John Coleman - One Man Show at InSight Gallery

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10am Join John Coleman and his patinator, Erik Peterson for a discussion about 5-7pm Opening reception with the artist. No RSVP required. 6 8pm Collectors reception and draw •Allworkstobesoldbyfixedpricedrawwiththeexceptionof“CrazyHorseII”,soldbysilentbid. • Thosewithinterestinputtingtheirnameinonapaintinginthefixedpricedraw,candosoinpersonatany timeorbycallingInSightGalleryat830.997.9920priorto6:00pmCSTonSaturday,October8th,2022. • Thosewhowouldliketosubmitabidfortheoilpaintingsoldbysilentbid, candosoinpersonatanytime orbycallingInSightGalleryat830997 9920withyourbidamountpriorto6:00pmCSTonSaturday, October8th 2022. • Acreditcardnumberisrequiredtobeenteredintothedrawingorsilentbid. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7TH SATURDAY,OCTOBER 8TH All events will be held at InSight Gallery: 214 W. Main Street Fredericksburg, Texas RSVP required: or 830.997.9920 Schedule of Events his latest body of work, his collection of artifacts and the historical influences behind his paintings and sculpture.

Although widely considered one of the most sought-after sculptors and painters of our day, John Coleman considers himself, foremost, a storyteller. In his work, he strives to tell the history of our ancestors so that we may develop an awareness of our past and those who came before us. His stories of Native American subjects are transmitted skillfully through his hands into bronze sculpture, charcoal drawings and oil paintings. Each piece is a manifestation of historical reference material fused with emotional undertones. Coleman aims to

capture the strength and stoicism in the stature of a Chief, the face of wisdom and age on the medicine man, the essence of innocence in the young maiden with her doll. As an artist, he uses his medium to lead the viewers imagination down the path of history and understanding.

A member of both the Cowboy Artists of America and the National Sculpture Society, John Coleman has been honored with numerous awards for his work. His pieces can be found in the permanent collections of museums throughout the country as well as in prestigious private and corporate collections.

LODGE OF THE BEAR CLAN 33.5 x 44, oil $88,000 WordsfromtheArtist: SomeNativeAmericantribesthinkofthegrizzlybearastheirancestor.Theirassociation withthegrizzlynotonlyaffordsthemgreatpowerinbattle,butalsotheabilitytoheal. Video: Artist John Coleman discusses “Lodge of the Bear Clan” from his studio
PARISKAROOPA DOG SOLDIER, 1834 21.5 x 29, oil $38,000

MANDAN CHIEF FOUR BEARS 39 x 23.5, charcoal $20,000


Four Bears was one of themost well knownof the chiefs of the1830's . Both Karl Bodmer andGeorge Catlin painted his portrait . He had a special relationship with both of these men as he fancied himselfasanartistaswell . HeearnedhisnameFour Bears after having avenged his brother's death in battleas itwas saidthathefoughtwiththeveracity offourbears . I'veportrayedhiminhisbattleregalia which shows some of thesymbols of his victories . Thesixsticksinhishairrepresentkillingsixmenwith agun. Thesymbolofawoodenkniferepresentsthat he killed a Cheyenne Chief and the split turkey featherrepresentsbeingwoundedwithanarrow.

