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Self-Care Self-Care
What it is & How it can help you
By Jay Lang
Self-care is a concept that is frequently mentioned in the media, and though it sounds like a good thing on its face, you may not have a clear idea about what the term means and how it relates to you personally. You can implement this important idea into your daily life to take advantage of the many benefits self-care can offer your physical, mental and spiritual health.
What Exactly Is Self-Care?
Self-care is an idea that encompasses all areas of good health. It means taking active steps recommended to maintain physical health, such as immunizations, screening tests and periodic visits to your primary care provider. Self-care also includes careful attention to diet, weight management and exercise that impacts overall health. But self-care also includes paying attention to your emotional/mental health, with measures that help to manage stress, reduce anxiety and improve mood. Finally, selfcare is concerned with spiritual well-being, as well, encouraging individuals to take the time to look inward, reassess perspective and connect with a higher understanding to provide meaning and purpose in life. Taken together, these actions help to improve health, enhance serenity and heighten well-being.
Effective Methods of Self-Care
Self-care can mean different actions for each individual. For some people, it may mean focusing more on physical health and the measures needed to strengthen the body and resist disease. It can mean making a conscious effort to eat a healthy diet or lose those extra pounds. It may mean instituting a new exercise regime or joining a new sport. Emotionally, self-care may mean setting aside more “me time” in order to process events that are going on or time to meditate to generate a greater sense of inner peace. It can mean making sure you get more restful sleep or going for a monthly massage. Even simple actions like taking a hot bath or listening to your favorite music can be a part of your self-care. Spiritually, self-care may mean spending more time in prayer, joining a study group or getting involved in programs that help others. It can mean spending more time outdoors in nature. Each person must explore what creates a feeling of positivity and progress for them in their own lives.
Benefits of Self-Care
Performing self-care activities on a regular basis offers many benefits. More attention to recommended health measures means physical health improves, with greater strength, endurance, immune system function and resistance to disease.
Emotionally, self-care gives individuals greater resilience during difficult times, improved relationships and higher self-esteem. Spiritually, selfcare provides a deeper connection with the infinite and a clearer sense of purpose and compassion toward others. In fact, taking care of yourself has a wealth of wider-ranging effects that impact your daily life.
Recognizing When Self-Care Is Indicated
Busy people often neglect taking time for themselves, and this can result in feelings of being frazzled and out of sorts. Self-care can be particularly important during times of life changes, such as the loss of a loved one or losing a job. A person may begin to feel overwhelmed and out of control, with negative effects on health and loss of self-confidence. Any event that places additional demands on you physically, emotionally or spiritually is an opportunity to perform self-care actions. These are times when self-care can make a significant difference to well-being, productivity and ability to cope. Engaging in self-care activities may sound like a luxury for busy individuals, but it can help them to feel physically healthier, emotionally calmer and spiritually more centered. Explore the many types of activities that can make up a selfcare routine, and learn the benefits this simple idea can have on all aspects of your life.