DIETRICH BONHOEFFER by bill gemaehlich
ne of my favourite theologians who where this joy has seized a person, there modelled joy amid difficult circumit spreads, there it carries one away, there stances and social distancing is German it bursts open closed doors.1 pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer’s joyfulness was forged from Bonhoeffer’s story unfolds with Hitler’s his unshakeable confidence in God. His rise to power in 1933. Bonhoeffer's beliefs immense view of Christ enabled him to led him to actively resist the Nazi regime remain joyful amid his circumstances. Let and even establish an us heed the example of Bonhoeffer’s joyfulness Bonhoeffer in these days illegal underground seminary known as the of physical distancing was forged from his “Confessing Church.” unshakeable confidence by remaining devoted Subsequently, he was to prayer, meditating on in God. His immense view God’s word, serving the arrested in 1943 by the Gestapo, incarcer- of Christ enabled him to Lord with gladness, giving ated for two years, and hope to others and fixing remain joyful amid his finally executed. our eyes on Christ, the circumstances. How did Bonhoeffer source of our joy. remain joyful during such trying circumYou make known to me the path of life; stances and social distance? In November in your presence there is fullness of 1942, he wrote in a letter to his best friend joy; at your right hand are pleasures Eberhard Bethge: forevermore. (Psalm 16:11 ESV) How are we going to be able to help those who have become joyless and 1 Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, vol. 16, Conspiracy discouraged if we ourselves are not and Imprisonment: 1940–1945 (Fortress, 2006), 377–378. borne along by courage and joy? Nothing contrived or forced is intended here, but Bill Gemaehlich is the EVP/COO operations at something bestowed and free. Joy abides Insight for Living Ministries with God, and it comes down from God and embraces spirit, soul, and body; and