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Driftless Quiz Driftless Quiz NATURALHISTORY
Untouched by Pleistocene ice sheets that reshaped the northern tier of states, the Driftless Area’s ruggedness is iconic. Rocky bluffs dissected by narrow, steep-sided valleys create a signature landscape not only beautiful, but also biodiverse. Myriad topographic nooks and crannies support a trove of plant and animal species. By any measure, the “Driftless” is considered among the most biologically diverse landscapes in the Upper Midwest. This lighthearted quiz will test your Driftless natural history savvy, both biological and geologic. Multiple-choice questions may have more than one correct answer. All answers can be found on the next page.
1. A cherrystone drop is: a. a throat lozenge b. a fruit tart often served by Auntie Em c. a rare snail found in cool, moist Driftless forests d. the portion of a cherry pit uneaten by squirrels
2. Wild bergamot, a native Driftless wildflower, is preferred by bumblebees because: a. the purple flowers complement their yellow and black coloration b. they enjoy making tiny cups of tea from its leaves c. they prefer to hang out with flowers that have a reputation for being wild d. it is considered a pollinator superfood, packed with nectar, pollen and nutrients that build their immune systems
3. A jumble of rocks emitting cold air from the base of a wooded cliff is known as: a. a safety hazard b. an algific talus slope c. a tectonic extrusion d. gassy granite
4. The Prothonotary Warbler a. got its name from the bright yellow robes of prothonotaries, papal clerks in the Roman Catholic church b. is the only warbler that breeds in tree cavities c. is typically found in Driftless area floodplain forests d. spends the winter in Latin America’s mangrove forests
5. Dutchman’s Breeches: a. is one the earliest blooming plants during the Driftless spring b. should not be worn with a plaid blazer c. have flowers that resemble upside down pants d. were standard issue for sailors on the Flying Dutchman ship
6. When calling, this common inhabit of Driftless ponds and marshes sounds like a plucked banjo string: a. green frog b. leopard frog c. Kermit the frog d. spring peeper
7. Halloween Pennant, Autumn Meadowhawk, and Blue Dasher are names for: a. Driftless folk bands b. dragonflies c. local superheroes d. butterflies
8. Treeless, grassy areas on the edges of otherwise forested bluffs are commonly known as: a. vegetative voids b. putting greens c. goat prairies d. fuzzy bedrock
9. Crickets create a late summer Driftless serenade through a process known as: a. invertebrate orchestration b. six-legged bebop c. harmonic convergence d. stridulation a. Monarch b. Meadow Fritillary c. Red-spotted Purple d. Baltimore Checkerspot
10. The Viceroy butterfly is a mimic that looks almost exactly like which of these Driftless butterflies?