Source Image: Sandro Gonzalez on
Here’s the conflict: Scripture says that rust is not one of my strong suits. I could try to blame my struggle on there absolutely is someone that trustwornot knowing enough trustworthy people, thy. God’s Word calls us to trust in our heavbut I know the problem is rooted in enly Father without reservation, believing my desire to protect myself and in my fear that He will sustain us and cause all things of getting hurt or let down. I know that not to work for our good (Romans 8:28). My defence mechanism of not trusttrusting others is one of my defence mechanisms. Whenever I’m faced with an issue ing others completely backfired when it requiring trust, I skip right over it and jump came to God. You see, there is no stronger into evaluation mode. I think to myself, “If defence than Him. He is the answer to my I can gain a comprehensive knowledge of struggle with trust—when I follow His call to trust, I discover that the problem, perhaps My defence mechanism His character is fortified I’ll master it and escape with honesty, fairness, trusting altogether.” of not trusting others faithfulness, truthful(Sounds like a guy named completely backfired ness, and justice. He is Gideon, doesn’t it?) My issue with trust when it came to God. You the ultimate example see, there is no stronger of one who is moral, isn’t new; my attempts ethical, and consistent. to grow in this area defence than Him. He is unfaltering. He is aren’t new either. I’ve studied the word trust thoroughly, but my dependable. Each time I trust Him, this studies didn’t make me feel much better truth settles deeper in my heart and my about trusting. I discovered that trust is struggle with trusting grows less. May I say today, I have learned that there about having tremendous confidence in someone or something, depending on is absolute freedom, joy, rest, and peace someone or something for help. A lovely in trusting the sovereign, faithful Lord. I thought but not very encouraging. I want you to know this freedom, joy, rest, also learned that real trust assumes that and peace for yourself. If I can trust God, I bet you can do it too. the one whom we trust demonstrates a fortified character of honesty, fairness, Come on, take the leap! truthfulness, justice, morality, ethics, and consistency. By this time, if you’re like me, Copyright © 2010 by Insight for Living Ministries. All you’re thinking, “There’s no way! No one rights reserved worldwide. and nothing is that trustworthy!”