2 minute read

August An Opportunity to Serve


Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

This is a teaching block of Jesus which involves a series of eight parables. In our reading for this week comprise six of those short parables. But before we look at what it means, it is important to understand the context of why Jesus was teaching this way.

In chapter 11 and 12 of Matthew, they illustrate the growing mishap of people’s attitude about Jesus. Where Jesus made a sharp contrast about the nature of true discipleship which comes down to one’s response to the news about God.

These short stories, have one thing in common. There is intentional character development in the life of the responder.

These short parables create a platter of joyful synergy for the journey. Don’t take all of it at once, read one by one, reflect on it and let it soaked into your sense of worth, you may be surprise of what it does.



Matthew 14:13-21

Everyone of us need time for ourselves. Especially, when things don’t go the way we often hope. Losing a loved one, not getting the job offer you were hoping for, or one of your children had a run in with the police.

You want time to pray, reflect or find energy for the journey ahead, and suddenly people knock at your door for help. What would your reaction be? Would you ask them to leave and come back another day? Jesus did not react in frustration or anger, instead he responds with compassion.

He transforms his need to rest into an opportunity to serve. Jesus was not bound by schedule or plans, he allows space for the unexpected. What about if the unexpected becomes a challenge of, ‘Give them what you have?’ And you know what you have is not enough.

Giving ourselves and what we have to God, sometimes surprises us, when God used whatever we have and turn it to a blessing we have never experienced before.


Matthew 14:22-33

Part of our church life is discernment. We discern what our life and witness could be. We discern what the future might be in relation to ministry and mission.

Our story this week shows the life of the church as a journey. There are times, the church faces its fair share of going through storms of life: financial difficulties, relational tensions, cultural shifts, but as faithful members we remain there for each other praying and wondering how can we get out of the storm we face. Jesus comes to us in ways we never anticipated.


Matthew 15:21-28

How should we erase racial prejudice from our world? Would we ever treat all human as equal? Jesus began to face the weight of his mission was not only for the lost sheep of Israel but to all the world.

It would be easy in our context to find this story shockingly prejudice. But we need to look at Jesus’ purpose clearly acted out here. While he focuses on Israel, the Gentile world emerges with the same need.

For all creation whether male or female, Jews or Greeks, they all have needs only God can satisfy.

In the verses before the readings for this week, we learn of what was to Jesus about cleanliness. Now Jesus is crossing over to the border of the Gentile world, we would expect he is making a deliberate act on giving the space that was meant for the Israelite, wide open to anyone who wishes to make use of it.



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