The Southeastern Museums Conference is a networking organization that serves to foster professionalism, mutual support, and communication. A non-profit membership association, SEMC strives to increase educational and professional development opportunities and improve the interchange of ideas, information, and cooperation.



The vision of SEMC is to be essential to its members and the broader museum community.
Engineering Philanthropy
Philanthropy doesn’t happen by itself. It has to be engineered. The Compass Group is a national fundraising consulting firm that teaches mission-based organizations to build their capacity for sustainable impact.
Our decades of experience give us perspective. Drawing on our accumulated knowledge and the lessons we’ve learned, we balance the application of art and science. We partner with you to bridge the gap from where you are today to where you want to be, maximizing your ability to unlock the good in people to better the world.



It is an honor to address you once again as your president. I am constantly reminded about how vibrant, engaged, and inclusive our organization is as we work to “meet the moment” for our membership within their careers. As you will learn more about in this report, we have accomplished a great deal in the last year despite the headwinds of economic uncertainty and the lingering effects of the Covid 19 pandemic. In 2023, SEMC was proud to relaunch the Jekyll Island Management Institute (JIMI) and initiated plans for the third Leadership Institute. We also welcomed close to 700 museum professionals to Louisville, Kentucky at our annual meeting and enjoyed a robust slate of events, sessions, and programming. We awarded our first internship through the Handumy Jean Tahan Internship Fund and provided scholarship support to many of our members to assist them with their professional development. Finally, our members enjoyed a robust slate of virtual programs, meet-ups, and social engagements to foster additional networking and social interactions.
Looking forward, your SEMC council will finalize plans for our next strategic plan and will examine additional opportunities to engage our membership in new and inclusive ways. We are also working on new strategies for funding and philanthropy on behalf of our organization as we continue to grow and support our members. We hope you will mark your calendars for the next annual meeting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on October 21–23, 2024. This year’s theme is Museums: InnovateInspire and I look forward to an outstanding conference in Louisiana. Additionally, please plan to participate in one of our monthly virtual programs or social happy hours! We look forward to seeing you as we continue to work to fulfill our mission and support you. I would also like to thank our donors, industry partners, and sponsors for their financial support of SEMC and its programs. This is vital to our continuing success and the growth of our organization.
As SEMC continues to evolve, philanthropy will be a major component of our planning and operations. SEMC is, after all, a non-profit entity and relies solely on the funds raised from our annual meeting, donors, membership, and grants to provide the wonderful programming and professional development that we all enjoy. Let me encourage you to consider supporting SEMC through a financial gift to help us maintain and grow our organizational services now and in the future.

In closing, I would like to thank our outstanding Executive Director, Zinnia Willits, and her team for their tireless work to advance our organization and support our members. I would also like to thank our council, conference, and program committees, and each of our various volunteers for their work. We are indeed fortunate to have this wealth of talent and the future of SEMC remains bright!
I look forward to engaging with each of you as we all work to improve ourselves and our field.
Matthew S. Davis SEMC President Director of Historic Museums Georgia College & State University Milledgeville, GAOUR HISTORY
1951: SEMC was established at a meeting in Norfolk, Virginia. It was agreed that the organization should include the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Virginia. SEMC’s first task was to appoint a committee to get the Southeast included in a Congressional bill to appropriate money to provide places of safe-keeping for museum objects in case of war.
1956: Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia petitioned to join SEMC. The Council suggested they form their own organization, today known as the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums.
1959: First five-year plan and added Arkansas to the SEMC.
1960: Hosted two professional development workshops in North Carolina on museum training and historic house restoration.
1960s: Hired first SEMC staff with $25,000 foundation grant to carry out further training workshops; SEMC urged the American Alliance (formerly Association) of Museums to formulate a museum accreditation program.
1969: SEMC established a three-day annual meeting.
1970s: Local arrangements and program committees were established for the annual meeting; SEMC published a directory of educational resources.
1977: SEMC was officially incorporated; and exhibitors were added to the annual meeting.
1982: Moved the central offices of SEMC to Memphis.
1986: Moved SEMC offices to Baton Rouge.
1992: A full-time Executive Director and a Director of Office and Memberships services had been hired. Shortly after that, SEMC’s endowment was established to promote financial stability.
1996: The JumpStart Program began. This program flourished during the first decade of the 21st century and is now known as the Jekyll Island Management Institute (JIMI), offering an eight-day intensive museum training to museum professionals with two years’ experience or more.
2003: Moved the central offices of SEMC to Atlanta.
2005: SEMC established a Hurricane Katrina grant fund and awarded over $500,000 to museums and museum employees affected by the storm in Mississippi and Louisiana.
2010: SEMC established a partnership with Atlanta History Center where the SEMC office relocated.
2013: SEMC, the five other regional museum associations, and the American Alliance of Museums completed the first National Museum Salary Survey, the only comprehensive study of its kind for our diverse field.
2017: SEMC, the five other regional museum associations, five state museum associations, including Florida and Virginia, and the American Alliance of Museums completed the 2017 National Museum Salary Survey.
2019: With Association of African American Museums and National Association for Interpretation, SEMC co-sponsored NMAAHC’s Interpretation of African American History and Culture Workshop, presented in partnership with the Charleston County Parks and Recreation Commission.
2020: Throughout a year that included a global pandemic, leadership changes and postponement of the 2020 Annual Meeting due to health and safety concerns, SEMC persevered and continued to offer its members connection, communication, and consistency in a new virtual world. 2020 saw the launch of a virtual Leadership Institute: Leading for Today’s Challenges, as well as a successful virtual Program Series that offered over 600 attendees from across the county ongoing professional development in the face of great challenges.
2021: In 2021 SEMC continued to be nimble and pivot to meet the needs of its members during an ongoing pandemic. For the first time in its history, SEMC offered year-round virtual programs and a hybrid 2021 Annual Meeting which provided opportunities for the membership to attend professional training sessions either in-person or via a virtual conference platform (PheedLoop). 2021 also began a year-long evaluation of the Jekyll Island Management Institute which will be offered in 2023 and saw the launch of the Digital Empowerment Project for Small Museums, a nationwide initiative organized by the six U.S. regional museum associations and dedicated to providing free, self-paced training resources for small museums.
2022: 2022 was a transformational year for SEMC — a blending of past, present, and future in terms of operational adjustment and forward movement. In April 2022 SEMC was able to safely offer the Leadership Institute in Charlotte, North Carolina. This in-person launch included stellar faculty guiding a dynamic cohort of 16 individuals committed to peer-to-peer learning focused on empathetic, inclusive leadership in today’s changing world. The summer months of 2022 brought exciting new faces and initiatives to SEMC including the addition of Heather Nowak to the SEMC staff as the organization’s first Program Administrator. SEMC also received an exciting donation to create the Handumy Jean Tahan Internship Fund, which will be a resource to fund paid internships at small museums for years to come. A busy fall included the completion of a multi-year evaluation of the Jekyll Island Management Institute (JIMI) with an open call for instructors
and applicants in preparation for the 2023 relaunch of the program. The 2022 Annual Meeting in Northwest Arkansas brought over 400 SEMC members together to network and learn how museums in the southeast are “Exhibiting Change.”
2023: In January 2023 SEMC was able to successfully relaunch the Jekyll Island Management Institute on Jekyll Island, Georgia after a two-year pause for evaluation during the pandemic. JIMI2023 included 17 stellar instructors guiding a dynamic cohort of 16 individuals committed to peer-to-peer learning. The refreshed curriculum focused on broadening the participants understanding of museum operations and current best practices of visitor-facing and behind-the-scenes work in museums incorporating diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion, and the use of technology into all subjects. 2023 also saw continued focus on year-round professional development through monthly virtual programming. Through an application process, SEMC was able to offer the first stipend from the Handumy Jean Tahan Internship Fund, to support a paid internship at the Opelousas Museum and Interpretive Center in Opelousas, Louisiana. A busy fall included opening the application period for the 2024 Leadership Institute and preparation and oversight of the 2023 Annual Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky that brought almost 700 SEMC members together to network and learn around the theme, “Truth Builds Community.”
Now: In the coming year, SEMC will continue to produce monthly virtual programs that offer professional development on topics ranging from the use of artificial intelligence in museums to mentoring and career development to discussion of the American Alliance of Museums national accreditation program. We are excited to strengthen existing partnerships and form new ones, including continued collaboration on Launchpad programming with the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries geared toward student populations and emerging museum professionals. Other initiatives coming up in 2024 include the third SEMC Leadership Institute, a second round of applications for the Handumy Jean Tahan Internship Fund, the application period for instructors and cohort of the 2025 Jekyll Island Management Institute, and of course SEMC2024 in Baton Rouge. The SEMC staff and Council will also complete work on the organization’s next Strategic Plan.
“There were two parts that have stayed with me from SEMC2023. The first was how the message from the plenary panel was repeated and echoed throughout many of the sessions and presentations the following days. “Hush and listen” resonated with all of us, and it’s something I’ve taken back with me as a reminder to continue the work now that I’m back home. The second was how important a regional conference is for learning, working, and growing; the problems discussed along with the recommended solutions were immediately relevant, no cut and paste needed, and I really valued all of the lessons learned over those few days. I can’t wait to meet up with my new SEMC friends next year to see what’s new.”

