ome things just don’t mix! Oil and abbreviated word for “Yahweh.” Together water always separate, no matter how they form the word hallelujah, a command much we shake them. An open fire and a for us to “Praise the LORD!” Take a look at this. can of gasoline don’t go together. And alco- Psalm 150:1–2 emphasizes over and over, hol and driving should never co-exist! Praise the LORD! There’s something else that doesn’t Praise God in His sanctuary; mix—the praise of almighty God and the Praise Him in His mighty expanse. promotion of self. You cannot blend them, Praise Him for His mighty deeds; nor should you try. If we devote ourselves Praise Him according to His excellent to worship, we must remove ourselves from greatness. (NASB) the scene. Psalm 150 teaches about the selfThe next few verses continue to repeat, forgetfulness of worship. “Praise Him...Praise Him...Praise the LORD!” The psalm begins and ends with the Humans are conspicuous by our absence, Hebrew word for “praise”: hallel. Yah is an and we should be. In our ego-centric,
Cover & Article Photo: Aliane Schwartzhaupt on