9 minute read

Prostate cancer treatment can wait for most men, study finds

By Carla K. Johnson AP Medical Writer

Researchers have found longterm evidence that actively monitoring localized prostate cancer is a safe alternative to immediate surgery or radiation.

The results, released Saturday, are encouraging for men who want to avoid treatment-related sexual and incontinence problems, said Dr. Stacy Loeb, a prostate cancer specialist at NYU Langone Health who was not involved in the research.

The study directly compared the three approaches — surgery to remove tumors, radiation treatment and monitoring. Most prostate cancer grows slowly, so it takes many years to look at the disease’s outcomes.


From 3 with the payments. Federal prosecutors say the payments amounted to illegal, unreported assistance to Trump’s campaign. But they declined to file charges against Trump himself.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s team appears to be looking at whether Trump or anyone committed crimes in New York state in arranging the payments, or in the way they accounted for them internally at the Trump Organization.


In a word, yes. Longstanding Justice Department policy prohibits the federal indictment of a sitting president, but Trump, two years out of office, no longer enjoys that legal shield. And the New York case is not a federal probe anyway.


A grand jury is made up of people drawn from the community, similar to a trial jury. But unlike juries that hear trials, grand juries don’t decide whether someone is guilty or innocent. They only decide whether there is sufficient evidence for someone to be charged. Grand juries exist in the federal court system and in many states.


From 3 man (POTUS Joe Biden), who has authority over OMB (Management and Budget Office), the “power” to redefine an entire continent of Latin America, Central America, and the country of Mexico? Is he God? Or merely another white Wiz of Oz hiding behind the curtain of whiteness?

Hispanic is an invented census term. It is “honorary white” classification for people like DeSantis and Rubio, but it often obscures Afrolatinos, Indigenous, and Asian people of Central and Latin America and some Caribbean Islands, who someimes check the “Other” box.

Becoming “white” may seem a way to navigate the racial landscape of America—but people with origins in Latin and Central America already have a problematic racial history founded on trying to make invisible and erase the Black presence in Latin

“There was no difference in prostate cancer mortality at 15 years between the groups,” Loeb said. And prostate cancer survival for all three groups was high — 97% regardless of treatment approach.

“That’s also very good news.”

The results were published Saturday in the New England Journal of Medicine and presented at a European Association of Urology conference in Milan, Italy. Britain’s National Institute for Health and Care Research paid for the research.

Men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer shouldn’t panic or rush treatment decisions, said lead author Dr. Freddie Hamdy of the University of Oxford. Instead, they should “consider carefully the possible benefits and harms caused by the treatment options.”

Proceedings are closed to the public, including the media. There is no judge present nor anyone representing the accused. Prosecutors call and question witnesses, and grand jurors can also ask questions. In New York, the person who could be indicted may ask for a certain witness, though it’s up to grand jurors. New York grand juries have 23 people. At least 16 must be present to hear evidence or deliberate. Twelve have to agree there is enough evidence in order to issue an indictment. The grand jury may also find there is not enough evidence of a crime or direct the prosecutor to file lesser charges.

Centuries-old rules have kept grand juries under wraps to protect the reputations of people who end up not being charged, to encourage reluctant witnesses to testify, to prevent those about to be indicted from fleeing and to guard against outside pressure.

Grand juries have long been criticized as little more than rubber stamps for prosecutors. Former New York Judge Sol Wachtler famously said that prosecutors could convince a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich.” Defenders of the process say it is a crucial safeguard against politically motivated prosecutions.


One of the final witnesses being called was Robert Costello, who was once a legal adviser to

America—no can do.

The Racialization Agenda You see “race” is not a biological reality—it was/ is created as a social system of classification designed to make sure that white, heterosexual (cisgender) men were always at the top of the food chain. Systems of racialization are predicated on mistaken beliefs that biology created so-called “races.”

To the contrary, it people who established the social classification that has come to known as “races.” Black anthropologist, the late Audrey Smedley, confirms the invention of “race” as a social development.

Race as a mechanism of social stratification and as a form of human identity is a recent concept in human history. Historical records show that neither the idea nor ideologies associated with race existed before the seventeenth century. In the United States, race became the main form of human identity, and it has had a tragic effect on low-status „racial“ minorities and on those people who perceive themselves

A small number of men with high-risk or more advanced disease do need urgent treatments, he added.

Cohen, the government’s key witness in the investigation. The men have since had a falling out, and Costello has indicated that he has information he believes would undercut the credibility of Cohen and contradict his current incriminating statements about Trump.

Costello contacted a lawyer for Trump saying he had information that could be exculpatory for Trump, according to a person familiar with the matter who insisted on anonymity to discuss secret legal proceedings. The lawyer brought it to the attention of the district attorney’s office, which last week subpoenaed Costello’s law firm for records and invited him to testify. He was at the building where the jurors were meeting on Monday, invited by prosecutors, ensuring the grand jury had an opportunity to consider testimony or evidence that could weaken the case for indicting.

Trump was also been invited to testify, but his lawyer has said the former president has no plans to participate.


