Insightssuccess the 10 fastest growing cyber security companies of 2017

Page 1 MAY 2017

The way of business solutions



lthough all other technology sectors are driven by increasing productivity and reducing inefficiencies, cybersecurity spending is predominantly driven by cybercrime. The increasing cybercriminal activities witnessed all over the world are generating so much cyber spending, that it has become nearly impossible for analysts to accurately track the statistics. The global cybersecurity market in 2004 was worth $3.5 billion, and expected to be worth more than $120 billion in 2017. So in over 13 years, the cybersecurity market grew roughly by 35x.

The Changing Paradigm in Budgetary Norms of Cyber Security

Many corporations are hesitant to announce the amounts of their increased security budgets because of breaches they’ve suffered, for fears of antagonizing cybercriminals and reputational damage. Still, there are some corporations who have stepped up with increased cybersecurity budgets. Bank of America stated that it has an unlimited budget when it comes to combating cybercrime. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. doubled its annual budget for cybersecurity sector, from $250 million to $500 million. The technology giant Microsoft Corp. will continue to invest over $1 billion annually on cybersecurity R&D. The U.S. Government is planning to invest over $19 billion for cybersecurity as part of the President’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Budget. This exemplifies a necessary investment to secure our Nation in the future with more than 35% increase from FY 2016 in overall Federal resources for cybersecurity. Tech is a comprehensive industry with tens of thousands of VARs (value-added-resellers), IT solution providers, and Systems Integrators who wrap IT security services around the IT infrastructures they implement and support — but (most of) these firms don’t break out and report cybersecurity revenues as a separate bucket. As per IT Security Spending Survey — published by SANS Institute in 2016, most organizations fold their security budgets and spending into another cost center, whether IT (48%), general operations (19%) or compliance (4%), where cost line items and security budget are combined with other related factors. Only 23% track security budgets and costs distinctly. SANS makes an astute remark which may account for the shortfall in IT spending projections by some researchers and analysts. It is also predicted that cybercrime will continue rising globally and cost businesses more than $6 trillion annually by 2021. This estimate is evidently based on historical cybercrime figures including recent year-over-year growth, a cosmic increase in hostile nation state sponsored and organized crime gang hacking activities, a cyberattack surface of a magnitude that would be greater than it is today, and the cyber defenses expected to be pitted against hackers and cybercriminals over that time.

Poonam Yadav

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08 HIGHGROUND CYBER Empowering CEOs in the struggle for Cyber Security, Governance & Resilience CXO

Are you staying in network secure zone?


The Way of IOT’s, smart Grid, Smart Citie’s Future Goes Through Technology and Network convergence


IT and Communication Trends for Critical Infrastructure


ARTICLE 22. TECH-TALK Exploring the Emerging Technology: ‘Fog Computing’

36. Editor’s Perspectives Network Security Threats & Solutions

30. THREAT-O-CURE How to Minimize Cyber-Attacks On Your Organisation

16 CommuniTake Technologies: Delivering Best-of-all-Worlds Platform for Mobile Enterprise Security

26 SECEON: Protecting Critical Infrastructures by Detecting and Eliminating Cyber Threats

34 Secured2 Corporation: Going Beyond Encryption to Secure You

42 SecurView: Implementing Secure IT Architecture


10 Fastest Growing CYBE SECU IT Y The


c o m p a n i e s o f 2 0 1 7

Complexity of Cyber Security Comprehended


n today’s fast paced world, people are becoming more and more dependent on open networks such as the Internet, where commercial activities, business transactions and government services are comprehended. This has led to a precipitous rise in new cyber threats and information security issues which are utilized by cyber criminals. For example, recently attacked by “Wannacry” has made leaders all across the world vulnerable and enforced to think about their security infrastructure. Distrust for all emerging telecommunications and computer network technologies have had implausible socio-economic impacts on global enterprises as well as individuals. Furthermore, some incidences of international frauds often require the investigation of the facts that transpire across international borders. Those are often subjected to totally different legal systems and jurisdictions. The increased complexity of the communication and networking infrastructure is making preventing of cyber-crimes difficult therefore new approaches for cybersecurity are desired. The dire need for competent cybersecurity solution providers has made us look out for “The 10 Fastest Growing Cyber Security Companies of 2017”. On our cover page we have Ken Barnhart, the Founder & President of Highground Cyber, Inc. Highground Cyber was introduced with a mission to help the small & mid-market CEO’s to protect their companies, themselves, and their families. Highground Cyber provides value and expertise in everything from security strategy and risk management to network penetration testing and security architecture design. Further, we have CommuniTake Technologies, which builds security, care and management solutions to provide people and organizations with better, and more secure mobile device use. Listed for delivering smart solutions that protect organizations against security threats are SecurView and Seceon. Cobalt Labs’ hacker-powered application security solution and Secured² Corporation’s data security technology are contributing towards developing a secure architecture for various developing companies. Thycotic is enlisted for skillfully preventing cyber-attacks by securing passwords, protecting endpoints, and controlling access. Portnox sees, controls, reacts to and manages the risk networks face for any user, any device, anywhere. Intrinsic ID authenticates everything by securing the Internet of Things, validates payment systems, ensures safe connectivity, authenticates sensors, and protects sensitive military data and systems. EveryCloud Technologies is listed for being the best performing email filtering service with products and services in Spam Filtering and Email Archiving for various verticals including businesses, education, ISPs / MSPs and IT resellers. So flip through the pages to know more about these combatants fighting cyber-crime. Not to miss out on scholarly articles viz. ‘How to Minimize Cyber-Attacks On Your Organisation’ and ‘Exploring the Emerging Technology: ‘Fog Computing’.


yber security has never been simple. The threats evolve every day and the attackers have become more inventive and better financed. Over the past years, we’ve witnessed all the hype and confusion surrounding cyber security as it transforms into a frightening new reality—one where corporate and government organizations seem helpless to stop cyber incidents. It’s critical that senior executives properly define the issue and identify what constitutes an effective cyber security program. In an interview with Insights Success Magazine, Ken Barnhart, founder and CEO of Highground Cyber, shared his keen observations into the cyber security industry and his journey in developing and leading his company for this new era. What inspired you to start Highground Cyber? As a combat veteran, I firmly believe cyber security represents a clear and present danger to our nation and its economy. In my role as a Vistage speaker and cyber security champion, I travel around the country educating Board of Directors, CEOs, and small business owners about how to improve their cyber posture. I’ve listened to their gut-wrenching stories of bank accounts drained in spearphishing attacks, intellectual property stolen, systems and data locked up with cyber extortion tactics, and their identities stolen. Highground Cyber was launched with a mission to help the small and mid-market CEOs to protect their companies, themselves, and their families. What market segments are you focusing on? We’re heading straight for the areas where we observe the greatest need. The data clearly suggests the small and medium businesses under $250 million and 200 employees are losing the cyber security battle. According to a recent report by ADP, 50 percent of our nation’s payroll dollars’ flow through companies with less than 250 employees and that market is bearing 72 percent of the cyber security attacks. While retailers like Target, Home Depot, and Walmart get all of the big media headlines, these are also companies that have the resources to weather a cyber security storm and recover rather quickly. In Target’s case, they have even rebuilt a world-class cyber security system into a model that other companies are now copying. That’s not the case for small and mid-market companies. Just recently a $200 million professional services company in the Midwest lost a multi-million-dollar payroll run to a

