The International School of Siena opened in 2010 and has developed and grown considerably during the subsequent years. We are now an IB World School, fully authorised for the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and IB Diploma Programme (DP), which is a pre-university qualification for 16 Ð 18 year olds.
Learning at IS Siena is exciting and engaging, as students strive for excellence in a climate that is caring and responsive to individual needs and goals. Our global vision is coordinated by an outstanding team of educational leaders and implemented by our highly skilled and dedicated professional staff.
We have a stunning modern school building where we enjoy light, modern teaching spaces with a spacious indoor gym, Drama/Dance studio, libraries, Music and Art rooms and Science laboratories fitted out to the highest standards. Our Early Years spaces are specially designed to complement the Reggio Inspired teaching approach.
Learning at the International School of Siena is an international experience with students from around 25 nationalities. It leads to a perception of the world that merges understanding of our global context with the development of skills and attitudes that young people require to participate fully in the world of tomorrow, both as national and global citizens.
At the same time, we deeply appreciate the diversity of home languages of our school community and aim to celebrate our diversity as well as supporting each student to appreciate our host country of Italy and become fluent in Italian. We are fortunate to be located in a beautiful area of Tuscany where we have access to a variety of cultural and educational resources in our local area which we strive to incorporate into the experience of the students, making connections between the classroom and the real world.
We also prepare our Italian students to sit their Quinta Elementare and Terza Media examinations with us and they consistently achieve excellent results. Furthermore, our culminating programme, the IB Diploma, is recognized at universities globally as well as having legal equivalence to the Maturita.
We are a welcoming school community in which parents, students and staff work together to provide a stimulating programme, which engages each child in an inquiry-based environment. Our students are committed and involved in the life of the school as they enjoy a great sense of community, high standards of teaching and learning as well as the support of our well-informed parent body and excellent teachers. This is a winning combination which makes our school so special.
Ms Jennifer Tickle Principal
T h e va l u e o f be i ng pa r t
of th e I n tern a ti o n a l
S ch oo ls G r o u p
The International Schools Group is the largest provider of quality international education in Italy, characterised above all by the extent to which its philosophy and approach is perfectly aligned with that of the International Baccalaureate�(IB).
Alongside the use of English as the language of tuition for students from 3 to 18 years of age, all of our schools have an excellent track record in using group dynamics, innovative teaching techniques and tools that are updated continuously in a unique and stimulating educational context.
From Early Years through to High School,
International IB programmes adopted by over 5,000 schools in 150 countries (ww
We are proud to be able to call ourselves IB continuum schools as ever y one of our schools
final candidate phase preceding authorisation)
ever y level:
• Primar y Years Programme (PYP)
• Middle Years Programme (MYP)
• IB Diploma Programme (DP)
international curriculum, wide be the most forward-th edu catio nal mod el in t at s timu la ting in qu ir y, and intern atio na l-m ind
September 2016,
the group has been a member of Inspired
A definitive statement of excellence in private education, Inspired, founded by Nadim M. Nsouli, is a leading international group of over 80 premium schools educating over 65 000 students on 5 continents, designed
approach to education by re-evaluating traditional teaching methods, curricula and creating a more dynamic , relevant and power ful model reflecting current attitudes.
Inspired schools nur ture the unique individuality, talent and self-assurance of each student , equipping them to take on the world with the skills and confidence
W hy ch oo s e
t he I n ter n a t i ona l
S ch oo l o f S i en a?
& an Act i ve Com m uni t y
We expect all International School of Siena students to give their best each and ever y day, focusing on their progress academically, socially and emotionally as they reflect on their respective and collective journeys. Each of our students is cared for by an communit y, with student voice, choice and owner ship being central to our curriculum and pastoral care. At the International School of Siena, students strive for excellence in a climate that is caring and responsive to their per sonal needs and goals.
Fi ve ke y b enefit s
o f a n i n tern a tion a l
edu c a t i o n
1I nter n at i onal perspecti ve s a n d va lue s
Our students have described the International School of Siena as ª internationally-minded communit y because we value and celebrate cultural diver sit y as something that bring s us together, enabling it’s impor tant that our students recognise their role as global citizens, and their role within our local community. We give students the oppor tunit y to develop the skills and attitudes necessar y for success in the globalised workplace, as well as the values that keep them grounded in developing their under standing of other cultures and showing respect for other s and the world around them.
