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Fellowship news
Think Tanks
The UCAF Synod Committee has planned two “Think Tanks” to be held at Wyoming Uniting Church after their normal meetings in April and October. This will enable discussions on the way forward and ways to address the ongoing closure of groups. The focus is trying to encourage whole Congregations to meet together rather than small groups, especially for Presbytery Fellowship events.
to encourage applications from suitable people. Applications close with this Committee by 31 May 2023. Enquiries to Eldrene March ellemarch@bigpond.com
Stamp Committee
chats to his 600 members. He is available to speak and is already booked for Hunter Presbytery’s gathering. Donations can be forwarded to our Treasurer: Ron Gregory PO Box 615 Woy Woy.
Appreciation Certificates
Stott Bursary 2024
Applications are now being encouraged for The Joan Stott UCAF Bursary for 2024. These were set up by Joan Stott, a former National President of UCAF and were to assist two people committed to or already studying in the field of leadership or theology within the ethos of the Uniting Church. The previous age cut off was 35 years at time of application but this year the age has changed to under 50 years. We ask congregations
The Stamp Committee raised $22,200 in 2022 and grants worth $31,200 were shared with 46 Congregations for their Community/Outreach programs and projects. It is a wonderful encouragement to all to save our stamps, maybe ask local businesses to save theirs too. The committee meets to sort and trim stamps on Tuesdays from 9am-12 on the first Friday of the month, Level 2 262 Pitt Street Sydney. Volunteers welcome. Email: uniting. stamps@gmail.com for updates and newsletters
Flying Padre
The UCAF NSW/ACT Project continues to support The Flying Padre Pastor David Shrimpton based at Broken Hill. He has a 225,000 square km. congregation and officiates at funerals, weddings, baptisms, and
Continue to ask Secretary Laraine for Appreciation Certificates for active, involved 80, 90, and 100-year-old members of your Congregations. They are always much appreciated. Thank you to our Contact People; Bruce and Bronwyn Guy, Canberra Presbytery, Ailsa Braid, Mid North Coast North and Peta-Gai Adamson, Mid North Coast South, who have recently resigned. We have valued your service.
Hunter Presbytery
Thursday 18 May, Morisset UC, Speaker: Flying Padre Illawarra Presbytery
Thursday 1 June, Gerringong Speaker: Rev. Josh McPaul.
If you would like to share your fellowship news or have any questions, please contact Judy Hicks: judyh_rnh@hotmail.com
As soon as I saw the word Pieta I immediately thought of Michelangelo’s famous sculpture. I dived online and in books thinking how can I work with this iconic sculpture. There’s a drawing study for the mother Mary that caught my interest. There’s something optimistic in Pieta’s face, despite her grief. Something that speaks of eternity and renewal. The second image is a reflection on falling into death or falling out of consciousness.