spear-phishing attack, and now their very survival is in doubt. These are not isolated incidents—the statistics show that 60 percent of companies that suffer a major cyber attack will fail within six months and 90 percent fail in a year. Reversing that trend in the small and mid-markets is our core focus. What are some of your growth plans? While the Highground Cyber brand is new, our experience is not. We are a spin- off of a practice group that has been defending enterprise clients for almost a decade. I spent 17 years as the founder and CEO of the Occam Group, Ltd, and a few months ago I sold the company to the minority shareholder. I brought with me our award-winning Smart & Safe Assessment. In 2015, CIO Review recognized our CEO-centered Smart & Safe framework as one of the TOP 20 MOST PROMISING Cyber Security Solutions. Our five-year plan is to double every year as a national brand. The ability to laser focus my attention on the growth of Highground has resulted in a 200 percent growth so far in 2017. That puts us a little ahead of our plans, but we have a big mountain to climb and many CEOs to help them along the way. With so many new cyber security companies, how do you differentiate Highground in the market?
 Our differentiation strategy is born from the realization that most of the mid-market is improperly conceptualizing the cyber security issue as a technical problem. The hard reality is that cyber attacks are only part of the larger organizational issue of risk management and business continuity. Since most CEOs don’t have a technical background and because cyber is incorrectly classified as a technical issue, they delegate the organizational response to the IT functional or outsourcing partner. In most cases, the mid-market CEOs aren’t actually delegating the responsibility for the cyber issue they are abdicating their authority. This is particularly dangerous for the CEO as they are the corporate officer who is ultimately professionally and personally liable when a major cyber incident happens. We address this dilemma with three unique claims called Lift-Shift-Persist. Our first claim is as simple as it is bold. The small or medium business must LIFT the focus of their cyber security efforts from the IT leader to the CEO. If they don’t, their program will never achieve the necessary results. This is not because the IT

leaders lack professional skill or experience, but rather they are not organizationally empowered to direct the human resources, legal, risk management, policy, brand and public relations functions that play a critical role in a holistic cyber security program. The CEO is the only role with the decision rights and organizational authority to coordinate these functions. The critical success factor is empowering the CEO with an approach that helps them put together a plan to coordinate these functions and helps them manage the execution. Our second claim is the business must SHIFT the execution to a cyber program that’s holistic, realistic and reports into

the CEO. The program-planning process starts with our award-winning Smart & Safe Assessment that establishes a baseline of the cross-functional areas necessary for a comprehensive plan. Once completed, we develop a bespoke cross-functional program to address the unique threats and assets for every company. We work with the CEO to then make the plan realistic for the three checkbooks from which they manage their company. The ďŹ rst is obviously ďŹ nancial, as the program plan will need funding, but we take a multi-budget cycle approach that looks forward 36 months. The second is change management. Organizations have a varied capacity for change, and the pace and scope of change for a business to

address cyber security is often
much more limited than their
financial resources. As the final
check, we work with CEOs to
address their corporate culture.
The defense of a company’s
digital assets and sensitive
information has to be woven into
the fabric of the corporate culture and the CEO is the leader of that
effort. Our final differentiator is
PERSIST because cyber security is not a
“set-it-and-forget-it” issue for companies. Many of our competitors sell a system or software, install it, and either walk away or do some type of annual checkup. Our approach focuses on creating a culture of security and information systems that keep the CEO and the Board of Directors informed on the overall security posture in three critical areas: Security, Governance and Resilience. What does winning the cyber security challenge look like for a mid-market CEO?
 We believe there is a difference between explaining cyber issues honestly, which can be admittedly scary when the company is your 401k plan, and just scaring people for the pure shock value. I talk with hundreds of CEOs every year and I have yet to meet a single one who earned their chair by being easily frightened. The way we explain this is with what we call the IRON TRIANGLE of cyber security: Security, Governance and Resilience. In the final analysis, security has always been about one thing for thousands of years—asset protection. The first win a CEOs must achieve is to establish a comprehensive list of the physical and digital assets that they cannot afford to lose. If the loss of a particular asset is a business-crippling event, then they have to get those locked down first. We call this phase, “locking up the crown jewels.” Security tools play a powerful role in this area and the options available to mid-market companies have improved dramatically, while simultaneously dropping in cost. It’s important for CEOs to recognize they need to enlist their employee and partners in the defense of critical company assets. All it takes is one person to handle a critical asset recklessly or maliciously and serious damage can be done. Getting on top of governance is the next big “win” for the leadership. The CEO, not the IT leader, is the source of authority here and bears the responsibility to demonstrate good governance of the organization. The federal courts have recently provided ruling and rationale to help clarify

what exactly “good business judgment” means. The Department of Homeland Security has also made some major contributions to further clarify what companies should be doing to establish proper governance. The good news is that the path to establish an effective cyber security program is much clearer than is has ever been. The bad news is the IT function has zero chance of successfully implementing the required elements. The ultimate win for any mid-market CEO in their cyber posture is resilience. The ability to recover quickly from a cyber incident and keep rolling needs to be every CEOs goal. The cliché we hear all the time is that it isn’t a question of if a company will experience a cyber attack but when. While there is a measure of truth in this phrase, it also misses the larger point impact mitigation. Many organizations have built systems and processes that are “robust but fragile.” A speed boat is fast and agile, but can’t take a breach in the hull and continue to float much less function. The resilience goal is to make organizations more like a battleship that can take several serious hits and stay in the fight. Your passion is so compelling. What drives you? In a word: Enough! I am sick and tired of seeing good CEOs and their families getting hurt, harried and harassed. I have always been fond of the Edmund Burke quote, “All that is required for Evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do nothing.” With passion and purpose, I’m hoping that Highground Cyber proves its mettle in this marketplace and grows very quickly.

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Company Name



Cobalt Labs

Jacob Hansen Co-founder

Cobalt’s hacker-powered application security solution transforms today’s broken pen testing model into a data-driven engine fueled by our global talent pool of trusted pen testers.


Ronen Sasson CO-founder & CEO

CommuniTake is a software company that builds security, care and management solutions to provide people and organizations with better, and more secure mobile device use.

EveryCloud Technologies

Matt Baker CMO & Co-Founder

EveryCloud the best performing email filtering service with products and services in Spam Filtering and Email Archiving for various verticals including businesses, education, ISPs / MSPs and IT resellers.

Highground Cyber

Ken Barnhart Founder & CEO

Highground Cyber helps to simplify cyber security by providing everything that a client needs to define strategy, identify threats, deploy the right technology and ensure operational readiness to protect client’s business.

Intrinsic ID

Milan Lazich CEO

Intrinsic ID secures the Internet of Things, validates payment systems, ensures safe connectivity, authenticates sensors, and protects sensitive military data and systems.


Nilly Assia CMO

Portnox sees, controls, reacts to and manages the risk networks face for any user, any device, anywhere.


Chandra Pandey Founder & CEO

Seceon OTM, is a cyber-security advanced threat management platform that visualizes, detects, and eliminates threats in real time.

Secured² Corporation

Daren Klum Founder & CEO

Secured² is the pioneer of new data security technology that uses a ‘shrink, shred, secure & restore methodology, combined with new compression technology that reduces the size of data by up to 90%.


Rajeev Khanolkar President & CEO

SecurView is a Cyber Security Solutions company, delivering smart solutions that protect organizations against security threats.


Steve Kahan CMO

Thycotic prevents cyberattacks by securing passwords, protecting endpoints, and controlling access

CommuniTake Technologies:

Delivering Best-of-all-Worlds Platform for Mobile Enterprise Security


he mobile security space is in transition. There are various vendors, products and functions that fall into different buying patterns and needs. Many companies still operate under outdated endpoint protection platform which is not built to withstand modern mobile cyber-crime.