In January 2020, SEMC launched its 2020–2023 Impact Plan which laid out a vision and operational road map for the coming years. Building on a solid foundation, this Plan was created through working sessions with SEMC Council, stakeholders, and strategic planning facilitators, and has offered thoughtful direction through the historic global pandemic of 2020–2022. While the overall goals remained the same, these challenging years necessitated adjustment to many of the strategies outlined in the Plan to meet the moment for SEMC members.
The SEMC Council began work on the next strategic plan in fall 2023. This work is being facilitated by Robert Bull of The Compass Group and has involved SEMC staff, Council members and past SEMC leadership in the discussions as well as input from the SEMC general membership and industry partners. The Council looks forward to sharing an evolved strategy that will guide our organization through the coming years (2025–2027) as SEMC moves toward its 75th anniversary in 2026.
Impact: SEMC members at all stages of their career find professional support and camaraderie from peer-to-peer networking and learning opportunities that provide meaningful connection, a means to deepen their knowledge of museums and strengthen their practice and skills and a platform to promote and support equity and diversity and lift fellow SEMC members.
Organizational Focus: Advance and encourage a diverse membership of individuals, museums, and Council leaders.

During the past year, staff and leadership worked hard to keep the SEMC mission and vision primary as we continued to make necessary adjustments, engage the membership through various methods of communication, and produce quality professional development programs and publications to acknowledge the ongoing challenges and successes museums are experiencing across our region.
Southeastern Museums Conference (SEMC) continued to navigate operational adjustments in 2023 due to longer-term impacts of the COVID19 pandemic and the natural progression of the organizational life cycle. Over these past years, SEMC has been nimble in its approach to member engagement, professional programming, networking (both virtual and in-person), and communication methods that span many digital platforms. 2023 was both a successful and challenging year for the Southeastern Museums Conference. The pace was fast and often filled with the ongoing uncertainties of the post-pandemic world. SEMC staff and leadership continued to focus on improving how we operate, communicate, support, gather and sustain, and we persevered.
We are pleased to share the following reflection on all SEMC accomplished as a professional organization in 2023. The SEMC staff, leadership, members, member museums, and industry
partners are strong, creative, and agile, and continue to show resilience, empathy, and determination to enact necessary changes to keep the field relevant, connected, and supportive of the communities they serve.
At the outset of 2023, COVID-19 finally shifted from the pandemic phase of unhindered spread of an infectious disease, to the endemic chapter of the coronavirus. As such, SEMC was able to confidently return to in-person programs including the 2023 Jekyll Island Management Institute and a robust Annual Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky. While it was wonderful to gather without fear of serious health risks, adjustments made during the challenging pandemic years continued to inspire SEMC staff and leadership to provide professional development opportunities throughout the year in the form of virtual programs and gatherings