Top cl a ss f ac i lit i es fo r
s u cc essf u l sc h ools i n t h e
hear t of t h e i r c omm un it y
In the International school of Siena campus, children explore their passions and unique abilities while enjoying our school's creative, welcoming atmosphere and inviting modern facilities.
Our newly constructed, purpose built facility provides ample space for teaching and learning.
Classrooms are bright, spacious, well resourced and have one computer that is used together with an interactive whiteboard in each room. We operate a Bring Your Own device policy and each student works with their own laptop which can access the wireless network throughout the school.
The Art laboratory provides space and inspiration for all students in Visual Arts and Design courses. and our Drama/Dance studio offers space for the performing arts.
The science laboratory house the materials needed for essential hands-on learning.
The multi-media library offers the latest children’s literature, non-fiction books and computer software.
The state of the art gymnasium is equipped with facilities for basketball, volleyball and a host of other sports activities.
The large outdoor areas which are ideal for playing, outdoor sports and open-air learning activities. Our newly constructed, purpose built facility provides ample space for teaching and learning.
T h e IB Curr i cu l u m
Fra m e wor k
The International Schools Groups was the fir st group in Italy
all three of its curriculum programmes:
• Primary Years Programme (PYP)
• Middle Years Programme (MYP)
• Diploma Programme (DP)
Its programmes are internationally recognised for their qualit y and their innovative approaches. There is a high value placed on learning through inquir y, which engages students to par ticipate actively in the learning process and provides students with the most challenging and rewarding experiences available in schools today. The International School of Siena was among st the fir st pioneering schools to under take evaluation in relation to the new standards and practices for PYP & MYP, distinguishing it as a school at the forefront of developments in the International Baccalaureate Organisation.
O u ts t andi n g r es u lt s
In the 30 year s since we introduced the International Baccalaureate as a Group, our results have been consistently outstanding. All graduates have an excellent record of academic success and go on to the world's most renowned univer sities to study in a wide range of faculties and specialisations. The IB was created for internationally mobile citizens and is recognised worldwide,
allowing students an enviable breadth of choice for their future studies and ensuring global oppor tunities for their future professions.
Pa rt o f I n s p i r ed, a lead in g i ntern ation a l g r o u p of ove r
sc h ool s
Inspired sets a new standard in premium private education with hand-picked teacher s and a dedication to excellence that permeates ever y aspect of each school. Integrating innovative, challenging and enriching academic , performing arts and sports programmes, Inspired's students leave with outstanding results, a love of learning, confidence and a firm value system that prepares them to embrace the challenges life throws at them in their future endeavor s.
Specia lis t a nd well- resou rced ar t st udi os and scien ce labo rat orie s
O utd oor p layg ro und s a nd s por ts f aci litie s
S pecia list and well- resou rc studios and scien ce la bo ra
Brig ht c lass ro oms an d
e co-friend ly desig n
Scie nce la b
S ch oo l
St ruc t u r e
Primary Years Programme
Early Years
years old
years old
Kindergar ten Transition Grade 1 3 years old
Elementary School
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
years old
years old
years old
Grade 6 6 years old
years old
Middle Years Programme
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Diploma Programme
years old IB Prog ramme Italian School System
Grade 12 Grade 13
Scuola Elementary
Liceo di 2
E arly Ye a r s
Curricu lu m
As an integral par t of the IB Primar y Year s Programme, our Early Year s curriculum takes a transdisciplinar y inquir y approach to learning and is inspired by the philosophy and practice of the world-renowned Reg gio-Emilia Approach. Students are given time to explore concepts and construct their theories together with teacher s in small groups:
• elaborating their understanding through all expressive, creative, verbal and mathematical languages
• creating natural connections between mathematics, science, digital technology and the expressive arts
• making a full immersion in an English language context
The flexibilit y in thinking involved, encourages not only the development of proficient language skills but also the creative and lateral thinking skills necessar y for success in the 21st centur y. C hildren are exposed to the English language in its written form throughout the Early Year s setting within imaginative and symbolic play contexts and teacherled activities. As the child progresses through the Early Year s setting this is suppor ted and developed directly by the teacher to ensure the gradual acquisition of literac y skills needed as they move onto primar y school.
