Inside Texas October 2018

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RED RIVER REVIVAL! Sam Ehlinger’s best game as a Longhorn results in a 48-45 win over Oklahoma.

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in this issue

Calvin Anderson is Different |


by Mike Blackwell

The senior transfer from Rice is not your average lineman.


Horns Win Red River Rivalry

Game Story by Joe Cook Post Mortem by Scipio Tex


He’s Good! | by Mike Blackwell The Big Moment Doesn’t Faze Freshman Cameron Dicker.


Texas Outlasts Baylor 23-17 Game Story by Joe Cook 5 Quick Thoughts by Ian Boyd


Cowboys Top Longhorns in Stillwater Game Story by Justin Wells

Publishers -- Michael Pearle, Clendon Ross | Managing Editor--Clendon Ross | Editor-- Mike Blackwell Editor -- Justin Wells | Lead Writer -- Joe Cook | Contributor -- Ian Boyd Designer/Photographer -- Will Gallagher | Recruiting Analyst -- Eric Nahlin To Subscribe/Customer Service -- Phone: 512-659-8167 | Email: September - 2018



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NOT YOUR AVERA By Mike Blackwell

September - 2018


AGE LEFT TACKLE Calvin Anderson is different. Now, admittedly, he also has traits shared by plenty of other major college football players his age. For instance, the University of Texas senior offensive lineman would like to ultimately have a chance to play in the National Football League. And like other young football players, he’d like to make his parents and his university proud. He wants to be great - if not exceptional - at whatever he does with his life. But make no mistake: he’s different. How? Well, where do we begin? September - 2018


- calvin anderson -


e graduated from Rice with a degree in mathemati-

“I was a small boy coming out of high school, man,”

cal economics and religion. With a minor in busi-

Anderson said. “I got to college at 235 or 240 (pounds),


something really light. I thought I was a good player, I just knew I was really light.”

He also played basketball and tennis in high school, in addition to marching center snare in his school’s drum

Calvin Anderson is different.

line. Which brings us to the Nintendo story...yeah, he’s differHis father, DeVry, played football at Army. His grandfa-


ther played professional tennis. While at Rice, Anderson’s parents quickly realized that Oh, and he also used his very high level of intelligence

his judgment deserved trusting. That trust ultimately

to convince his parents to buy stock in Nintendo. Made

resulted in Anderson standing in his parents’ living room,

them some money, too.

selling them on the investment idea that involved Nintendo’s Pokemon app.

Even his high school career was different - it started at Georgetown, where he was part of a 15-1 team that

“We had seen the trends,” Anderson told the Houston

advanced to the state finals in 2012. He then moved to

Chronicle. “I ended up giving this long PowerPoint pitch

Westlake for his senior season, where he was not heav-

to my parents and got them to invest, so they made a

ily recruited at a smallish 240-pound lineman.

little money off of that.” Texas coach Tom Herman was likely not surprised the first time he heard the Anderson family investment story. “Calvin is a great story,” Herman said when he secured Anderson’s commitment to the Burnt Orange. “He’s an under-recruited kid who took his football development very seriously and it shows. He’s a very intelligent, engaging and bright young man who is also a tremendous football player. “It was a joy getting to know Calvin and his family, they are among the most impressive I’ve ever come across in recruiting. We’re thrilled to have him in our program.”

BJ Foster


inside texas

Anderson is even different in how he ended up at Texas. After starting at Rice

- calvin anderson for three years - and getting the aforementioned degree - Anderson, now 6-5 and 300 pounds, opened up his second recruitment and immediately found suitors from Alabama, Michigan, Auburn, Texas A&M, Oklahoma. And Texas. He used the same common sense used in his parents’ living room to make the decision to come to Texas. “It was a business decision to come here to play football and just set myself up to be ready for the 2019 NFL draft,” Anderson said. “I’m not so focused on that right now because I’m focused on winning games for this team, but life is unpredictable and I think I tried my best at Rice and even while I’m still here trying to set myself up to have as many options as possible.” His decision certainly looks like a good one at this point. The Longhorns are serious contenders for the Big 12 championship, and are ranked in the top 15 for the first time in a long time. The Texas offense, of which Anderson is a big part, has been downright explosive at times, in no small part because of the improvement that the offensive line from last year to this year. It’s quite likely due, at least in part, to the leadership provided by the team’s only mathematical economics major. He fits comfortably into his elder statesman role, and appreciates the maturity shown by the youngsters. And he’s more than a little thankful to be playing on a team that is winning. “That’s one of the special things I think about this team is that we have a lot of young guys who have veteran mentalities,” Anderson said recently. “That comes from the coaches, especially Coach (Herb) Hand (offensive line coach), he talks about it every game. We say, ‘nobody’s a freshman anymore, everybody’s a veteran so play like a vet, have the mentality of a vet.’ You look all around

the locker room and see guys who are 18, 19 and played college football for a year or two and they’re thinking like you do, that’s pretty special.” What’s also special is the impact Anderson has had on his teammates in a very, very short period of time. “I would say the best I’ve ever gone against, or at least one of the best I’ve ever gone against,” says Texas defensive end Breckyn Hager. “I see him getting more comfortable with his vocal presence. I really like what I see from him in terms of effort, technique, and nastiness. He’s very smart, but he also knows how to do what nasty tackles do.” In other words, Calvin Anderson is different.

September - 2018




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DALLAS, TX - Through three-and-a-half quarters, the Red River Shootout was all Texas. The Longhorn offense rolled a Sooner defense, and the Texas defense did well to limit the explosive Oklahoma offense, with Texas holding a two score lead. But with 2:38 left in the game, Kyler Murray and Trey Sermon helped OU tie the game at 45. September - 2018




texas vs ou


fter a disappointing finish last

a school record when he recorded

Dicker then did his own writing of

year, Texas quarterback Sam

his 163rd straight pass without an

history, sending the ball straight


down the middle for the deciding

Ehlinger did everything he could to make sure 2018 had a different ending.

three. Texas’ 48 points is the most it “Being part of this tradition in play-

has ever scored in the RRS.

ing in such an incredible rivalry is a But after leading a final drive to the

blessing and I am reminded of that

“When they started coming back, I

Sooner 23 he had to leave every-

every year,” Ehlinger said. “It is defi-

started to think ‘okay, I’m going to

thing on the foot of freshman kicker

nitely a game that we have circled

kick the game winner,’” Dicker said.

