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Pilgrimages With Inside the vatican in the“Heart of the Church”

Since we began Inside the Vatican pilgrimages in 2008, we have hosted more than 50 pilgrimages... and each one has been unique! That is because our pilgrims experience beautiful personal encounters while journeying to destinations like Rome and some of the most important holy places in the christian world. These total-immersion experiences, in small groups to keep them special, are not only informative but also transformative. Our focus is not solely on the stones of the basilicas and shrines we visit, but also on the “living stones” which are the souls of the people we encounter, and even of ourselves, the pilgrims. LOOk fOR NEw uS PILGRIMAGES TO vIRGINIA, wIScONSIN ANd fLORIdA!

2022 PILGRIMAGES May 28 - June 7, 2022

ItALy: JouRnEy towARdS thE FAcE oF chRISt from the site of St. Paul’s beheading to the shrine of the miraculous face of Manoppello, journey with us toward the face of christ. July 16 - 27, 2022 Ireland: Saints & Scholars In 433 St. Patrick lit a paschal fire whose sparks were never to die. follow the flame along the path of Irish monks, scholars, and pilgrims. August 10 - 19, 2022 England: Mary’s dowry Pilgrimage along country lanes to discover an England of mystics and mysticism with Our Lady at the heart. october 5 - 15, 2022 Italy: Annual ItV Mag Pilgrimage – Fall in Rome Join us during the colorful days of fall to holy sites in Rome, Lanciano, Manoppello, and Assisi. october 23 - 28, 2022 uS: Shenandoah Valley Experience Experience the roots of American catholicism as we explore the historic Shenandoah valley in virginia at the peak of autumn foliage.

2023 PILGRIMAGES April 3 - 13, 2023 Italy: Easter 2023 Be near the heart of the church at the most solemn, sacred and ultimately joyous time of the year! April 14 - 22, 2023 Italy: Miracles of Mercy At every turn as we pilgrimage, we encounter evidence of God’s healing and comforting action in this world. See the miracles experienced by Italian saints. June 3 - 13, 2023 Italy: Journey toward the Face of christ June 18 - 26, 2023 England: In the Footsteps of Saints thomas More and John henry newman A unique opportunity to journey to England to follow in the footsteps of these great saints, from St. Thomas More’s cell in the Tower of London to Oxford, where St. John henry Newman lived and taught. July 22 - August 2, 2023 Ireland: Saints & Scholars August 9 - 18, 2023 England: Mary’s dowry october 4 - 14, 2023 Italy: Annual ItV Magazine Pilgrimage – Inside the Vatican Magazine 30th Anniversary october 16 - 24, 2023 Italy: women Saints through the centuries walk through the centuries with the women saints whose lives gave great witness in doing their work well, according to their call. Late Fall 2023 uS: Shenandoah Valley Experience –Inside the Vatican Magazine 30th Anniversary.

“To go on pilgrimage really means to step out of ourselves in order to encounter God where he has revealed himself, where his grace has shone with particular splendor and produced rich fruits of conversion and holiness among those who believe.” – Pope Benedict XvI

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