DELEGATE THE WORKLOAD by Charles R. Swindoll
Article Photo: Diego Ph on
he Christian worker is a strange to enjoy his or her taste in music and live it breed. He or she wants it to look as if up, just like anybody else. Frankly, those who look as if they’ve just the work is terribly hard. In fact, the more difficult and strained the look, the better. finished their last piece of bread do not Christian workers are notorious for what I minister very effectively, certainly not to call the “tired blood” look, better known as me. Those who minister to me, and those the overburdened and outdated “mission- to whom I think I minister, are men and ary image,” or, better stated, the exhausted women who truly enjoy life. We really don’t “over-burdened religious image.” They usu- need to spend all our time on the negative ally carry an old, worn-out Bible, and walk of life; there are enough heart-breaking experiences to go around with a slump, listing to port. The happiest people for all of us. They seldom smile—sort Please don’t misunderof a “please pity me” image. on earth ought to be Makes me want to gag. those of us in God’s stand me. Ministry is not an easy calling. There are I don’t mean to be super service. And we times when you must work critical. The tragic reality is, ought to look like it. longer than you should. some of these folks are overworked and hardly have enough to live And those times can occur back to back. But on. But I believe you can be in full-time we don’t need to remind most pastors of the ministry without having to resemble the need to work harder. We need a reminder of another sort. “You’re making your job poor-me stereotype. The happiest people on earth ought to be harder than it should be. Share the load. those of us in God’s service. And we ought Lighten up! Your work can be easier. Let us to look like it. We have every reason to smile help you get these things done.” more than anyone else. Even though our work is terribly serious, we ought to have Taken from Charles R. Swindoll, Great Days with more fun and have a better time doing it the Great Lives: Daily Insight from Great Lives of the Bible (Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2005) 89. than anybody in any other career or call- Copyright © 2005 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All ing. I think an individual in cross-cultural rights reserved. Used by permission. ministry or a local pastor ought to be able