Inspired - Interview Issue One

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Interview Issue

A Collective Group E-Mag Containing


1 Š George


Š Daniel Broughton


A Collective Group E-Mag

Welcome to the first issue of Inspired. Inspired is a magazine that brings out the talent that is on DeviantART and features these deviants. We gather deviants that have a talent, be it photography, painting, crafting, designing and writing, you name it we will have it. For this first launch issue Inspired has got together a mix of deviants with a large range of media and have asked them questions about their work. Inspired/Inspired Collective was an idea by me the editor Daniel to collect art that could inspire other artist plus gather a large range of different deviants so that we can work together to get each other more exposure to the world. So if you think you or someone else deserves to be featured in Inspired then drop by the Inspired Collective Group and send a note with the subject of ‘Inspired Mag Feature’. This can also be done by going to my profile and I will reply to the note as soon as I can and put you into consideration to be included into this magazine.

Website Editor Profile All content is copyrighted to the respective owners and should not be altered in anyway, used outside this magazine or modified unless strict permission has been granted. Credit has been given where appropriate. I have received permission from the respective owners to use their property in this magazine and nowhere else. Inspired takes copyright seriously. Cover Photo

By: George Devereux

“Let the art speak for itself ” T h e Inspired l o g o , A C o l l e c t i ve Gro u p E - Ma g a n d i t s a s s oci at ed cont ent i s cop yri gh t ed t o Dani el Brough t on (D B -Evol u tion) 2012. It m a y n o t b e u se i t a n yway unles s p ermi s s i on i s grant ed from me.

This issue.... Interview Issue

Megan Wyreweden Page 6

ŠMegan Wyreweden

ŠFilipe Gomes

Filipe Gomes

Page 10


Type: Digital By: Megan Missfit


Megan Wyreweden (MeganMissfit) When did you get into art? When I was a toddler of course, just like everyone else! Honestly though, I’ve been drawing my whole life, but I didn’t start doing digital art until I was about 14. During my teenage years it was just a casual hobby, but nowadays I’m taking it a bit more seriously. I briefly took art lessons when I was around 9-10, but other than that I’ve been self-taught. What is your main style? I consider my style to be semi-realism. When I first started out, I was very anime-influenced, and it was the only thing I drew. Later on, I started drawing with more realistic proportions, faces, etc. I guess the anime influence just continued to stick after all these years. As of recently, I’ve been drawing inspiration from video game art, as I am trying to get into the gaming industry. What programs do you use mainly? Right now I use Photoshop CS5 and Corel Painter 12. Before, I would use either older versions of PS/Painter or GIMP. However, I’m going to start branching out to 3D art, so I’ve also started to dink around with Autodesk Maya and Sculptris for a bit. CS5 is my main program, however. What media do you use mainly? I’m 99% digital artist. Occasionally, especially for practice, I will draw with pencil and paper, as I do like the hands-on feeling of drawing in traditional media. The main thing that appeals to me about digital art is that it’s so versatile. I mean, all I need is my laptop and my tablet, and I can do complex paintings anywhere I shops, airplanes, etc....instead of having to haul canvases/brushes/paints/etc. with me. Plus, I’m very finicky with staying clean, so I really do not appreciate getting my hands and clothes dirty with paint. Also, I am left handed, so I smudge everything I draw anyway, especially with pencil! I’m not trying to put down traditional art or anything...I honestly have huge respect for traditional painters. I just prefer the versatility of digital art. What/Who inspires you? I honestly don’t have a single artist who I look up to, but to name a few favorite artists, Fabian Perez, Alexander McQueen, Natalie Shau, Kekai Kotaki, etc. I draw a lot of inspiration from things outside

©Megan Wyreweden


of visual art, such as the night sky, sea creatures, astronomy, the weather, Greek mythology, etc. I also can be very inspired by the places I travel to. Since I was young, I’ve visited many different places across the globe, and I’m always fascinated by the different cultures and environments that I see. What’s the best thing about being an artist? Well first of all, you get to draw pictures for a living. In all seriousness though, I guess there is a great feeling of accomplishment with being an artist. For me, I’ve been self-taught pretty much my entire life, and honestly I feel really frickin’ proud of myself when I look back at my hard work and progress from the past seven years. It makes me feel very unique, and also gives me a sense of identity. Even now, I still have a lot of room for improvement and growth, which makes it even more exciting. With art, things never get old.


So, during my early years in college I sought out a career in psychology, thinking that I would never be good enough to be a professional artist. I lacked direction and motivation, and was almost resigning myself to a “real career.” Now, I am ending my third year in college, and I’m changing my focus in life. I will finish my psychology degree, but I am also going to take a crack in becoming a professional “starving” artist

What’s the worst thing about being an artist? A lot of artists, including myself, are constantly dwelling in self-dissatisfaction. If I’m drawing something that isn’t turning out right, or I see an artist whose skills are light years ahead of mine, I feel like crap. Before, stuff like that would cause my self-esteem to go down the toilet. But as of recently, I’ve learned to turn all of that into motivation. If something’s not working out, it just means that I have to kick my ass into gear and work harder. It’s like that quote from Karl Lagerfeld, “I’m never content with what I do. I live in a sort of permanent dissatisfaction. I think that’s the secret to doing things well.”

