however, will occupy their eyes with things on the walls or floor to avoid the tension. Make sure they see your eyes when you are speaking. If you cannot get eye contact, and they simply won't look at you, don't stress over this. It may simply be because they are afraid, and you can just continue scolding.
Try speaking to the child like an adult
Looking at parents who use this method, you might notice the maturity level of their children is higher than the average age level. Many people automatically use a different voice when speaking to children, but try talking as if the child were a full grown adult, at least in tone. You can't set extreme expectations for communication, but you may find that the child takes more responsibility for themselves when you move away from traditional methods of speaking to children.
Each child is different in their own right, so adjust these methods as you see fit. Taking care of a child is not an easy task, but it's an incredibly important one. With these tricks and some thinking outside the box, you may have better control over temper tantrums, and you should have an easier time setting rules and scolding.
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Health Mind, Body & Soul | July 2021