SOCIETY SISTER 37 x 23, oil $52,500 WordsfromtheArtist: NativeAmericanwomenheldapowerfulposition withinthetribe.Thetipiandmostofitscontents wereownedbythewomen.Likethemen,they hadtheirownsocietiesthatwereimportantinthe distributionofresponsibilityandpower.Menhad theroleofprotectingandhunting.Womendid everythingelse.Inmypainting,mysubjectisa youngSiouxwomanwhosephysicalappearance isdeceptiveconsideringthepowersheholds. Herstaffisasymbolofherstatus.
CRAZY HORSE 33.5 x 21 x 12, bronze edition of 20 $18,500 WordsfromtheArtist: IhaveaspecialaffinitytowardsCrazyHorsebecauseofhis importanceinhistory.HewasoneoftheSioux'smost prominent, spiritualleadersandisperhapsmostnotably accreditedwithleadingthedecisivechargethatkilledCuster intheBattleofLittleBigHorn.I'vechosentodepicthimina portraitstylewithsomeofhisfamousaccoutrementsand decorations.HisrepeatingYellowBoyriflegavehistribethe edgeoverthecavalry'ssingleshotriflesduringthatfamous battle.Historically,CrazyHorsewasknowntohaveapenchant forthefalcon,andIhavedepictedhimwithakestrelheaddress. Hisspottedbuffalocalfcape,warclub,andeaglewingbone whistlewerealsofavoriteaccoutrements.CrazyHorsewas neverphotographedbuthislikenesshascomethroughthe storiesofhisfamily. Video 1: Bronze sculpture “Crazy Horse” in the artist studio Video 2: Artist John Coleman discusses “Crazy Horse”
SOCIETY OF LITTLE PEOPLE 20 x 18, oil $22,000 WordsfromtheArtist:NativeAmericanchildrenwereencouragedtorolemodeltheadults.My paintingshowsalittlegirlholdingcouncilwiththemembersofhersociety.
SISTER OF THE PLAINS 11 x 7 x 4.5, bronze edition of 35 $2,100 WordsfromtheArtist: Mysculpture,SisterofthePlains,isbased onayounggirloftheLakota,circa1870.
WordsfromtheArtist: TheideaofanOraclehaslongbeenafavorite subjectofmine.Themajorityoffamouschiefsand warriorswerealsomedicinemen.GeorgeCatlin describedoneoftheMandanmedicinemenasa mystic,soothsayerandoracle.Thenameformy drawingwasinspiredbyhisdescription. ORACLE III 64 x 38, charcoal $42,000
Video: Artist John Coleman talks about “Oracle III”
The idea of an Oracle has long been a favorite subject of mine. The majority of famous chiefs and warriors were also medicine men. George Catlin described one of the Mandan medicine men as a mystic, soothsayer and oracle. The name for my drawing was inspired by his description. Video: Artist John Coleman talks about Oracle III WordsfromtheArtist: InmostNativeAmerican cultures,thefulleagle warbonnetisthe ultimatesymbolof powerandprestige. Fromanartisticdesign pointofview,it subliminallymirrors strengthinnature. Asin raysofthesun,orinthis case,themaneofalion. LeaderofMenisa simplestatementofa warriorwhopossesses accoutrementsofa successfulhistoryasa triballeaderandinhis expression,asenseof quietdignity. LEADER OF MEN 22.25 x 25, oil $35,000

Silent Bid Painting

Crazy Horse II will be sold by silent bid. Bidding starts at $85,000. Interested parties can submit a confidential bid in person at any time or via phone at: 830 997 9920 prior to 6:00 pm CST on Saturday, October 8th, 2022. The painting will sell to the highest bidder.

CRAZY HORSE II 50 x 28, oil
WordsfromtheArtist: MypaintingshowsCrazyHorse standinginfrontofhisexploit robewhichchroniclesthe famousbattlewithCusterin 1876. Thepaintedhailstones andlightningboltonhisface depicthispersonalpowerthat hereceivedinavision.Hemost commonlyworetheskinofa kestrelinhishairbutacredible accountrelatesthathe occasionallyworeafull mountedkestrelasaheaddress. Theeaglethighbonewhistle, warclub,spottedbuffalocalf capeandan1866Winchester YellowBoyrifleallwere mentionedinhistoric documentsaspartofhisbattle gear. NophotoofCrazyHorseexists onlyeyewitnessdescriptions.
Framed images Lodge of the Bear Clan framed dimensions: 44.5 x 54 Pariskaroopa Dog Soldier framed dimensions: 29.25 x 36.25 Society of Little People framed dimensions 26.5 x 24.5 Society Sister – framed dimensions: 47.5 x 33.5

Oracle III framed dimensions: 74.5 x 48.5

Mandan Chief, Four Bears framed dimensions: 53.25 x 37.25

Leader of Men – framed dimensions: 32.5 x 36.5

Crazy Horse II framed dimensions 61.25 x 39.25

Video: Artist John Coleman has spent the last 12 months working towards “Lives and Legends of the Mystic Plains”. Enjoy this video of the works in progress at the artists studio.

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