8 minute read

COVID-19 Vaccines and Pregnancy

COVID-19 vaccine is safe for pregnant people

• Minnesota Department of Health strongly recommend that all people who are pregnant, recently pregnant, higher risk of severe COVID-19 disease compared to non-pregnant people.

•If you are pregnant, get vaccinated to help protect you from severe illness from COVID-19.

• Studies show that babies born to those who are vaccinated for COVID-19 during pregnancy had a

•The developing baby of a pregnant person who is sick with COVID-19 may also be at risk.

• • Already vaccinated for COVID-19? Make sure you’ve received at least one dose of the updated (bivalent) vaccine to be up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines.

COVID-19 vaccine is safe for people who want to have a baby one day

•If you are trying to become pregnant now or want to get pregnant in the future, it is recommended that you get a COVID-19 vaccine.

• structures.” Stressing this can help students to see that although Black people were victimized by slavery, they were not just helpless victims. Juneteenth provides opportunities to acknowledge and examine the legacies of Black freedom fighters during the time of slavery. These freedom fighters include – but are not necessarily limited to – Frederick Douglass, Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner and Sojourner Truth.

Connect Juneteenth to current events

Juneteenth can also be a way for educators to help students better understand contemporary demands for racial justice. That’s what George Patterson, a former Brooklyn middle school principal, did a few years back at the height of protests that took place under the mantra of Black Lives Matter.

Patterson has said he believes that when students study Juneteenth, they are “better equipped to understand the historical underpinnings of what’s going on in the streets and to put the demands being made in context.” Teachers need not consent decrees and making deep-seated change, but also have the kind of integrity and the work ethic to get the job done. And I do believe that officers in our department are also committed to being that change. And so I am optimistic. wait for Juneteenth to be included in textbooks in order to draw lessons from the holiday.

Now, change is tough. Change is painful. There are hurdles that are in place that we’re going to need to blow right through in some cases. And we’re also going in very clear-eyed about the difficulty in making some of these changes a reality. There are also things like the police union contract and state law that are outside of the things that we’re able at least to do unilaterally. And so this is why it really requires a lot of us working together because if you make one change over here but you still have the blockade in place, you won’t realize the full benefit.

“If it’s not in the textbook, then we need to introduce it, we need to teach it,” Odessa Pickett, a teacher at the Barack Obama Learning Academy in Markham, Illinois, stated during an interview about teachers infusing Juneteenth into their lessons. “We need to bring it to the forefront.”

Educators can make

Chief O’Hara: So there is almost a universal desire for progress. People may not agree on how exactly that progress or change might happen, but I think the only way forward really is to try and rebuild bridges and to try and build trust and earn trust in places where maybe it hasn’t existed ever before.

Police Officers who remained have been through a lot and are incredibly traumatized, just so like many of our residents here. And we have really serious challenges in addressing crime and violence, but it’s also an opportunity to try and connect and earn people’s trust so that we can address those challenges in a way that is sustainable over time.

Freddie Bell: What type of impact do you believe that the release today from Merrick Garland will have?

Chief O’Hara: Many of our officers and their co-workers have left policing completely. Some have taken pensions. Some have gone to other law enforcement agencies, quite frankly to do an easier job, in some cases for more money. Many of the officers that are left have very real open wounds, just like folks in community. I think many times they feel like they have been unfairly maligned personally.

Juneteenth about so much more than the end of slavery. Teaching lessons about the holiday offers an abundance of opportunities about what it means to fight for freedom and maintain a sense of self-determination in the face of oppression. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.

Freddie Bell: So what are you saying to Mr and Mrs. Jones who won’t call the Police when there’s an issue because they’re concerned that they might become the victim from a police interaction? What can you say, if anything, to allay some of these concerns of particularly those in North Minneapolis who are concerned about that Police interaction, in light of this discovery released by Merrick Garland today?

Chief O’Hara: That’s

Q&A 7

CoachLeah’s After the Whistle Premier Episode - Guest WNBA Veteran and Global Coach, Sylvia Crawley Spann

By Leahjean M. Denley, MBA Sports Editor

Our premier episode of After the Whistle, Livestreamed on the Black Press USA, and Insight News YouTube channels, and then landing on Amazon, Apple, and Spotify podcasts shortly, thereafter, laid the foundation for our first “Journalist Trifecta” [JT]. WNBA Veteran and Global Coach, Sylvia Crawley Spann dropped numerous “gems” as the Main Event Featured Guest.

The Main Event

CoachLeah’s After the Whistle Premier EpisodeTHE Frazier Foundation’s Diamond in the Rough, “Distinguished Diamond,” Dr. Chelsea Mikael Frazier

Hey there, everybody. It is your homegirl, CoachLeah. I am coming to you all here on the pages of insight News to complete what we call a “Journalist Trifecta” [JT]. Our premier episode of After the Whistle, Livestreamed on the Black Press USA, and Insight News YouTube channels, was packed full of everything wonderful that I could have ever imagined.

