Inside Texas 2016 April/May

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inside texas

in this issue

Snap Decision |



Mike Blackwell

Shane Buechele was impressive in spring game.

Orange - White Game |



Justin Wells

The Texas offense churned out 611 yards in rain-shortened spring game.

Spring Reacap - Offense | Spring Reacap - Defense



Eric Nahlin

Eric give his thoughts on the present and future of each position group.

Inside The Gameplan |

by Ian


Ian examines the strengths and weaknesses of the roster heaing into 2016.

Hoops News & Notes |




Tim Preston A new recruit and and early departure. by

Recruiting News Two new 2017 Commitments |



IT Staff

Xavier Newman and Kobe Boyce pledge to

2017 Top 25 |


Recruiting Update | by Justin Wells and Ian Boyd


by Eric Nahlin Eric gives us his top 25 players in Texas for 2017.

Perspective on four players to watch in 2017.

Publishers -- Michael Pearle, Clendon Ross | Managing Editor--Clendon Ross | Editor-- Mike Blackwell Editor -- Justin Wells | Lead Writer -- Bill Frisbie | Contributor -- Ian Boyd Designer/Photographer -- Will Gallagher | Recruiting Analyst -- Eric Nahlin To Subscribe/Customer Service -- Phone: 512-659-8167 | Email: April/May - 2016




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B:10.75 in T:10.5 in


Mike Blackwell

The big question before the Orange-White scrimmage in April was obvious: Who will be the Texas starting quarterback when the Longhorns open the 2016 season against Notre Dame? Shane Buechele


fter freshman Shane Buechele’s

job at quarterback for the Longhorns.

Swoopes: 4 of 16 for 71 yards, no

performance, the big question

Yes, Jerrod Heard is injured and

touchdowns and two interceptions.

has likely changed:

didn’t play at all. Yes, it’s April and not In fairness to Swoopes, he did have


drops that made his numbers look

Who will be the Texas backup quarterback when the Longhorns open the

But, no, there should be no doubt

worse than they actually were, so

2016 season against Notre Dame?

about who the starting quarterback

there’s that. And understanding that

for the Longhorns should be when

Swoopes has become a team leader,

Yes, the spring game was just a “glori-

Notre Dame comes to town. Someone

and is a mature player with a strong

fied practice” according to new UT of-

please tell Charlie Strong that it’s OK

work ethic and a good rapport with his

fensive coordinator Sterlin Gilbert. Yes,

for him to toss the keys to the burnt

teammates, it’s easy (sort of) to see

Tyrone Swoopes had some bum luck

orange offense to Buechele.

why Strong and Gilbert are cautious with anointing Buechele is the guy.

when his receivers dropped a couple of balls. Yes, the Texas coaches insist

Buechele: 22 of 41 for 299 yards, two

there is still competition for the starting

touchdowns and no interceptions.


inside texas

Then again, for a fan base who com-


plained long and loud and, ultimately

tight throwing windows (how long has

check the “comes across well to the

successfully, that the previous regime

it been since you could say that about

media” box, but neither Swoopes or

spent too much time blowing smoke

a Texas quarterback?), and he threw

Buechele was made available to the

from behind the microphone, you’d

the long ball with great touch (how long

press after the game.

think the Texas coaches would go

has it been since you could say that

ahead and say what’s pretty obvious to

about a Texas quarterback?). He was

“Today Shane (Buechele) had a really

anyone who realizes a football is blown

decisive in his decision-making (how

good day,” Strong understated. “The

up and not stuffed with feathers:

long has it been since you could say

thing that Buechele did is he made

that about a Texas quarterback?).

some really good throws, and he was able to manage the offense.”

Buechele is the guy. Body language? Check. Mobility? The freshman from Arlington Lamar

Check. Knowledge of the offense?

Gilbert used the tried and true “I’ll

looked completely comfortable in Gil-

Check. Poise? Check.

have to check the tape” when asked to evaluate Buechele.

bert’s up-tempo attack, and he had no deer in his headlights. He put balls into

In a perfect world, we would also

April/May - 2016


- snap decision clean evaluation on him.”

“Just all the way through the spring, he

customed to so it wasn’t hard for him

has been diligent about his work, the

to come in right away and make those

way he processes it and understands

throws and put the ball where it needs

Buechele’s teammates were refresh-

it,” Gilbert said. “He is a guy that’s

to be put,” Strong said. “He is one of

ingly less reserved.

savvy about football. He understands

those guys that’s always around it, and

what we are doing and what we are

he’s going to make the other guys bet-

Malik Jefferson: “He went out there

trying to accomplish.”

ter because he learns the game and

and made big plays.”

he wants to learn the game.” Chris Warren: “I think he played really

Though most believe the quarterback race is (was?) between three - Buech-

“The thing that Buechele did is he

well and very composed, especially for

ele, Swoopes and Heard - a fourth

made some really good throws, and he

how young he is. He’s a hard worker,

quarterback, Kai Locksley, didn’t play

was able to manage the offense.”

and he’s been out there grinding in the spring, so I wasn’t too surprised. I think

in the scrimmage that was cut short at halftime because of weather, but did

Gilbert was even more slow to heap

he is a really cool, collected guy. He

manage to make his feelings clear.


talks to everybody. He’s friendly. He was excited today.”

And with a coach who has publicly said

“I have to go back and look at the film

social media is the “downfall of soci-

to watch and evaluate it,” Gilbert said.

Ideally, Strong and Gilbert would come

ety,” Locksley’s tweet (since deleted)

“During the game you are just seeing

forward now - yesterday if possible -

about his mom saving her money on a

and trying to make some calls and ad-

and confidently proclaim Buechele the

plane ticket to the scrimmage probably

justments. I am watching and evaluat-

starter against the Fighting Irish, giving

did himself no favors.

ing everyone else that is out there, so

the young signal caller and his team

we’ll go back and watch film and get a

the entire summer to get used to the

Side note: think really long and hard before pressing the “send” button. Some are already speculating about whether or not Locksley will transfer. “He probably would have played the second half,” Strong said, “but we just were not able to get the snap number I wanted. I didn’t know I was going to have to call it, but he will get his chance and opportunity.” Though he waded carefully into the “praise Shane” waters, Strong did manage to throw a kudo or two the freshman’s way. “I’ve always said about Shane that when he came into the system, this offense was something he was acTyrone Swoopes


inside texas

- snap decision -

“I think he played really well and very composed, especially for how young he is. He’s a hard worker, and he’s been out there grinding in the spring, so I wasn’t too surprised.” - Chris Warren thought, and prepare accordingly.

He and Gilbert don’t seem anxious to

Swoopes is a hard worker and a good

make that proclamation just yet. And if

guy, has been effective in the 18 Wheeler

we’ve learned anything from the Strong

package, and that’s great. Heard has had

era, it’s that he moves methodically in all

injury misfortune, and unlucky timing.


“We’ll make it to where they both will have a chance to go in and be successful.” Most everyone - other than the coaching staff - seems willing to say “Boom” right now. “We’ll have a lot of work to do,” Gilbert said. “We’ve still got the summer, and we have two-a-days. There is still a lot of

Locksley is a numbers casualty. “It will be a guy that clearly stepped out “We love you guys, and we think we can

where we can say, ‘Boom. That’s the

win with any of you,” Strong should an-

guy. Let’s go with him and let’s go play,’”

nounce in his quarterbacks room, “but we

Strong said. “When you think about it,

need to make a statement to ourselves,

even if it ends up being Ty and Shane,

and the sooner the better, so Shane is the

you’ve still got a big, physical quarterback


who can deliver the ball but can still run


over people.

evaluations to go through and still a lot of reps. By no means did anyone play perfect today. There is still work to be done.” Yes there is. After all, someone has to win the backup quarterback job.


April/May - 2016


April/May - 2016




Texas has needed a quarterback for the better part of six years. They may have found one. Freshman Shane Buechele put on a show with three scoring drives to lead the Longhorns at the Orange-White scrimmage from DKR Texas-Memorial Stadium.


e finished 22-of-41, 299 yards,

of Chris Warren and D’Onta Foreman

“Shane is always with Collin Johnson,”

and two TDs in his burnt orange

once again showed their potential in this

Strong remarked. “You can’t see one

debut. After the first toss, his settled in

new scheme. Warren ran for 101 yards

without the other. The guys are pushing

and put on a show. With each snap,

on seven carries, 1 TD, while Fore-

each other. If you see Shane go out

each read, and every progression, his

man added 88 all-purpose yards on 10

and throw balls with Collin, Dorian, and

confidence grew. It was obvious to

touches, and added a score.