Staying connected and engaged during the early days of pandemic isolation was so important, and SEMC resolved to continue monthly virtual programs (now part of our operational model) to bring the southeast museum community together and offer professional learning opportunities from the convenience of home or office. Year-round virtual programs further encourage peer-to-peer learning and camaraderie that is a hallmark of SEMC.
Accessible online training has become essential to SEMC’s mission; producing quality program offerings involves considerable time and expense for production and costs related to technology upgrades, accessibility, marketing, and event management. Operating support from SEMC partners will
continue to be critical to the continued success and execution of SEMC in-person and virtual programming.
In 2023 SEMC produced 11 virtual programs in collaboration with museum professionals from across the region that received over 600 views of the recordings. We also increased participation from non-members willing to pay nominal registration fees to access our content. Cultivation of virtual program attendees has been integrated into SEMC’s membership strategy.
SEMC continued The Launchpad series in partnership with the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries. The 2023 series included
a resume matching/review component as well as two virtual programs (Finding Your Seat: Assessing Organizational Culture and Building a Team Culture) that addressed career development for emerging museum professionals. SEMC/AAMG will continue this collaboration in 2024.
Our teams designed and produced a 2023 Annual Meeting that provided:
• 62 professional sessions, 3 workshops, a plenary session and a general session held at The Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky, and several off-site locations. Sessions were divided into tracks including Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Education, Collections, Curatorial, Fundraising/Development, Leadership/ Administration, Technology, Exhibits, Emerging Museum Professionals, and Career Development.
• The 2023 Keynote address by Dr. Kevin W. Cosby, President of Simmons College of Kentucky, was well attended and live streamed to Facebook for virtual viewing. The recording is now available on the SEMC website.
• The PheedLoop platform was accessible to all SEMC2023 attendees to gather, post, network, and find the most up-to-date information on session locations, presenters, and times. PheedLoop email blasts noted any schedule changes and communicated announcements about transportation, food offerings, and the 2023 Expo Hall. Additionally, the PheedLoop Go! app provided attendees with access to up-to-date conference information from their phones.
• 57 companies that provide services to museums were represented in the 2023 Expo Hall and included representatives from NEH, IMLS and AASLH.
• SEMC2023 publication contest winners and Student Work in Museums poster projects were highlighted at the Annual Meeting and 2023 saw the relaunch of the Silent Auction.
• Attendees enjoyed evening events at different Louisville museums and sites including the Frazier History Museum, Evan Williams Bourbon Experience, E &S Gallery, Louisville Slugger Museum, Muhammad Ali Center, 21C Museum Hotel, KMAC Contemporary Art Museum, the Conrad-Caldwell House Museum, Speed Art Museum and Kentucky Derby Museum. Additionally, sites including the Waterfront Botanical Gardens, Filson Historical Society, American Saddlebred Museum, International Museum of the Horse, Carnegie Center for Art and History, Falls of the Ohio Interpretive Center, Historic Locust Grove, and Town Clock Church welcomed SEMC attendees for special excursions both pre- and post-conference.
• We offered walking and running tours of downtown Louisville as well as a bus tour of the City’s historic West End neighborhoods, a pre-conference workshop on community engagement organized by the Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum and Reckoning with Our Racial Past initiative, and a volunteer opportunity for collections professionals to participate in a Handson-Help project at Riverside, the FarnsleyMoremen Landing.
• The SEMC Council came together in Louisville to work on the next strategic plan with Robert Bull of the Compass Group. SEMC2023 also saw the continuation of a dynamic roundtable discussion with Leadership Award recipients and Table Talk, a memorable evening session with direct conversation between a diverse group of participants that was important, necessary, and hopeful in terms of how our attendees interact as a SEMC community. The event was held at the E&S Gallery in Louisville’s West End.
• Michael Lachowski from the Georgia Museum of Art volunteered his time as the official SEMC2023 photographer and created an album of SEMC2023 memories accessible to all.

• The 2023 Annual Meeting featured 200 speakers representing all types and sizes of museums, facets of the field, and career levels.
• Attendees filled out an evaluation form for each session via a QR code thereby allowing SEMC2023 to be an almost paperless event. A post-conference evaluation was sent to all attendees. Data captured informs future sessions and assists the 2024 Annual Meeting planning and SEMC Program Committee work.
• SEMC2023 included comprehensive American Sign Language services to ensure a positive conference experience for attendees with hearing impairments.
• SEMC awarded 11 Travel Scholarships to cover the costs of Annual Meeting registration and travel expenses. 5 Registration Scholarships were also
awarded to participants of the Utopia Project PreConference Workshop through generous support from the Smithsonian Reckoning with our Racial Past (RWORP) initiative. In addition, we offered 21 reduced-rate registrations to those committing to at least three volunteer hours during the conference.
• The SEMC2023 Annual Meeting had a total of 681 registrants.
In 2023, collaborating with Council leadership, SEMC staff facilitated the successful relaunch of the Jekyll Island Management Institute. The program, which ran from January 17-24, 2023, on Jekyll Island Georgia was organized in partnership with the Jekyll

Island Authority (via donated session space) and support from Smithsonian Reckoning with Our Racial Past initiative and the National Museum of African American History and Culture – Office of Strategic Partnerships. Participants included 16 instructors and a facilitator, chosen from a pool of 50 applicants by a Selection Committee. Using a transparent evaluation system, a second JIMI Selection Committee narrowed a pool of 40 applicants to a diverse cohort of 16 individuals interested in filling knowledge gaps in museum management. Both instructors and cohort utilized the PheedLoop platform for sharing Institute materials and schedules.
The relaunch of the 2023 Jekyll Island Management Institute was a success due to purposeful, organized planning, an on-site location conducive to recharging, reflection and networking, talented and dynamic instructors, generous and encouraging supporters, Council

leadership and partners and an amazing and diverse cohort. The next Jekyll Island Management Institute will be offered in January 2025. As firsttime JIMI Administrators, SEMC staff learned the realities of running this in-person program with many moving parts and a budget based on 2023 realities. Revenue and expenses can now be planned more accurately for future Institutes. Robust sponsorship, grants and partner support will be critical to sustainability of the program as will additional scholarships and travel stipends for future attendees. Using feedback from JIMI2023 and input and guidance from partner organizations and programs such as the Smithsonian’s Ethical Interpretation Workshop, as well as continued evaluation, consideration, focus on DEAI and sustainability of resources, JIMI will continue into its next twenty years with vigor, relevance and enthusiasm for the curriculum, the expertise of the instructors and the value of cohort-based networking and learning.
In summer 2023 SEMC opened a call for applications for the 2024 Leadership Institute set to run from April 7–12, 2024, at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky.
The program and curriculum were developed in partnership with the Association of African American Museums with additional support from the National Museum of African American History and Culture Office of Strategic Partnerships (NMAAHCOSP). The 2024 Institute Cohort was thoughtfully reviewed and selected by the Leadership Institute Selection Committee. All three Leadership Institute faculty will return for the 2024 program.
• In 2023 SEMC staff facilitated hybrid Council and Program Committee mid-year meetings in Louisville, Kentucky. At the mid-year meeting, the Council participated in an afternoon session with
Robert Bull, President of the Compass Group, to discuss effective communication among SEMC staff and Council leadership.
• Many SEMC members participated in 2023 Museum Advocacy Day with representation from most southeastern states.
• This year SEMC continued to offer monthly virtual happy hours for members to drop in, relax and laugh with friends (old and new) from across the region.
• In 2023, SEMC was the recipient of generous funding from the following partners to support programming (Virtual, JIMI, Leadership Institute, Annual Meeting) and general operations:
– Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation – National Museum of African American History and Culture – Office of Strategic Partnerships
– Smithsonian Our Shared Future, Reckoning with our Racial Past inititative – Kentucky Humanities
• In 2022 SEMC was the recipient of a $20,000 gift to create the Handumy Jean Tahan Internship Fund to offer financial assistance to small museums in support of paid internships. This Fund continued to grow in 2023 and received over $5,000 in new donations. This past summer the Fund produced its first $1,000 stipend (through an application process) that was awarded to the Opelousas Museum and Interpretive Center in Opelousas, Louisiana to support a paid internship devoted to the creation of a tour guidebook for volunteers and employees.
• In 2023 SEMC received monetary gifts (ranging from $25 to $5,000) toward various programs, endowments, and operations from 30+ individuals generating over $15,000 in individual support. In December 2023, SEMC announced the Council
Cup Challenge, encouraging individual members to support the organization through monetary gifts and lead their state to win the Council Cup. This initiative produced genrous giving over a short period with North Carolina emerging as the winner of the 2023 Council Cup.
• In 2023 SEMC offered three paid internship opportunities (sponsored by SEMC industry partners) to engage college students from Spelman College and Georgia College in the inner workings of running a museum professional organization. In addition, SEMC was offered the opportunity to host a full-time summer intern with funding provided through the Art History and Curatorial Studies Collective at Atlanta University. SEMC’s paid internship opportunities will continue in 2024.
• Throughout the year SEMC staff engaged more than 30 volunteers from across the region in projects from creating virtual programming to assisting with registration preparation and on-site work at the 2023 Annual Meeting.
• This fall SEMC added three new Council members with a wealth of experience who will continue to strengthen and diversify SEMC leadership.
• This past summer, the SEMC Council participated in the third SEMC Council Demographic SelfStudy. The data captured in this internal exercise assisted the Nomination Committee in the ongoing development of a Council that reflects diverse viewpoints, backgrounds, skills, experiences, and expertise. By completing this survey, Council members affirmed commitment to equity, transparency, and creating a representative leadership base. The purpose of the survey was to capture a snapshot of the demographics of the current SEMC Council and acknowledge that everyone brings personal and professional

