by steve johnson
ou and I are material beings in a material world. Every day we fill our senses with that which is physical, earthly, and perceptible. It’s hard for us immersed in this physical world not to be focused primarily on the material things around us. That’s basically what materialists do. To them there’s no such thing as the supernatural and nothing can exist unless it is comprised of physical components. They even go so far as to say there is no God or afterlife. If you believe that then it’s understandable why you would attach importance only to this life, and desire to possess a lot of material things. You’d believe the message of consumerism that your security, wellbeing, and happiness depend on obtaining that which is newer, better, or more. That this is what life is all about. Whoever dies with the most toys wins!
Many Christians would deny that they are materialists because they say they believe in spiritual realities. Yet they live as though material things and physical comforts are of utmost value and importance. They talk of heaven but strive for earthly things. Some have even developed a theology, which says God wants you rich and that being rich and having lots of things are signs of God’s blessing! To summarize Scripture, the issue is not that possessions are wrong. It’s our attitude toward them. It is the LOVE of money and things that Scripture condemns. Anything we trust in besides God is an idol. So here we are—Christians alive spiritually but trying not to succumb to the materialism and consumerism of the world. How do we do that? Adoption—Personally embrace biblical values 1. God’s presence