2 minute read

Office 365 tools (including Microsoft Teams) and Managebac are the main online

Distance Learning Platforms at AIS

The following Online Platforms support both remote learning and faculty/student/family collaboration to ensure a quality student learning experience when planning and delivering remotely: 1. AIS email ( sometimes with SMS notifications) are the communication tools used to contact and communicate with AIS families, Kindergarten – Year 13. 2. Seesaw and Zoom are the main online Distance Learning platforms used in the Primary

School, Kindergarten – Year 6. Microsoft Teams may also be used by Years 5

& 6. 3. Office 365 tools (including Microsoft Teams) and Managebac are the main online learning platforms used in the Secondary School, Year 7- Year 13.

In addition to the above resources, we encourage faculty, students, and parents to contact Helpdesk@AISVietnam.com for any tech related question and to expect a response within 24 hours. This email account is managed by our Online Tech Support Team.

GUIDELINES Australian International School wants to ensure that both parents and pupils are aware of the expectations surrounding approaches to the remote learning environment.

All students are expected to have read, understood and adhere to the Virtual School Expectations. This document, alongside all regular school policies, outlines the expected approach from students for the duration of the Virtual School Environment programme.

Expectations of all Students

• Participate as fully as possible and contribute positively to the virtual classroom environment. Dedicate appropriate time to learning, comparable to a normal school day. • Follow the normal timetable and attend lessons punctually as much as possible. • Understand that your teacher will be available online during most timetabled lessons. • Regularly check online platforms to see the instructions for each lesson. • Engage with live teaching as it happens via the Teams or Zoom platform. • Be appropriately dressed on live Teams or Zoom platforms. • Endeavour to complete all work set and submit all assignments by due dates. • Engage in all learning posted with academic honesty. • Immediately ask teachers for clarification if they do not understand. • Communicate with teachers if work cannot be completed. • When using applications for remote learning within Australian International School, understand that this is seen as an extension of the classroom. • Follow AIS expectations for behaviour and conduct at all times. • Communicate with peers, teachers and others using technology in a responsible and respectful manner. • Do not record or take photos of peers or teachers during remote learning. • Do not deliberately browse, download, upload or forward material that could be considered offensive or illegal. • Understand that your homeroom tutor is available if there are any concerns or worries. • Use the video content from the PE department to keep fit and healthy. • Do NOT share recorded lessons publicly. • Do NOT share Zoom lesson codes with anyone else.

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