contacts and life experience to SEMC, placing the organization in a stronger position to plan, manage risk, make prudent decisions, and take full advantage of opportunities. A diverse Council helps to attract and retain other talented Council members — and be in touch with the needs of the SEMC membership.
• Over the fall of 2023, SEMC transitioned its payroll and human resource services (including all benefits) away from the Atlanta History Center. SEMC is now part of Group Management Services (GMS); all payroll, HR and staff benefits (health, dental, vision and retirement) are under GMS. SEMC maintains its professional services arrangement with the Atlanta History Center for office space and financial oversight/controls.
In 2023 SEMC staff produced a 2022 Annual Report, three editions (Winter/Spring, Summer, and Fall) of Inside SEMC, a monthly E-Newsletter, targeted emails to the membership, monthly acknowledgments
of member birthdays and multiple special E-News communications to launch and promote various programs. In addition, SEMC staff maintain consistent social media postings and engagement across all platforms.
• Working with both Goosepen Studio and Press and Banks Creative, SEMC continued to enhance its branding with professionally designed marketing materials and graphics to ensure that SEMC offerings are easily recognizable.
• This year we highlighted the terrific work of 12 emerging and mid-career museum professionals in the SEMC Ones to Watch program.
The coming years will bring new challenges to SEMC regarding capacity, revenue generation and diversification, and sustainability. Through purposeful strategic planning and member engagement, SEMC will continue to navigate the challenges and remain nimble and ready to meet
the moment and assist the southeast museum community in finding opportunities for positive change and forward movement.
In October 2024, the SEMC membership will convene at The Hilton Capitol Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for the 2024 Annual Meeting (October 21–23). After a successful return to precovid attendance numbers at the 2023 conference we are anticipating another robust gathering in Baton Rouge. An opening plenary session (set for Monday, October 21) will engage panelists in a moderated discussion related to the 2024 conference theme, Museums: Innovate/Inspire and center attendees within the spaces, culture, and communities of Baton Rouge. Purposefully developed by the Baton Rouge local arrangements team, the theme focuses on innovation and inspiration. How should museums move forward in a rapidly changing world? How can staff continue to inspire visitors, donors, and a changing workforce? We are excited for attendees to continue to engage in direct dialogue, networking, and professional growth and development next fall in Baton Rouge.
In 2024, SEMC will continue to provide monthly virtual professional development offerings for members. Online programs will remain free for SEMC members with the help of industry partner sponsorships and support.
In addition to the forthcoming 2024 Leadership Institute (April 7–12, Louisville, Kentucky), other exciting projects for 2024 include completion of SEMC’s next strategic plan with Robert Bull of the Compass Group and a mid-year session for the SEMC Council focused on fundraising facilitated by Dave Paule of Our Fundraising Search. This spring/ summer applications will open for instructors and cohort members of the 2025 Jekyll Island Institute and there will be another call for member institutions to submit applications for internship support from the Handumy Jean Tahan Internship Fund.
SEMC staff and stakeholders are committed to stabilizing finances and ensuring a sustainable relevant professional organization. SEMC has strong leadership, dedicated staff, and a loyal membership. We have gained considerable experience in planning for and navigating the adjustments needed to manage events, professional networking, learning and engagement during times of disruption. Generous funding from many SEMC partners including the Smithsonian Reckoning With our Racial Past, National Museum of African American History and Culture – Office of Strategic Partnerships, Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation and the Association of African American Museums has helped us through several difficult and transitional years, providing critical support to move the organization toward a sustainable future. SEMC is grateful for these partnerships. Staff and leadership will continue to work hard to strategize and enact action steps that will benefit all SEMC members and support the mission and vision by strengthening museums and museum professionals in the southeast to build a more equitable future through education and creative collaborations that connect organizations to diverse communities and spark positive, inclusive change.
It is essential for museums to continue to adapt to the current realities and think ahead to building a fundamentally different future. As recent years have taught us, change can come quickly and powerfully. SEMC will be a resource as members continue to evolve, build a more equitable future for the field, and recognize this unique period in our shared history as a time that calls us to bring our best. I am proud of our SEMC community and its collective resilience as we continue to recover from pandemic challenges and grateful for all our members and partners.
Zinnia Willits SEMC Executive DirectorWHAT WAS THE BEST PART OF SEMC2023?
“SEMC was a profoundly fulfilling journey for me, emphasized by the masterfully curated sessions that delved into engaging, relevant and thought-provoking topics. Beyond the rich content, what stood out was the immense kindness exhibited by every person that I met. As a first-time SEMC participant, the heightened sense of connectivity opened up the vast and welcoming nature of this community.”
National Museum of African American History and Culture – Office of Strategic Partnerships (General Conference Support)
Our Shared Future: Reckoning with our Racial Past (General Conference Support, Pre-Conference Workshop)
Solid Light (Lanyards, Plenary Session, Keynote Address, Evening Events)
The Compass Group (Directors Luncheon and Reception)
Donna Lawrence Productions (Evening Events)
Odyssey Preservation Software (Directors Luncheon and Reception)
Our Fundraising Search (Expo Receptions)
Risk Strategies (Directors Luncheon and Reception)
Atelier 4 (Conference Tote Bags)
Communications Electronic Design (Evening Events)
Charityproud (Expo Receptions)
Crozier Fine Arts (Awards Luncheon)
Donorly (Table Talk)
DLR Group (Education Session Track)
Kentucky Historical Society (Expo Receptions and Evening Events)
Louisville Tourism (Evening Events)
Riggs Ward (Expo Receptions) Signarama (Evening Events/Printing)
Bonsai Fine Arts (Conference T-Shirt)
ERCO Lighting, Inc. (Expo Receptions)
E & S Gallery (Table Talk)
Kentucky Humanities (American Sign Language Services)
Kentucky Museum & Heritage Alliance (Evening Events)
KNBA Architects (Evening Events)
The Design Minds, Inc. (Expo Receptions) USA Image (Opening Coffee Break)
Warner Museums (Expo Receptions)
Your Part-Time Controller (Expo Receptions)
American Printing House for the Blind (Evening Events)
Riverside: The Farnsley-Moremen Landing (HHMAG Hands-On-Help)
South Union Shaker Village (Plenary Session)
21c Museum Hotel
American Saddlebred Museum, Lexington, KY
Anacostia Community Museum, Washington, DC
Carnegie Center for Art and History, New Albany, IN
Conrad-Caldwell House Museum, Louisville, KY
E & S Gallery, Louisville, KY
Evan Williams Bourbon Experience, Louisville, KY
Falls of the Ohio Interpretive Center, Clarksville, IN
Frazier History Museum
Historic Locust Grove, Louisville, KY
Kentucky Derby Museum, Louisville, KY
Kentucky Science Center, Louisville, KY
KMAC Contemporary Art Museum, Louisville, KY
Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory, Louisville, KY
Louisville WaterWorks Museum and Crescent Hill Reservoir, Louisville, KY
Muhammad Ali Center, Louisville, KY
Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing, Louisville, KY
Speed Art Museum, Louisville, KY
Smithsonian Our Shared Future, Reckoning with our Racial Past Initiative, Washington, DC
The Filson Historical Society, Louisville, KY
The International Museum of the Horse, Lexington, KY
Town Clock Church, New Albany, IN
Waterfront Botanical Gardens, Louisville, KY
1220 Exhibits
Art Display Essentials, a 10-31 Company
American Association of State and Local History
Art Sentry
Available Light
Boston Productions, Inc
Case Auctions
Charityproud (Silver Sponsor)
Cinebar Productions
Collector Systems, LLC
Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts
Crozier Fine Arts (Silver Sponsor)
Delta Designs
Donorly (Silver Sponsor)
Dorfman Museum Figures, Inc.
E & S Gallery (Bronze Sponsor)
ERCO Lighting, Inc. (Bronze Sponsor)
Exhibit Concepts, Inc.
Gaylord Archival
Goosepen Studio & Press
Glasbau Hahn America LLC
HealyKohler Design
Hollinger Metal Edge
HW Exhibits
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Interactive Knowledge
Kentucky Museums Heritage Alliance (Bronze Sponsor)
MBA Design & Display Products, Inc.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Odyssey Preservation Software (Gold Sponsor)
Patterson Pope
Porter Art Services
Relative Scale
Re:discovery Software, Inc.
Riggs Ward Design (Silver Sponsor)
Risk Strategies (Gold Sponsor)
Shibui Design
Solid Light, Inc. (Platinum Sponsor)
Southern Custom Exhibits of Alabama, Inc.
Studio Art Quilt Associates
The Design Minds, Inc. (Bronze Sponsor)
TourMate Transformit
Universal Fiber Optic Lighting
USA Image (Bronze Sponsor)
Warner Museums (Bronze Sponsor)
Willis Towers Watson
Your Part-Time Controller (Bronze Sponsor)
Hutchinson Design Group (SEMC Internship Stiped)
Bonsai Fine Art (SEMC2023 #Truth Builds Community T-shirts)
Solid Light (Plenary Session Sponsors)
“SEMC always provides an excellent look at the museum profession as a whole. Being able to see what other institutions are doing well, where we struggle as an industry, and the best ways to persevere and move forward are perennial highlights of the SEMC Annual meeting. Personally, the opportunity to see colleagues from around the region and discuss the good, bad, and ugly of our own jobs, lives, etc. is the most edifying part of the meeting.”
“Making connections with museum peers experiencing similar challenges during sessions. I learn more from talking to others than listening to a lecture so the participatory sessions were very helpful.”