Bring your own device (BYOD) programs face increasing challenges. Delivering malware and data loss defenses, encounter user resistance, and inconsistent legal interpretations of users’ privacy. Furthermore, mobile security tools are changing rapidly along with the nature of threats. CommuniTake Technologies brings a unique value proposition that addresses all the use scenarios within mobile enterprise security. These scenarios range from the most security minded organizations to less demanding organizations. CommuniTake’s array of solutions provide solution to organizations that seek only secure communications with light central management, all the way to organizations that look for a comprehensive solution containing secured device, purpose-built security-rich OS, secure communications, fused command and control center and local deployment. A Relentless Visionary Leader Ronen Sasson, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of CommuniTake Technologies, is an accomplished software industry executive and visionary, with an extensive history of pioneering new ground in business and telecommunication systems. Ronen has a proven record of strong leadership, passion and innovation, and he brings 30 years of successful experience in managing high-tech products and professional services. Prior to CommuniTake, Ronen spent 14 years in Amdocs where he was the Founder and General Manager of the company’s self-service line-of-business vision, product & market direction, and his teams’ commitment to customer service resulted in more than US$100M annual revenues in just 4 years. Before Amdocs, Ronen spent 9 years in advanced technology military technology units & development centers, and he holds B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Technion. Ronen’s personality has many contributing levels which come out with his unique leadership abilities. Serving as an ‘officer’ in the Israeli Air Force and as a Vice President in Amdocs, he has established leadership qualities that impact his current role in driving success. As a marathon runner combining the creativity that came from art, he believes that his mission in life is to make dreams into reality influencing millions of people. He is driven by a “Can Do” approach and “Embracing Challenges” as a way of life with continuous learning and analyzing both success and failures. Inception of a Cyber Security Provider CommuniTake was established to provide “Total Mobile Security and Productivity” strategy. It delivers three building blocks of mobility enablement: productivity, security and manageability. These markets are in different life cycle stages. CommuniTake has started with productivity via an Omni-channel support, and then shifted to deliver security combined with infused manageability – based on market readiness and adaptation. The knowledge and competences that were accomplished via the remote access technologies and the enterprise mobility management capabilities were translated to the security expansion. CommuniTake’s Prime Product’s Protective Architecture CommuniTake is a software company that builds security, care and management solutions to provide people and organizations with better, and more secure mobile device use.


| May 2017

Distinctive Techniques of Cyber Security CommuniTake’s unique value proposition is derived from its holistic approach. CommuniTake’s platform defends against interception techniques, injection techniques, physical data extraction and careless use. The powerful in-depth protection eliminates most of the attack vectors generated from apps, devices, networks and users. CommuniTake has successfully replaced Google services with proprietary services and push notifications, and an internal secured app store thus minimizing the vulnerability coming from the Google Play store and the privacy hazards that are related to Google e-services in general. The encrypted voice calls are encrypted via the ZRTP protocol which creates a key per session and encrypts the

“We operate as part of a “security nation” and leverage highly capable local talent in cyber security technologies to deliver cutting-edge and future-proof solutions” Ronen Sasson Co-founder & CEO CommuniTake Technologies To address the connected world challenges and provide organizations with risk-free and highly secured mobility, CommuniTake has developed Intact Mobile Security platform. It provides powerful protection with its complete competent suite of Secure-Manage-Care. The platform natively unifies the following components: Ÿ IntactPhone – specially-manufactured Android-like mobile phone; Ÿ IntactOS – custom-built security-rich operating system; Ÿ IntactDialog – end-to-end and midway encrypted voice calls and messages; Ÿ IntactCC – fused command and control center; Ÿ IntactCare – complete remote control technology and self-troubleshooting app; Ÿ IntactApps – security utilities including, persistent VPN, Anti-malware, web-browsing control, and threat detection. CommuniTake’s Intact Mobile Security is a gamechanging mobile Endpoint Protection Platform (mEPP) that protects against mobile cyber-attacks, enabling top security across all the devices in the organization. It ensures central security governance and seamless device performance and remediation via multiple purpose-built solutions aimed at differentiated security essentials.

| May 2017

voice using AES-256, which can be modularly customized with proprietary government encryption algorithm. All other communications are fully encrypted using TLS. The system forms a highly protected virtual private network for totally safe wireless communications within the enterprise environment. Future Aspects CommuniTake mobile security platform provides robust security like none other. The team at CommuniTake is going to further enhance their mobile cyber security offerings and expertise, to deliver exceptional solutions across both governmental and enterprise target markets including military units, Special Forces, governmental agencies, and other data-sensitive organizations. They are going to strengthen their leadership position in the mobile cyber security ecosystem and be the default choice for secret organizations that wish to deploy top mobile security. Committed to their vision, they will operate in a global manner with various partners focusing in each target segment as well as OEM partners, with their security enabled next generations’ devices, services and IoT systems. CommuniTake envisions tremendous growth as the market is already adopting mobile security technology on a massive scale. This is already seen when they grew up by hundred percent in new orders and have already built a scalable and reliable platform to maintain their growth in a solid manner.



n North America, utilities have installed nearly 70 million smart meters over the last decade. This technology investment has delivered tangible value to both utilities and consumers. But utilities have yet to realize the full potential of this platform and the value of the data these systems generate. This is primarily due to common challenges that utilities as well as technology providers have struggled with: • Smart meters are viewed mainly as a cash registers and instruments of customer billing rather than as sophisticated sensors that provide a rich source of data and insight to improve grid operations. • For the most part, smart metering systems have been deployed in technology “silos,” meaning they run on purpose-built, largely proprietary networks that were designed for meter reading rather than on a standardsbased, multi-application IP-platform.”


• These systems have created a relative tsunami of new data-more frequent and detailed usage data, event data from power outages and voltage anomalies and meter tamper alerts-data that utilities are struggling to manage and create new business value from. • More than smart meters, the term “smart grid” implies grid devices, assets and data interacting in real time and with less human intervention to respond to changing grid conditions. This degree of interoperability and automation has been elusive or cost-prohibitive thus far for the low-voltage level of the network. Most of these challenges are technology-centered, while some are cultural and organizational, but the upside is that these challenges are being solved. Information technology and operational technology are converging rapidly in the utility and energy space to create a new strategic and operational reality. This comes none too soon in light of significant business challenges utilities worldwide are

| May 2017

CXO Standpoint facing as well as the economic and environmental challenges we all face. Led by companies such as Cisco and Itron, a growing ecosystem of smart grid technology providers have collaborated to evolve network architecture so that utility field area networks look and behave much more like enterprise IT networks. Solution providers are also introducing more distributed intelligence to grid operations that enable grid assets and devices that are currently “siloed” to work in concert with one another. In addition, the available value stream of this network infrastructure investment is broadening by connecting to emerging markets and applications such as smart cities and the Internet of Things (IoT). The heavy lifting really began four years ago when Itron and Cisco announced an agreement to work together to re-architect Itron’s widely-deployed OpenWay smart grid network to IPv6 architecture from Cisco. This joint development effort, undertaken by the industry leaders in utility automation and networking, was a watershed effort in the industry. The smart metering network became a multi-application smart grid and smart city network, broadening significantly its usefulness and value. A growing ecosystem of leading smart grid technology providers can now build to a common reference architecture through the Connected Grid Cisco Developer Network to accelerate adoption and spark innovation. But standards-based, multi-application network architecture by itself was not enough to address all those challenges. Itron believes that for the smart grid to deliver on its promised value, data analysis and action must take place where it makes most senseincreasingly at the edge of the network rather than in the utility back office. That’s the whole idea behind ITRON RIVA™, a new distributed intelligence and advanced communication platform the company launched this fall. Distributing intelligence across the network allows us to economically solve utility problems that couldn’t be feasibly solved before, greatly increasing the value and timeliness of smart grid analytic applications as well as the utilization of network capacity. Specifically, these development efforts yield a new and common set of technology attributes for meters, grid sensors and other types of intelligent devices,

| May 2017

Jeff Carkhuff VP, Itron

“Led by companies such as Cisco and Itron, a growing ecosystem of smart grid technology providers have collaborated to evolve network architecture so that utility field area networks look and behave much more like enterprise IT networks” 19

