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Experiences of the people we support

The impact of our services

The following case studies illustrate the impact of the support our colleagues provide. Names and identifying details have been changed for privacy.


Adult nursing services - Paul's story

Paul is in his mid-fifties. He came to one of our adult nursing services, after he was discharged from an acute inpatient ward. When Paul arrived, he was unkempt, was suspicious of our team, and spoke very little. He had a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia and a history of delusional beliefs and auditory hallucinations.

There was little information around Paul’s background, but his history included extended periods of homelessness, and alcohol and substance misuse. He had also been detained under the Mental Health Act, having living homeless for a few years before being admitted to hospital.

Paul also had a history of disengaging form services and unreliably taking his prescribed medication, which had a negative impact on his mental health.

When Paul first came to us, he described some delusional beliefs and within the first few weeks he went missing from the service - returning several days later after being found by the police.

Since Paul has been with the service, there's only been one incident of him going missing. His self-care has improved, and he's beginning to build relationships with our team.

Paul now goes out for walks, letting our colleagues know when he's leaving the unit and when he's likely to be back. He also goes food shopping and cooks for himself.

Our team initially supported Paul to attend his medical appointments, but he's now able to attends them independently. Paul’s delusional beliefs have significantly reduced and his self-care and living skills are hugely improved.

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