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• Customized reports
• Data migration services
• Controlled vocabularies; built-in Nomenclature, AAT, ULAN, ITIS
• 130 User-Defined Fields
• Location history and barcoding
• Loans and Exhibitions
• Crates and Shipping
• Entry, Exit, and Movements
• Accession and Deaccession
American Printing House for the Blind/ The Dot Experience
Atelier 4
Bonsai Fine Art
Charity Proud Communications Electronic Design
Design Minds
DLR Group
Donna Lawrence Productions
Erco Lighting
E & S Gallery
Kentucky Historical Society
Kentucky Humanities
Kentucky Museum and Heritage Alliance
KNBA Architects
Louisville Tourism
National Museum of African American History and Culture – Office of Strategic Partnerships
Smithsonian, Our Shared Future: Reckoning with our Racial Past
Solid Light
Solomon Group
South Union Shaker Village
Our Fundraising Search
Odyssey by History IT Risk Strategies
Riverside: The Farnsley-Moreman Landing
Riggs Ward Design
The Compass Group USA Image
Warner Museums
Your Part-Time Controller
Matthew Davis
Danielle Hatch
Heather Nowak
Ashleigh Oatts
Michael (Scott) Warren
Anonymous donation in honor of Graig Shaak
George Bassi
Charles (Tom) Butler
David Butler
Mary Hauser
Michael Hudson
Elise LeCompte
Darcie MacMahon
Nathan Moehlmann