Trump says charges would actually help him in the 2024 presidential contest. Longtime ally Lindsey Graham, senator from South Carolina, said Saturday that District Attorney Bragg “has done more to help Donald Trump get elected.” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, considering joining the Republican field, criticizes the Trump investigation as of „mixed race.“ (Smedley, A. (1998), „Race“ and the Construction of Human Identity. American Anthropologist, 100: 690-702. https://doi.org/10.1525/ aa.1998.100.3.690)

In its implementation, race was presented as if it stemmed from biology. Because of this connection to biology, beliefs about the intellectual and physical capabilities of a racialized group were considered fixed,” “immutable,” and unable to be changed. So a person from a “race” perceived as “unintelligent” or “subhuman” was considered to be that based on biology rather than education, environmental or other external factors that might impact learning capacity such as malnutrition. We now know “race” is not genetic—e.g., biological (https://understandingrace.org/ race-is-not-genetic/). Or do we?

Clearly, OMB and Biden missed the science lessons, which has been circulating for several decades that race is a social construction, although racism is real in its impact on human lives.

The Biology of Human Variation I do, however, want get surgery, radiation or active monitoring. The patients’ cancer was confined to the prostate, a walnut-sized gland that’s part of the reproductive system. Men in the monitoring group had regular blood tests and some went on to have surgery or radiation.

Death from prostate cancer occurred in 3.1% of the active-monitoring group, 2.2% in the surgery group, and 2.9% in the radiation group, differences considered statistically insignificant.

At 15 years, cancer had spread in 9.4% of the activemonitoring group, 4.7% of the surgery group and 5% of the radiation group. The study was started in 1999, and experts said today’s monitoring practices are better, with MRI imaging and gene tests guiding decisions.

Researchers followed more than 1,600 U.K. men who agreed to be randomly assigned to as politically motivated, “fundamentally wrong.” But he also threw one of his first jabs at the former president in a quip likely to intensify their rivalry. DeSantis said he personally doesn’t “know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some kind of alleged affair.”

Comments by other potential rivals, eager to convince voters it is time to move on from the former president but also contending with the fact that he remains the most popular figure in the party:

— During a Saturday visit to Iowa, former Vice President Mike Pence called the idea of indicting a former president “deeply troubling.”

— Asa Hutchinson, the former Arkansas governor mulling his own 2024 bid, said he didn’t expect Trump to withdraw from the race after an indictment, though that would be the “right” thing to do.

— Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, a declared candidate who also served as Trump’s U.N. ambassador, said Monday on Fox News that Bragg’s case was an attempt at scoring “political points,” adding, “You never want to condone any sort of prosecution that’s being politicized.”

“At the end of the day, not one single person’s opinion of him will be any different after indictment than it was before,” veteran GOP operative Terry Sullivan said in an interview. “All of his perceived negatives are already baked into his name ID with voters.” to make one fact clear—human variation is a real thing. That is, the observable differences we can see or analyze in skin color, hair

“We have more ways now to help catch that the


The New York probe is among many legal woes Trump is facing. The Justice Department is investigating his retention of top secret government documents at his Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, after leaving the White House, as well as possible efforts to obstruct that probe. Federal investigators are also still probing the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection and efforts to overturn the election Trump falsely claimed was stolen.

Portions of a report from a special grand jury in Georgia that investigated whether Trump and his allies illegally interfered in the 2020 election in Georgia shows jurors believed “one or more witnesses” committed perjury and urged local prosecutors to bring charges. The former president never testified, but the report didn’t foreclose the possibility of other charges.


It’s unclear. Trump declared in a social media post over the weekend that he expects to be taken into custody on Tuesday and urged supporters to protest his possible arrest. However, there has been no public announcement of any time frame for the grand jury’s secret work. A Trump spokesperson said there has been no notification from Bragg’s office.

Law enforcement officials have been making security preparations for the possibility of an indictment texture, blood types are biological aspects rooted in human variation and our adaptation to geography as well as inherited traits— disease is progressing before it spreads,” Loeb said. In the U.S., about 60% of low-risk patients choose monitoring, now called active surveillance. Hamdy said the researchers had seen the difference in cancer spread at 10 years and expected it to make a difference in survival at 15 years, “but it did not.” He said spread alone doesn’t predict prostate cancer death. “This is a new and interesting finding, useful for men when they make decisions about treatments,” he said. The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Science and Educational Media Group. The AP is solely responsible for all content. in coming days or weeks — or a court appearance by the president himself. we carry both dominant and recessive traits, which can appear


Anna Cominsky, a New York Law School professor and former criminal defense lawyer, said that her best guess is that Trump’s lawyers will work out a deal with the prosecutor’s office to avoid the spectacle of an indictment with handcuffs and a perp walk.

“There is a great likelihood that he will selfsurrender, which means you won’t see a 5 a.m. knock on Mar-a-Lago’s door, officers swarming his house and arresting him and bringing him out in handcuffs,” she said. “He would appear at the prosecutor’s office voluntarily and then be processed, fingerprinted and his picture taken. ” Cominsky is less sure that Trump would want to avoid a public appearance for his arraignment, which would come within two days of an indictment. At that time a judge lists the charges and asks if the defendant pleads guilty or not guilt. “He doesn’t shy away from the chaos, so he may want to use this to his advantage,” she said. Associated Press writers Eric Tucker in Washington, Anthony Izaguirre from Tallahassee, Florida, and Bernard Condon and Michael R. Sisak in New York contributed to this report.


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