Deandre, then you see Tyrone grab a

coach Charlie Strong.

ball and a couple of receivers. They are “I feel like if we keep working, the sky is

all pushing each other. That’s the type of

“Today Shane had a really good day,”

the limit for us two,” said Foreman about

competition this program needed.”

said a gushing Strong. “Shane grew up

Warren and himself.

in a family where his dad played profes-

For the first time seeing live bullets,

sional baseball, then he had a brother

But nobody benefitted more than the

Buechele impressed his OC the most.

that played baseball at OU, so competi-

wide receivers. John Burt led all pass-

tion has always been around him. The

catchers with 106 yards on two grabs,

“I have to go back and look at the film

day he stepped on this campus, he has

including a 65-yard pitch and catch

to watch and evaluate it,” said Gilbert.

been a guy that you know is going to

touchdown from Buechele that was the

“During the game you are just seeing

be relaxed and patient. Nothing is really

epitome of pinpoint accuracy. Armanti

and trying to make some calls and ad-

going to fluster him because he’s seen

Foreman had 81 yards on six catches,

justments. I am watching and evaluating

so much in his family. When you grow

while Dorian Leonard and Collin John-

everyone else that is out there, so we’ll

up around it, not too many things catch

son combined for 61 yards on eight

go back and watch film and get a clean

you off base.”


evaluation on him. But just all the way through the spring, he has been diligent

The offensive numbers were what you

Strong mentioned that Buechele, the

about his work, the way he processes

would expect running Gilbert’s version

4-star from Arlington Lamar, or the ‘gym

it and understands it. He is a guy that’s

of the veer-and-shoot. The offense

rat’ as he calls him, is always around the

saavy bout football. He understands

tallied 611 yards on 110 plays, and four

offices and is usually with his budding

what we are doing and what we are try-

touchdowns in 30 minutes. And it wasn’t

superstar receiver.

ing to accomplish.”

just through the air. The backfield duo

April/May - 2016



On the defensive side, Malik Jefferson

Speaking of Warren, he was equally

liked what he saw from the new look

complimentary of his new quarterback.

offense and signal-caller.

John’s helmet.

Some of the noteworthy performances “I think he played really well and very

on the defensive side went to Charles

“The first thing I said to (Buechele) was,

composed, especially for how young he

Omenihu (two sacks), Kris Boyd (three

‘Don’t be nervous,’ said Jefferson. “He

is,” Warren said. “He’s a hard worker,

PBUs), and Anthony Wheeler (five

told me he was nervous, but I said, ‘It

and he’s been out there grinding in the

tackles). Antwuan Davis and John Bonney added interceptions, while Holton Hill, DeShon Elliott, and Sheroid Evans made plays and stood out.

Strong mentioned the defensive line is his biggest concern heading into the summer. He expects the true freshmen – Elliott, Daniels, Christmas-Giles, Roach, and Southall to compete and contribute early. He also said they’ll all be on campus by the Summer 1 session in June.

Another concern is the kicking game and Strong admits he’s still looking for one to take the job. Walk-ons Jon CopShane Buechele pens, Evan Moore, and Mitchell Becker all converted extra points. Becker John Burt (1)

shanked a 46-yard attempt in the 2nd quarter leaving Longhorn fans to wonder

will go away after your first pass. After

spring, so I wasn’t too surprised. I think

who will actually be the placekicker this

that, just be smooth.’ He went out there

he is a really cool, collected guy. He


and made big plays. I like the way (the

talks to everybody. He’s friendly. He

offense) looks. They put a lot of trust in

was excited today. Everybody has their

At the end of the day, it was the most

each other, and everybody seems like

own different ways. I wasn’t necessar-

happy I’ve seen Strong since he arrived

they’re going to be accountable in their

ily watching him because I was doing

in Austin. Even after the OU win in 2015,


my own thing, but you could tell he was

Charlie had a smile as big as the 40



Warren and Foreman. His message

On the other side, Tyrone Swoopes’ stat

“It was fun today,” said Strong. “I’m so

to the rest of the Big 12 attempting to

line was worse than his actual perfor-

glad our guys came out and competed.

tackle those monsters was simple: “We

mance. He went 4 of 16, 71 yards, and

We’re going to have us a quarterback

have to deal with it every day in practice.

two INTs. To his credit, his receivers had

that will be very effective moving the ball

Good luck.”

three drops on his watch, including the

down the field in this offense this fall. I’m

opening strike to Burt that bounced of

really excited.”

He especially likes those big backs,


inside texas

Jean Delance

April/May - 2016



inside texas


There were some expected miscues but overall the team didn’t exactly look like it was operating from only 15 practices in the new offense. I saw comfort from both quarterbacks, few miscommunications, and solid tempo. They did slow things down a bit, probably to keep the play cleaner, but the speed revved faster than what we’ve seen in the past and mostly cleaner, save the beginning of the contest when we saw some penalties. April/May - 2016


- spring recap - offense -

QUARTERBACK Spring Thoughts No player in the program made more progress from the beginning to the end of camp than Shane Buechele and I think the staff would agree with me. He turned the coaches from skeptics (because of youth, not ability) to believers in a month. This isn’t surprising; we knew Shane had the mental aptitude to make an early mark, but he appears ahead of the curve. Any anointing is extremely premature, and I’d like to remind people that speaking well of Buechele doesn’t equate to speaking ill of Tyrone Swoopes. The Buechele hype train is an interesting, if predictable occurrence. I texted the following to a friend the other day: “Because everyone thought Buechele looked good it’s perverting things to mean Heisman!” Nobody individually believes that but collectively it reads that way to some. He

Shane Buechele and Sterlin Gilbert

did show advanced competencies for this offense which is my reason for excitement. I can see him going for 20/10, 8.0 ypa with 3,000 yards or so. The run game should be very, very strong which relieves pressure greatly. There’s enough talent around him to where Buechele can become more than a facilitator in this offense, but he won’t be a game winner early and he’ll suffer the usual bumps and bruises along the way. I do think mentally he’s even more advanced than I, or anyone anticipated, and that will expedite the maturation process further. His awareness was encouraging. He threw the ball way when the play


was dead, he kept his eyes downfield

touchdown Tyrone dropped in delicately,

under duress, and he had a nifty flip to

then McNeal loses a deep, 75/25 ball he’ll

the running back while being pressured.

normally come up with. These throws

His reverse outs, while playing with fire,

exhibited improved deep accuracy - as

illustrated his pocket presence.

well as the 2nd quarter dime to Jacorey Warrick - for a player who struggled

We also see he’s a pretty capable ath-

with it in the past. Like Buechele, he

lete. Rumor has it he puts dunks down in

made some errant short and intermedi-

pickup basketball games. They need to

ate passes, but he made some accurate

keep his exposure to a minimum, not be-

ones as well. That said, he didn’t look as

cause he’s slight (that topic needs to die),

comfortable in the offense as Shane, and

but because he’s the best quarterback on

the three-second drop-off between plays

the team and they have #33 and #25.

would seem to indicate that.

Swoopes is obviously improved and

Looking to the Fall

experienced more than his fair share of

Last year I said ‘if he’s even he’s leavin’

bad luck on Saturday. Burt drops an easy

in regards to Heard and Swoopes. Heard

- spring recap - offense -

won the job by game #2. I would say the

confidence, poise, and the ability to


same now, but Buechele already seems

make the on schedule plays that make

to be out front with 7-on-7 and another

this offense difficult to defend as well as

2018 Sachse quarterback, Jalen

round of camp practices looming to

the improvisational ability that makes

Mayden, was in the stands calling

widen that gap further.

any quarterback tough to defend.

where the ball should go based on the defense’s alignment. He’s visited numer-

That’s my opinion and I’m not basing it

An Eye Towards Recruiting

off stats from one meaningless game,

Westlake’s Sam Ehlinger is locked in

Gilbert’s first 2018 quarterback offer

or one quarterback experiencing more

and I know he loved what he saw on

goes out to.

drops than the other (Buechele had

Saturday. He can do anything out on

similar luck with receivers), but rather

the field and this offense allows him that

ous times. I’ll be interested to see who

TIGHT END Spring Thoughts

Beck when they could just go over the top

they spent much of Spring ball having

The first thing people need to know is TE

or throw to a more dangerous receiver to

Bluiett feigning an arc block then running

was targeted much more in practice than

the sideline. We didn’t even see them at-

downfield to much success.

in the game. It’s not like they were going

tack the middle of the field much but they

to sit there and dink and dunk to Andrew

will with Caleb Bluiett this season. In fact

Looking to the Fall Bluiett will be a big piece next year in the running game but they’ll also look to take advantage of him underneath and even down the middle once those safeties start to cheat.

An Eye Towards Recruiting We know the score here - Texas needs to hold on to Bullard’s Major Tennison. Florida offered last night and they do their homework on guys before doing so. For example: Florida isn’t going to offer Sam Ehlinger. For now I’m not worried about Tennison but the season will play a big role in how that recruitment plays out.

