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St George’s International School is an alcohol-free site Students are not permitted to be in possession or consume alcohol on or off-site during term time If a student is found in possession of alcohol, the school reserves the right to suspend or exclude the student The school reserves the right to conduct random alcohol tests

St George’s International School is a non-smoking school It is illegal to smoke in any of the school buildings, including the boarding house and on campus Possession of, or involvement in the distribution of, tobacco, smoking related materials or vaping materials or associated paraphernalia is strictly forbidden

Possession of, or involvement in the distribution of drugs, narcotics and any other banned substances is strictly forbidden and will lead to expulsion without the right to appeal St George’s International School reserves the right to conduct random testing for drugs based on the suspicion that there has been misuse of these, or any, banned substances


Under no circumstances are boarders allowed to have body tattoos whilst staying in boarding.

It is illegal in Switzerland to ink a tattoo on anyone younger than 18 It is also illegal to have body piercings under the age of 18 Students aged between 16 and 18 may get their ears pierced with their parents’ written consent

Students may wear one pair of discrete ear studs The school reserves the right to ask students to remove piercings that are considered inappropriate

Boarders may re-colour or dye their hair in natural hair colours only The school reserves the right to tell a student to re-colour their hair if it is deemed an inappropriate colour

Boarders may not cut their own hair or that of other boarders In extreme cases students will be instructed to have their hair restyled


Students are allowed into each other’s bedrooms provided a person from that room is present If asked to leave by a resident of that room, the visitor must do so and may not return without permission Mixed gender visits are never allowed Students are not allowed into each other’s bedrooms after lights out Boarders are expected to keep their bedrooms neat and tidy Room tidiness scores will be awarded each day, with the highest scores rewarded

Boarders are responsible for any damage in their rooms and should notify staff so that repairs can be carried out Any damage in the boarding house will be paid for by those responsible for it Any unpaid costs will be taken from the security deposit when the student leaves the school

Candles, matches and lighters are strictly prohibited in boarding houses Students may use battery-operated candles and fairy lights only

Small snacks may be kept and eaten in the boarders’ common room, such as a chocolate bar, biscuit, or an apple but for hygiene reasons, no food is allowed to be kept in bedrooms If food is found in bedrooms, it will be confiscated

Students may order takeaways in special circumstances with permission from boarding staff Facilities are available in the common room for students to prepare hot drinks and snacks; these are to be used responsibly; younger years will require supervision from boarding staff

Students may not have TVs or games consoles in their rooms TVs and consoles are provided in common areas

Social And Private Areas

All areas of the boarding house must be treated with respect and left exactly as found Boarders must tidy up after themselves and be mindful of other boarders around them They should be respectful of other people’s belongings and are asked not to touch anything that does not belong to them or is not for general use Boarders may not enter another person’s bedroom without their permission


Students may keep and use a bicycle at school should they wish Bicycles should be stored in the racks provided when not in use Lights must be fitted and in working order before bicycles are taken out Helmets must be worn when riding, and the rider should demonstrate competent, safe, and responsible use of their bike Boarders may use school bicycles – please discuss with boarding staff first

Boarders may not have cars at school, nor can they travel in students’ cars unless permissions are in place from both the driver’s parent/guardian and the passenger’s parent/guardian

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