Every moment is a reflective one.
Every moment carries the gift of coming into knowing. I was always a clever girl. Not because I was exceptionally smart or good at life, but because I paid attention. I paid keen attention to the cause and the effect, the tone of the voice, the look of the face, the feel of the energy, the mood of the room, the silence in the sounds and the sounds in the silence. In any given interaction there is, first and foremost, perception. I lived in the fascinating world around me, and I perceived with all my might. And then, I reflected. Sometimes, it would dig me into holes, as yesterday is not a good predictor of today, and perception is wholly subjective. But a hole I fell in is a hole I’d have to climb out of—and there are many holes on the endless path of self-discovery. But I worked at it. Learned to control my perception and, in turn, my reflection. And now, I much more enjoy what I see. So feel free to see the world for what it truly is. Look at your life from a 30,000-foot view. Let yourself scheme grandly within the grander scheme of things. Let the petty social norms fall away like the soundless flecks of dust they are. Make way for matters only to you. Remember that the outside merely reflects what’s inside. So be well aware of your being. In this life, you needn’t either be skilled or clever, but merely conscious. Or else, for the whole of your life in this world, you will look, but never see. And we want you to see.
— when you feel inspired to— Queen of Spades • 011