Cameron Dicker.

every year. It means a lot to us. I still

“I know I was going to. I felt that, and

can’t put to words how incredible this

I was ready to go.”

Dicker’s field goal sailed through the

rivalry is and being part of it.”

uprights with nine seconds remain

Playmakers on both teams had big

ing, and Texas held on to win 48-45

The sophomore improved to 1-1

to improve to 5-1 on the year.

in Red River Shootouts, but his


performance during the final drive

Murray had 396 yards of total of-

Ehlinger was responsible for five

cemented himself in to the history of

fense and five touchdowns, four

Texas touchdowns, three rushing

the rivalry. Ehlinger was 3-of-4 for 26

passing and one rushing. Marquise

and two passing, along with 394

yards with three rushes for 12 yards

“Hollywood” Brown had nine catches

total yards. He was 24-of-35 and set

to get into Dicker’s range.

for 131 yards and two scores, while

Collin Johnson


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texas vs ou


Charles Omenihu (80) and Breckyn Hager (60)

CeeDee Lamb had six catches for

Ehlinger and Humphrey’s plays,

several teammates caught up to

75 yards and a score.

though, elevated the team to vic-

him to push him in the pile, gain-

However, what Texas’ playmakers

tory. And unlike Murray who had

ing 19 yards. Ehlinger converted a

did outshone those in the crimson

an interception and a lost fumble,

fourth down, and a few plays later,

and cream.

Ehlinger didn’t turn the ball over.

ran it into the end zone.

Junior Lil’Jordan Humphrey had

“The guy has played in some big

“You throw a tunnel screen just to

nine catches for 133 yards and

ball games this year and he’s

get some yardage for our punt and

a touchdown and even added a

played really well in those games,”

maybe pin them inside the 10-yard

passing touchdown from the wildcat

Texas head coach Tom Herman

line and play defense,” Herman


said. “I don’t think anybody was sur-

said. “But L.J. Humphrey is one of

prised to see him do what he did.”

the toughest guys we have on our

Freshman Keaontay Ingram had 13

football team. After we scored on

carries for 86 yards, and junior Col-

Even in a contest with a game-win-

that series, we said on the headset

lin Johnson had six catches for 81

ning field goal, Herman found his

that’s a culture play.”

yards and a score.

play of the game at the beginning stages of the second half.

Senior Tre Watson got into the

Murray and Oklahoma’s two gametying drives came in the span of

scoring action with a touchdown

Humphrey caught a screen pass

reception on a wheel route in the

on third and 21 early in the third

second quarter.

quarter. He stayed on his feet, and

1:57 in the fourth quarter. After a 22-yard punt to the Sooner

September - 2018


33, Murray’s offense took the field. He scrambled 67 yards up the sideline for a touchdown to make it a one-score game with 8:28 left. Texas’ ensuing drive was derailed by a first down penalty, and the Longhorns punted the ball back to the Sooners with 3:43 remaining. Murray to Sermon, 35 yards. Sermon rush, 15 yards. Sermon rush, touchdown. The PAT tied the game, and though a good amount of Sooner fans had already made their way to the exits, those that remained were raucous. Until Dicker hit his field goal, that is. The postgame questions for Herman and several other Longhorns quickly became a search for the answer to the question ‘is Texas back?’ Herman, as he often does, repeated that the only opinions that

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matter to his team are those of the players and coaches in the locker room. He reiterated his team would celebrate the win before turning their attention to Baylor next week, and continued to not provide answers to whether his football program was back or not. Breckyn Hager, however, put it more simply. “The only thing that’s back is that we’re going back to work for Baylor.”

Follow Inside Texas 14

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September - 2018



O F F E N S E by Scipio Tex


njoy the win. Texas opened as a 8 point underdog for a

to score the game winner and hit 6th Street like the Rat Pack hit

reason. While a fervent Sooner rally and a late sputtering

the Sands in ‘61.

Longhorn offense gave us all a shared empty sick feeling, like our guts were inhabited by a Kyler Murray sized loss gnome

The Texas team gets better with these kinds of wins against a

looking to claw out like the baby from Alien, there are no bad

significant opponent. Sam Ehlinger and this offense now know

wins in Texas-OU. None. Old-timers, please chime in and have

when they’re up against it, they can expect to win.

my back on this one. There are no bad wins in Texas-OU. Particularly ones that are this freaking awesome.

Take off your hat to the (sometimes deservedly) maligned Texas offensive coaching staff. The offensive braintrust was aggres-

That feeling we all had when we thought the win was slipping

sively throwing the ball on early downs (Sam was 9 of 10 for 142

away is the proof of it. Once you understand that, enlightenment

in Q1), clearly game planned around the same lack of physical-

dawns cleaner than a Kauai sunrise. When the sporting stakes

ity and tackling in the OU back end that we perceived in our

are that high, the concept of a bad win against OU doesn’t exist.

IT previews, and they unleashed Sam expertly as a situational

It can’t. That proof of our empty sick stomachs just moments

runner with some nice wrinkles and smart play calls against a

after giddy bliss followed by relief and joy is nearly mathematical

profoundly average Sooner DL.

in its certainty. The win is the thing. They also didn’t obsess unduly over time of possession. Texas What did exist was a hell of a Longhorn offensive effort. The

just ran good offense and tried to light the scoreboard up. It

best of the season by far.

was clear that #11 had wide latitude for most of the game to check us into good plays and CJ and LJH rewarded that trust by

The Longhorns had four possessions in the 1st half of the

repeatedly abusing OU’s yappy, Charmin soft defensive backs.