CXO Standpoint

whether they come from Itron or third-party partners who embed the technology or build to the standard. • Locational awareness: For the first time, smart meters and grid devices know where they are in relation to other grid assets (feeders, phases, substations, transformers, distributed generation, other meters, etc.). This “selfawareness” opens up an entirely new approach to smart grid use cases and applications. • “Multilingual” devices: A unified software platform supports multiple communication/application protocols, allowing a single meter or grid device to simultaneously speak the language of distribution automation, load control and smart metering. This enables highly localized communication and action among diverse devices, assets and grid control systems to respond to changing conditions at the edge of the network. • Edge processing power: Thanks to Moore’s Law, Itron is embedding the computing equivalent of a recent generation smart phone in high-volume meters and grid devices to enable advanced communications, data processing and analysis in the edge device. The ability for edge devices to know exactly where they are, process and analyze data independently and communicate with other types of devices creates many new possibilities for improving the accuracy, resolution and timeliness of analytic applications. A clear opportunity exists to deliver new business value in areas such as localized demand response/load control, asset monitoring and management, outage detection and response, renewable integration and diversion detection. This approach allows utilities to put intelligence where it makes the most sense, whether that’s in the edge device, the field area network itself or at the enterprise level, meaning analytics no longer must always take place in the back office where “tomorrow” or “next week” is no longer good enough. Perhaps most interestingly, the Itron Riva distributed intelligence platform has enabled Itron to revolutionize grid communications. Known as adaptive communications technology, this capability incorporates multiple communications media-RF Mesh, Wi-Fi and Power Line Carrier-on the same chipset, working in concert to solve key network performance and connectivity challenges. Running on the OpenWay smart grid network, adaptive communications technology always utilizes the fastest and most reliable communication path for every message and every link based on location, network operating conditions and the nature of the application or data. This is true whether communicating with an office application or another device on the grid. This makes deployment of network infrastructure easier, faster and less costly, while offering a single communications solution for both dense and difficult urban environments as well as lower-density areas. Adaptive communications technology flattens the cost curve during the latter stages of network deployment when the “hardto-reach” devices and areas must be addressed. In other words, it provides a network that continuously selfoptimizes based on geography, topology, operating conditions and business requirements. Together, these developments mean that many utilities throughout the world are in a good position to leverage these recent and significant advancements in network architecture, edge intelligence and analytics as they implement their grid modernization strategies and connect to broader opportunities such as smart cities and IoT. There is absolutely no doubt that the convergence of information technology and operational technology in the global utility industry will continue and accelerate, and that technology advancement will continue to outpace the asset lifecycle paradigm utilities have so long operated within. Nevertheless, thresholds are reached that warrant a shift in thinking about how to approach and solve problems. For tomorrow’s grid, that time is now.


| May 2017


Exploring the Emerging Technology:

‘Fog Computing’ C

yber Security has now become an integral part of any organization. It is very difficult to ignore the importance of cyber-security nowadays. From the significant role it played in the 2016 presidential poll to the recent revelation about the Yahoo bluff (where more than one billion Yahoo accounts were breached in 2013), cyber security is no longer a problem unique to Sci-Fi thrillers. Perceptibly, the two examples stated here are simply the most egregious of recent times, but they are vague in comparison to the threat of cyberattack on actual infrastructure. Cyber Security for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) started as a spark and quickly turned into an eruptive volcano. Undeniably, data is the most important “currency” in the tech world today, and companies both public and private are struggling to figure out the best possible way to protect that data will still ensure real-time transport and analysis. Emergence of Fog Computing The forthcoming months will see the advent of True Fog Computing and Programmable/Intelligent Edge Devices designed with robust security measures till-date. According to a report by analysts, companies have now become more comfortable hosting the critical infrastructure and applications in the Cloud. In an effort to optimize processes and shorten the response time, companies will explore ways to horde applications at the device/sensor level (which is termed the Edge or Fog Computing). It is basically a decentralized network architecture, that brings computing control closer to where data is generated and acted upon, Fog Computing allows analysis, automation and control closer to the “Things” in the IIoT. Cyber Security will be improved by reducing the threat and attack


to surfaces of IIoT networks, since Fog Computing will reduce the amount of data being directed towards the Cloud. Certain processes will move away from the Cloud and closer to the Edge, which will aid the industries where even milliseconds are vital. The base of this shift in intellect deployment is simple: the Cloud, while legitimately secure, is still prone to security breaches, so rather than hosting all of the data and the analytics tools over the cloud, we must consider moving those processes closer to the edge to the sensors and devices with built in security. Now, while the concept is simple, the implementation is more difficult. This shift requires a high-speed, robust network capable of real-time data diffusion and, perhaps even more essentially, programmable devices at the edge. Rather than thinking about big data from the outlook of consuming from a fire hose, a programmable device at the edge permits the user to develop exclusive applications that cleans out unnecessary data. Consequently, the smaller data packets assist two things: faster transmission to the analytics engines, and the ability to send that data via mesh networking technology, which has been verified to provide better security. Currently, the problem faced in this shift in intelligence to the edge is because there are very few companies producing programmable devices for this advantage. It’s a totally different way of impending data transmission and security, and so far, the industry has been slow to catch on: instead of trying to build a wall in front of the huge door (the Cloud), eliminate the door and build a series of constantly moving mouse holes (the Edge). Which one do you think sounds easier to protect?

| May 2017




Computing, Networking,Storage,..

FOG Computing, Networking,Storage,..


FOG Computing, Networking,Storage,..

Computing, Networking,Storage,..



Conclusion Data has not been an issue; we already have more of it than we can analyze or utilize, and we’re collecting more and more every day. The problem is going to be about storing and retrieving the data when we want it in a convenient fashion. Fog computing allows for data to be processed and accessed more rapidly and more reliably from the most logical location, which lessens the risk of data latency. Any business that trusts someone else’s data center for storing its data would be wise to consider this new trend, and scrutinize how their business might be affected in the future if they lack the bandwidth to access it.

| May 2017


CXO Standpoint


ne word can sum up the most common strategy for network defense - “boxy.” Building and maintaining a strong perimeter has a long and storied history. Consider a castle with its moat, high walls and drawbridge. That is how most networks are defended. In a box. Currently, the mentality is: “Do you want to protect a new system?” Put it inside the box. “Processing personal information?” Put it inside the box. While the “box” approach was successful in the past, it’s an antiquated model. And, while the conventional approach has been occupied with defending the castle from a ground attack, adversaries have deployed an air assault with the latest modern weapons. User’s choice Over the past decade, there has been a quiet revolution with how IT systems and services are used within organizations. Fed up with a lack of options, viable solutions and a general disconnect with the business, users have taken matters into their own hands. This evolution started with the rise in mobile usage. Early on, traditional security teams focused efforts on stopping mobile usage. Eventually, they acquiesced and accepted mobile devices, but only those that were “approved.” Ultimately, reason triumphed and mobile is now treated in a more logical fashion. While still four letters, “BYOD” is no longer a bad word. Unfortunately, we are now seeing the same cycle with cloud services. Consumer is the new business Consumer-focused services are making significant inroads into enterprises around the world. It is fairly common to see large volumes of outbound network


traffic utilizing services such as Dropbox, Google Apps, Github or any number of other cloud-based applications. In fact, these services have begun to incorporate features and functionality specifically targeted to the size and scope of various business operations. Think of this as a “bottom-up” approach. It is a sign that users in organizations are pushing technology adoption just as much - if not more - than a traditional “top-down” approach. Overall, this should be seen as a positive. The shift is now aligning IT with the actual focus of the organization. It is a move toward technology that works in the “real world,” instead of simply looking good “on paper.” However, it’s not all unicorns and rainbows. Crumbling walls While productivity might be up, it is extremely difficult to maintain a strong perimeter around this new blend of traditional, mobile and cloud infrastructure. There action to this is: “Then why try? Isn’t there a better approach?” This response is rational, but not the sentiment of a vast majority of the security industry. Just as with mobile adoption, the common security response to cloud services is to attempt to block user’s access and, instead, guide them toward an “approved” (and typically less usable) server. That isn’t embracing reality and, quite simply, is no longer feasible.