Caleb Bluiett

April/May - 2016


- spring recap - offense -


D’Onta Foreman

Spring Thoughts

not shy away from contact. If he plays a

satile. Bernard is a dangerous change-

D’Onta Foreman and Chris Warren

part in the offense next year, I expect him

of-pace option. Houston has a problem

picked up where they left off last season.

to get the ball in space more, perhaps

because the college-ready Kyle Porter is

They’re interchangeable pieces designed

in the screen game and flare outs. We

making his way to campus. Blitz pick-up

to log heavy miles, but together they’re

haven’t seen Bernard hit for big yardage

will be important for the younger backs,

cross country road-trippers sharing the

yet, but I’ve seen enough to know it’s

while also helping ease the blitz burden

wheel and keeping the other fresh. Pow-

coming if he gets his touches. At any rate,

with the draw and screen game. I think

er, burst, speed, feet, vision; they have it

he looks healthy and ready to help in the

Johnson and Porter could split tertiary

all for bigger backs. Foreman may have

kick return game.

carries, or they could elect to redshirt Porter.

the better hips, but Warren’s feet are so great that he’s always on balance. They

Tristian Houston looked like a running

fight through the initial wave of defenders

back recruited to run outside zone who

An Eye Towards Recruiting

then either run to space or break tackles

is now figuring out he has to run it up the

I hope JK Dobbins saw how Bernard was

in the back-seven. This is where their

gut without timidity. This was our first real

used - not as a gimmick - but as a do-it-

vision is underrated.

look at him, which means it was his first

all option. As I’ve stated JK’s a volume

real work on the big stage.

carry runner. He was offered by Florida

I liked what I saw of Rod Bernard. I


the other day and he ‘kinda wants to take

posted he was running the ball well in

Looking to the Fall

practice, but I wanted to see it for myself

ForeWarrened are 1A and 1B and will

State commit wants to take is good for

and I did. He’s obviously a butterfly

be the focus of the offense. What will be

Texas. UT will also dote on Toneil Carter

out there fluttering around, but he also

interesting is who the third back is. Kirk

but there’s a lot of ground to make up

showed the willingness to cut up-field and

Johnson is extremely explosive and ver-


inside texas

a visit’. That’s good. Any visits the Ohio

- spring recap - offense -

WIDE RECEIVER Spring Thoughts I can’t tell you how excited I was to see John Burt and Sheroid Evans doing battle. That’s two future NFL caliber athletes giving each other the business for long stretches. One play Evans would guide Burt out of bounds or Burt would

ter than 90% of college receivers.

have to love the ability of this wide receiver grouping to get open versus anyone

I want to show some love to the upper-

else. Alas, getting open is only half of the

class receivers. These guys aren’t going

battle but I believe hands tend to round

to go quietly. Dorian Leonard caught the

into form, to a degree, with more frequent

ball well and got downfield. The physi-

targets and game-speed reps.

cal ability has always been there. If he catches the ball consistently he’ll see

Looking to the Fall

the field a lot. Lorenzo Joe was his usual

Texas has a foursome that should strike

savvy, sure-handed self, though he did

fear into any secondary in Johnson-Fore-

S. Congress.

misplay one ball he should have played

man-Joe-Burt. Gilbert and Co. would like

more aggressively on an underthrown

to keep Foreman outside which means

Overall, the outside receivers did well to

pass defended by P.J. Locke. The much

they need to find more speed at inside

maligned Armanti Foreman had a great

receiver. This opens the door wide open

day other than failing to stay in bounds

for Davion Curtis, a player intimately

on a ball he caught. He caught deep, he

familiar with the offense. I suspect he’ll

caught underneath, and he was decisive.

play very early.

simply drop the ball after getting open, the next Burt would streak down the sideline and get grabby like Tourist T-Horn on

get vertical. They didn’t always do well to catch the ball and stay in bounds, but they showed the ability to run past corners much better than what they’ll typically face. Collin Johnson didn’t remind me of the son of Calvin Johnson and Steve Largent that he’s destined to be, but he’s still betTE

Oh, and he did that all Spring and versus quality corners.

There are enough bodies to come up with a consistent platoon with complementary

If you believe as I do that Texas has a

abilities. I think hands will round into form.

deep stable of cornerbacks, then you

Catching the ball was a bigger issue last spring and it didn’t rear its head last season, though, receivers will see many more targets.

An Eye Towards Recruiting There’s no such thing as a wide receiver who doesn’t want to run vertical routes. This offense, plus what looks like the emergence of Buechele, will catch the eye of receivers far and wide. I expect Texas to be able to go national by 2018 at the latest, but in this cycle it should be able to hit on its homegrown talent. The big board is a variant of Omar Manning, Tyrell Shavers, Manny Netherly, Jalen Reagor, and Tyquez Hampton. They still want to become more dynamic at inside receiver, that’s where the latter two come in to play. Then there’s John Tyler commit Damion Miller who is somewhat similar to John Burt. Colin Johnson

April/May - 2016


- spring recap - offense -


Connor Williams

Brandon Hodges

Spring Thoughts

Connor Williams had a nice high-point

Looking to the Fall

It’s tough to get a read on how good

reception on a tipped ball that reminded

these guys were since they weren’t going

me he’s a former TE and is athletic as

grouping going into September but the

versus the 1’s, but they looked to be on

ever. He and Kent Perkins will likely make

freshmen arrivals, specifically Denzel

the same page with one another and the

for the best book-ends in the league.

Okafor and Tope Imade, will be thrown to

new offense. There are still too many 1st

When was the last time Texas could say

the fire for depth purposes. I don’t expect

team false starts but you have to believe

they had that?

either to redshirt. I do think Jean Delance

Mattox and more reps will iron that out. On the finer points, I’ll defer to Chris Hall.

I expect the above line-up to be the

will redshirt simply because of the twoExpected starting five: Connor Williams-

deep tackle situation.

Brandon Hodges-Zach ShackelfordThe 1st team was as expected except

Patrick Vahe-Kent Perkins.

Jake McMillon was listed as starter at LG.


An Eye Towards Recruiting Texas just needs to keep the same

Brandon Hodges is the true starter there

Second teamer Tristan Nickelson

quality of players coming in from the last

and I think he’s an upgrade over Sedrick

struggled mightily with Charles Omenihu,

two cycles and it will be fine. Because


but as the season plays out, we’ll come

of Williams, Vahe, and now Shackelford,

to realize there’s no shame in that. Nick-

we forget these guys typically need more

Zach Shackelford looked comfortable in

elson is about 6-foot-9 and Omenihu is

time to develop. Texas is on pace to have

his first action but again he wasn’t facing

6-foot-5. Nickelson shouldn’t have trouble

a fine haul and keep these big wheels

anything like he will versus Notre Dame

with such a tall end dipping him, but that’s


in Week 1.

testament to Omenihu’s flexibility.

inside texas

Joe Wickline


Defense; the bread, butter, crust, and sesame seed of Charlie Strong’s football existence. As we heard throughout spring and witnessed in the scrimmage itself, Strong and Vance Bedford have elected to alter to a 4-2-5 rather than sticking with the 3-3-5 from the last two seasons. This move shouldn’t have a pronounced effect on the current personnel, but it will give the coaches some new looks to operate out of. Let’s look at what they’re working with. 22

inside texas

April/May - 2016


- spring recap - defense -

DEFENSIVE END Ian is a bit more bullish on Breckyn Hager at WDE at this point. He certainly plays with motor and passion and that’s something that creates ‘effort plays’. Guys have become millionaires because of their ability to make effort plays. He’s rough around the edges at defensive end, but his ability to get up field and fight through an OT’s outside shoulder makes him a worthy candidate. I’m not giving up on Naashon Hughes as a quality WDE. I think coming out of a three-point stance allows him to play with more explosion and power and I liked the way I saw him get into offensive linemen on a handful of snaps. If he’s passed on the depth chart by Hager, they should look at making Hughes a TE, in my opinion. Quincy Vasser made a handful of nice plays setting the edge. He should be solid depth. Charles Omenihu

Spring Thoughts

Looking to the Fall I suspect he’ll be celebrating in the Cal

The emergence of Charles Omenihu

backfield at the latest. His play gives the

is one of the biggest developments of

staff numerous options.

Spring ball. While you won’t want to put


too much stock in him giving the 2nd

Could they move Bryce Cottrell back over

team OT trouble, realize he played well

to weakside DE? That’s my preference,

versus Connor Williams and Kent Perkins

especially in light of Andrew Fitzgerald

for much of the spring. After facing those

being on the way. If Fitzgerald is ready to

two for weeks, no wonder he faired so

play early - I’m almost positive he will be -

well versus Tristan Nickelson.

then he needs to see the field.