Texas-OU game. They scored on all four, amassing three

Sooner DBs love to chatter and they’re welcome in the produce

touchdowns (on three 75 yard drives) and a field goal (after a

section. Because none of them could bust a grapefruit. I haven’t

Kyler Murray interception to Brandon Jones). It was the most

seen that much shoe diving since a Jimmy Choo delivery truck

effective offense of the 2018 season and while OU’s physically

tipped over in front of the Tri-Delt house.

soft defense had a lot to do with that, it was a far cry from what


we rolled out last week against Kansas State (they weren’t

The offensive onslaught renewed in the second half when Texas

exactly brimming with athletes in Manhattan, folks). Credit game

methodically scored touchdowns on three of their first four

plan, play calling, the players on the field executing, and a lot

possessions (23 yard drive after a Murray fumble, a 82 yard

of mental toughness to start fast, keep the pedal on the metal,

drive, another 75 yard drive) while the staff stayed aggressive

experience some deep adversity, then coolly find the composure

throwing the ball downfield and smartly checking to runs against

inside texas

honest boxes. Texas went up 45-21 and some bold Longhorns

So what happened? The Texas offense coolly reasserted itself,

even began to speculate about the possibility of a blowout.

got back to business, and drove 52 yards on 9 plays while bleeding almost every last tick of the game clock. Dicker calmly

Naturally, adversity struck.

kicker’d and you know the rest. Texas secured a win over our most hated rival (get your Aggie talk out of here) in a game for

Texas didn’t really get that conservative on offense so much as

the ages, scored the most points in series history, whipped a

have inopportune penalties that killed drives - and none of those

Top 7 team on national television in front of errybody, staked a

penalties were particularly debatable. E-Rod tackled a guy,

lead in the Big 12 race, and left little doubt that Herman’s tough

Cosmi had a clear hold outside and Shack had a unnecessary

program culture is taking root. I bet some recruits even watched.

hold that erased a 12 yard Tre Watson scamper. Another series went against our aggressive game type when we stubbornly

Enjoy. This. Win. I love all of you lunatics, even the ones on the

ran into a loaded box, threw at a five man box on 2nd down and

game thread who need to be shaken by the front of your shirt.

Ehlinger threw an inaccurate ball on 3rd down out of a weak roll-

Texas-OU isn’t about style points.

ing pocket that divided the field in half. That was our worst playcalling series. But if Texas has 12 real possessions and only one

That said, let’s sort of assess some style points now... ;)


pisses me off from a play-calling/recognition stand point, that’s


amazing offensive football.

Sam Ehlinger’s best game as a Longhorn QB. 24 of 35 for 314 yards passing, 2 TDs. 19 carries, 72 yards rushing, 3 TDs. He

OU may indeed suck, but the Longhorn puckering across the

totaled 386 yards of offense and five touchdowns, made some

country when the game evened at 45 sounded like a Big Tex

terrific adjustments to Mike Stoops schemery (such as it is),

sized slurpee straw.

and played without a turnover in a game that was decided by two QBs who played brilliantly, but only one of them turned it

September - 2018


over twice, leading to 10 Texas points. Sam bludgeoned the

Keontay was nothing short of special on his touches. His 31

Sooners on draws and power sweeps and repeatedly tossed

yard pop highlighted his vision and explosiveness, but his best

dimes on substantial downfield throws while completing 68.6%

work was turning carries blocked for 1-2 into 4-5 yard gains

of his attempts. His pocket poise was consistent. That’s as

that kept Texas ahead of the chains. 13 carries, 86 yards, 6.6

complete a dual threat performance as you could want and he

per carry and only one negative run (for -1). He’s a deft inside

did a wonderful job of rewarding the staff’s confidence in him.

runner given his size and frame and will only get better. I like

That will only beget more rope and leeway in the offense and

his work load and how Texas has winnowed down the backfield

maybe that’s going to result in the doughnut finally coming off of

snaps to mainly #5 and #26.

the scoring bat.

WR/TE Once known as a error-prone freshman, to date, sophomore

In the preview, I stated that CJ and LJH had an opportunity

Sam Ehlinger is the best ball protecting QB in the Big 12 and

to control the game with their physicality and size against the

has the longest interception free streak in Longhorn passing

Sooner DB group. That they did. CJ caught 6 balls for 81 yards

history. Not bad.

and a touchdown while also drawing two key PIs (including on the game winning drive) and LJH balled out with 9-133-1 td and


a touchdown pass. They repeatedly broke tackles in the second-

Tre Watson gave us some great snaps, particularly as a pass

ary, moved the chains, ran good routes (the contrast over time

catcher, scoring a TD on an easy flip (that has been there all

from Maryland to now is stark) and generally wreaked havoc.

year, ahem!) and converting a key 3rd down. He maximized his

Anytime an offense gets 15 catches, 214 yards receiving, 3 TDs

runs and ran hard in there. He’s not blessed by God with Keaon-

and draws multiple penalties from its two main receiving options,

tay’s burst and slipperiness, but I absolutely love Watson. He’s a

it’s doing work.

Longhorn for life in my book. Duvernay had a tremendous game impact with his key 18 yard



inside texas

LIL’ JORDAN HUMPHREY reception the game-winning drive. I don’t know that he’s ever

three holding penalties really hurt Texas late. And their only sur-

going to be a natural enough receiver to ever have the career

rendered sack came on a Vahe mental error that allowed a free

we expected from the former five star, but he’s clearly accepted

OU blitzer. Still, a blitz heavy OU defense only had 3 tackles for

his #3 WR role.

loss. That’s getting it done.

John Burt sighting! Welcome back, John. 1 catch, 9 yards.

During the game, I was giving our friend the esteemed @ UTexasfootball some grief that he’d better rate Sam Cosmi a full

Amazing how we’ve pared down our WR rotation isn’t it?

A given how he kept reaching OU’s playside DE on our Ehlinger runs and dominating in pass pro, but naturally Cosmi commit-

Maybe Beck’s best game as a Longhorn. He made some terrific,

ted a holding penalty immediately thereafter proving that Coach

timely catches, including a key 3rd down conversion on a scor-

always wins and I’d best shut up.

ing drive and a 19 yard catch on 3rd and 20 that set up a 4th down conversion, and had some of his best blocking of his ca-

Shack played largely good ball in his return. His first holding call

reer. The Sooner DBs having the physicality of a flight attendant

was mysterious, the second well-deserved. He wore out OU’s

may have played a role in his blocking acumen, but props to the

big boys for the most part, in combination with Vahe.

staff for getting big on their little and for Beck getting after it. There’s no way this offense rolls as it did without their perfor-


mance. That it was marred late by some bad penalties doesn’t

Big picture, these guys played their asses off. Ehlinger largely

erase 48 points on the board and lot of plays featuring Crimson

had fine protection, they did a nice job getting some push up

DL looking for a white towel to throw in. Winning performance.