Mark Nunnikhoven

The architecture diagram for current networks no longer fits cleanly into a simple box. Trying to wedge it into one is counterproductive and can lead to frustration among employees. It is imperative to accept the fact that the perimeter as it has been known is now gone. Which leads | May 2017

CXO Standpoint

to the core of the issue -what strategies can be adopted to defend today’s networks? Level up First, it is important to understand that traditional controls still have a place in modern defense. There is a need for firewalls, intrusion prevention, anti-malware, filtering, etc. These traditional elements serve as a strong component, but they play a smaller role and cannot be considered the endall, be-all of security. Instead of focusing on individual components of the network, it should be viewed according to the way specific data flows. Security in isolation Take a typical e-commerce transaction, for example: In a traditional approach, each of these systems would reside in relative isolation. First, there must be a firewall on the site and anti-malware so it is “secure.” Second, the shopping cart is delivered to the user via HTTPS so it is “secure.” Third, the payment information is encrypted, thus it is “secure.” Finally, the shipping system is only internal so it is “secure” through access control. While none of these controls are bad, they do not take into account the realities of today’s networks. Now, shopping carts are provided via PaaS, payments are provided via SaaS ans all shipping is done through a third-party API. These providers inherently change over time cteating more variables and avenues for breaches. Data flow In addition to adding basic security to each system or service, it is critical to examine how data flows. When a high-level view of data flow is incorporated into the typical e-commerce transaction, the following occurs: It is immediately apparent that there is a variety of | May 2017

information shared across multiple systems. Some of the systems are controlled by the enterprise, some are not. With this view, the real challenge comes to the forefront - how can the safety of orders (items purchased, quantities, shipping info, etc.) and processing data be ensured by at least three different entities? In addition, payment information resides on at least two systems. How does that affect Payment Card Industry compliance? This is the level where security should be applied - and it must be acted upon holistically. Next steps The top priority for security must be monitoring. It is clear that controlling every element of the network can be overwhelming. With the variety of services, endpoints and connections, the aforementioned “box” model has been demolished. Thus, the traditional perimeter is gone. What takes place in networks requires more transparency to read and react accordingly. A modern monitoring practice not only pulls in log data from network devices and application servers (as has traditionally occurred), but also logs and reports from IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and mobile systems. This in itself cteates a new challenge with an immense amount of diverse data needing to be processed. Fortunately, “big data” analytics can be applied to resolve this issue. There is very little value in denying where network infrastructure design, and access, is headed. The soundest strategy is to welcome this reality and work to increase security of the current network to focus on monitoring. It is essential to be cognizant of data workflows within the overall enterprise. Once that is established, taking steps to protect data, regardless of where it is stored and processed, is far less daunting.



Protecting Critical Infrastructures by Detecting and Eliminating Cyber Threats


t’s quite evident, that despite huge amounts being spent on cybersecurity solutions, data breaches are still happening at an increasing rate and greater severity. Today’s organizations are too slow to identify and stop cyber threats from inflicting damage once the organization is breached. They need a cost-effective solution that detects and stops threats before any loss of data. Traditional technologies are built on one fundamental flaw – smart humans must use an array of complicated tools to identify a threat and then figure out how to stop it. The problem is that 95 percent of attacks exfiltrate or corrupt data within a few hours of the breach—hardly enough time for smart humans to react! Seceon developed an approach that deploys analysis of all traffic, flows and processes in & out of the network and correlates them near-simultaneously with behavioral analytics, recognizing zero-day exploits and policies to surface threats and proposed responses in real-time. Moreover, this approach can easily be deployed within a few short hours in any size organization with little to no cybersecurity expertise required of enterprise or service provider staff. See, Stop, Secure with SECEON Seceon is focused on enabling organizations to see cyber threats clearly and quickly, stop threats from inflicting extensive damage through surgical containment and elimination and to predict all kinds of cyber attacks, sourced either internally or externally, through behavioral threat detection modeling and machine learning. Businesses and service providers are challenged to find automated, affordable, fast and effective enterprise-class cybersecurity solutions that don't require extensive and resource-intensive human intervention to analyze, detect, respond to, remediate and report threats before they cause extensive damage and loss. Gaining notoriety as an affordable, comprehensive solution that detects, responds to and eliminates threats in real-time, Seceon OTM is designed for any size organization with any level of technical expertise regardless of deployment environment—on-premise, cloud or a hybrid of the two. They provide customers with a proverbial Security Operations Center or SOC-in-a-Box™. Automating the disjointed, timeconsuming and complex tasks of threat monitoring, detection and elimination, Seceon OTM frees staff to address threats quickly preventing risk, damage or loss of valuable information. A Neoteric and Inspirational Leader Chandra Pandey, Founder & CEO of Seceon, is an expert in data center architecture and highly scalable network solutions, and a proven business leader with more than 20 years of experience developing and marketing innovative technology solutions. As Seceon’s CEO, he works closely with customers to define and address the problems, implications, and solutions of defending corporate assets in today's highly-connected enterprise. Chandra holds multiple patents in application virtualization, highly scalable data center architecture, scalable multicast distribution and power optimization for high-performance computers. Before founding Seceon, Chandra was General Manager and Vice President of Platform Solutions at BTI Systems. Chandra has also held senior leadership roles at Juniper Networks, Internet Photonics (Ciena), Lucent and 3Com (HP).


| May 2017

· An affordable “SoC-in-a-Box” cyber security solution that automatically detects and stops all forms of cyber threats within minutes of the breach without human intervention. · A solution that deploys in any environment: private, hybrid or public cloud in under 4 hours with untrained staff and needs minimal rule updates or tuning. This architecture can process billions of inputs and generate correlated outputs of all related threat behavior in seconds, improving threat detection while minimizing false positives, and reducing the number of threat activities to be analyzed. They consistently win engagements because Seceon OTM provides: Comprehensive Visibility, Automated Threat Detection and Remediation in Real Time and Automated Correlation Engine to improve speed of detection and response, lowering data breach costs.

“We provide a comprehensive cyber security solution for the digital era” Chandra Pandey Founder & CEO SECEON Expedition and Exploration of the Industry The most important step in Seceon’s journey as a fastgrowing cybersecurity startup was to identify and recruit expert talent to help them bring their vision to life and their mission to bear. Building the best team possible was critical to their ability to execute against objectives effectively. In 2015, Chandra and his co-founders were personally affected by a data breach with the loss of private identity and credit card information. After sharing their experiences, they were quick to realize that even the most advanced cybersecurity approaches were incapable of protecting the enterprise from inevitable attack before they inflicted damage. A new approach was needed to help organizations see and stop threats the moment they happen. This demand spurred development of Seceon’s powerful, parallelprocessing Open Threat Management (OTM) platform and their mission to empower enterprises to detect, respond and eliminate all known and imminent cyber-threats. Continuing Competence with OTM and Innovations In 2016, Seceon delivered the industry’s first and only fully automated real-time threat detection and remediation system to detect, analyze and eliminate cyber-threats. Seceon is the first company to provide:

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Techniques Used for Ensuring Data Security Processing massive amounts of data with real-time compute capacity, Seceon’s OTM is built on five patent-pending primary components—a control and collection engine (CCE), analytic processing engine (APE), automated response and threat intelligence— that analyze hosts, network devices, application and user behavior to detect internal risks and cyber-threats, thus accelerating response, preventing damage and loss. Seceon has applied for more than five patents for its unique approaches to parallel processing, behavioral analytics and machine learning, and is awaiting final results. Until now there has been no affordable, comprehensive solution that detects and eliminates threats in real-time. Seceon’s subscription-based, environment-agnostic solution provides automated detection and alerts to prioritize threats efficiently. Envisioning Tremendous Growth In early 2017, Seceon announced a version of Seceon OTM for MSSPs, providing a single screen for viewing multiple tenants with each tenant or customer only able to see its own assets. With OTM deployed in a multi-tenancy environment, all customers can benefit from the platform’s machine learning capabilities. Any new threats are captured, reported and fed back into the system’s threat models, ensuring the continuous sharing of threat intelligence across all customers.





yber security plays a massive role in today’s tech savvy world. According to industry insiders, average cost of data breach for various companies has increased from $3.8 million to $4 million recently. Most of the companies today have embraced open source for infrastructure software; additionally they have also embraced cloud storage. Both of these comes with their own blend of positives and negetives. Like if a data centre gets attacked or fails then it could be deadly for a company, and most of the open source softwares are vulnerable to cyber attacks which posses a massive threat. So, here we are listing out some of the cyber security threats and their potential solutions, that can change the cyber world.

