Jugding Criteria PAF 2011

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Judging Criteria: PAF 2011 Trophies: There will be 9 individual trophies and the overall trophy will be the weighed sum of all these. They are as follows 1. Script 22.5% 2. Screenplay 22.5% 3. Acting 5.0% 4. Voiceover 5.0% 5. Dance 10% 6. Music 10% 7. Prod 15% 8. Lights 5% 9. Costume 5% __________________________ Overall


Ideally, the first PAF should be the benchmark and all others should be marked in comparison. Individual trophies guidelines: Prod, Lights, Costume Intelligence: 35 % Relevance: 35% Grandeur: 30% Note: The focus should be on the creativity and smart utilization of the structures and not just merely grandeur and magnificence Music, Dance Originality: 33% Execution: 33% Relevance: 33%

The following points are to be noted   

Details regarding whether the piece is recorded/live/original etc. will be mentioned in the judge’s copy of the script. If recorded music piece is used, it will be judged only on it relevance only If it’s a recorded original than execution will not be marked

Script and Screenplay No specific guidelines for judges. Voiceover 50% Role playing quality 50% execution i.e. no goof ups. Acting No guidelines to be given to the judges in particular, but should definitely be judged on the basis of energy and aptness.

Note: All teams will be expected to give credit to any piece of art they have drawn inspiration for any part in the PAF, if unreported and brought to notice later by other PAF Noms, strict action will be taken.

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