Ide nt i t y
Our youngest children are a fundamental par t of our communit y who make a significant contribution to the educational experience of our schools. The identit y of our Early Year s Depar tment is constructed around the three pillar s of children, parents and teacher s. We consider the child to be a bearer of rights who is a collaborative protagonist of their own learning experience and who must be their potential and prepare them for the rigour s of an international primar y education and beyond. As a group of international schools our ethos is one of tolerance, respect and open mindedness and we believe that diver sit y enriches our communit y
E nv i ro n m e nt
C hildren learn by building relationships with their surrounding environment . The carefully planned and stimulating physical environment of our Early Year s setting s reflects this both inside and out . The spaces are organised to suppor t and enrich each student's learning experience. They are given time and space to explore natural materials that are carefully chosen with the teacher s, facilitating the development of inquir y projects. Our gardens also help stimulate curiosit y about the natural world.
Pr ima r y S chool a n d t h e
I B Pr i m a r y Years P r o g ramm e
Th e P ri ma r y Ye a r s P rog ramme (P Y P )
i s a t ra nsdisci p lin a r y cur r iculu m
f ram ewo r k with a n i n q ui r y a p p ro ac h
t o co n cep t ual l ea r ni ng a nd teach i ng .
I t i s t aug ht in ove r 100 cou ntries o f
t h e world. The l earne r, and t he le a r n i ng
commu n i t y, is at t he ce nt re of lea r n i ng
a nd te ac h i ng. T h rough the e m b odime nt
of t he a ttributes of t h e I nter n atio n a l
B a cc al au re ate Lear n er P ro fil e, t h e
p rog ramm e stri ves to build cultu ra l
unde r s t andi ng a n d i nterna t ional l y
mi n d e d you ng peo p l e. Th roughout a n
a c a d e mi c yea r, s t ude nt i n qui r y is gu i de d
by co n ce p tual i de a s that a re co n ne c te d
t o s ix t ransdis c ip l ina r y themes of glo b a l
sign i fic a n ce. Bridges be t we en subje c t
disc ip l i nes a re fost e red and d evelo p e d
t o bu i ld t ra ns fe ra b le kn owl e dg e,
unde r s t andi ng a n d skil l s. The PY P
h as five Esse nti a l Elem e nts whic h
a re outli n ed bel ow.
We e n cou ra ge stude nts to see thei r
l e a r n i ng as va lua bl e ex pe ri en ces t h a t ,
a s wel l a s form i ng t h ei r i nte ll e c tu a l
d eve l o p me nt , should gu i de h ow
t h ey a c t . T h e re fo re, l e a r n i ng shou l d
b e demons t ra ted by posit i ve a c tio n
a nd se r v i ce. Stude nts a re en cou rag e d
to re fle c t , c h oose wise l y an d a c t
respons i b l y wit h the i r p ee r s, s ch oo l
Al l s t ude nts a lso h ave the o p po r tuni t y
to co nt r i b ut e to th e stude nt coun c i l .
The Learner Profile is a set of attributes and attitudes which our PYP teachers aim to foster
i n ou r stude nts, w h ic h a re dis c ussed, model l ed and re fle c te d
upo n t h roug h t h e units of i nqui r y.
These t wel ve a ttitudes h el p t owa rd s
stude nt s b ei ng l i fe- l o ng le a r n e r s
o n t h e g l o ba l st a g e.
Key Con ce pt s
Thinking conceptually through a unit of inquir y helps students to view topics and issues through various lenses. The PYP is built around eight key concepts which are used across all subject areas.
These concepts are:
• Form: What does it look like? Function: How does it work?
Causation: Why is it this way?
• Change: How does it change over time? Connection: How is it connected to other thing s? Per spective: What are the points of view?
• Responsibility: What is our responsibilit y?
• Reflection: How do we know?
What we teach is based on the themes of the PYP, current research and the needs of our school community. At the beginning of each unit parents receive a Unit Newsletter which outlines the objectives and how parents can support their child to develop their understanding. There are clear assessment tools and strategies and standards which align with those outlined by the IB.
The PYP Coordinator sends PYP Curriculum updates to parents and holds regular meetings and workshops to support parents in their understanding of the unique features of the PYP.
As well as learning specific subject skills, there are many transdisciplinar y skills that our students should develop that transcend subject areas and are not limited to one subject . These `Approaches to Learning' are developed throughout the units of inquir y.
The five `Approaches to Learning' areas skills, taught from Kindergarten to Grade 13
1. Thinking skills the acquisition of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, dialectical thought , and metacognition (thinking about thinking).