DDoS Attacks Targeted On Internet of Things Devices As per recent trend, cybercriminals have got all out to target various IoT devices, that includes survellience cameras, security systems, electronic appliances, cars, commercial enviornments, vending machines, robots in various


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Threat-o-Cure manufacturing plants etc. There are more than 12 billion IoT devices that can be connected to the Internet and researcher’s estimate there would be 26 times more IoT devices than people by the end of 2020. This threat came into spotlight recently after a revelation, where thousands of low security IoT devices were being used to launch massive-scale DDoS attacks. These attacks impacted various DNS service providers. DDoS is a kind of DOS attack which makes sure that multiple systems are compromised, with the help of Trojan virus. Ultimately, the victims of DDoS attack gets maliciously controlled and used by the hackers. To counter the threat, FTC has started targeting some IoT device manufactures, whose products come without adequet security. Ransomware Ransomware has seen steady improvement over the years since its first appearance way back in 2005. In its early days, cybercriminals would use fake apps and fake antiviruses to alert victims, and then they ask for fees as a charge for fixing some fake problems. Even it showed FBI warnings, which contained threat messeges. Ultimately, they began to lock down systems or any specific app until the demands were met. However, the main threat these days are crypto ransomeware, where the attacker encrypts the file and the victim needs to pay in order to get the key and unlock their own file. According to various agencies, Ransomware has caused damages of around $325 million till date. In order to stay safe from the Ransomware, the user must use reputed and original antivirus and anti maleware softwares. Users shouldn’t open email attachments, until they are completely sure. Use of storng password is must and one should not reuse older passwords. Keeping all the softwares up to date is another thing one must follow, and last but not the least a user must backup all the data to prevent data loss. Business Email Compromise Schemes A BEC attack is a form of fishing attack where the offender pretends to be an executive and targets a vendor or a customer who would transfer funds or classified information to the attacker.

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BEC attack is completely different from other attacks, in case of BEC attacks, the attackers are highly motivated and these kind of attack mostly passes through spam filters and even evades email whitelisting campaigns. All these together makes it hard to recognize that the email is not from an authentic source. So how can one be safe from a BEC attack? Don’t worry there are few guidelines which will make life a bit easier. A company must implement a multi factor authentication, as a security policy, the authentication system will make the hacker’s life much more difficult and ultimately it will prevent the criminal from gaining access to a employee’s mailbox. One must also check on organiztion’s spoofability, that helps to know how secured the company is. There’s nothing like teaching employees how to spot phising attacks which will eventually help employees and the company to be safe. Risk Of Using Cloud Recently most of the companies have started using cloud services. Popular apps like Dropbox and Google Drive are being used by companies, and sadly there are many users who are using these services from their non-corporate mail accounts which eventually expose sensitive data to outside threats. Companies also lack specific usage policies when it comes to cloud service, that can lead to sharing sensitive information to unapproved apps, which can lead to severe data breach. So, to get rid of risk related to clouds, one organization must have a strict and clear policy about how and when to use it. An employee must be barred from sharing sensitive data to unapproved apps. Third Party Vendors Increases Risk A company might build brilliant security system with great policies to keep their customers and their data safe, but unless and until their third party vendors use the same level of security the data and customers will always be at risk. Just look at the recent Wendy’s incident, where more than 1000 franchised location of Wendy’s were hit by a Point-ofSale malware attack, that eventually led to massive data breach. Until companies make sure that policies are tighted up enough and the third party vendor is taking all the needed security measures, these kind of attacks will continue to


Threat-o-Cure take place. To prevent cyber attacks, organizations should come up with a policy, by which one should ensure that third party vendors are taking same security measures as the company. In addition to all these, stortage of skilled IT professionals is also hurting to a great extent; there are more than a million vacant IT professional jobs across the globe. So, with more skilled professionals and by ďŹ lling the vacant positions, the cyber threats can be minimized to a great extent. However, one still has to religiously update and patch ďŹ rewalls, ďŹ rmwares, changing the default password of the router and setting up strong passwords to not to get trapped in the world of web. So, these are the type of cyber attacks that could hurt your company to a great extent, we have also listed out the prevention methods, that will eventually help you to be safe in the web.


| May 2017


That Truly Works.


Secured2 Corporation: Going Beyond Encryption to Secure You


he Cyber Security Industry is in the toughest spot more than ever, and below statistics complement the fact; 56000000 from the large retailer, 145000000 from the large online retailer, 76000000 from multinational bank and 70000000 records were stolen from the large consumer store. The problem promoted by today’s security firms are simply not working. Enters Secured2 Corporation. Founded with the mission of securing their customers’ data and developing cutting-edge solutions that prevent data theft, Secured2 has achieved a significant feat over the years. Based out of Minneapolis Minnesota, Secured2 has created the new paradigm of data security that addresses current threats (over the wire & at rest) and prevents emerging threats like (Hacking with Quantum Computing & advanced Super Computing). A patented ‘Shrink, Shred, Secure & Restore’ methodology at the heart of Secured2, makes data impossible for hackers to access or penetrate because the data is ‘shred & spread’ in many locations of a customer’s choosing (multiple clouds, hybrid or local using multiple VM’s). Flexibility at its Best Built into the largest cloud platform in the world; Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Azure, the company’s data security advantages are flexible at its best and from which it provides groundbreaking security to the apps that customers use from Microsoft each day. Secured2 is integrated into Office 365 email, Exchange Email, older versions of Outlook / Outlook 2016 and they have just launched a new product with Microsoft called DepositBox. Depositbox is an easy to use drag & drop storage container and is your ‘digital safety deposit box’ where data simply cannot get hacked. It’s the ideal application for wills, trusts, family pictures, and your financial information. Whatever you don’t want anyone to see, access or hack. As well, Secured2 just launched a new Data Security API that allows Microsoft Azure customers to build Secured2 into their own applications. Both Secured2 Depositbox and the new Secured2 API can be found in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. A High-tech Industry Leader of Action Daren Klum, the Founder and CEO has been in the high-tech industry most of his career. He is known for his innovative thinking, problem solving and ability to develop solutions to problems most say are impossible. Daren’s brilliance in software & hardware has been behind the companies he’s founded. Daren’s first startup Hardcore Computer (now LiquidCool Solutions) is where he invented & developed the fastest PC in the world Hardcore Reactor with over 10 industry firsts, the world’s fastest server the LSS 200 and developed a submersion cooling system that eliminates the air-cooling infrastructure found in today’s data centers. Daren and his business partner worked for over 5 years developing the core concepts, technologies, patents, and security platform that is behind Secured2 Corporation. Daren prides himself on being a data security outsider, because he believes the