Omenihu was frustrated last year

Cottrell is a solid run/pass defender,

because his reach and bend got him

especially for the weak-side. I think he

oh-so close to a couple of sacks. Those

and Omenihu in tandem could make

sacks would evade him but not for long.

some noise.

inside texas

Looking to the Fall: As noted I expect Fitzgerald to be field ready by August. He’s a full grown man already who plays with effort and technical ability. Malcolm Roach is also physically ready to play early, possibly on either side. Had the staff stuck with the 3-3-5 I would have figured a true freshman defensive tackle or two to get early looks, but in this defense I think there are currently enough bodies at the position.

An Eye Towards Recruiting The reversion to traditional weak-side defensive end play negates the need for a player to have Hughes’ ability in space.

- spring recap - defense -

Rather, they need to be strong at the

see him easily transition back to 3-3

will be able to let his body’s trajectory

point of attack and athletic in getting into

fronts and re-deploy the Fox position.

take its course before settling in long

the backfield. Taquon Graham would be


an exceptional fit. K’LavonChaisson -

Graham could very well be a SDE be-

depending on how much weight he puts

fore it’s all said and done. That’s where I

I’m expecting two defensive ends with

on - might not be the perfect fit he was

think Lagaryonn Carson will start but not

pass rush ability, a swing guy like Car-

for Fox. Of course, once Strong gets

where he’ll end up. I think Carson will

son, and a true defensive tackle in this

enough talented big bodies we could

become a defensive tackle. Each player

defensive line class.

DEFENSIVE TACKLE Spring Thoughts When you take five defensive tackles in a single class you already know what you have on campus, or more precisely, what you don’t have. With the early attrition of Hassan Ridgeway, Texas is left with Paul Boyette, Poona Ford, and Chris Nelson.

out in high school. That remains to be seen but for him to be a difference maker his athleticism was going to have to be a differentiator because his lack of size makes him to easy to cover up. I still like Nelson as a player who can give quality snaps next year but he’s still pretty raw.

Looking to the Fall Help is on the way in the form of about 1500 pounds. When you’re a true freshman who wants to play, you better have at least one trait that translates immediately. D’Andre Christmas-Giles for example needs his quickness to get him on the field immediately. He has the best get-off of any member of the DT class. Jordan Elliott simply needs his pad level to stay low and he belongs immediately. He’s physically and athletically college ready now. Gerald Wilbon’s play strength was exceptional in high school. If he belongs in that regard in August, he’ll play a lot. He had a great senior season, where he showed better quickness and lateral agility. Chris Daniels and Marcel Southall could potentially get looks at SDE. I’m thinking both will redshirt at this point.

An Eye Towards Recruiting Marvin Wilson. Texas will be all-in on this one until the bitter or sweet end. If Texas misses on Wilson, the question then becomes do they press for another body? Multiple offers out at the position suggest they will. If Marvin remains a coin-flip Chris Nelson

Boyette’s play has been solid the last two seasons but he’s a rotational player on a solid depth chart. Ford could end up being one of the few takes we’ve seen from Strong who was athletically maxed

down the stretch ,I think the staff remains The over front has altered the fits a bit. The 3-tech needs more of a NT skill set and the NT is more of a 3-tech. This will more than likely put Poona at the NT position and I’m not sure how well he can

patient. If he’s not giving good feedback to the staff, look for the coaches to press elsewhere while still trying to make up ground on Wilson. Texas is in this recruitment as much as anyone.

fare there.

April/May - 2016


- spring recap - defense -

LINEBACKER Spring Thoughts Hard to believe the BMOC had a quiet spring, but that’s indeed the case for Malik Jefferson. Good. All he needs to do is stay the course, keep working, and we can all see the possibilities. One of the biggest points of concern this spring was whether or not a physical presence would emerge alongside Jefferson. Anthony Wheeler stepped up in assertive fashion and received accolades behind the scenes and at the coaches’ podium. He’s not ‘there’ yet but he’s much improved with more size and more confident play. Anthony Wheeler

Wheeler’s continued emergence between the tackles allows the staff to get creative with the multi-talented Jefferson. We

come by for Jeffrey McCulloch and Erick

know what Jefferson can do off the edge,

Baron Browning’s focus should be on

Fowler, but they’re so physically gifted it

but in the Spring game we actually got to

how Malik is used because he’s that

will be tough to keep from getting them

see him in space more. When you can ef-

type of freak athlete. Browning may not

some game reps to expedite their learn-

fectively get in a dime package because

be as sudden in all directions like Malik,

ing curve. Each is so versatile they could

your linebacker is so athletic, you can

but he’s bigger and more violent. I wish I

find themselves coming off the edge at

wreak all kinds of havoc. It’s yet to be

knew what his comfortable college weight

some point, but with the move away from

seen if the run defense is stout enough to

would be so I could more cleanly project

Fox, I’m not as keen on that possibility as

pull this off, but if so, Strong and Bedford

him. It’s feasible Browning weighs 250 in

I once was.

college and becomes a Fox end the likes

or going to have OC’s head swimming

of which we haven’t seen. The guy is flat

next year, not just the opposing quarter-

Linebacker is still scary with how inexpe-


awesome and sometimes his track times

rienced it is, but the athleticism, size, and

and lifting numbers make people forget

leadership is all right there.

he’s an exceptional and natural football

Depth will be a concern. Edwin Freeman is athletically gifted but has yet to make the mental leap. Tim Cole is a

An Eye Towards Recruiting Anthony Hines is a huge need because

great teammate. DeMarco Boyd is a true

Texas will also pursue Levi Jones with

he’s a true mike who can run sideline to


fervor. He’s a classic Will waiting to

sideline. Those guys are unicorns these

happen. He’ll be stout in coverage and

days. This defense will certainly show-

space. As he fills out, he’ll be good

case a talent like Hines and I’m sure he’ll

against the run as well. He looks instinc-

pick up on that.

tive in run defense.

Looking to the Fall With Wheeler seemingly coming on and Jefferson locked in to never leave the field, playing time will be tough to


player, not just an athletic marvel.

inside texas

- spring recap - defense -

SAFETY/NICKEL Spring Thoughts

in the secondary. He’ll play some good

The staff was doing some quirky things

football for this team at some point, in my

with the box safety in the Orange-White


fans are clamoring for. August eyes will draw towards Elliott and Brandon Jones. Both are athletic, can

game. P.J. Locke is going to be a damn good

cover, and will hit. Jones looks like the

That’s another box defender for quar-

nickel sooner rather than later. I loved

natural fit for what Haines brings (but,

terbacks to account for, potentially at a

watching him carry Lorenzo Joe down

like, with 10.6 speed and physicality),

moment’s notice. DeShon Elliott is perfect

the field. I know he can stick with guys

while Elliott was devised in a lab to play

for this role. Jason Hall is definitely wired

in short and intermediate routes, but it

in the box. Oh, he has range as well.

for it.

was nice watching him in man coverage on the taller receiver (ball was a little

If those two don’t become NFL players,

Like his brother, Kevin Vaccaro likes to

underthrown, though). Locke is a tireless

it tells you how much of the game is

run into things. Unlike his brother, he

worker, a natural leader, and he’ll be stout

cerebral. Hall is an outlier. We’ve seen him play well, we’ve seen him play poorly, and some games we haven’t even seen him despite him starting. Look for Bonney to be a swing player between safety and nickel. There’s value in that ability. True freshman, Chris Brown, will make noise with his work ethic and willingness to hit in practice, but I think he can redshirt because of the Locke/Bonney tandem at nickel.

An Eye Towards Recruiting Texas would love to take one safety, a swing player, and two corners in the class. The possibility for three corners

DeShon Elliott

is there, which means the safety needs doesn’t have the insane hips that make him a coverage stalwart. Run support? He can and will do that.

versus the run.

Looking to the Fall

to be a stud. The few bodies you take at a position, the better that player needs to be. Jeffrey Okudah is the dream take

I expect future coach Dylan Haines to

because he counts as a swing player.

John Bonney’s versatility gives him more

hold down his spot simply because of the

He’s so gifted he could remain at corner

value than most fans will credit him for,

staff’s level of comfort with him. Factor in

but he’s the nation’s best safety. Derrick

but he’s going to have trouble getting

the ability to revert to the 2014 cover-

Tucker has been high on the Longhorns

starter’s snaps because of how well

ages Haines found some success in, and

going on 18 years now.

Texas has recruited across the board

Haines is a solid option, if not the one

April/May - 2016


- spring recap - defense -

CORNERBACK Spring Thoughts With defensive tackles we know the scoop because Texas took five in the 2016 class. Here the tale of the tape is Antwuan Davis, the fifth corner. What in the name of Duane Akina is going on here? DBU is back for all intents and purposes but the rest of the country will probably lag behind a year in recognizing that. Holton Hill and Davante Davis can play anywhere in the country. Sheroid Evans would already be working towards an NFL pension if he hadn’t been hurt so much. Kris Boyd might be the most physically and athletically gifted player of the lot.

