10 Content to Microlearning Reasons to Digitize your Megalearning
Digi sing does not Mean Re-crea ng Digi sing into microlearning content helps you re-purpose key messages from your exis ng content rather than having to start from scratch.
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Personalising the Learning Experience This is the equivalent of liking and purchasing one or two songs from your favourite musician’s album rather than buying an en re album.
Simplifica on
Digi zing content into microlearning makes learning simpler by breaking down learning objec ves into easier tasks that require lesser “perceived” me to learn.
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Increasing Learning Effec veness
Besides the obvious convenience of learning any me & anywhere, microlearning content can enable you to learn in spaced intervals of me, allowing longer reten on.
Be er U liza on & Applica on
By remembering the content for a longer period of me, you also make the learner more inclined to apply that learning content to good use on the job.
More Informed Decision Making
Digital learning comes helps you understand what content you struggle to learn versus content that you understand rela vely easily.
Because Learners are also Consumers
Digi zing learning content into microskills enables learners to switch off and experience learning as consumer experiences branded products, leading to be er engagement.
Learning is About Experiencing
Microlearning is not only about reducing the learning content, it is about experiencing the learning content via gestures that are not applicable in tradi onal learning.
Turn PowerPoint into Powerful Points
Digi zing learning content can also improve the learning experience by including games and reward points based on their progress and re-use of the learning content.
Learning Campaigns
Microlearning is about two-minute campaigns, completed in as li le as 30 minutes and available for reference over a 10-day meline or longer.
Master-O is a mobile solu on that makes learning effortless and improves business performance by combining learning content, game design and behavioral science.
Learn, retain and apply a new skill on the job with Master-O’s uniquely packaged bite-sized content called Microskills®. www.masteroapp.com