GOD WILL BE WITH YOU by insight for living ministries
hen the Lord—from a burning ing Moses, “I AM WHO I AM” is sending bush—called Moses to be His you (3:14). This phrase, “I AM,” has often prophet, the sheepherder initially resisted confused readers, but its meaning was the call. Moses came up with a variety of especially instructive to Moses in this excuses—the first of which shows that his context. Moses had only been thinking of perspective was completely out of whack. himself while God laid out the mission. By identifying Himself as When God told Moses By identifying Himself as “I AM,” God made clear to go and speak divine words to Pharaoh, Moses “I AM,” God made clear His His existence in the answered, “Who am I, existence in the world and, world and, even more, His presence in these that I should go to Phaeven more, His presence particular circumstances raoh, and that I should in these particular of Moses. This name for bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?” (Exodus circumstances of Moses. God is a declaration that He exists and is present 3:11 NASB). Notice the focus of Moses’s comments—he was wor- and working in the world—a truth that ried about his own abilities to accomplish would serve as a great comfort to Moses as he stood before an antagonistic Pharaoh the work of God. However, rather than let Moses flail time and again. in misunderstanding, God immediately offered him even greater revelation, tell- Copyright © 2011 by Insight for Living.
Article Photo: Todd Quackenbush on unsplash.com