1 minute read
Finding our purpose

no testimony.” That being said, I bring to you A.J. Briscoe’s Finding Your Purpose. From the outset, Briscoe states that this book is a guide to finding your purpose, and by doing so serving God.
By: W.D. Foster-Graham Book Review Editor

By Albert (A.J.) Briscoe
I had the pleasure of meeting the author of this week’s review at a Minnesota Black Authors Expo event hosted by the Brooklyn Park Public Library. When I saw the title of this book, I immediately connected it to the Fifth Principle of the Nguzo Saba for Kwanzaa: Nia (Purpose). I was also reminded of the saying, “Without a test, there is

Indeed, the secondary title is, “Pursuing Your Purpose is Having the Courage to Fulfill the Will of God.” Noteworthy is the following: “Your purpose must serve a purpose,” and “Once you discover it, you have to believe in it.” His first chapter, “Distractors and Distractions,” describes the beliefs and misconceptions that deter and distract us from a life that fulfills ourselves and helps others, the ones that are conducive to a cycle of bad decisions. These distractors/distractions are prevalent in our community, causing us to give our power away, and they must be broken. Chapter by chapter, from making better decisions to practicing our purpose to independent thinking to “keeping our strive alive,” this guide is transformative and inspiring. Perception is everything; for example, Briscoe presents failure not as an option, but as practice for success in finding one’s purpose, and to look for the blessing in the struggle. We will always have trials and challenges in our journey, for they are the very things that test and strengthen our purpose. He gives prime examples of what our purpose is not as well as what it is. Most importantly, in finding one’s purpose, he stresses the importance of faith, discernment, and putting our discovery into action. From life as a troubled teen making bad decisions to the positive role model he is today, Briscoe reminds us that our past doesn’t determine our future; it’s who we were, not who we are. As human beings, our knowledge is limited; it is up to us to seek knowledge and discernment of God’s plan for us, and then apply it to our daily lives. Oh yes, readers: take note of Briscoe’s 10 Key Principles for creating purpose. Finding Your Purpose is available through Briscoe’s website, www. strompentertainment.com. Thank you, A.J., for the positive difference you are making through your purpose and with everyone you touch with your words, deeds, and spirit. Thank you for paying it forward and being a blessing to others.