Rosalind Martin
Doug Noble
Willam Paul, Jr.
Graig Shaak
Robert and Nancy Sullivan
Kristen Miller Zohn
Zinnia Willits
Scott Alvey
Anonymous Donation in memory of Mr. Eddie Davis in honor of his son, Matthew Davis
Rebecca Bush
Matthew Davis
Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation
Hutchinson Design Group
Kentucky Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Christa McCay
Heather Nowak
Lauren Pacheco
Catherine Pears
Susan Perry
Michelle Schulte
Michael Scott
Deborah Rose Van Horn
Ahmad Ward
Heather Marie Wells
Lance Wheeler
Crystal Wimer
Tafeni English
National Museum of African American History and Culture – Office of Strategic Partnerships
Smithsonian, Our Shared Future: Reckoning with our Racial Past
Rebecca Bush
Elise LeCompte
Joy Tahan Ruddell
Joshua Whitfield
Elise LeCompte
Angie Albright
Anonymous donation in memory of Emma Delean Taylor in honor of her daughter, Deitrah Taylor
21c Museum Hotel Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery, Fort Pierce, Florida
Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts/ AEIVA, Birmingham, Alabama
Adsmore Museum, Princeton, Kentucky
Aiken County Historical Museum, Aiken, South Carolina
Alabama African American Civil Rights Heritage Sites Consortium, Birmingham, Alabama
Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Alabama
Alabama Music Hall of Fame, Tuscumbia, Alabama
Albany Museum of Art, Albany, Georgia
Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria, Louisiana
Altama Museum, Vidalia, Georgia
Anderson County Museum, Anderson, South Carolina
Andrew Jackson Foundation, Nashville, Tennessee
Andrew Low House Museum, Savannah, Georgia
Anniston Museum of Natural History, Anniston, Alabama
Appalachian State University Turchin Center for the Visual Arts, Boone, North Carolina
Appleton Museum of Art, Ocala, Florida
Arkansas Air and Military Museum, Fayetteville, Arkansas
Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts, Little Rock, Arkansas
Arkansas National Guard Museum, North Little Rock, Arkansas
Arkansas State Parks, Little Rock, Arkansas
Arlington Historic House, Birmingham, Alabama
Art Bridges, Bentonville, Arkansas
Art Center Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida
Art Museum of the University of Memphis (AMUM), Memphis, Tennessee
Artis–Naples, The Baker Museum, Naples, Florida
Asheville Art Museum, Asheville, North Carolina
Atlanta History Center, Atlanta Georgia
Attleboro Area Industrial Museum, Attleboro, Massachusetts
Augusta Museum of History, Augusta, Georgia
Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia
Bandy Heritage Center for Northwest Georgia, Dalton, Georgia
Bartow History Museum, Cartersville, Georgia
Baton Rouge Gallery – Center for Contemporary Art, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Beaches Museum, Jacksonville Beach, Florida
Bechtler Museum of Modern Art, Charlotte, North Carolina
Belle Meade Historic Site & Winery, Nashville, Tennessee
Berkeley County Museum, Moncks Corner, South Carolina
Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art, Kennesaw, Georgia
Bessie Smith Cultural Center, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Biblical History Center, LaGrange, Georgia
Billy Graham Library, Charlotte, North Carolina
Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, Alabama
Birthplace of Country Music Museum, Bristol, Tennessee
Blowing Rock Art & History Museum, Blowing Rock, North Carolina
Booth Western Art Museum, Carterville, Georgia
Boyle County Public Library, Danville, KY
C.Williams Rush Museum of African-American Arts & Culture, Kingstree, South Carolina
Caldwell Heritage Museum, Lenoir, North Carolina
Calhoun County Museum, St. Matthews, South Carolina
Calico Rock Community Foundation, Calico Rock, Arkansas
Cameron Art Museum, Wilmington, North Carolina
Cape Fear Museum, Wilmington, North Carolina
Carnegie Center for Art and History, New Albany, Indiana
Carnegie Visual Arts Center, Decatur, Alabama
Carter-Coile Country Doctors Museum, Winterville, Georgia
Catawba Science Center, Hickory, North Carolina
Center for Puppetry Arts, Atlanta, Georgia
Charlotte Museum of History, Charlotte, North Carolina
Cheekwood, Nashville, Tennessee
Chieftains Museum/Major Ridge Home, Rome, Georgia
Children’s Hands on Museum, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio
City of Raleigh - Historic Resources & Museum Program, Raleigh, North Carolina
Clemson Area African American Museum, Clemson, South Carolina
Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina
Clemson University’s Bob Campbell Geology Museum, Clemson, South Carolina
Coastal Georgia Historical Society, St. Simons Island, Georgia
Columbia Museum of Art, Columbia, South Carolina
Computer Museum of America, Roswell, Georgia
Conrad-Caldwell House Museum, Louisville, Kentucky
Cook Museum of Natural Science, Decatur, Alabama
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, Nashville, Tennessee
Creative Liberties Artist Studios & Galleries, Sarasota, Florida
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas
Culture & Heritage Museums, Rock Hill, South Carolina
Customs House Museum and Cultural Center, Clarksville, Tennessee
Dade Heritage Trust, Miami, Florida
Daura Gallery – University of Lynchburg, Lynchburg, Virginia
David J. Sencer CDC Museum, Atlanta, Georgia
DeKalb History Center, Decatur, Georgia
Delta Cultural Center, Helena, AR
Department of Historic Museums, Georgia College, Milledgeville, Georgia
Discovery Park of America, Inc., Union City, Tennessee
Doris Ulmann Galleries and Berea College Art Collection, Berea, Kentucky
Drayton Hall, Charleston, South Carolina
Dunedin Fine Art Center, Dunedin, Florida
Earl Scruggs Center, Shelby, North Carolina
East Tennessee Historical Society, Knoxville, Tennessee
Edisto Island Open Land Trust, Edisto Island, South Carolina
Eleanor D. Wilson Museum at Hollins University, Roanoke, Virginia
Finger Lakes Boating Museum, Hammondsport, New York
Florence County Museum, Florence, South Carolina
Florida CraftArt, St. Petersburg, Florida
Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, Florida
Folk Pottery Museums of NE GA, Sautee Nacoochee Cultural Center, Sautee Nacoochee, Georgia