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approach to the problems they solve for the customers and that’s why Secured2 always goes for innovative solutions and things that nobody has done before, and this includes going in a totally opposite direction from the market. Building the Very First Solution with Proof Today, there is no existing solution which can ‘prove’ that it’s secure and even encryption is not exceptional. So to build the first solution with ’proof’ is a very, very big deal, and this is what Secured2 has done. “So I think the fact we think out of the box, can prove what we do is secure and that it can be built into any platform in the world is pretty dang unique. Especially, in a market that keeps regurgitating encryption systems that are not working,” asserts Daren. Other than a layer of AES encryption,

“Encryption alone is not enough and we provide a better way to secure your data” Daren Klum Founder & CEO Secured2 Corporation

establishment is a big part of the problem. Change can’t happen in big machines where the status quo lives. It must come from the risk taker, the innovator and the team willing to do what it takes to make the impossible, possible. That’s just what Daren and his team have done. Keeping up to Speed with the Market Secured2’ strategies revolve around keeping up to speed with the market and their relationship with Gartner. It’s literally yet truly impossible to stay on top of all the trends, threats, problems, and that’s the reason one needs to lean on companies like Gartner that can do the research for you and help you quickly understand where things are heading and why. At Secured2, their uniqueness comes from their

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Secured2 has built every tool from the scratch to meet today’s security standards like HIPAA. Given the ability, they have to prove that something is secure and the only ‘risk’ ultimately becomes the person who you give access to the data. To solve this issue, Secured2 has partners that can do user monitoring and for this there are alarms, if behavior falls out of the norms or location of doing business. Promising Future of Secured2 With the pace, Secured2 has been growing, the future holds a promising picture for the company. “The future of Cyber Security is going to be our technology married with Artificial Intelligence. By adding a layer of intelligence to our solution we will be able to start having a gate keeper that can watch users like a baby sitter. The only difference is this babysitter can know in a nanosecond if something is right or wrong. So we see artificial intelligence playing a big role in upcoming solutions we develop and this is on our roadmap as we grow,” concludes Daren.


Editor’s Perspectives

Network Security

Threats & Solutions N ovember 3, 1988, is considered as a turning point in the world of Internet. 25 Years ago a Cornell University graduate student created first computer worm on the Internet, “Morris Worm.” The Morris worm was not a destructive worm, but it permanently changed the culture of the Internet. Before Morris unleashed his worm, the Internet was like a small town where people thought little of leaving their doors unlocked. Internet security was seen as a mostly theoretical problem, and software vendors treated security flaws as a low priority.

Today, there is a paradigm shift, Morris worm was motivated more by intellectual curiosity than malice, but it is not the case today. According to a 2015 Report, 71% of represented organizations experienced, at least, one successful cyber attack in the preceding 12 months (up from 62% the year prior). According to survey report, discloses that, among 5500 companies in 26 countries around the world, 90% of businesses admitted a security incident. Additionally, 46% of the firms lost sensitive data due to an internal or external security threat. On average enterprises pay US$551,000 to recover from a security breach. Small and Medium business spend 38K. Incidents involving the security failure of a third-party contractor, fraud by employees, cyber espionage, and network intrusion appear to be the most damaging for large enterprises, with average total losses significantly above other types of the security incident. Let’s Take a Look at Recurrent Security Threats TypesDenial of Service Attacks A denial of service (DoS) attack is an incident in which a user or organization is deprived of the services of a resource


they would normally expect to have. These attacks are very common, accounting for more than one-third of all network attacks reviewed in the report. A standard approach is to overload the resource with illegitimate requests for service.

Brute Force Attacks Brute force attack tries to kick down the front door. It’s a trial-and-error attempt to guess a system’s password. The Brute Force Attack password cracker software simply uses all possible combinations to figure out passwords for a computer or a network server. It is simple and does not employ any inventive techniques. Identity Spoofing IP spoofing, also known as IP address forgery. The hijacker obtains the IP address of a legitimate host and alters packet headers so that the regular host appears to be the source. An attacker might also use special programs to construct IP packets that seem to originate from valid addresses inside the corporate intranet. Browser Attacks Browser-based attacks target end users who are browsing the internet which in turn can spread in the whole enterprise network. The attacks may encourage them to unwittingly download malware disguised as a fake software update or application. Malicious and compromised websites can also force malware onto visitors’ systems. SSL/TLS Attacks Transport layer security (TLS) ensures the integrity of data transmitted between two parties (server and client) and also provides strong authentication for both sides. SSL/TLS attacks aim to intercept data that is sent over an encrypted connection. A successful attack enables access to the unencrypted information. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) attacks were more widespread in late 2014, but they remain | May 2017

Editor’s Perspectives

prominent today, accounting for 6% of all network attacks analyzed. Network Security is an essential element in any organization’s network infrastructure. Companies are boosting their investments in proactive control and threat intelligence services, along with better wireless security, nextgeneration firewalls and increasingly advanced malware detection. The U.S. Federal Government has spent $100 billion on cyber security over the past decade, $14 billion budgeted for 2016. Increased use of technology helps enterprises to maintain the competitive edge, most businesses are required to employ IT security personnel full-time to ensure networks are shielded from the rapidly growing industry of cyber crime. Following are the methods used by security specialists to full proof enterprise network systemsPenetration Testing Penetration testing is a form of hacking which network security professionals use as a tool to test a network for any

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vulnerabilities. During penetration testing IT professionals use the same methods that hackers use to exploit a network to identify network security breaches. Intrusion Detection Intrusion detection systems are capable of identifying suspicious activities or acts of unauthorized access over an enterprise network. The examination includes a malware scan, review of general network activity, system vulnerability check, illegal program check, file settings monitoring, and any other activities that are out of the ordinary. Network Access Control Network Access Controls are delivered using different methods to control network access by the end user. NACs offer a defined security policy which is supported by a network access server that provides the necessary access authentication and authorization. Network Security is a race against threats, and many organizations are a

part of this race to help enterprises to secure their network systems. Organizations like IBM, Symantec, Microsoft have created solutions to counter the global problem of network security threat. These cutting-edge products show genuine promise and are already being used by enlightened companies. Good Network Security Solutions Traits A real security solution should have four major characteristics; Detect Threats Targeted attacks are multi-faceted and specially designed to evade many point technologies attempting to identify and block them. Once they are inside, the only way to find these cyber threats is to understand the behavior of the individual attack components and use analytics to understand their relationships. Respond Continuously Today it is not important that an organization will be attacked, but


Chalk Talk Editor’s Perspectives

important and more crucial is to identify when and how much they can limit the impact and contain their exposure. This means having the capability to respond quickly once the initial incident has been discovered. Prevent Attacks Malware is gettings quick-witted day by day. They utilize heuristics to change their code dynamically. A capable solution should have an adaptive architecture that evolves with the changing environment, and threats today's business faces. Integration Today’s threats have multiple facets, and a single software or solution is not sufficient. Protection system should have the capability to integrate with other security tools from different vendors to work together as a single protection system, acting as connective tissue for today’s disjointed cyber security infrastructure.


Solutions In Market Like infectious diseases, cyber threats will never be eradicated entirely, but they can be better contained and understood, and their effects minimized. How can this be achieved? IBM has built an enterprise-level “immune system,” an adaptive security architecture to battle today’s cyber pathogens. IBM has developed a vast fleet of products, QRadar, X-Force Threat Intelligence, Trusteer Pinpoint Malware Detection, IBM Threat Protection System a dynamic, integrated system to meddle the lifecycle of advanced attacks and prevent loss. The IBM Threat Protection System integrates with 450 security tools from over 100 vendors acting as connective tissue for today’s disjointed cyber security infrastructure.

Threat Protection. Symantec ATP operates via a single console and works across endpoints, networks, and emails, integrating with Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP), and Symantec Email Security cloud, which means organizations do not need to deploy any new endpoint agents. Symantec says, ATP is the only threat protection appliance that can work with all three sensors without requiring additional endpoint agents. With ATP, Symantec’s goal is to deliver end-toend threat protection, prevention, detection, and response in a single pane of glass, offering more value to businesses than individual point products can provide. Symantec Advanced Threat Protection combines multiple layers of prevention, detection, and response.