Holton Hill

The depth and athleticism here is excep-

defensive backs. If Jefferson isn’t, Boyd

Kobe Boyce is a technical and athletic

tional. If this group is helped by the pass

might be the best football athlete on the

prospect who is already in the fold but UT

rush and blitz at all, we’re going to see


needs more.

Antwuan Davis’ hips and ball skills are

Kary Vincent’s make-up speed is elite

the only thing that keep him from being

and he likes Texas. He’s an A&M legacy

If Evans stays healthy I’m not sure how

mentioned in the same breath as the

but the Aggies were late to offer and they

he stays off the field. His length, speed,

above. His combination of straight-line

have other issues.

and understanding of using his body

speed and pound-for-pound strength

rather than hands to guide receivers

matches up with any athlete in the coun-

Chevin Calloway is another in-state

makes him a great man option.

try. That’s not hyperbole.

corner to watch.

Hill and Davante Davis are relatively

Eric Cuffee will get the benefit of a red-

UT should work these two hard while

known as being very good. Like Jeffer-

shirt with the above grouping.

also looking nationally because if ‘Texas

some blanket coverage.

Looking to the Fall

son, they just need to keep working and


learning and they’ll one day bump their

An Eye Towards Recruiting

head on the high ceiling.

If this unit plays to its potential, it should

is DBU’ takes off again, you want to be poised to take advantage of it.

be pretty easy to recruit the position. The

It’s a down year in-state and UT needs to

Boyd is going to make an inordinate

timing couldn’t be better because Texas

hit big at the position.

amount of plays relative to snaps. He’s a

needs at least two, maybe three cover

wild man with the confidence of the great


inside texas

April/May - 2016


INSIDE THE GAME Spring Game Revelations

April/May - 2016


EPLAN by IIan an B Boyd oyd by

It starts at QB. Freshman Shane Buechele’s 2016 Spring game performance is going to go down in history, one way or the other, as a major moment in the Charlie Strong era. If he continues to build on his obvious talent and early success, he could save Strong’s job and everyone will point to this game as the moment when we all knew things would work out. If Shane fails to capitalize on Texas’ Messiah gap due to injuries or any other reason the Orange-White game will go down as the ultimate oasis in the desert mirage. It was an exciting scrimmage, to be sure. Some caveats that have to be made are that we didn’t see any 1s vs 1s, so the 1st team OL faced a very uneven front and the whole game was a scripted scrimmage with the coaches working various base packages in a very obvious fashion. For instance, they’d call a particular passing play twice in a row and have the defense respond in zone, then in man as the QBs would demonstrate their ability to make those fundamental reads. Neither the offense nor the defense was really working to target each other’s soft spots save for who the QBs chose to throw fade routes to on vertical concepts (John Burt, and Armanti Foreman or Collin Johnson). We did get to see some “good on good” when the 2nd team DEs and secondary were isolated at the point of attack against the 1st team. Breckyn Hager and Quincy Vasser made a lot of good plays on the edges and neither QB ever had an easy time throwing outside the numbers with Sheroid Evans, Kris Boyd, and Antwuan Davis patrolling the skies. That 2nd team group of DBs would be 1st team at many schools in this league. Here were the main evaluations and schematic revelations I took away from my film study of the Spring game:

Texas has some defensive ends Since we’ve seen Tristan Nickelson and Elijah Rodriguez in action against Big 12 competition and neither were horrible, I think we can assume that the way Naashon Hughes and Charles Omenihu utterly destroyed them in pass protection is a good indicator for the upcoming season. It’s fun to note at this point that Kansas State, Baylor, and Texas Tech all fail to return any starting offensive tackles from a year ago. A good four-man rush could do real damage in the 2016 Big 12 that is now without Cody Whitehair, Le’Raven Clark, Spencer Drango, and Hal Vaitai. Notre Dame is also losing a potential first round LT in Ronnie Stanley, so the drop-off in quality from last year’s slate of tackles should be noticeable.

April/May - 2016


Hughes played well; he always plays

a stunt late in the game and stonewalling a

One of the more popular formations right

solidly, but he may have to fight for his job

couple of Caleb Bluiett kickout blocks.

now in spread football is the spread-I, a set

if Hager continues to take to DE as well

where the team uses a FB or H-back to allow

as he has thus far. The Westlake product

Omenihu is really learning to put together

them to execute a two-back run game (with

gave Texas a lot of trouble trying to execute

his absurd length, quick feet, and long

power, counter, and iso/lead runs) while still

power and counter on the edge, even as the

strides together into a nasty pass-rushing

spreading the defense out with three WRs.

2nd team DTs were washed away by double

arsenal. He sets up OTs, gets them to plant

teams inside of him.

their feet, and then with a step he’s moving

This is a Baylor specialty and it makes for

by them. I’d be curious to see him work

a really nasty downhill run game and play-

His pass-rush is pretty solid as well, Hager

against Williams or Perkins but neither

action passing attack when the lead blocker

just plays very violently and moves with

Nickelson nor Rodriguez could handle it.

is good and the slot is a threat in the seam.

suddenness even in a tight space. Strong

Texas worked a nice look against it designed

even mentioned in his post game presser that

The best part about the move to the 4-2 front

to keep the ball tightly contained while free-

“if Hager makes a mistake on one play, he’s

is that Texas has three guys in Omenihu,

ing up the nickel and deep safety to concen-

getting a sack on the next.”

Hager, and Bryce Cottrell who are talented

trate on negating the threat of play-action.

and natural even front DEs. Amongst his most impressive victories include beating Connor Williams inside on

On most plays this means the DEs are lookTexas’ answer to the spread-I formation

ing to force the ball inside. Against a power run where the offense is pulling blockers the DE who sees a guard or tight end coming his way will look to step inside and spill the ball outside and let the box safety handle the job of forcing the runner back inside to the linebackers. Against a normal zone run the DEs will both focus on keeping the ball contained inside and the safety will play behind the linebackers. In either event the linebackers can just sit in their gaps and play downhill. This is how a guy like Tim Cole makes seven tackles and looks like a champ all afternoon. Making this work requires that the DEs recognize and play different blocks well while the box safety has to be Johnny on the spot in this scheme, recognizing the blocks and getting himself into the right positions. Elliott was a mixed bag in the Spring game (on one occasion he failed to get outside but then Malik covered for him) but Kevin Vaccaro did well. There’s no doubt Elliott was the most athletic and versatile safety on the field in the scrimmage but you could see

Breckyn Hager


inside texas

places where he’s still working out his role.

It’s a shame we couldn’t see how Jason Hall

The battle for the 3rd guard spot will be

looks in this scheme.

an interesting fall battle. They could move Perkins inside if Nickelson proves to be the

Texas passing game.

6th best OL. Jake McMillon performed well

The Texas passing game

in the running game in the scrimmage and

The Longhorns were pretty vanilla here but

It’s going to be very interesting to see

he’s nimble as a puller on power/counter, but

this offense’s spacing and run game allows

how Texas makes the most of the absurd

it’d also be nice to see what Rodriguez could

for that in non-scrimmage settings as well.

abundance of good coverage players on this

do inside. There are some good options here

When you’re left playing man-to-man on the

The coverage guys

team. Kris Boyd and Sheroid Evans were both very good on Saturday but Holton Hill and Davante Davis are becoming very wellrounded and aware in man coverage. You’d think about moving someone inside to nickel but PJ Locke didn’t really show any weaknesses there in this scrimmage, albeit against weaker competition. Safety is still a weaker spot, particularly the “strong safety” position manned by Dylan Haines, but John Bonney demonstrated some range and comfort there when not asked to try and make an open field tackle against a 255-pound freak (Chris Warren III) with poor leverage. If Texas can get good box play from Hall this year to allow Elliott to make another leap and keep Haines or Bonney well protected to roam the deep field playing over

D’Onta Foreman

man coverage defenders of this caliber, then the Longhorns are probably going to be very tough on defense in a passing league.

and most of the 2016 class should have time

receivers outside, there’s not much that the

to develop.

passing has to do except execute a few different route combinations with simple reads.