Loudoun Museum, Leesburg, Virginia
Louisiana Art & Science Museum, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana
Louisiana State University Museum of Art, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Louisiana State University Textile & Costume Museum, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Louisiana’s Old State Capitol, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Louisville Water Tower / Louisville Water, Louisville, Kentucky
Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
LSU Rural Life Museum, Baton Rouge, LA
Magnolia Mound Plantation, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Maier Museum of Art, Randolph College, Lynchburg, Virginia
Mandarin Museum & Historical Society, Jacksonville, Florida
Marietta Museum of History, Marietta, Georgia
Marietta/Cobb Museum of Art, Marietta, Georgia
Marine Corps Museum Parris Island, Parris Island, South Carolina
Maritime Museum Louisiana, Madisonville, Louisiana
Marlboro County Museum, Bennettsville, SC
Matheson History Museum, Gainesville, Florida
McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture, Knoxville TN
Memorial Hall Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana
Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis, Tennessee
Mennello Museum of American Art, Orlando, Florida
Michael C. Carlos Museum of Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
Middleton Place Foundation, Charleston, South Carolina
Mint Museum, Charlotte, North Carolina
Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum, Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Arts and Entertainment Experience, Meridian, Mississippi
Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Industrial Heritage Museum, Inc., Meridian, Mississippi
Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, J ackson, Mississippi
Mobile Museum of Art, Mobile, Alabama
MOCA Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, Alabama
Morris Center for Lowcountry Heritage, Ridgeland, South Carolina
Morris Museum of Art, Augusta, Georgia
Morse Museum of American Art, Winter Park, Florida
Mosaic Templars Cultural, Little Rock, Arkansas
Mosaic, Jekyll Island Museum, Jekyll Island, Georgia
MoSH (Museum of Science and History) - Pink Palace, Memphis, Tennessee
Muscarelle Museum of Art, Williamsburg, Virginia
Museo de Arte de Ponce, Ponce , Puerto Rico
Museum & Gallery at Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC
Museum Center at 5ive Points, Cleveland, Tennessee
Museum of Art – DeLand, DeLand, Florida
Museum of Arts & Sciences, Daytona Beach, Florida
Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami, North Miami, Florida
Museum of Design Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia
Museum of Durham History, Durham, North Carolina
Museum of the American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, Kentucky
Museum of the Cherokee Indian, Cherokee, North Carolina
Museum of the Mississippi Delta, Greenwood, Mississippi
Museum of the Shenandoah Valley, Winchester, Virginia
Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience, New Orleans, Louisiana
Myriad Training and Consulting, Gainesville, Florida
National Center for Civil and Human Rights, Atlanta, Georgia
National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis, Tennessee
National Museum of the Marine Corps, Triangle, Virginia
National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, Pooler, Georgia
National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Louisville, Kentucky
National Sporting Library & Museum, Middleburg, Virginia
NC Division of State Historic Sites and Properties, Kinston, North Carolina
NELA Delta African American Heritage Museum, Monroe, LA
New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, Louisiana
Newcomb Art Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana
North Carolina American Indian Heritage Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina
North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, North Carolina
North Carolina Museum of History, Raleigh, North Carolina
Northeast Document Conservation Center, Andover, Massachusetts
Northeast Georgia History Center, Gainesville, Georgia
Oak Alley Foundation, Vacherie, Louisiana
Office of Historic Alexandria, Alexandria, Virginia
Oglethorpe University Museum of Art (OUMA), Atlanta, Georgia
Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art, Biloxi, Mississippi
Old State House Museum, Little Rock, Arkansas
Opelousas Museum and Interpretive Center, Opelousas, Louisiana
Orange County Regional History Center, Orlando, Florida
Orlando Museum of Art, Inc, Orlando, Florida
Patrick Henry Memorial Foundation, Brookneal, Virginia
Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Pinellas County Historical Society/Heritage Village, Largo, Florida
Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Florida
Posada Art Foundation, San Francisco, California
President James K. Polk State Historic Site/ NC Dept of Natural & Cultural Resources, Pineville, North Carolina
Reynolda House Museum of American Art, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
River Discovery Center, Paducah, Kentucky
Robert C. Williams Museum of Papermaking, Atlanta, Georgia
Rogers Historical Museum, Rogers, Arkansas
Roots 101
Salem Museum & Historical Society, Salem, Virginia
Sarasota Art Museum, Sarasota, Florida
Savannah River Site Museum, Aiken, South Carolina
SC Confederate Relic Room & Museum, Columbia, South Carolina
SCAD FASH Museum of Fashion + Film, Atlanta, Georgia
Schiele Museum, Gastonia, North Carolina
Scott Family Amazeum, Bentonville, Arkansas
Shiloh Museum of Ozark History, Springdale, Arkansas
Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center, Fort Myers, Florida
South Carolina Military Museum, Columbia, South Carolina
South Carolina State Museum, Columbia, South Carolina
South Union Shaker Village, Auburn, Kentucky
Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery, Alabama
Spalding County Our Legacy Museum, Griffin, Georgia
Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia
Spotsylvania County Museum, Fredericksburg, Virginia
SQT Museum, Carrollton, Georgia
Sumter County Museum, Sumter, South Carolina
Swannanoa Valley Museum, Black Mountain, North Carolina
Swope Art Museum, Terre Haute, Indiana
Tampa Baseball Museum at the Al Lopez House, Tampa, Florida
Tampa Bay History Center, Tampa, Florida
Tampa Museum of Art, Inc., Tampa, Florida
Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, Virginia
Telfair Museums, Savannah, Georgia
Tellus Science Museum, Cartersville, Georgia
Tennessee River Museum, Savannah, Tennessee
Tennessee State Museum, Nashville, Tennessee
Texas Historical Commission, Austin, Texas
The Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach, Florida
The Charleston Museum, Charleston, South Carolina
The Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Virginia
The Columbus Museum, Columbus, Georgia
The Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens, Jacksonville, Florida
The Dixon Gallery & Gardens, Memphis, Tennessee
The Ewing Gallery of Art + Architecture, Knoxville, Tennessee
The Filson Historical Society, Louisville, Kentucky
The Florida Holocaust Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida
The Fralin Museum of Art at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
The Guntersville Museum, Guntersville, Alabama
The Mitford Museum, Hudson, North Carolina
The Museum, Greenwood, South Carolina
The National WWII Museum, New Orleans, LA
The Parthenon, Nashville, Tennessee
The Ralph Foster Museum, Point Lookout, Missouri
The Speed Museum, Louisville, Kentucky
The Wolfsonian – FIU, Miami Beach, Florida
Thomas County Historical Society, Thomasville, Georgia
Thronateeska Heritage Foundation, Inc., Albany, Georgia
Torggler Fine Arts Center, Newport News, Virginia
Tryon Palace, New Bern, North Carolina
Tubman Museum, Macon, Georgia
Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site (National Park Service), Tuskegee Institute, Alabama
Union County Heritage Museum, New Albany, Mississippi
University of Alabama Museums, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
University of Richmond Museums, Richmond, Virginia
University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, Florida
Upcountry History Museum–Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina
Virginia Beach History Museums, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia
Virginia Museum of Transportation, Roanoke, Virginia
Vollis Simpson Whirligig Park and Museum, Wilson, NC
Walter Anderson Museum of Art, Ocean Springs, Mississippi
Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia
Waterworks Visual Arts Center, Salisbury, North Carolina
Watson-Brown Foundation, Inc., Thomson, Georgia
Weatherspoon Art Museum UNCG, Greensboro, North Carolina
West Baton Rouge Museum, Port Allen, Louisiana
West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture and History, Charleston, West Virginia
Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina
William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum, Atlanta, Georgia
Windgate Museum of Art at Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas
Wiregrass Museum of Art, Dothan, Alabama
Yeiser Art Center, Paducah, Kentucky
Business Associate
Arts InCommunity (division of InCommunity), Atlanta, Georgia
Backlog, St. Louis, Missouri
Banks Creative, Charleston, South Carolina
Chickasaw Inkana Foundation, Tupelo, Mississippi
Cortina Productions, McLean, Virginia
Crystalizations Systems Inc, Holbrook, New York
CSR-Consulting, Solutions, Results, Atlanta, Georgia
DaVinci Development Collaborative, LLC, Atlanta, Georgia
DLR Group, Orlando, Florida
Helms Briscoe, Alpharetta, Georgia
Houser Walker Architecture, Atlanta, Georgia
Hutchinson Design Group, Alexandria, Virginia
K. Norman Berry Associates, Louisville, Kentucky
MuseumINSIDER, United Kingdom
William G. Pomeroy Foundation, Syracuse, New York
Willis Towers Watson - Fine Art, Jewelry & Specie, Potomac, Maryland
ZOMA, Matthews, North Carolina
Zone Display Cases, Charlesbourg, Quebec City, Canada
Corporate Friend
10-31, Inc., Columbia, New Jersey
1220 Exhibits, Inc., Nashville, Tennessee
A4A Designs, Louisville, Kentucky
Alexander Haas, Atlanta, Georgia
Art Sentry, Cleveland, OH
Association of African American Museums (AAAM), Washington, District of Columbia
Atelier 4, Charlotte, North Carolina
Available Light, Raleigh, North Carolina
Bonsai Fine Arts Inc, Glen Burnie, Maryland
Boston Productions, Inc., Norwood, Massachusetts
Brunk Auctions, Asheville, North Carolina
CatalogIt, Oakland, California
Charityproud, North Charleston, South Carolina
Christie’s, New York, New York
Cinebar Productions, Inc., Newport News, Virginia
Collector Systems, LLC., New York, New York
Communications Electronic Design, Louisville, Kentucky
Conserv, Birmingham, Alabama
Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Crozier Fine Arts, New York, NY
Cultural Heritage Partners PLLC, Richmond, Virginia
Displays Fine Art Services, Arlington, Texas
dmdg2, Savannah, GA
Donna Lawrence Productions, Louisville, Kentucky
Donorly, New York, NY
Dorfman Museum Figures, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland
E&S Gallery, Louisville, Kentucky
ERCO Lighting, Inc., Edison, New Jersey
Exhibit Concepts, Inc., Vandalia, Ohio
Explus, Inc., Sterling, Virginia
Friesens Corporation, Brunswick, Georgia
Frina Design, Lithia, Florida
Goosepen Studio & Press, Hickory, North Carolina
Haizlip Studio, Memphis, Tennessee
HealyKohler Design, Washington, District of Columbia
HW Exhibits, Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina
Interactive Knowledge, Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina
Lucidea, British Columbia
MBA Design & Display Products Corporation, Exton, Pennsylvania
Monadnock Media, Inc., Hatfield, Massachusetts
Nabholz Construction Corporation, Conway, Arkansas
Odyssey by HistoryIT, Portland, Maine
Our Fundraising Search, Atlanta, Georgia
Patterson Pope, Inc., Norcross, Georgia
Porter Art Services, New Orleans, Louisiana
Relative Scale, Raleigh, North Carolina
Riggs Ward Design, Richmond, Virginia
Risk Strategies, New York, New York
SAQA Global Exhibitions, Beavercreek, Ohio
Solid Light, Inc, Louisville, Kentucky
Solomon Group, New Orleans, LA
STQRY, Rochester, NY
The Design Minds, Inc., Fairfax, Virginia
Tour-Mate Systems, Toronto Canada
Transformit, Gorham, Maine
Transport Consultants International, Lithia, Florida
Universal Fiber Optic Lighting USA, LLC., Sarasota, Florida
Upland Exhibits, Newton, Kansas
USA Image, Louisville, KY
USART, Orlando, Florida
Warner Museums, Birmingham, Alabama
Your Part-Time Controller (YPTC), Philadelphia, PA
Corporate Partner
Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation, Charleston, South Carolina
National Museum of African American History and Culture, Smithsonian Institution–Office of Strategic Partnerships, Washington, District of Columbia
Smithsonian Institution/Reckoning with Our Racial Past, Silver Spring, Maryland