front on obvious running power goal line situations, and they made OU’s DL say no mas on a few drives. Unfortunately, the

September - 2018



inside texas




OU has a really good offense. That was obvious coming in,

handful, they install a lot of stuff, play fast, and it’s impressive

more obvious during the game, and really obvious on the re-

that they can execute all of it.

watch. The OL is high quality, Murray is a unique freak, the RBs are very solid and the wide receivers and tight end are very

They haven’t missed a beat from last year and while Kyler Mur-

good - though probably not quite as dominant in a vacuum as

ray lacks Baker Mayfield’s experience and lightning ability to

the scheme makes them.

process coverages, he’s a polished thrower and his speed and elusiveness add an element of dynamism that inspires the sort

Riley puts them in fantastic situations and they are constantly

of fear that elite dual threat guys can inspire in opponents.

mind screwing the opposing teams coverage by constantly muddying assignments, shifting personnel, using unconventional

While Murray’s skills can’t translate a level up (good choice on

backfield action and creating easy reads for the QB. They’re a

baseball, Kyler), it’s deadly at the college level. Nothing more

September - 2018



terrifying for a DC than a dual threat QB with long speed who

like Nicolas Cage watching the snuff film in 8mm.

can also kill you downfield from the pocket. As predicted, Todd Orlando flooded the field with defensive I thought the Texas defense played three quarters of very com-

backs to keep a cap OU’s downfield passes and contain

petitive defense, once you adjust for opponent quality. Then it all

Murray’s scrambles with team speed and for three quarters it

fell apart in the 4th quarter. Was the culprit fatigue? Yes. Was it

worked. We bent, but didn’t break and OU’s 24 points on the

a loss of poise? Yes. Did our secondary lose its mind and forget

scoreboard through three quarters was evidence of that fact.

how to tackle, cover or even line up in a proper football stance? Yes.

OU had no deep single score throws...until Marquise Brown exploited a Keystone Kops 4th quarter coverage 77 yards for a

I’ll give this to the Texas linebackers though - they were consis-

jogging touchdown. And Kyler Murray had 25 yards rushing at

tently bad all game. No 4th quarter slide for them.

2 yards per carry through three quarters until his 67 yard jaunt that featured a sideline tight rope where, based on our tackling,

Here were Oklahoma’s three 4th quarter “drives” for touch-

it’s possible that Murray actually willed himself invisible for


significant stretches of the run.

6-54, TD, 2:00

1-67, TD, 0:11

Todd Orlando isn’t happy with the 4th quarter collapse. I’m not

3-57, TD, 1:05

happy with the 4th quarter collapse. Fans aren’t happy with the collapse. But it happened and we still won. Beats the alternative.


At some points during this stretch, I jumped up and

I think OU had a lot to do with it as the formula of pressure times

screamed,”Have you all lost your f’ing minds?” I believe the

fatigue divided by exposure of weak links started spitting out

defensive response was a 35 yard completion to Tre Sermon, a

unfavorable integers, but truthfully it also revealed some stuff

15 yard run for Tre Sermon through a ten foot hole, followed by

about this defense that’s not changing without improvement,

a TD run where Sermon trampled two guys.

replacement or both.

Three drives. 10 plays. 178 yards. 3 touchdowns. 3:16 elapsed.


Todd Orlando probably watched the 4th quarter film yesterday

I thought Charles Omenihu and Chris Nelson had some good

inside texas

play. Omenihu gave us some hard pass rushes in the first half that yielded a sack, a pressure and a tackle for loss. He’s now our leading season sack leader with four. Nelson had some good run stuffs inside and drew a holding penalty. He was a non-factor pass rusher, but I think that was understood going in. Unfortunately, on several occasions, the Texas DL confused containment with standing around looking at Kyler. Containment means pass rushing with some control and awareness, but still going really hard up the field to affect windows and make the passer reset his feet. It doesn’t mean locking out, standing, and watching. We were fairly aggressive in personnel rotations but I thought we sorely missed Roach as a quality spark with his hand down. OU did a good job of containing Hager’s penetration and there were some clear plays where they doubled him and beat him up to slow him down. We needed more from Bimage, Wilbon, Graham and Christmas. Understanding that OU’s OL is good and we’re outnumbered up front, the idea is still to give us 20-25 maniacal snaps, four or five at a time. They should be pursuing the football like a dog on a rabbit. Not catching and watching. There’s nothing to save yourself for when you’re coming in off the bench.

LB We would have been better replacing Wheeler with a scarecrow wearing a Tommy Nobis Fathead. The Mummy was in full effect. Gary Johnson was mesmerized by OU’s play action, backfield movement and kept letting OU’s OL get a piece of him on 2nd level releases. When you run a 4.5 at MLB, at least guess somewhere fast. Paralyzation robs you of what makes you special. GJ excels at see-ball, chase-ball and Lincoln Riley excels at making players like Gary see decoy balls all over the field. #33 short-circuited. I would have also liked to have seen McCulloch more, particularly as legs tired over time. You don’t have to put in a nickel to accomplish that. It’s not hard devise a dime package, particularly if you sit Wheeler. As I’ve written before, Shark’s best attribute is actually his strength and pop - he can hold up against big boys just fine.

DBs I have zero problem with how Kris Boyd or Davante Davis played against a quality OU receiving corps. Kris was quiet except when jumping all over screens, which is how I like my Boyd best. That was one benefit of having a lot of safety coverage over the top. Davante gave up some cushion throws to Lamb, got more comfortable and then locked down pretty well.