The running game

It’s going to be interesting to see how teams

For that reason, there’s hope that Swoopes

Texas started the scrimmage by working

scheme the Texas rushing attack next year

could be a capable option in the coming sea-

the base running plays and other than a few

given that D’Onta Foreman and Warren are

son if Buechele goes down (yes, of course

schematic details or evals here and there it

absolute murder at the 2nd level if they have

the freshman is going to end up starting!).

was hard to glean much from the fact that

any chance to build momentum (and neither

the 2nd team OL couldn’t run on +1 fronts

need more than a step or two to do so). Most

Amongst the concepts that they ran in the

by the 1st team D or that the 1st team OL

opponents will have no choice but to bring

Spring game were some play-action/max

was plowing open holes for D’Onta Fore-

a safety close to the line to try and prevent

protect “you three just go get open” plays, a

man and Warren working against a pair of

Texas from springing its backs into open

little bit of West Coast quick game stuff, and

walk-on DTs, who had no prayer of with-

grass, thus leaving their corners in man to

tons of slants and hitches.

standing Vahe-Perkins double teams.

man matchups. Naturally, this sets up the

April/May - 2016


One play that should be good to Texas next year was with the slant/hitch-in combination to a twins side. The slot would run a slant and then then corner would be isolated on the outside receiver running the hitch-in route. Where Buechele was good on this play (and where Swoopes often struggled) was that he’d throw the WR back to the line of scrimmage where he’d then have more space to make a move on the CB and pick up yards after the catch. If opponents start to play this too tight, there’s always the hitch and go, which Buechele also throws really well. One big difference between the Spring game and the upcoming 2016 Big 12 season is that the Longhorns played man coverage, which draws a much different response from the veer and shoot offense than does the quarters-coverage schemes that most of the rest of the league utilizes. Against a two-deep zone, the veer and shoot makes heavy use of RPOs where the QB punishes zone defenders for their choices to play the run by throwing quick passes or screens. That doesn’t work against single-safety man coverage where none

Kent Perkins

outside receiver they leave in man coverage.

look like a team strength but may not be that

There’s also the shallow cross play, which

big of an issue. Texas can always run lots

got two reps in the scrimmage but was

of play-action with max protection (seven

smothered because the defense had dropped

guys staying in to block) and rely on Burt,

seven into coverage and the slot couldn’t

Armanti Foreman, or Collin Johnson getting

win deep.

open outside running option routes. Most teams won’t be able to totally stop that on

Buechele’s ability to feel and escape pres-

run downs and the fact that Texas has three

sure and throw accurate balls on the run

or four good options outside could make a

rolling either left or right will probably get

huge difference this year. On third down, it

to beat coverage.

some attention at some point in the 2016

might be more of a problem.

Texas will probably just opt to let D’Onta

ties he showed off in the scrimmage.

of the defenders are in conflict, so instead either the RB needs to be able to beat the unblocked extra defender or the WRs need

season. That’s one of his many special abilididn’t seem to have any answers in the

Foreman or Warren go to work on the safety against most opponents but Buechele showed a high aptitude for quick game

The next hole is in the slot, where Texas

The main holes on the team

Spring game.

concepts like this one.

Texas has a few obvious weaknesses, some

DeAndre McNeal has some promise but

of which can be shored up and others that

he seems like he’s probably a year away

How Gilbert plans to beat the blitz remains

will need creative solutions or mitigation.

and maybe a better fit outside than inside.

to be seen but one easy way is just to punish the defense with a deep shot to whichever


Armanti Foreman seemed like the obvious The first is pass protection, which doesn’t

inside texas

answer before the scrimmage but he’s look-

ing more comfortable on the outside.

another guy besides Bluiett who can execute

on both DTs and most of those teams have

all the key blocks. Beck is mobile but he’s

OL as good as the Rodriguez-McMillon-

Texas has three players that could bring

just not physically dominant at the point of

Graf-Anderson-Nickelson 2nd team unit.

some exciting possibilities here but each of

attack. Perhaps Aucoin can be the answer

them currently play a different position. The

here but it’s a tough job for a true freshman,

In particular, weakside runs at the nose tack-

first is Kai Locksley, who’s probably a long

if Texas can find some other OL maybe

le could be problematic for Texas to defend

shot to accept and thrive in a move to the

they could slide over the swiss army knife,

next season unless Jordan Elliott or Gerald

slot right now. The next is that other gifted


Wilbon are ready to go. While both of those

athlete on the QB depth chart, Jerrod Heard.

guys have great promise, consistently eating

I don’t know how his hands are but his after

Finally there’s DT, which has three different

collegiate double teams is a really tall order

the catch ability and route running would

guys that should be pretty good in 2016 with

for a true freshman.

probably (eventually) be close to elite.

Boyette, Poona Ford, and Chris Nelson but

Then there’s Kris Boyd, who’s a potentially

none of whom are great against the double

All told the Spring game revealed a team


that is going to have some very nice,

dominant DB but on a roster with as many

complementary features on both sides of

as three other potentially NFL-worthy cor-

The 2nd team OL was often able to pick up

the ball that may just come together in a

nerbacks. Texas should give these three guys

four or five yards running zone read on the

way that causes real problems in the Big 12

a look in the slot if they’re up for it.

1st team defense just from push the 1st team

and gets Strong to eight or more wins. One

DL off the ball with double teams. Plenty of

thing’s for sure; there’s a lot more reason for

The next hole is at backup TE, where we’ve

teams on the schedule have ways of running

optimism than there was in 2015.

already discussed how Texas doesn’t have

inside zone where they can get double teams

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April/May - 2016





HORNS PICK UP TRANSFER FROM TULANE The Horns picked up a much needed addition when Tulane sophomore Dylan Osetkowski (6-foot-8, 250 lbs) committed to Shaka Smart. There’s plenty to like, here. He’s got a better shot/touch than he showed last year, but Tulane struggled with mediocre guard play for most of the season and Dylan will be a great help to Texas’ guards with his ability to function as a ball mover and creator from the high post. Offensively, he can work as either a forward or a post. He’s better in the paint than Connor and has better range than Cam, which serves Shaka’s initiative to have multifaceted players who can play under difference circumstances. From that standpoint, he’s a great fit with any of Texas’ players/targets as he can be a forward with Banks and a post with Brown/Allen. Defensively, he’s a bit of a tweener between mad man and sweeper, but a year of work on his body should put him in an ideal situation to step in and be a service defender in a Havoc system after practicing it for a full year during his redshirt.

Aftermath While he’s not available until 2017-18, Dylan sets up the picture for the roster nicely. Best case scenario, Texas finishes with Jarrett Allen and a grad transfer and calls the frontcourt recruiting good for 2016 with an eye to a talented 2017 class on the horizon. Beyond that, though, Osetkowski represents two things…


inside texas

photo courtesy of

- He’s the kind of ball in his hands big man who can create offense off the bounce for himself or others. That’s not a trait that that every team has and it’s certainly not something Texas will be taking for granted given their lack of attacking big men over the last decade. - He’s representative of the first impact transfer Texas has had since Jai Lucas came to UT from Florida. And, while his prep fanfare is less than Jai’s, his ability to help his team should be even better. Shaka’s got his work cut out for him to fill out the rest of the roster with high level players, but Dylan is a big step in the right direction and a great building block for a 2017-18 season which looks as promising as any in Texas’ recent memory.

A few specifics •Averaged 11.3 points, 8.3 rebounds, 1.6 assists and 1.2 steals on 44/27/68 shooting numbers •Started all 33 games this past season for the Green Wave in the AAC •His 129 free throw attempts would have ranked him second among Longhorns last year •Would have led the Longhorns in rebounding last year •Ranked sixth in the AAC in offensive rebounding •Ranked tenth in the AAC in steals

Strengths •A legit 6’8″ •Best feel for the game, from a standpoint of comfort with the ball off the bounce, Texas has had in a big man since Damion James (maybe longer) •Good area rebounder and in box outs •Solid as a passer and facilitator who can function comfortably in the high post as a creator and as a release valve against the zone

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•Can bring up the ball as a secondary ball handler against pressure •Good strength as a shooter with a high release and comfortable out to the three point line when shooting in space •Strong around the basket in traffic •Strong with the ball against the trap/double team •Keeps head up well with the ball away from the basket •Quicker as a defender than he looks, especially when paired with his physical mass •Good anticipation and quick hands in passing lanes and in one-on-one situations against other bigs

Weaknesses • Not a great rebound chaser, though he puts forth great energy • Needs to develop better body positioning on his shooting form as he tends to be pretty flat to the basket • Not an explosive leaper or finisher at the rim • Will need to work on his hedging • Just ball screen defense in general • Fit with System April/May - 2016




TAYLOR DECLARES FOR NBA DRAFT Just because you know something’s going to happen

Talented sophomores Kerwin Roach Jr. or Eric Davis?

doesn’t make a situation any easier to deal with.

Or, maybe, five star freshman and McDonald’s All-American Andrew Jones? Or, perhaps senior, do-everything

Such was the case for the Longhorns Basketball pro-

guard Kendal Yancy will finally get his chance to prove

gram this spring when junior point guard Isaiah Taylor

he can run a team?

declared for the NBA draft and, then, consolidated that decision by hiring an agent, rendering him ineligible to

Regardless, the loss of Taylor leaves the Longhorns will

return to UT even if he doesn’t hear his name called in

a hole to fill on both ends of the floor.

late June during the draft. Which stings. For Texas fans, the departure of Taylor brings about mixed emotions.