“It was the friendliest conference and I truly felt I was with ‘my people.’ The people really make this conference what it is!”

MATTHEW S. DAVIS President matt.davis@gcsu.edu
Director of Historic Museums, Georgia College, Milledgeville, GA
DR. CALINDA LEE Vice President sources.lee@gmail.com
Principal, Sources Cultural Resources Management, LLC, Atlanta, GA
DEITRAH J. TAYLOR Secretary dtaylorhistorian@gmail.com
Public Historian, Milledgeville, GA
SCOTT ALVEY Treasurer Scott.Alvey@ky.gov
Director, Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort, KY
Past President heathermarie.wells@crystalbridges.org
Digital Media Project Manager, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, AR

GLENNA BARLOW gbarlow@columbiamuseum.org
Curator of Education, Columbia Museum of Art, Columbia, SC (Term ended November 2023)
DR. ALEXANDER BENITEZ beniteza@portsmouthva.gov
Director of Museums and Tourism, City of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, VA (Term ended November 2023)
TAFENI ENGLISH tafeni.english@splcenter.org
Director, Alabama State Office, Southern Poverty Law Center/Civil Rights Memorial, Montgomery, AL
KATIE ERICSON kericso@emory.edu
Director of Education, Michael C. Carlos Museum, Atlanta, GA
Director and Curator, The Museum of the Southeast American Indian, Pembroke, NC (Term ended November 2023)
Vice President and Chief Development
Officer, The National World War II Museum, New Orleans, LA

Senior Curator, Walt Disney Imagineering, Lake Buena Vista, FL
BRIGETTE JANEA JONES Brigette@arabiaalliance.org
Assistant Executive Director, Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area, Stonecrest, GA
PAMELA D. C. JUNIOR pamela1junior@gmail.com
Former Director, Two Mississippi Museums, Mississippi Department of Archives & History, Jackson, MS
ROSALIND MARTIN rmartin@knoxart.org
Director of Education, Knoxville Museum of Art, Knoxville, TN
MICHELLE SCHULTE mschulte@lsu.edu
Chief Curator, LSU Museum of Art, Baton Rouge, LA

MICHAEL SCOTT mscott@solidlight-inc.com
Project Manager, Solid Light, Louisville, KY
(Term ended November 2023)
AHMAD WARD award@exploremitchelville.org
Executive Director, Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park, Hilton Head Island, SC
Director, President James K. Polk Historic Site, Pineville, NC
Director of Exhibitions, National Center for Civil and Human Rights, Atlanta, GA

ZINNIA WILLITS zwillits@semcdirect.net SEMC Executive Director CARLA PHILLIPS cphillilps@semcdirect.net SEMC Manager of Communications and Member Services NOWAK hnowak@semcdirect SEMC Program AdministratorA SNAPSHOT OF SEMC’S REACH IN 2023
Facebook Followers: 2,637
Instagram Followers: 1,415
LinkedIn Group Followers: 1,596
SEMC Endowment at end of FY23: $625,924
SEMC received $143,433 in contributions and grants in FY23
*Note FY23 is July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023
You can support SEMC through contributions toward SEMC General Operations; SEMC Endowment; SEMC Leadership Institute; Martha Battle Jackson Fund (supports sustainability of the Jekyll Island Management Institute/JIMI); Peter S. LaPaglia Scholarship Fund (supports JIMI tuition scholarships); Handumy Jean Tahan Internship Fund; and Legacy Society (Planned Giving) or other activities by donating online at www. SEMCdirect.net. SEMC created the Legacy Society to recognize the generosity of individuals who have included the Southeastern Museums Conference in their wills or estate plans. A planned gift will make a difference in the services of SEMC and the future development of the museum profession. For more information on planned giving please contact Zinnia Willits, SEMC Executive Director at zwillits@semcdirect.net
Membership Revenue
Registration and Tuition
Sales Revenue
Interfund Transfers
Insurance, Taxes, and Permits
Professional Service/Sta
Travel (employee/non-employee)
Program Costs
Administrative Expenses