that plants once occupied. Yes, you need plants, but not just any plants.

While scouring local nurseries this spring, please consider the perennials and annuals recommended in this column. All perform well in Sacramento gardens. My current favorites:

Mexican bush sage (Salvia leucantha)—Spectacular fall bloomer


By Dan Vierria Garden Jabber

with silver-green foliage and purple fl ower spikes. Loved by hummingbirds and butterfl ies.

“Berzerkeley” (Salvia microphylla)— Spreads two or three times its height (2 feet) and pink fl owers begin in spring and continue into fall.

Coastal Gem (Grevillea lanigera)—A low-spreading shrub or groundcover with cheery pink blooms. Flowers for months during fall and into winter.

Sweet Potato Vine (Ipomoea batatas)—An ornamental (not edible) perfect for cascading over a container or atop retaining walls. Attractive foliage, especially “Blackie” and “Tricolor.”

Coreopsis “Gold and Bronze” (Coreopsis grandifl ora)—Cheery all summer long with yellow and reddishbronze petals. Compact growth habit is a bonus.

I asked a few “hort heads” to recommend and describe their favorite plants.

Greg Gayton, California certifi ed nursery professional, Green Acres Nursery & Supply:

May Night (Salvia sylvestris)— “Blooms and bloom and blooms! The fl owers are so prolifi c, and it seemed to enjoy the heat of last summer. Stays compact and does not get leggy. It attracts benefi cial insects and pollinators.”

Ascot Rainbow (Euphorbia martinii)—“Love this perennial because it looks great anywhere. Super hardy in the sun but will take partial shade. Looks great as a fi ller in a container. The foliage is vibrant with its variegated leaves and showy fl owers are yellow and green.”

Jerusalem sage (Phlomis fruticose)— “A drought tolerant perennial with yellow fl owers that bloom most of the summer. Loves the heat but needs space.”

Lavender Cotton (Santolina chamaecyparissus)—“Known for its fragrant foliage and yellow fl owers, it is a very drought-tolerant perennial. Looks great in a rock garden, a moon garden or nestled against a boulder.”

California fuchsia (Epilobium canum)—“My favorite California native. It attracts hummingbirds and the orange fl owers are amazing against gray foliage. Great for the brown thumb gardener.”

Coral bells (Heuchera)—“Unique foliage plants that have vivid color and perform best with afternoon shade.”

Jan Fetler, University of California master gardener, who suggests these favorites for fl ower arrangements:

Zinnia (Zinnia elegans)—“My all-time favorite summer annual fl ower. Easy to grow from seeds planted in May, fl ower forms and colors are almost endless, drought tolerant and they last a long time in arrangements.”



Statice (Limonium sinuatum)— “Grown for dried arrangements because they retain their color. They are also very long lasting in fresh arrangements. They come in several colors.”

Gloriosa daisies (Rudbeckia hirta)— “There are many warm color varieties of this perennial grown as an annual. All do very well in arrangements. When they fi nd their happy place, they plant themselves if you leave a seed head or two.”

Coleus hybrids—“Easy to grow in summer shade when other fl owers are plentiful. My favorite is ‘Henna’ with green leaves with dark red backsides. It makes wonderful fi ller in bouquets.”

Leather fern (Rumohra andiantiformis)—“The best fern for arrangements and is long lasting through several arrangements and is easy to grow. Does well in shade, even under redwoods.”

Marlene Simon, horticulturalist at UC Davis Botanical Conservatory, known as “The Plant Lady” on TV and other media:

Lavender “Grosso”—“A darkfl owered hybrid lavender that handles heavy soil much better than true English lavender.”

Margarita BOP (Penstemon heterophyllus)—“The fl owers are almost iridescent on this long-blooming, drought-tolerant perennial.”

Coral aloe (Aloe striata)—“Grow this aloe for its beautiful foliage plus late winter fl owers for hummingbirds. Plus, it can handle some shade and zero summer irrigation.”

Toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia)—“I love this drought tolerant native shrub for its versatility. Grow as a singletrunked small tree or use as a hedge.”

Showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa)—“This is an easy to grow perennial with beautiful fl owers, plus it’s a host for Monarch butterfl ies.”

Best of luck with your landscape choices this spring!

Dan Vierria is a University of California Cooperative Extension Master Gardener for Sacramento County. He can be reached at masterg29@ gmail.com. For answers to gardening questions, contact the UCCE Master Gardeners at (916) 876-5338, email mgsacramento@ucanr.edu or visit sacmg.ucanr.edu. Previous columns can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @ insidesacramento. n

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