1 minute read

Author: Allan Tannenbaum
Contributor: Yoko Ono
$300.00 US
Limited Edition, 12 x 12
PAGES: 150
ISBN: 978-1-933784-40-3
In November 1980, on the eve of John Lennon's untimely murder by a lone gunman, photographer Allan Tannenbaum had unique and total access to John and Yoko, who were emerging from five years of seclusion and avoiding the media. As one of the few photogrpahers with whom John and Yoko were close, Tannenbaum was privileged to be able to capture many intimate moments between the two.
Beatles In India
Photographer: Paul Saltzman
$325.00 US
Limited Edition, 15 x 21.6
PAGES: 105
ISBN: 9780973896701
In 1968, at the height of their popularity, the Beatles travelled to India to find something that all their fame could not give them: inner peace. For eight weeks, they disappeared into an ashram to study meditation. No press or visitors were allowed. A young Canadian filmmaker, Paul Saltzman and the Beatles met by chance at Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's ashram, striking up an immediate friendship. The Beatles allowed Saltzman to photograph them while they meditated and wrote music. 30 years later, Saltzman looked at his rolls of film and discovered a unique record of rock's favored sons.