Uvalde Leader News Health Magazine July 2021

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editor’s letter M A G A Z I N E executive publishers Hal G. Fox & Suzanne Polk Fox

managing editor Suzanne Polk Fox

copy editor Christian Dischler

contributing writers Kai Bragg Leigh Burgess Patricia Danflous Jennifer Dean Christian Dischler Dr. Aaron Dutruch Mary Dwyer Rebecca Faye Elizabeth Fox

Strength. Conviction. Purpose. I cannot think of three stronger words to describe the person I want to be. Do I have the strength to rise to the top when the chips are down? Do I have the conviction to keep going? Is my purpose for the right reason? Most of the people we feature have those qualities. That’s what sets them apart. It’s not easy. Here’s my thought. If you find yourself “out of control” with your health and daily activities, start working on these three things and you are bound for greatness and success. Things start to fall apart when you stop caring. You let go of your health, weight, home and family. I’m not saying you have to be 110 percent all the time, but if you can’t maintain your strength, then at least maintain your conviction and purpose. Or, make this a goal to get better every day. If every day we are a little better than yesterday, I can imagine it leading to a lifetime of change. Here’s where to start. Start with your diet. Eat a little better today than you did yesterday. Add some activity. Walk a little more today than you did yesterday. Create a goal. Goals lead to purpose, which leads to conviction, which leads to strength. No matter how small you start, it’s a start. Don’t forget to reward yourself daily with affirmations of joy and love. Live every day with purpose. Suzanne Fox

Nellie Palmer Dr. Kristie Persons Kristy Podruchny J. L. Thompson James Troy

creative team production & design

Suzanne Fox Claire Thomas The information contained in Health – Mind, Body & Soul is intended for educational purposes only. A reader should never substitute information contained in Health – Mind, Body & Soul for the advice of a health care professional. Jumpstart Publishing, LLC and publishers of Health – Mind, Body & Soul, do not endorse or promote any of the products or services described in the pages of Health – Mind, Body & Soul and the publishers do not verify the accuracy of any claims made in the editorial or advertisements contained in Health – Mind, Body & Soul. Readers should not use the information in Health – Mind, Body & Soul for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Readers should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or have or suspect they have a health problem. V5

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Health Mind, Body & Soul | July 2021


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