September - 2018


They weren’t perfect - particularly tackling in the 4th quarter- but both played winning football. P.J. Locke gave up a free 77 yard TD because he was still adjusting his equipment at the snap of the football, while lined up at the same depth as another Longhorn DB and then ran the same self-pick play that he performed against Maryland. Surreal. Beyond that obvious raspberry, he missed several tackles and there were times where it wasn’t particularly clear to me whether he was guarding a man or an area in coverage. Caden Sterns had his worst game as a freshman starter. Makes sense given his responsibilities, the stage and opponent. He’ll be better for it. A gifted freshman DB’s mistakes won’t necessarily show up in pure coverage, but they will show up in tackling, angles and anticipation. That’s what happened with Caden. I expect a rally game against Baylor. B.J. Foster had an up and down game where he made several terrific plays (he swim moved an OU OT 100 pounds heavier than him on 3rd and 1 to force a punt on his stunt) and several tough ones (he blew two egregious tackles in the 4th and lost composure in coverage). Like Sterns, I have no concerns. Young DBs need to get blooded. Brandon Jones largely played three good quarters, securing a gimme INT and leading the team in tackles. He had two hard open field tackles that particularly impressed me. But he fell apart in the 4th, too. I’m not sure what happened and how the panic and fatigue escalated so quickly in that period, but it’s worth the staff identifying and thinking about. Everything can’t be call-matching with the opposing OC. We have to have some sort of base comfort coverage, where even if it’s predictable, our guys all know what to do and can execute.

SPECIAL TEAMS Buj is a problem. This isn’t an inexperience issue. 36 yard punts aren’t cutting it. Those hidden yards accrue over time and change games. A freshman Michael Dickson showed his talent, even when he made ball-handling mistakes or shanked. Buj has not yet shown any.


BRANDON JONES (19) AND B.J. FOSTER (25) Dicker the kicker was terrific and of course the game’s hero. After a rough couple of games, he was a perfect 2 for 2, drilling a 44 yard field goal and a pressure-packed game-winning 40 yard effort to seal the game. Amazing poise for a true freshman. In that situation, I would have thrown up on myself and shanked the ball into a fryer full of fried Snickers outside of the stadium. Our kick coverage teams didn’t make any major mistakes, but did lose lane discipline on an OU return that forced Dicker to make the tackle.

OVERALL We love the Longhorn offense this week because they kicked ass and ultimately won the game. We’re angry at the Texas defense because they collapsed in the 4th quarter and made us all experience some butterflies the size of condors late. I won’t excuse the D, but they drew arguably the best offense in college football. The Texas offense drew an absolutely mediocre Oklahoma defense, with a coordinator who was fired after the game. The helmets all said OU, but it was like playing two different opponents. The Texas defense will have the opportunity to grow from this experience and while we’ll see more explosive offenses, none of them are going to bring the same combination of stresses that this OU offense can bring to bear. We hope. 5-1, Hook ‘em!

’ HE S GOOD! By Mike Blackwell

The camera is the ultimate truth-teller, more believable than a polygraph, more straightforward than your big-mouth best friend, more truthful than a grandmother who has lived a long life and who deep-sixed her verbal filter years go. The camera tells it exactly like it is. The camera don’t lie. September - 2018


September - 2018



cameron dicker


his was certainly the case on October 6 of this year, when


And like always, the camera didn’t lie.

the Texas Longhorns and the Oklahoma Sooners were

putting the finishing touches on a classic Cotton Bowl battle, a

Dicker - pride of Lake Travis High School just outside of Austin -

game that those with a vested interest will be either unable or

looks like he’s about 14 years old. He’s a true freshman, a teen-

unwilling to forget, depending on what side of the Red River

ager and someone who probably has to worry about shaving

your allegiances fall.

about once a leap year. In a minute or two, he would be jogging onto the field with the task of winning - or losing - the football

For those unfortunate enough to be at home instead of in Fair

game. He would be either hero, or goat, and nothing in between.

Park, the camera was the eye, the window, the thermometer, the truth. The game was run blistering hot and freezing cold for fans

As fate tends to do, he was given a task that would not exactly

whose state of mind fell somewhere between elation and terror.

be described as “easy.” The tunnel end of the Cotton Bowl is

It had been a long and grueling day for players, fans and even

reserved for Oklahoma fans, and as the end of this bout beck-

“casual” observers.

oned, they were even more obnoxious than usual.

But all things, good and bad, must come to an end.

The camera blinked to Dicker’s young face and he was...smiling? Yes, smiling rather knowingly, like a third grader on summer

Which brings us back to the camera on the sidelines, mid-after-

break at the pool. He grinned. He raised his eyebrows like you

noon, seconds remaining in the game. Someone in the televi-

tend to do when you know something real good awaits. He

sion production truck decided the best camera shot prior to the

then gives an exclamation mark nod of his head. Time to make history. A different camera, far less revealing but with the same level of truth, showed the same Dicker footpunching a 40-yard field goal through the middle of the Oklahoma uprights, and hearts, and just like that the Longhorns had won, 48-45. The scoreboard don’t lie, either. “Just seeing that whole video on him when he winked at the camera, I was surprised that was before the kick, I thought that would’ve been after the kick,” junior safety Brandon Jones said afterward. “He’s just a freshman, so to have that poise, especially at a time like that in a do-or-die situation, it shows how confident he is in his abilities and how much he trusts himself.” Texas quarterback Sam Ehlinger - well familiar with the exploits of Dicker the Kicker, having faced him as a Westlake High School star - was certainly not surprised by the outcome.

kick was on the Texas sideline, where the Longhorns’ Cameron


Dicker, the kicker, on whose foot rode the outcome of the game,

“He’s very confident and we have confidence in him because of

bragging rights for a year, national rankings and possibly global

what he does in practice,” Ehlinger said Tuesday. “He’s a very


impressive kicker.”

inside texas


cameron dicker


For Dicker himself, well, he started thinking about having a shot at winning the game about the time the Longhorns went on their march after the score became 45-45. “When they started coming back,” Dicker said of his offense, “I started to think, ‘Okay, I’m going to kick the game winner.’ I knew I was going to. I felt that, and I was ready to go.” Though the brash countenance of Dicker might have been a surprise, the result of the game-winning kick should not have been a surprise at all. Born a Dicker, he was destined to be a kicker. An athlete who at one time was quoted as saying he was a soccer player

a swing year kicker or punter. So a lot of it is timing for these

who just happened to play football, Dicker’s body of work made

kids. Does my dream school even need a kicker at this point?

him the fourth-ranked kicker in the country in high school. His numbers truly boggle the mind, but, well, the camera don’t lie.

“It just so happened that the stars aligned that we were in the market for a kicker and one of, if not the best in the country, was

He scored 331 points in high school, and was a two-time

right around the corner in Lake Travis High School and grew up

all-state selection (duh). He made 34 of 43 field goal tries, the

a Texas fan and wanted to come here. So that was exciting.”

longest of which was 53 yards. He missed three of 232 career extra points in high school, so he’s a tad short of perfect.