Even if we all knew it was coming.

On the one hand, Isaiah was an unquestionably gifted player who gave great energy and emotion every time he stepped on the floor. Just as often, he was Texas’ most talented backcourt player when that portion of wasn’t exactly murderer’s row. On the other, Taylor’s immense potential and promise as a floor leader never translated into the kind of on-floor success the Longhorn faithful would have hoped for. And now he takes his game to the professional level where defenses will have to deal with his elite quickness and finishing ability and a coaching staff will have to deal with his issues as an outside shooter. For the 2016-17 version of the Longhorns Basketball squad, the impetus is pretty clear…they must, now, find someone else who can carry the burden of being an offense creator with the ball in his hands during the late clock situations on offense. Over his three years in Austin, seemingly every late clock situation his team had included Isaiah getting the ball in a high pick and roll or isolation set. That, of course, is no longer an option for head coach Shaka Smart and his staff. Who, then, will take on that role?


inside texas

Kraken_Texas_mechanical.indd 1

5/19/11 2:17:09 PM


Xavier Newman and Kobe Boyce add th upfront on the offensive line with three legit FBS lineman, and when I got to see all three up close at The Opening Regionals in Dallas I came away thinking Newman was the best of the bunch. He looked great in 1-on-1s on the way to earning himself an invite to Oregon and the offers have been piling up ever since. On tape he can be seen playing center, guard and tackle, so versatility is certainly a plus and he is obviously capable of handling a lot mentally if an OL coach is able to photo courtesy of Nike


he X-Man is headed to Texas.

How he fits at Texas: If this kid was 6-foot-5 rather than 6-foot-3,

DeSoto OL Xavier Newman com-

he’d be a 4-star offensive tackle

mitted to the Longhorns on April

prospect and with his reach, I think

20th. The 6-foot-4, 285-pound

the kid could probably play tackle

offensive lineman held offers from

anyways. Newman is quick but also

Mississippi State, Texas A&M, Mis-

determinedly gets his hands inside

souri, and North Carolina among

of people and works as hard as he


can to get leverage so he can finish the block with a pancake.

Newman visited Texas last weekend and came away impressed

When his frame fills out he could

after the Orange-White scrimmage.

probably carry 300+ very well and pack a lot of punch. He’s not pulling

“I loved UT and the Spring game

at DeSoto but his skill set suggests

was really nice,” Newman told IT.

he could become a very good pull-

“I can see that they have a lot of

ing guard. – IB


Coach says: DeSoto is loaded

inside texas

I love having a guy who is like a Swiss army knife because if gives you some flexibility when you are trying to get your best five on the field. On top of that, he has a bit of a nasty streak in him, and as I’ve said many times before, I absolutely love that and need that when evaluating an offensive lineman. How this affects Texas: Texas will go tackle heavy in ’17 class, and Newman has the versatility to play all three – C, G, and T. He attended UT’s Spring game on Saturday and it went as well as possible. Eric will have more on the X-Man from the

talent and they are going to do big things.”

deploy him in that manner.

Metroplex. – JW


heir names to the 2017 Recruiting Class.


ake Dallas corner Kobe Boyce’s stock is rising and now he’s go-

ing to be a Longhorn. “I just love the atmosphere and how they treat their players after they graduate because they are still a part of the Texas family even when they have graduated and it’s a brotherhood and I love that,” Boyce told Inside Texas. How he fits at Texas: Boyce has some nice recovery speed and played a lot of press coverage last year at Lake Dallas, both of which bode well for his chances of making it at Texas. At about 6’0″ or so he’s got nice size but will need to bulk up closer to 190 or 200 without losing that recovery speed. His technique should help and he clearly knows how to hang with routes while isolated in coverage. Another nice feature to Boyce’s game is that he

photo courtesy of Kobe Boyce

understands how to play run-force and how to defend screens, both of which are essential in the Big 12.

it, which I love seeing from a young

visiting Arkansas right now. He’s

If he gets heavier and stronger he

defensive back. Shows a willingness

smooth in his pedal and quick as he

could be a future left cornerback at

to fight through blocks on screens

shadows receivers in their breaks.

Texas. – IB

and appears to be a willing tackler

I’ve talked to some skills coaches

as well. After watching him for the

who told me Boyce shut down the

third time or so I feel like I didn’t give

Cedar Hill duo of Carmon Buckley

at 6’0, 163 at the Dallas regional

him enough love in my initial eval

and Charleston Rambo in training.

and clocked 4.49 in the 40 and 4.12

and Arkansas recently popped on

Very interesting. Texas has been

in the shuttle. The athleticism and

him. In time I wonder if Texas will do

talking to him with more frequency

agility show up on tape and he also

the same.

and an offer wouldn’t surprise me.

Coach says: I heard he measured

– EN

shows a knack for always finding the ball in the air and making a play on

How this affects Texas: Boyce is

April/May - 2016


ERIC’S TOP 25 FOR 2017

Sam Ehlinger

1. LB Baron Browning, Kennedale: Big, athletic, explosive,

4. DL Lagaryonn Carson, Liberty-Eylau - TEXAS: Size +

violent. Looks for work and is violent when he finds it. Tons of

movement skills = elite. Nobody has more upside in the class. I

versatility in high school that makes it easy to see him excelling

like him a ton as an SDE, love him as a DT.

at linebacker. Does well to fight through trash, he’s not just a cheetah running down gazelles in space. Maybe the best will

5. OL Tyrese Robinson, McKinney Boyd - OKLAHOMA:

prospect I’ve seen. Could also play Mike or Fox.

Tremendous athlete for a guard. He may have enough length to be a tackle. Proverbial dancing bear.

2. DT Marvin Wilson, Bellaire Episcopal: Rule of thumb; the


bigger you are with uncommon movement skills the higher you’ll

6. RB JK Dobbins, La Grange - OHIO STATE: High floor, high

be ranked. Not quite A’Shawn Robinson but not far off. Big and

ceiling. Dismiss notions he’s an APB. He’s a volume carry, or

well coordinated. Light on his feet. Showing to have chip on his

split platoon back with homerun ability. Plays don’t have to be

shoulder you need to be great.

blocked perfectly for Dobbins to find running room.

3. S Jeffrey Okudah, South Grand Prairie: The best ‘football

7. LB Anthony Hines, Plano East: Like a dog show, if you

athlete’ I’ve covered at the position and likely the second best

compare a dog to only dogs within the same breed, or in this

safety I’ve seen behind only future millionaire, Jamal Adams.

case, mike versus mike, Hines is best in show. He’s that far

Okudah combines range and coverage ability with the willing-

ahead from other mike prospects. Runs like a box safety, looks

ness to fill versus the run. Athletic enough to play corner.

like a d-end.

inside texas

8. OL Jack Anderson, Frisco - TEXAS TECH: Big, barrel

lock, in my opinion.

chested guy who looks like a guard, but is athletic enough to get a look at tackle. Reminds of Kent Perkins in that regard.

18. S Grant Delpit, Lamar: I’m a sucker for range and closing speed at safety. Delpit has that in excess.

9. OT Walker Little, Bellaire Episcopal: Along with Carson, he may have the most upside in the class. He’s damn good now

19. QB Shawn Robinson, Denton Guyer - TCU: Had a poor

but after his body fills out and he’s more comfortable with his

year but still has the physical attributes that made him one-time

size he’ll become an elite college player. I probably have him

5-star. Great arm and good athlete. He’s a top 5 talent.

too low based on what I think he’ll become. 20. WR Hezekiah Jones, Stafford - BAYLOR: Similar to Miller 10. TE Brock Wright, Cy Fair - NOTRE DAME: The best block-

in type and skills. They’re closer in ability than six spots in this

ing tight end with actual receiving ability you’ll see on this level.

ranking would indicate.

He blocks like somebody dented up his car before the game. Not the greatest athlete as a receiver but he’s athletic.

21. WR Tylan Wallace, South Hills - OKLAHOMA STATE: Size and build is the lone concern. Reminds a bit of Rashaad

11. QB Sam Ehlinger, Westlake - TEXAS: He did well at camp

Samples but is much more well rounded. Explosive receiver

but I had seen enough of him by the end of the 1st half versus

who projects either inside or outside.

