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A “Southern Gentleman” Hailing from the American state of Louisiana, Mark Morton’s instinctive sense of debonair springs from his natural southern charm. Home to carnivalesque cities like New Orleans, it is no surprise that the flare and vibrant history of Louisiana has swayed Morton’s creative expression with its boisterous rhythm and unshakable spirit.
“I have lived most of my life here and love the food, music, culture and people,” Morton says, “I think that no matter where you live, the environment will influence you. In kind, I am but a southern gentleman.”
With a demanding career as a plumbing salesman, Morton inadvertently made his way into hobby modeling in 2014. “At the time, I was involved in steampunk,” he explains, and when a local photographer invited him to partake in a steampunk-gothic Halloween photo shoot, Morton was instantly absorbed into the community. “I was asked to join the local Meetup group because they liked working with me and they also did not have any male models to work with.” Since that launching point, Morton has continued to “enjoy the adventure.”
While Morton found his way into a group he could creatively engage with, the act of incorporating his day job with his hobby proved to be more difficult than he expected.

“There have been many challenges along the way,” admits Morton, “I have been in sales since I graduated college, so I knew how to sell myself, but not in front of a camera.”
Another bump in the road of Morton’s side-pursuit is his age. “As a bearded male model in my mid-forties, I have realized that I am in a microcosm when it comes to modeling,” Morton acknowledges, “I have felt like a trailblazer at times.”
However, with an air of optimism and a career that provides financial stability, Morton has the unique privilege of modeling without the intense, added pressure of turning it into sustainable profit.
“I enjoy modeling because it is a hobby that takes my mind off of the stress of life. It has a type of Zen quality to it. It is relaxing to me,” says Morton, whose gruelling 12-hour work days as a plumbing salesman start at 5:30 am.
Rising to the challenges of modeling, Morton continues to flex his ambition, by studying YouTube videos that offer insight into how male models pose, while also noting the techniques of other male models that he comes across.
“I have learned to be more expressive and creative in my shoots,” says Morton, “I have had to stretch myself and try new things that take me out of my normal comfort zone.”
Collaborating with companies like Skycloud Photography and Sheryl Finney Photography, Morton continues to grow his hobby, often modeling as a dapper gent with a pistol in vintage-inspired scenes.
“I love seeing the results of my hard work and dedication,” he concludes, “This is true in business as well as modelling.”
With a widening circle opportunity, it’s no doubt that this southern gentleman is riding on the road to success.
Facebook: Robert Davis Photography Instagram: @robert_davis_photography Website: www.robertdavisphoto.com
Facebook: Brad Bradley Photography Instagram: @bradbradleyphotography Website: www.bradbradleyphotography.com
Facebook: Sheryl Finney Photography Instagram: @sherylfinney Website: www.sherylfinneyphotography.com
Facebook: Harvey Jelks (HM Jelks Photography) Website: www.jelksphoto.com
Facebook: PT Photography Instagram: @pickeledtink13
Facebook: Sky Cloud Photography Website: www.skycloudphotography.com
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