2. Research skills formulating questions, obser ving, planning, collecting and recording data, organising and interpreting data, and presenting research finding s.
3. Communication skills listening, speaking, reading, writing, and non-verbal communication.
4. Self-management skills gross and fine motor skills, spatial awareness, organisation, time management , safet y, a healthy lifest yle, codes of behaviour and making informed choices.
5. Social skills accepting responsibilit y, respecting other s, cooperating, resolving conflict , group decision making, and adopting a variet y of group roles.
The average school day lasts around seven hour s in most of our schools, from Monday to Friday. There is a full and varied af ter-school programme with activities including music , spor ts, drama, an extensive range of per sonal interest clubs and homework super vision for one hour af ter school on most days.
M i ddle S chool a nd th e
IB Middle Ye a rs P r o g ramm e
Th e I nt er n a t ion a l S c hoo l of Sien a is a n
Yea r s P rog ramme (MYP) whi c h i s
t h e n ext st e p in t h e IB co ntinuum o f
i nt e rn a t io n al edu c ation, m ovi ng f ro m
transdisciplinar y to disciplinar y learning.
Th e MYP builds o n the foundation s
a cq u i re d i n Eleme nt a r y school ,
e n cou ra gi ng stude nts to be com e
i nde pe nd e nt , i nt er n ation a ll y-minded ,
a nd li felo ng lea r n e r s .
Al l of our stude nts e ngage w i th a ri c h
c u r r ic ulum whi c h is comp re h ensi ve
a nd ch al l e ngi ng, h el p i ng stude nts bui l d
a st ro ng foundat i on in the major subje c t
a re a s a s well as s eve ral additiona l
l a ngu a ges. Skil l s a re d eve l ope d
a lo ng side k n owledg e, and t he stude nt s
b e com e t h oug htful, c reat i ve an d
va lua b le membe r s of the I nter n at i o na l
a nd It a l ia n commun i ties. Our edu c ato r s
a re c a ri ng and ex p erien ced and a re
awa re t ha t stude nts in t h i s age g rou p
n e e d securi t y, suppo r t and su ccess
Curr i c ul u m
Our aim is to provide an international education for our students, whilst at the same time providing access to the fundamental elements of the Italian State Curriculum.
The MYP curriculum up to Grade 9 is carefully constructed to allow students to be succesful in both the IBMYP and the Italian Terza media should they wish to undertake this Italian examination.
We also prepare and support non-Italian students in local language examinations which provide them with extra recognition for their developing Italian language skills.
The MYP curriculum is organised around eight traditional subject areas:
• Arts: Art, Music, Drama and Dance
• Individuals & Societies: Integrated Humanities
• Language & Literature: English and Italian (Native-Level Teacher s)
• Language Acquisition: Spanish, Italian or English
• Mathematics:
class in Grades 10 & 11 for those students who intend to study maths at a higher level in the IB Diploma and beyond With an extension
• Physical & Health Education: Physical Education
• Science: Integrated Sciences: Biolog y,
C hemistr y, Physics. The three sciences are taught as separate subjects from Grade 10 onwards
• Design: Product , digital or fashion design
• Non-traditional subjects: Public Speaking, Per sonal/Social/ Emotional development
There are 35 lessons of 50 minutes weekly; some subjects have double lessons. There is a full and varied af ter-school programme with activities including Music , Spor t , Drama, an extensive range of per sonal interest clubs and homework super vision for an hour af ter school on most days.
H i g h S c h ool a n d t h e
I n t er n a t i on a l B a c c ala u r e a t e
( IB) D i pl o ma P r o g ramm e
The High School and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme at the International School of Siena are divided into t wo distinct phases, each having a duration of t wo year s.
During the fir st of the t wo year s of High School, students complete the final year s of the IB Middle Year s Programme subject specialisation takes place in some of the eight subject groups, allowing the biennial to be both the culmination of the MYP as well as preparation for the IB Diploma Programme.
In the second of the two years of High
two-year International Baccalaureate
D i pl om a P rog ramme ( I BD P ) fo r 1 6-19 yea r o l ds, whi c h is wide l y co n s i de red to be t h e world ’s leadi ng p re-u n i ve r si t y q u a li ficat i on .
Across the ISE schools, one in three IB Diploma students attain 38 points or more; the benchmark for admission to the top-rung of the world’s leading univer sities.