Sitting at 4-0 in conference play prior to the game in Stillwater against Oklahoma State, the Longhorns will most likely need

He started his first season slowly because of circumstance (no

more heroics in a season that will determine to what degree

field goal opportunities in the Maryland and Tulsa games). He

Tom Herman’s reclamation project will be successful in 2018.

nailed a 46-yarder in the win against the University of Southern California, and knocked one through against Texas Christian

There will likely be times in the next few games against OSU,

University as well. He did miss one against Kansas State, and

West Virginia, Texas Tech (in blustery Lubbock), Iowa State and

pushed a pair of field goals wide in the narrow win against

Kansas (in blustery Lawrence in late November) when a kick will


determine winning or losing.

Texas coach Tom Herman - and coaches at Oklahoma State

They need Dicker the Kicker, who was named one of Lou Groza

and Arkansas, where Dicker visited - knew of his kicking prow-

Award’s Star of the Week, as well as Big 12 Special Team

ess early. And Herman was more than thrilled when the youthful

Player of the Week, following the Oklahoma win, in which he

Dicker chose Texas.

also made a 44-yarder and was perfect on all six field goal attempts. They’ll probably need to drive down the field for a field

“Recruiting specialists is interesting because you’re going to

goal to win a game at some point.

keep three, at the most four, of your 85 scholarships devoted to specialists at any time,” Herman said of Dicker’s recruitment.

And if they do, they’ll certainly be comforted by Dicker, their boy-

“You’re going to want a kicker, punter, deep snapper and maybe

ish kicker, who is obviously not afraid of a camera that don’t lie.

September - 2018



Shane Buechele

September - 2018



AUSTIN — While one Texas injury changed the course of the game, in the end, it didn’t completely change the course of Texas’ season. Sophomore Sam Ehlinger was pulled from the game by the officials on the Longhorns’ first drive with blood on his hand. When he got to the sideline he wasn’t out for a couple of plays, but rather for the rest of the game with a shoulder injury. Junior Shane Buechele replaced him, and along with a stout defensive performance, helped navigate the No. 9 Longhorns to a 23-17 win over Baylor. September - 2018


- Texas



Baylor -

exas improved to 6-1 and an undefeated 4-0 in the Big 12.

my life,” Herman said. “I’ve been around some really good ones,

They achieved bowl eligibility in October for the first time

really, really good ones.”

since 2012. The Longhorns needed a defensive stop late in order to seal “We knew this wasn’t going to be easy, and then when your

the victory, a continuing trend for this team. Baylor’s Charlie

starting quarterback goes out in the first drive, there could have

Brewer orchestrated a 13-play, 80 yard drive in an attempt to tie

been some panic,” Herman said. “Could have been a little shock

the game. He needed 97, and after Brewer’s final throw sailed

to everybody, especially knowing that they went down and

out the back of the end zone, Texas players ran onto the field in

scored right after that.”

celebration. “Great stop,” Herman said after the game.

It could have been a shock, but Herman’s backup quarterback

It wasn’t clear how long Ehlinger would be out when he left on

helped guide Texas across the finish line for the win.

Texas’ opening drive. He sustained a cut that bled enough for officials to remove him from the game, but when he got to the

“I have told you guys and I want to tell the world: Shane Buech-

sideline he told the coaches something else was ailing him.

ele is the most engaged; he’s the most prepared; he’s the most positive coaching backup quarterback I’ve ever been around in

“He came off, he goes ‘coach, my shoulder is (pauses) messed up,’” Herman said. “So we had the trainers look at him, and the shoulder was messed up.” Herman said in his postgame conference Ehlinger was diagnosed with a sprain of the AC joint in his throwing shoulder. He said Ehlinger will get an MRI to make sure there’s no ligament damage, but hoped to have him throwing by the end of the week. Buechele then took the field as QB1. Texas finished the drive with a Cameron Dicker field goal to give the Longhorns a 3-0 lead. Baylor scored on the ensuing drive, and Texas responded with another Dicker field goal. Buechele was 2-of-4 for 19 yards on the second field drive. Buechele never settled into a rhythm throughout the course of the game, finishing 20-of-34 for 184 yards with an interception. Though he didn’t find his touch, he still found chemistry with his favorite target and close friend, junior Collin Johnson. Trailing 10-6 in the late second quarter, Texas moved into Baylor territory thanks to two rushes from freshman Keaontay Ingram and a facemask penalty by the Bears. On first-and-ten, Buechele dropped back and threw down the far sideline. Johnson extended his arms, found the football, and ran into the end zone to give Texas the lead. “All of our quarterbacks love throwing him the ball because they trust him,” Herman said.

Gary Johnson


Texas’ defense stood strong on the next drive and gave the

inside texas

- Texas


Baylor -

Longhorns the ball back with 3:40 remaining in the half. That drive became the Ingram show. Ingram had rushes of 5, 10, and 18 that helped move the ball to the Baylor three. Lil’Jordan Humphrey lined up at quarterback and ran the ball in for the score. Ingram helped the Longhorns with 19 carries for 110 yards, the first 100-yard rusher for the Longhorns in more than a year. Texas’ defense stood strong again, leaving enough time for Dicker to hit another field goal as time expired in the second quarter. After halftime, the Texas offense struggled

Kaeontay Ingram

to pick up chunk plays and put points on the board. Buechele’s longest pass was 12 yards, and he recorded his first interception of the season on a long attempt to junior Devin Duvernay. In addition, the hero of the Oklahoma game struggled. Dicker missed a 34-yard field goal that would have made it a two possession game in response to a Jalen Hurd touchdown run for Baylor. Instead, Texas entered the fourth with a 23-17 lead. Where Buechele struggled, the other side of the ball held up just enough. The Longhorns gave up 53 yards through the air and 15 yards on the ground in the fourth, with most of those yards coming on Baylor’s final drive. In the end, Texas made sure not to give up the 20 more that would have earned Baylor its first win over the Longhorns since 2014. After helping guide his team to the win, Buechele’s backup play was praised by his head coach following the game. “I told him we’re not going to change because you’re in here,” Herman said. “If Sam is 1A, you’re 1B, and we feel confident that you can execute the game plan.”

who totaled 10 tackles for loss, three sacks, and one Caden Sterns interception against the Bears. Sterns’ interception was his fourth of the season, tying the freshman record with Chris Carter and Quandre Diggs. Though there was solid defensive play for most of the game (Orlando’s ninth time holding a Longhorn Power 5 opponent under 20 points), Herman still has some parts of the game that need fine tuning. “We know we’ve got some work to do on that side of the ball in the fourth quarter,” Herman said. “What that is, I don’t know.” Texas now enters its only open weekend of the season prior to beginning the final stretch at Oklahoma State. The focus will be on getting everyone healthy, specifically the Longhorns’ starting quarterback. “The off week comes at a very good time, and we need to rest,” Herman said. “We need to heal. We’ve been playing football for 11 straight weeks, and the guys need to take a nice deep breath, exhale, and get ready to come to work on Tuesday.”