Symantec is another major player in catering enterprise network security systems with Symantec Advanced | May 2017

CXO Standpoint

IT and Communication

Trends for Critical Infrastructure

Bobbi Harris VP of Market Strategy Development Utilities Telecom Council


| May 2017

CXO Standpoint

About Bobbi Harris

Bobbi Harris is the VP of Market Strategy and Development at UTC. She is a smart city industry expert with more than 15 years of experience focusing on environmental issues and sustainability technologies to address water and energy challenges including smart water infrastructure, smart grid, cleantech and green building initiatives. UTC is a global trade association dedicated to creating a favorable business, regulatory and technological environment for companies that own, manage or provide critical telecommunications systems in support of their core business. Founded in 1948, UTC has evolved into a dynamic organization that represents electric, gas and water utilities, natural gas pipelines, critical infrastructure companies, and other industry stakeholders.

ritical infrastructure such as electric, gas and water utilities rely on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solutions to deliver reliable, efficient and affordable services throughout the world. UTC is the trusted resource for ICT solutions, collaboration and advocacy for utilities and other critical infrastructure industries. The growing convergence of IT and OT within utilities is quickly becoming a catalyst for great interoperability and real-time communications.


millions of personal, customer or otherwise sensitive information exposed. Disruption of critical infrastructure by a cyber-incident is a serious concern for utility executives and technical practitioners. UTC believes that cybersecurity is the 21st century reliability challenge. To help our members address this challenge, UTC is implementing a comprehensive holistic strategy that provides practical tools and information about handling cybersecurity challenges in a utilities environment.

New discussions involving “smart city” technologies are starting with the electric utility infrastructure. The new Envision America initiative announced by the White House is issuing a challenge to America’s cities to become smarter by accelerating deployment of innovative technologies that tackle energy, water, waste, and air challenges. UTC brings together government, the research community, utilities and cities to discuss innovative solutions to problems citizens care about - like reducing traffic congestion, fostering economic growth, improving sustainability, fighting crime and improving the delivery of important critical infrastructure services.

With billions of data packets and millions of endpoint connections, utilities are exploring optimization and efficiency solutions from a multitude of vendors including large established companies as well as entrepreneurial solutions built on the latest protocols. The key decision point for packet-based communications networks is not only cybersecurity but also latency with the communications network. Machine-to-machine and grid edge computing interacting with central computing and data analytics demands real-time communications over secure networks.

Quickly emerging issues around cyber and physical security are bringing a new challenge to cities and utilities large and small. Not a single week goes by without a news story about a company or government agency being hacked and

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How will telecom providers address the massive growing list of smart devices, which gather terabytes of data for critical infrastructure processes? Join the conversation at UTC Telecom & Technology 2016, which will take place in Denver at the Colorado Convention Center May 3-6, 2016.


SecurView: Implementing Secure IT Architecture


veryone wishes their organization could be more secure. With the number of hackers posing threats to your business and intellectual property, you can always benefit from enacting a new security practice. Constant reports of hacking attacks, denial of service attacks, ransomware, and leaks by malicious insiders reflect the amount of cyber security threats that organizations are facing every-day.

It is no wonder that in our age of evolving threats and compliance regulations, companies struggle to keep their data protected. Therefore, many businesses have turned to SecurView, a rapidly growing cyber security solutions provider, for assistance with setting up, assessing, and optimizing components of their networks. SecurView provides a full life-cycle of cyber security services for clients of all sizes and verticals. Foremost Among Cyber Security Solution Providers SecurView was founded in 2007 to deliver cyber security solutions. SecurView’s corporate journey started when the company received strategic funding from Cisco to become a leading cyber security service provider. SecurView provides support for security products from all major vendors, including Cisco, Check Point, Juniper Networks, Palo Alto, Fortinet, FireEye, and IBM/ISS. Their security services specialize in areas related to datacenters, mobility, network visibility and access policy, and segmentation. The company’s two main offices are located in Edison, New Jersey and Pune, India. The Edison office specializes in next generation security solutions in cloud and mobility. The Pune office specializes in remote and managed security services. Over the past few years, the company has expanded and set up sales offices in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. SecurView aims to open more offices globally in the near future. An Ingenious and Inventive Leader Rajeev Khanolkar, President and CEO, co-founded SecurView with Niten Ved in 2007. As the CEO, Rajeev forms several strategic partnerships that, in turn, contribute to the development of new products and solutions. He has been instrumental in building and maintaining a strong partnership with Cisco Systems, which enables SecurView to reach a global client base. Under Rajeev’s leadership, SecurView has become a leading cyber security solutions company. Rajeev is a serial entrepreneur. He had also co-founded NetCom Systems in 1995 with his partner Niten Ved. The company was very successful in delivering enterprise management solutions to Fortune 2000 companies. In 1999, NetCom Systems spun off netForensics, a pioneer company in SIEM (Security Information and Event Management). As the CEO of netForensics from 1999 to 2005, Rajeev helped shape netForensics into a global leader in the SIEM field. Under his leadership, the company won many technology and business leadership awards. Cutting-Edge Services SecurView specializes in Advisory, Integration, and Managed services. Advisory services identify security gaps and provide recommendations to resolve them. Two examples are Network Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Testing for network infrastructures. Integration services design and implement the appropriate solutions to remediate the identified


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Fortune 500 companies. Exclusive partnerships have been enabling SecurView to access and test next generation security solutions for operation centers. As a result, the company was the first to build an “Intelligent Operations Center,” which is a combination of a SOC, CERT, and NOC. The company’s clientele includes top tier telecom operators, financial institutions, airports, cable operators, and hotels. SecurView designs SOC architecture to meet business and operational requirements for client. Their design services include recommendations for hardware and software. Their consultancy services ensure that the SOCs will possess high value and operational efficiency. They have a professional services team that can build custom SOCs. They also offer a rapid deployment solution

“We assess client-specific security requirements and deliver comprehensive solutions” Rajeev Khanolkar President & CEO SecurView security gaps. This includes Design, Implementation, and Optimization services for Network Access Control, Network Segmentation, VPN, and Firewalls. Managed services include comprehensive management and unique features to further protect the network, such as Advanced Analytics and protection from threats caused by Malware/APT. The most prominent security products that SecurView supports are for Network Access Control and Network Segmentation. The company has managed some of the largest Network Access Control projects in the world. “We have a deep understanding of the Enterprise Infrastructure Security and Compliance Domain, especially with respect to Cisco’s Identity Services Engine (ISE) solution. We have an advanced Cisco ISE lab and a skilled team that delivers portfolio services to partners and clients globally. In addition, we developed a tool named ISE Deployment Assistant (IDA) to enhance our Cisco ISE and TrustSec services,” stated Rajeev Khanolkar. Design, Build, and Operate with SecurView SecurView provides customized solutions for Security Operations Centers (SOCs). The company has a history of building and operating SOCs, CERTs and NOCs for

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that enables their client to become operational in a matter of weeks. Specifically, this includes the full SIEM solution with log retention, help desk, and collector manager that can be procured either through a build-and-transfer model or leased on a monthly basis. SecurView has trained SOC analysts that help client operate their SOCs. This approach reduces the operating budget and enables client to focus on their businesses. Envisioning Innovation and Growth Through SecurView’s new product, it is clear that the company strives for innovation. Their most celebrated product, ISE Deployment Assistant (IDA), is a multi-tenant application that reduces the manual effort required to roll out Cisco ISE in client environments. Specifically, it helps automate the network readiness assessment, configuration of network access devices, and troubleshooting. IDA 2.0 also offers several premium features, including template based provisioning for network access control use cases, reporting, and troubleshooting day-to-day operations. SecurView provides actionable services that improve the overall IT security framework and reduce the attack surface to protect the business and intellectual property of their clients.


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