Starting with a warm welcome by Insight News Editor and Chief, Al McFarlane, who also serves as Co-Executive producer of CoachLeah’s After the Whistle, and concluding with a shoutout to Insight News, as our celebrated Community Collaborator for their stellar community engagement, the hour-long Tuesday afternoon “meeting of the minds” was lighthearted and insightful. The time flew by very quickly as our Distinguished Diamond, Dr. Chelsea Mikael Frazier, a professor at Cornell University and founder of Ask An Amazon, graced us by sharing what her life is like – After the Whistle.


For our very first Distinguished Diamond honoree, Dr. Chelsea M. Frazier, gave us a glimpse as to what she’s been up to since her selection as a “Diamond” almost 20 years ago and shared the following quote, her favorite, that she strives to live by: All that you touch, you change. All that you change, changes you.

The only lasting truth is change.

Octavia Butler

Dr. Frazier explained, “I keep that sentiment as close as possible … humans don’t really like change all that much, but I’m somebody who likes to keep things comfortable and likes to keep things feeling good. So reminding myself that there is no growth without change, [and] there is no evolution without change. There is no challenge. There’s no fun without change most of the time. So that is a quote that I come back to again and again.”

To view the full interview with Dr. Frazier, click here: YouTube - Premier Episode - CoachLeah’s After the Whistle - Tuesday, June 20, 2023, or go to the Insight News YouTube channel: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=Z_FKl_ LbSv0 or listen on Amazon, Apple, or Spotify.

Currently Coach Syl, as she’s called, is a global coach where she trains male and female athletes around the world. Off the court, Sylvia is CEO of Crawley’s Creation LLC, a fashion and interior design company. She is also the cofounder of Monarch Magazine, sold nationwide at Barnes & Nobles. She has recently launched a wellness collection of magnesium products, offering organic relief for chronic pain, anxiety, and insomnia. Sylvia married her best friend, Pastor Brian Spann, and they reside in Durham, North Carolina, where they care for Sylvia’s parents. I would love to now introduce to you Sylvia Crawley Spann.

CRAWLEY SPANN: What a warm welcome. Thank you, Leah, for having me on the show today.

COACHLEAH: Hello, my friend, and welcome to CoachLeah’s After the Whistle.

CRAWLEY SPANN: Thank you. I’m so proud of you and this show. It’s been a long time coming, and so we are here finally.

COACHLEAH: I know, right? This is so amazing, and I’m so honored that you agreed to be our main featured guest for my premier episode as well. I didn’t get a chance to see you as much in the ABL, unfortunately, because there wasn’t as much nationwide coverage for the games, but I for sure had a chance to know how well you were doing there and was so happy to see that you were picked up so quickly by the WNBA. That literally was my one degree of separation because I was covering the WNBA as a sports reporter for Insight News even back then, so I had a chance to get to know you and just to see just the person that you were on the court dominating, but then also just how gracious you’ve always been and just welcoming and just so kind. And just all the stuff that you are now, I knew about you even before actually “meeting you” and becoming friends because we’re friends now, and I love it.

CRAWLEY SPANN: We’re like sisters.

COACHLEAH: Yeah, we really are. So I’m going to ask you a couple questions. Talk to me about your SLAM program because I didn’t get a chance to really talk about that during your introduction, but I wanted to just - out the gate - talk about your SLAM program. So, tell everybody about that.


Well, I’m glad you asked me that question first, Leah, because I’m super proud of my SLAM Signature program because it unites my whole body of work into one thing. All my life, I’ve done multiple things. I’ve been into multiple streams of income, but that’s just how we are taught as student athletes. We’ve got to juggle being a student, an athlete, homework, social life. And so straight out of college, I just jumped into doing a lot of different things. So basically, my SLAM Signature program [it] came about because every time people introduce me, they talk about my blindfolded dunk, and when I go to speak somewhere, they play the video of the dunk. And so, it only made sense for me to name my program SLAM. The acronym, the S stands for self-care, L-leadership, A-alignment, and M-mindset. That could stand for mental toughness depending on the audience.

To see and learn more about the first ever “blindfold dunk” as well as view the full interview, click here: YouTube - Premier EpisodeCoachLeah’s After the Whistle - Tuesday, June 20, 2023, or go to the Insight News YouTube channel: https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=Z_FKl_LbSv0 Or you can listen on Amazon, Apple, or Spotify.

Vacúnese si cumple los requisitos. Reciba su vacuna de refuerzo cuando llegue el momento.

Quédese en su casa si se siente enfermo o ha estado cerca de alguien con COVID-19.

Use una mascarilla cuando se recomiende o se requiera.

Hágase la prueba contra COVID-19 si se siente enfermo, si estuvo cerca de alguien con alto riesgo.

Lávese las manos con frecuencia, en especial,

Los niños y las comunidades estarán más protegidos si todos adoptamos una mayor

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