Herman also had reason to compliment the play of his defense

September - 2018





thoughts by Ian Boyd

It always has to be close this year, I guess. I don’t

up some of the young stars on this team, and prepare

Ehlinger not been knocked out of the game with a AC

deciding contests.

know how close that game would have been had Sam shoulder sprain on the opening drive.

Texas had to lean on a cold Shane Buechele, put out

there for his first appearance of the year, combined

with defense and the run game to get out with the win. Now it’s on to a badly needed bye week so Texas can

try and get Ehlinger healthy, rest up everywhere, coach

for a final stretch of the season that will include league-

It’s always nice to beat Baylor as well. The fact that the game came down to Baylor throwing repeatedly into

the end zone with a chance to end the game on a TD

reception was surely anxiety producing for Texas fans but also ultimately a gut punch loss for the Bears.

#1 Quality Back-Up Performance Shane Buechele’s final line went: 20-34 for 184 yards at 5.4

They also started mixing in some zone-read and counter-option

ypa with one TD pass and one INT (plus another one, debat-

where Buechele didn’t end up picking up many carries but did

ably that was ruled incomplete). He also added four runs for

work to hold Bear defenders and free up Ingram to break free.

23 yards (after removing the sole sack) and made a few big throws throughout the game that put Texas in charge of the

It was basically exactly the kind of game you want and need

game and then helped them play keep away JUST well enough

from a back-up, minus the real INT which may have been him

to hold on for the win.

and Duvernay failing to be on the same page and minus the not-INT that was just a bad decision.

It wasn’t an explosive or flashy performance but Buechele distributed the ball effectively to Texas’ war horses in Lil’Jordan

Hats off to Shane Buechele, who just led Texas to bowl eligibil-

Humphrey, Collin Johnson, and Keaontay Ingram. He hit the

ity and preserved the undefeated mark in Big 12 play.

receivers on screens late in the fourth when Baylor was crashing into the line with run blitzes every play and eventually set up a good Ryan Bujcevksi punt down to the Baylor three yard line.


inside texas

#2 Collin Johnson is Having a Huge Conference Season Double slants to Collin Johnson continues to be unguardable on third and anything less than six. Baylor even bailed a LB out there to light him up on one particular catch and Collin still saw the ball in and took the hit before falling forward for yet another first down. Texas converted five third downs throwing to Collin Johnson today. 14 targets, 11 catches, 132 yards, one TD, and 9.4 yards per target. That’s yeoman’s work.

Collin Johnson

There will probably be some complaints about Texas’ overall lack of offense in this game but their ability to bully opponents on the perimeter with their big wideouts is a huge advantage and as long as they protect the ball and continue to play good defense, it’s a pretty good formula for success.

Shane Buechele (7) and Patrick Vahe (77)

September - 2018


- 5 Q uick T houghts | B aylor -

#3 Dime Defense for the Win Texas leaned very heavily on the dime package in this

Foster’s ability to play big and physical on the box and

game, which carries a wide variety of different blitzes

as a pass-rusher matches what Jason Hall brought

and schemes, many of them afforded by the hybrid skill

to the field late last year, he’s a special ball player. Of

sets of Breckyn Hager and B.J. Foster. Baylor’s 3×1 sets

course the wolf of DKR Caden Sterns also made some

often ran into trouble early in the game on third down

nice tackles and a crucial INT when Brewer foolishly

when Texas would drop Hager like a MLB and help him

tried to beat him in cover 2.

over the top with a safety while bringing the ultra-violent B.J. Foster off the opposite edge.

Perhaps the most encouraging thing about the dime defense though was their play against the Baylor run

Foster played an inspired game, although he may have

game, which produced just 66 yards on 21 runs by their

been partially to blame for the whip-dig route combi-

backs for 3.14 ypc. That’s not winning football, not when

nations that Baylor was working on a rather sizable

the same dime defense is holding you to 6.3 ypa in the

percentage of their big passing plays. At one point on

passing game.

Baylor’s final drive I thought, “they should just call a timeout and talk that route combo over real quick, it’d

This package can get better down the stretch and after

be worth it.” Then Texas called a timeout and Baylor

the bye week and it’ll need to as Texas faces the Raid

couldn’t connect again.

Bro gauntlet of Mike Gundy, Dana Holgorsen, and Kliff Kingsbury in succession.

Devante Davis (18) and B.J. Foster (25)


inside texas

- 5 Q uick T houghts | B aylor -

#4 Keaontay Ingram

Keaontay Ingram

Maryland: 6 carries, 37 yds, 6.2 ypc

when Texas is trying to pound Air Raid

Tulsa: 10 carries, 64 yds, 6.4 ypc

teams every week and win the Big 12.

USC: DNP TCU: 8 carries, 38 yds, 4.8 ypc

As an aside, an extra quick thought, Texas

K-State: 10 carries, 68 yds, 6.8 ypc

picked up a third and 13 throwing the shal-

Oklahoma: 13 carries, 86 yds, 6.6 ypc

low screen to D’Shawn Jamison that last

Baylor: 19 carries, 110 yds, 5.8 ypc

year would always work like a charm and then always end up producing 1st and 15

Everyone will clamor for MOAR INGRAM!

when Texas was called for offensive pass

but you gotta like how he’s been eased

interference (usually after a review).

along this season. Jamison caught the ball behind the line We’ll see how the bye week treats him and

of scrimmage and then turned on the jets

his various maladies but there’s a chance

coming upfield. It was nice to see a play for

that his more conservative utilization will

Jamison yield a positive result AND for that

make him all the more likely to produce

useful play to actually be executed.

more 100-yard games down the stretch

September - 2018


- 5 Q uick T houghts | B aylor -

#5 Two Weeks to Heal Up and Plan Texas is bowl eligible, pretty nice, but obviously that’s not the goal this

has a few issues we talked about after last week but they have the

season. The goal is to keep administering punishment to a down Big

chance to put together a big second half of the season and carry this

12 and win the conference title. Obviously that might even put Texas

team through some games.

in the playoffs, which would be interesting and a helpful experience for the team if not an opportunity to do something special.

