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Membership is an excellent way to stay involved in your neighborhood! Examples include:
•Monthly East Sac Essential e-newsletter to keep you informed of important happenings Candidate Forums are instructed to tell callers to leave stray healthy cats where they are found. “If it is healthy, it is very likely that the cat has an owner or caretaker,” Swanson says.
•General membership meetings 2-3 times per year with engaging speakers Advocacy for East Sac on topics such as homelessness, crime, development projects, and representation.
“Leaving animals on the streets was one of the main complaints,” community member Elyse Mize told Castellanos during the meeting’s public comment period. “If Front Street is not going to accept animals, what else is the 311 operator supposed to say?”
The same is true for unaltered or possibly pregnant felines.
Front Street Manager Phillip Zimmerman calls the shelter a “scary place” where cats can get upper respiratory infections. Animal advocates opposed to Front Street’s policies say cats left on the street face multiple risks, including being hit by cars and multiplying exponentially.
Accepting all stray cats into the shelter and ensuring they are spayed/ neutered are the best ways to combat overpopulation.
Committee Chair Morris asked Castellanos about a “dedicated agent”