Southlake Carroll. He has the natural make-up of a quarterback while also possessing good physical traits. He just needs to

22. ATH Frank Harris, Schertz Clementz: He’s going to pick a

ensure he remains flexible in his upper body.

school where he can play QB but as an athlete he’s one of the best in the state. As a QB I’d probably have him in the 40’s but

12. WR Damion Miller, John Tyler - TEXAS: The #1 receiver in

he’s such an electric athlete.

a loaded class because he’s a touchdown threat in the short and deep game. Reminds me of the very underappreciated John

23. WR Jalen Reagor, Waxahachie - Oklahoma: Has the


skill and quickness of a ‘small’ receiver but plays bigger than his height because of how he attacks the ball. He’ll kill it in that

13. WR Omar Manning, Lancaster: 1B to Miller’s 1A. Great

damn Okie offense.

job of accelerating into his routes, great size, strong hands. If he was more explosive at the top of his route he’d be a 5-star.

24. WR Tyrell Shavers, Lewisville: Monstrous ceiling which he needs at 6-foot-5. Tons of length, tons of speed, he’s just really

14. TE Major Tennison, Bullard - TEXAS: Better receiver and


more athletic than Wright. If someone put him ahead of Wright I wouldn’t scoff at it. For now I have Wright ahead of him because

25: OL Grayson Reed, Cy-Creek: He’s a good guard/tackle

of his duality as a receiver/blocker. Tennison has more upside

prospect. I think he’s a RT at most places but A&M sees him as

because of his athleticism so I’m in a tough spot ranking him.

a guard. If I were rating him as a guard he may be behind Wes Harris and Edward Ingram but his tackle ability increases his

15. OL Austin Deculus, Cy Fair: Big ass dude. I have him for


guard rather than tackle where his size and athleticism better translate. A bit stiff for tackle.

Right there: OL Wes Harris, Aledo; Levi Jones, Westlake; Eno Benjamin, Wylie East; K’Lavon Chaisson, North Shore; CB

16. RB Toneil Carter, Langham Creek: Whatever I wrote about

Chevin Calloway, Bishop Dunne; TE Kedrick James, Waco La

Devwah Whaley goes here. Explosive athlete but is he a natural

Vega; OL Edward Ingram, Desoto; QB Chris Robison, Mesquite

runner? I’m not sure.


17. DE Taquon Graham, Temple: Big Fox or SDE candidate. He’ll be big versus the run and athletic in his pass rush. Texas Jordan Elliott

April/May - 2016


RECRUITING UPDATE by Justin Wells and Ian Boyd

We look at some of the top 2017 targets for the Longhorns on both sides of the ball.

MANNIE NETHERLY - WR Crosby (2017) How he fits at Texas: Netherly is an explosive receiver who’s a fluid route runner with great hands but also terrifying on screens or quick passes that just get the ball in his hands. He’s already quite polished on his junior tape so he’ll probably be a guy that teams build around by the time he’s a junior in college. For Texas he’s the perfect fit for the new offense as he excels in all the places where receivers are emphasized in this offense (deep routes, screens, and quick slants/crosses). - Ian Boyd

How this affects Texas: The in-state crop of wide receivers for 2017 is sick. Texas is well aware of this. You Coach says: One of his coaches down at Crosby has been singing this

can land a difference maker from potentially 7-8 prospects. Neth-

kid’s praises for some time now, and now he has blown up and holds 25

erly fits that mold. The staff wants to take three in this class, and

offers, including some from very heavy hitters. Started out at quarterback

would be willing to take four if the opportunity presents itself. With

(he’ll play there as senior) and then made his way to receiver and may

Damion Miller already in the fold, UT has a handful to choose

have found a home at the position. He has good size (listed at 6-foot-3)

from - Tyrell Shavers, Omar Manning, Jalen Reagor, and Netherly

and is plenty fast (4.5 speed) and when you watch his film, it is clear the

are at the top of its big board. And despite Mannie being pledged

kid can roll. Receivers who are tall, long, and fast will always be in demand

to the Aggies, I have a feeling that won’t stick. Texas would hap-

and if he can add some weight to his frame and keep his speed, he is go-

pily flip the 21.7 200-meter athlete if given the chance. And I kinda

ing to be a damn problem for college DCs at the collegiate level.

like their chances. – Justin Wells

How he fits at Texas: This kid is a top shelf athlete and can project to do most anything you could want from a coverage player. He has recovery speedy to play press and good eyes and lateral range in zone. His frame is a tad slight when it comes to being a physical presence on the perimeter but the willingness is there, if he could get to 190 or so without losing his quickness he’d be an absolute prize for Texas. This isn’t a guy that Texas wants anyone else in the Big 12 to get. - Ian Boyd


inside texas

How he fits at Texas: At 6-foot-7,

How this affects Texas: We’ve

305, as a high school junior with quick

gone in-depth about Little for

feet (size 18’s) and some real power,

almost two years now. He’s a top

Little is a fantastic tackle prospect.

target for a reason - a natural

He’s quick enough out of his stance

tackle for the left or right side.

to be intriguing as a left tackle and the

There are tons of positives for

way he absorbs contact while hardly

UT at the moment; proximity, re-

budging against the pass-rush is very

lationship with the staff (notably

promising. He’s also a very willing

Mattox), the ability to play early,

and effective run blocker who can find

and the new offense in which he

targets at the second level. Walker is

feels most comfortable. Little will

probably your left tackle of the 2017

continue to take his time in his

class and could still be a mauling RT

recruitment; he’ll visit Ole Miss

if he doesn’t pan out as the featured

and Stanford, and LSU and Ala-

tackle. – Ian Boyd

bama will have a legit shot. He told me he’ll have a Top 10 soon.

Coach says: Little and the Austin

But if Texas shows the slightest

Deculus kid from Cy-Fair are 1A and 1B for me this cycle for in-state offensive

of on-field improvement, I feel

tackles. Recently locked up OL MVP


honors at the Rivals camp in Dallas

Episcopal (Bellaire, TX) 2017

good about the Horns chances. Protecting Ehlinger’s blindside is just too enticing at this point.

and Opening Regionals in Houston, he possesses the ideal measureables you look for when recruiting guys at the position. When I watched his sophomore film I wasn’t sure if he was going to stick at left tackle, but watching his junior tape convinced me otherwise. He moves very well and possesses adequate athleticism necessary to stick on the blindside. On

Strong’s penchant for patience so play dividends in the end. - Justin Wells

top of that he has a nice punch and overwhelms his opponents at times as he should given the competition level (SPC) he goes against. He is going to make one offensive line coach a very happy camper come NSD.

How this affects Texas: UT wants to take two corners in 2017. Vincent is one of those. His speed and quickness are elite, his hips are good, he’s just a tad on the small size. However, that won’t deter major college programs. After Texas locked up Lake Dallas CB, Kobe Boyce, the Horns staff can afford to be picky and patient. Both of which will help in Vincent’s recruitment. He’s an A&M legacy and has Florida drooling over his potential. Running a 4.3 40 will do that sometimes. - Justin Wells

Coach says: Got him slated as the number one corner in the state as things sit right now. I didn’t have to watch his tape very long before he had me saying “OH SH**”. He can fly, he’s athletic, and for me I wouldn’t care how I got him, but I would have to have him on my team if I was a coach on a defensive staff. I’m not sure if he is 6-foot-0 as he is listed, but in this case I wouldn’t make a fuss about it because he can flat out ball.

KARY VINCENT, CB Memorial (Port Arthur, TX) 2017

April/May - 2016


How he fits at Texas: Sanogo knows his business between the tackles, that much is clear. He’s an inside-backer all the way and probably won’t ever be quick enough to play as an outside-backer but he has adequate quickness and the right kind of power and strength to be a bull inside. Besides his fantastic size and strength, he also has a good feel for the position. He’d be a good fit for a team that protects their LBs from leaving the box much vs the run or pass and whether

MOHAMED SANOGO - LB Plano West, TX 2017

he’d be a good take for Texas would depend on how much he could translate his heavy hands into becoming a strong blitzer. – Ian Boyd

How this affects Texas: After a couple great camps showings, Momo didn’t disappoint

Coach says: Built like a prototypical inside linebacker at 6-foot-2, 239. Was named

in Houston. He’s got the size to play inside

the MVP for his position group at The Opening regional in Dallas, but his offer sheet

backer, a spot Texas sorely needs, but the

is sparse at the moment (Indiana, Rice, Western Illinois). He is in his element com-

staff still views him as the 2nd tier of in-state

ing down hill in the run game and filling his gaps, but I don’t see much (or any) clips

backers. If Texas lands Baron Browning -

of him going backwards in coverage. When I see that a red flag automatically goes

they look great here - they probably get An-

up until I can see him do it with my own eyes because otherwise he may be a two

thony Hines, and look good here as well. Any

down LB. I didn’t see how he tested in Dallas, but I am going to double back so I can

indication otherwise and Sanogo becomes a

get a better idea of what kind of athlete he is.

priority. Until then, it’s wait-and-see mode for Sanogo. - Justin Wells

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Recognized as Rising Star by Texas Monthly and Super Lawyer magazines John A. Hay III


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