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Getting There
Keep It Moving
Street intersections are dangerous. Each day, more than 20 people die in intersection collisions in the United States.
Safety is why European nations, Australia and New Zealand turned to roundabouts instead of signals or stop-controlled intersections. With far fewer contact points where vehicles (and pedestrians) cross paths, roundabouts reduce fatal and injury crashes by 80 percent, Federal Highway Administration data show.
Modern roundabouts aren’t the same as Midtown’s small traffi c circles, which have stop signs on some approaches. A fundamental difference is that drivers must yield to traffi c already in a roundabout.
Roundabouts eliminate T-bone collisions and cause vehicles to slow by defl ecting them from straighter paths. If there are collisions, they tend to be 39th streets, and Elvas Avenue and J Street. A roundabout at Elvas and J might take less space than the current freeway-style interchange.
One exception to the typical U.S. disdain for roundabouts is Carmel, Indiana, a city of 102,000 near Indianapolis. Carmel has 140 roundabouts with seven more planned. Mayor James Brainard is the force behind Carmel’s roundabout revolution.
“Most lanes are needed just to store cars at intersections. We’ve been able to reduce four- or fi ve-lane roads to one lane in each direction because roundabouts can handle 50 percent more cars per hour. That’s a tremendous cost savings for cities,” the mayor tells me.
You’d think cities and counties would be all over themselves building roundabouts. But it hasn’t happened. Traffi c engineers are cautious, rightfully so since mistakes can cost lives. But so can lack of action.
The public is resistant to change. Some drivers fi nd a one-lane roundabout confusing. Using a twolane roundabout is far less intuitive. However, once roundabouts are installed, public resistance uniformly fl ips to approval. Familiarity and effectiveness make a difference.
Roundabouts can take up a lot of room. Intersections in developed areas
By Walt Se fert Getting There
sideswipes, not catastrophes calling for an ambulance.
Modern roundabouts use long, raised concrete “splitter islands” in the middle of each approach road to guide traffi c to the right. The islands offer a refuge for pedestrians who need to cross only one lane at a time. Paved aprons on the central islands allow large vehicles, such as fi re engines and semis, to squeeze through.
Roundabouts can decrease carbon dioxide emissions by up to 59 percent. They reduce traffi c delays and operate when power outages darken traffi c lights. Roundabouts provide an aesthetic twist and sense of place. Central islands can be landscaped or feature sculptures or fountains.
For decades, federal authorities have encouraged roundabouts. They are supported by AARP, which touts their safety for older drivers and pedestrians. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety hails their benefi ts. Roundabouts top AAA’s list of ways to make roads safer.
There are an estimated 7,900 roundabouts in the U.S., a fraction of the 3 million signal intersections. Sacramento has six roundabouts. The county has two, with 508 signal intersections.
Excellent candidates for roundabouts are H Street and Carlson Drive, J and may not have big enough footprints. But compact, tightly constructed roundabouts are feasible. Carmel freed up space by reducing lanes and using the room to add bike lanes, trees and wider sidewalks.
Roundabouts can be expensive. Center island landscaping requires maintenance. But traffi c signals aren’t cheap. They need electricity and upkeep. Signals have less than half the service life of roundabouts.
Some of the cost savings of roundabouts don’t accrue to the government agency that builds them— so those savings may be overlooked.
Roundabouts save gas (about 26,000 gallons per year per roundabout, Brainard says) and reduce emission levels. They cut insurance outlays. The value of fewer deaths is incalculable.
It’s time for America to accelerate the pace of building roundabouts and decelerate the speed of cars. Going ’round is the way to go.
Walt Seifert is executive director of Sacramento Trailnet, an organization devoted to promoting greenways with paved trails. He can be reached at bikeguy@surewest.net. Previous columns can be found and shared at InsideSacramento.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @ insidesacramento. n
RADISH These are grown locally year-round, but they are particularly crisp, juicy and mild in flavor when grown in cool weather. They come in multiple varieties, including daikon, watermelon and white icicle. inc To eat: Serve with butter and salt for a French-inspired Toe To e hors d’oeuvre. hor
This large, starchy, sweettasting root vegetable is a great source of betacarotene. To eat: Roast the flesh and use instead of pumpkin for a delicious Southern pie.
This small citrus fruit has few seeds and a loose, puffy orange skin that This small is easy to peel, making it a popular addition to children’s lunchboxes. is easy to p Eat it: Peel and enjoy. Eat it: Peel
Monthly Market
This leafy green-, purple or white-colored plant is low in calories and can be pickled, fermented, steamed, stewed, braised or eaten raw. To eat: For a fresh slaw, slice thinly and toss with poppy seed dressing.
This citrus fruit is yellower and rounder than a regular lemon, and its flavor is much sweeter. To eat: Use the juice to make a sweet curd or a nicely flavored vinaigrette.
This healthful cruciferous vegetable is available much of the year, from September through June. It’s a member of the cabbage family. To eat: Steam or roast at high heat in the oven with olive oil and salt.