How do you feel when people interpret your artwork differently? I love it! It’s really weird how these things work out. Sometimes I feel like art is a living, sentient being, and I am just a channel. Often times, I will start drawing something with a sort of ballpark in mind of what I want it to do, but then it will completely change to a different direction. From then, people who view my work will have an infinite amount of interpretations for it. The human mind works in mysterious ways.

Did you ever feel like giving up? There was a time in high school, when I was applying to universities and trying to decide what I wanted to do with my life, when I considered having some sort of artistic career. But, like most people, I was spoon-fed the concept of having to find a “real job.”

What advice do you have for aspiring artists?

Honestly, I’d have to say that my biggest mistake ever was starting off drawing anime. It wasn’t until later did I realize how important it was to start by learning proper anatomy and proportions first. So I guess my main advice would be to learn the proper techniques first before branching out to a certain style. Drawing from life and from reference photos is also extremely important. I mean, how are you going to draw something if you don’t know what it looks like?


Type: Digital

8 By: Megan Missfit

My other advice is to stay motivated. Becoming a great artist is no easy task, but it is not impossible. If you’re willing to invest time and blood, sweat, and tears, it will happen. Remember, Rome was not built overnight.

“ ©Megan Wyreweden

Type: Digital By: Megan M

©Megan Wyreweden

ŠMegan Wyreweden


Play With Me Type: Digital By: Megan Missfit


Filipe Gomes (Infernalord)

When did you get into art? Well, I’ve always enjoyed art since I remember, and even though I was not talented for painting, for example, I did appreciate what my talented friends would create, and I would always support them. As I grew older, when I was a teenager, two art forms became a passion to me as I started to discover them: Photography and Music. As time went by I tried to save as much money as I could to be able to buy a good camera and musical instruments. What programs do you use mainly? Mainly Photoshop CS5, but I also use Lightroom once in a while. It really depends on what I need to do, but mostly Adobe Photoshop.

What/Who inspires you? That is very a complicated question for me to answer, after all this time I have come across really inspiring photographers, some of them in a unique way due to their own style. I try to browse through new photographers every day and I get really happy when I discover a new one who’s work makes me think “wow, I should have thought of this!”, and then I try to learn something from it. If I have time, I leave my opinion so that the artist knows that his/her work is being appreciated. Just as I like to receive people’s feedback about my work, if it’s done in a civilized and polite way. I guess that I am also inspired by the

“Believe in yourself; try to learn as much as you can from anyone or anything”


© Filipe Gomes

Moonspell Fernando Ribeiro Type: Photography By: Infernalordt


© Filipe Gomes Beauty - Epica Type: Photography By: Infernalord

different moods that we all have during our life, sometimes happiness and other times gloomy moods can set you to look at things in a different way. What’s the best thing about being an artist? Maybe the fact that are able to express yourself through art, whether it’s music, photography, painting, or any other art field and therefore, create an impact on other people... Making them laugh, cry, feel a chill down their spine... And I find that very rewarding. What’s the worst thing about being an artist? Not being noticed, respected and supported in every way. Having to deal with other people’s negativism, envy or intentions just make you feel bad about your work.


Did you ever feel like giving up? No, I haven’t. Because ever since the beginning, my interest on learning more and more every day made me think that I should never give up. And I feel good about that, because if I look back, I see that I have improved and became a better artist. How do you feel when people interpret your artwork differently? I believe it’s a good thing, you know... If you’re able to create different impacts on different people, then it means your work can be appreciated by everyone. And knowing they’ve interpreted my work, no matter in what way, also tells me that they took the time to look at time and feel something about it.

Š Filipe Gomes

Lebensgefahr - Schonheit Type: Photography By: Infernalord


Š Filipe Gomes 14

Watain - Eric Type: Photography By: Infernalord

Which of your artwork pieces is your favourite? Another hard question for me. I am proud of all of them, some more, some less, but I wouldn’t publish something that I wasn’t proud of... when it comes to non-concert photography, maybe “Street Bubbles” which is also my popular art piece. Filtering down to Concert photography, there is one that I am really proud of, which is the shot from Eric, the singer of the Swedish Black Metal band Watain, shot in 2009. But like I said, it’s very complicated for me to choose just one favourite.

What advice do you have for aspiring artists? Believe in yourself; try to learn as much as you can from anyone or anything. Always be humble about your work, but don’t minimize its value. Don’t give up if things are difficult, if you give up, it’s because you don’t really love it.

Is there a creative dream job that you want? I would love to be able to make a career in Photography and actually be able to pay my bills with a photography job. Being a photographer for a big company or magazine would make me feel great. Oh and never forgetting my parallel musical passion, of course.

Street Bubbles Type: Photography By: Infernalord

© Filipe Gomes 15 ŠDaniel Broughton

Local Band - Evolution of Man

Next issue out soon, keep an eye out!

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