These results are par ticularly impressive considering the Group's approach to admissions is not purely based on prior academic merit . As a premium schools group, we believe that as many young people as possible should have access to this wonder ful programme of study. Our polic y, therefore, is that if we believe an applicant can have an enriching experience during their time with us and that they can leave with an IB Diploma
Thanks to a team of highly qualified teacher s – many of whom are IB examiner s and trainer s – we prepare students exceptionally well for academic success in each of their chosen subject disciplines.
We also endeavour to ensure that the underlying philosophy of the IB is at the forefront of the student experience during their Diploma Programme studies. Students are encouraged to be knowledgeable and inquiring, but also caring and compassionate; we put a strong emphasis on encouraging students to develop intercultural
under standing, open-mindedness, and the attitudes necessar y for them to respect and evaluate a range of points of view To this end, the International School of Siena is frequently commended as such during visits from external education bodies, such as the IBO
The I B D i p l om a P ro g ra
mm e Mode l
Encouraging the concurrent study of a broad range of academic areas, our I B P rog ra mme is p rese nted a s si x academic areas enclosing a central core. Students study:
• t wo modern languages
• a humanities or social science subject
• an experimental science
• mathematics
• one of the creative ar ts or an additional subject from one of the aforementioned groups.
It is this comprehensive range of subjects that makes the IB Diploma Programme a demanding cour se of study designed
univer sit y entrance and, above all, success in life beyond education.
In each of the academic areas, students have flexibilit y in making their choices, which means they can choose subjects that par ticularly interest them and that they may wish to study fur ther at univer sit y. Three subjects (and not more than four) are taken at Higher Level (HL), and the other s are taken at Standard Level (SL). Subjects at HL are studied in greater depth and breadth than at SL . At both levels, many skills are developed, especially those of critical thinking and analysis. At the end of the cour se, each student's abilities are measured by means of external and internationally standardised assessment . All subjects contain some element of cour sework assessed internally by teacher s.
T h e co re
All Diploma Programme students actively par ticipate in the three components that make up the core of the ªhexagonº of six subjects. Reflection on all these activities is a principle that lies at the hear t of the thinking behind the Diploma Programme The Theor y of Knowledge Cour se encourages students to think about the nature of knowledge, to reflect on the process of learning in all the subjects they study as par t of their Diploma Programme, and to make connections across the academic areas.
Students also complete an Extended Essay which is a substantial piece of writing of 4,000 words, that enables
them to investigate their chosen topic of special interest . It also encourages students to develop the skills of independent research that will be expected at univer sit y. Creativit y, Activit y and Ser vice (CAS) involves students in experiential learning through a range of ar tistic , spor ting, physical and ser vice activities.
cater for the needs of all of our students, par ticularly for a school of our modest size. There will be a range of options to set your child up to fulfil their future higher education and career pathways.
a nd h ighe r
ed u c at i on co u n sel l in g
We are for tunate to have a highly experienced and passionate team of univer sit y counsellor s to draw on for a wealth of knowledge. Through their combined knowledge we can advise families regarding the most appropriate ter tiar y education pathways across the globe, with the majorit y of our graduates choosing to pur sue studies in the UK, followed by The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, the US and elsewhere. In addition, we arrange for students to take par t in work experience with both local and international organisations whilst in high school. Many students also par ticipate in pre-univer sit y cour ses, internships and volunteer projects locally and abroad throughout the year, in order to prepare them for future career choices.
Un i vers i t y des t i n by co u
UK Italy
> More than 50% of our students a best unive
Un i vers des t i n a by d e g r
Business & Manageme
Hospitality & Sports
Philosoph & Economics
Criminolo & Sociolog
Liberal Arts
Chemistry & Chemi
Medicine, Dentistry & Biochemistry
Physics & Engineering
Environmental Science
Computer Science
Languages & Literature
Fashion & Design
Visual Arts
W h ic h uni vers i t i es do o u r IS E stude nts go o n to st u d y at ?