For the rest of the year, the topics will be “WHICH postseason game will Texas participate in?” And “Can Texas FINISH and win the Big

Obviously the big question is the health of Sam Ehlinger. My best


guess of what happened was that he dinged the shoulder running through Bears (or maybe on the power-read play early that got him popped at the line of scrimmage). He also cut his hand somehow, which led him to being sent to the sideline to stop the bleeding. At that time, there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with him at all, he was carving up the Bears on the ground and in the air. Then all of a sudden he was running to the locker room, then coming back with his arm hanging limply at his side. Herman says shoulder sprain that will only keep him from throwing for a few days. Ehlinger has two weeks to heal before a road trip to Oklahoma State, it’s nice to know though that Shane Buechele can distribute the ball in this offense effectively enough to give Texas a chance to win. If he could connect with Duvernay deep then teams would probably be as afraid of Buechele as they are of Ehlinger. The special teams are coming along, I know Cameron Dicker missed a few field goals today that made that game closer than it needed to be but he also made some long ones early in the game. He’s an asset overall. Ryan Bujcevksi scares me to death but he pinned the Bears inside the 20 three times today and had some nice kicks. The defense

Sam Ehlinger


inside texas

Kraken_Texas_mechanical.indd 1

5/19/11 2:17:09 PM



Joshua Moore


inside texas




- texas vs oklahoma state -


klahoma State compiled 502

OSU to hang on late.

total yards of offense, over

With Kris Boyd and Davante Davis

half (260) of which happened in the

“Extremely proud of the way that

out for the first quarter, Kobe Boyce

first quarter, on its way to a 38-35

our guys fought in the second half,”

and Anthony Cook started and were

win over the Longhorns at T. Boone

said Herman. “There were times in

tested often, especially Boyce. Wal-

Pickens Stadium on Saturday night.

this program when going down by

lace, who tallied 222 yards on 10

17 and a few 3-and-outs on offense,

catches, was the first WR to eclipse

The slow start doomed the No. 6

and we didn’t look like we could

the 200-yard mark vs UT since

Longhorns who, despite being down

stop anybody on defense, that we

OU’s Dede Westbrook in 2016.

17 midway through the third quarter,

probably would have checked it in.

almost produced a comeback for

But we didn’t and I was really proud

“That’s a really upset and dejected

the ages.

of that.”

locker room,” Herman said. “But they are very, very together. I love

Down 10 to open the final stanza,

Oklahoma State wasted little time

the fact that one loss hurts that bad.

Texas QB Sam Ehlinger hit An-

with the opening possession. Four

We had guys in tears. To think how

drew Beck on a 10-yard jump-pass

plays, 53 yards later, Taylor Cornei-

far we’ve come, to where one loss

touchdown toss and got the Horns

lus hit Tylan Wallace for a 40-yard

matters, and it should. That means

within three, 31-28. But a series of

strike and a 7-0 lead at the 13:12

we are headed in the right direction

penalties and bad decisions allowed


as far as the attitude of this team and the belief in the way we do things. I told them this is probably the only time, because when you lose a game like that, you have to have some kind of hope. The hope is actually really bright.” Texas quickly responded with its own opening march, culminating on Ehlinger’s 5-yard scoring scamper, and 7-7 draw at the 9:58 mark of the first quarter. Ehlinger finished 22-of-42, 283 yards, and two TDs, plus 51 yards on the ground and two more scores. OSU was just getting started. Cornelius hits Jelani Woods on a 4th-and-1 for a 16-yard TD strike at the 6:13 mark in the first. After

Sam Ehlinger

holding UT to a three-and-out, the Cowboys drove the field ending in a


inside texas

- texas vs oklahoma state Matt Amendola 25-yard field goal. It gave the Pokes a 17-7 advantage with only minutes remaining in the opening quarter. What happened to the team that hadn’t lost in almost two months? “What didn’t happen,” said Herman. “We didn’t stop the run, which we’ve done so well here for a year and a half. When the ball was in the air, we didn’t play it properly, we misjudged balls and took poor angles. Their guys made plays on the ball in the air.” The second quarter opened with a Amendola missed 42-yard FG attempt. But after a pair of Texas three-and-outs, the Cowboys got back on the scoreboard when

Kobe Boyce

Cornelius punched it in from 1-yard out and gave the Cowboys a 24-7 lead, 10:00 remaining in the second quarter. Ehlinger wouldn’t be denied. He led a 75-yard charge in five plays, finished off the march with a 2-yard scoring run. It brought Texas back within 10, 24-14, at the 8:48 mark. It was a fitting end of the first half when Cornelius, who was 23-of-34, for 321 yards and three TD passes, as well as 53 yards on the ground and two more scores, hit Wallace, again, this time between Kris Boyd and Brandon Jones for a 36-yard TD toss.

The two defensive backs misjudged

at the end of three quarters.

the ball that went through both of them, and was symbolic of UT’s first

“We’ve got our whole season in

half as the Cowboys went into the

front of us, but we have to learn

half up, 31-14.

from what happened and make sure it never happens again,” Herman

“We are in a point in our program


right now where we can not play our best, especially on the road, espe-

What’s next for the Longhorns de-

cially against a really good football

spite a date next Saturday vs West

team and expect to win,” Herman


said. “It’s not going to happen.” “Very, very eager to get back out A sluggish third quarter from both

there,” said Charles Omenihu, who

teams until Ehlinger hit Keaontay

tallied six tackles, 2.5 TFL, and a

Ingram on a 22-yard scoring toss to

sack. “Ready to get this taste out of

get the Horns back within 10, 31-21,

our mouths.” Jean Delance

September - 2018


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