United Kingdom
Univer sit y of Bath
Univer sit y of Birmingham
Univer sit y of Brighton
Univer sit y of Bristol
Univer sit y of C ambridge
Durham Univer sit y
Univer sit y of East Anglia
Univer sit y of Edinburgh
Univer sit y of Essex
Univer sit y of Hull
Keele Univer sit y
Univer sit y of Kent
King ston Univer sit y London
Univer sit y of Lancaster
Univer sit y of Leicester
Univer sit y of Liverpool
Univer sit y of Manchester
Newcastle Univer sit y
Univer sit y of Nottingham
Univer sit y of Oxford
Univer sit y of Plymouth
Univer sit y of Reading
Univer sit y of Stirling
Univer sit y of St . Andrews
Univer sit y of Southampton
Univer sit y of Strathclyde
Univer sit y of Surrey
Univer sit y of Sussex
Univer sit y of War wick
Univer sit y of York
Goldsmiths, Univer sit y of London
Imperial College London
King’s College London
London School of Economics
Queen Mar y & Westfield College
Royal Holloway College
School of Oriental and African Studies
Univer sit y College London
Royal Veterinar y College
Central St . Mar tin’s Ar t College
The London Institute
The European Business School London
London Univer sit y of the Ar ts
The Netherlands
Amsterdam Delf Univer sit y
Rotterdam Erasmus Univer sit y
Univer sit y of Pennsylvania
Univer sit y of C hicago
Univer sit y of C alifornia Los Angeles
Cornell Univer sit y
Nor thwestern Univer sit y
Johns Hopkins Univer sit y
Emor y College
Univer sit y of Ohio
Tuf ts Univer sit y
Brown Univer sit y
Columbia Univer sit y & Boston Univer sit y
TVI Ac tor s’ Studio (NY)
Univer sit Bocconi di Milano
Univer sit Statale di Milano
Politecnico di MIlano
Univer sit Bicocca (Milano)
Univer sit C attolica del Sacro Cuore (Milano)
Istituto Univer sitario di Lingue Moderne
Brera Ar t School
Politecnico del Design
Marangoni School of Fashion Design
School of Adver tising and Communication
Univer sit di C astellanza
Univer sit di Padova
Univer sit di Pavia
Univer sit La Sapienza di Roma
Univer sit di Torino
The European Business School Milan
Milan Conser vatorio and Venice (C Foscari)
Rest of the World
Brazil (Sao Paolo)
C anada
C hile
Czech Republic
Ireland (Trinit y College)
Por tugal
Swit zerland (including Lausanne
School for Hospitalit y and Hotel
C o - Curricula r P r o g ramm e
Beyond our curricular educational programmes and cour ses to give our students the possibilities to express themselves and reach their full potential. Our additional activities include the Italian Programme, Physical and Health Education, Creative and Per forming Ar ts and Co-Curricular Activities.
It alian P ro g ramm e
From G rade 2 to G rade 9 , the International School of Siena
integrates concepts from the Italian programme Minsteriali which enables our students to co nt i nue
to d eve lop th e same con cepts a c ross thei r lear n i ng p a t h ways, with t h e oppo r tuni t y t o comp le te extern a l l oca l exa min a tion s a lo ng sid e t heir I B ass e ssme nts .
wit h in th e c ur r i c u l um a nd e n su re s that we foster the students’ intellectual a nd c re ati ve qu a lit i es a s t h ey le a r n to exp ress the i r unde r sta n d i ng i n b ot h l a nguages .
C re ati ve a n d
p erf o r m i n g a r t s
Whilst creative and per forming ar ts are embedded into our PYP and MYP curricula via Visual Ar ts, Drama and
oppor tunities to engage actively in these areas beyond the classroom, primarily through our Co-Curricula Programme, visits and workshops. Naturally, all of these subjects are taught by fully qualified and experienced teacher s in specially designed and resourced studios. Whilst these are all exciting subjects in their own right , which many of our students opt to pur sue in fur ther studies for their DP and beyond, we also believe that the skills developed in these areas are extremely useful for developing
creative thought – an essential life skill for the modern workplace, no matter what their chosen career path.
We believe in the impor tance of giving our students oppor tunities to be actively involved in the communit y. We hold several visual and per forming ar t exhibitions on campus, ensuring that ever yone in the communit y is able to witness and appreciate our students’ work and at the same time collaborate with them with some communit y projects too.
Add i t io n a l Ac t ivi t ie s
At the International School of Siena, we pride ourselves on being a learning community for all ages and learning styles. To this end, we value co-curricular learning which allows students to pursue talents and skills outside the classroom. We offer a range of after school activities in different areas.
In addition, there are also activities close to our core purpose, which is developing internally-minded and active global citizens. The particular selection of co-curricular activities is dependent on the school. All activities are run by professional, experienced teachers and coaches, taking place throughout the week.