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natural beauty THE AMAZING SKIN BENEFITS OF Apple Cider Vinegar

By Whitney Alexandra


Everyone familiar with apple cider vinegar (ACV) knows it has been considered a general health tonic throughout the ages. While the pungent smell can deter people from using it, ACV is completely natural with no side effects, making it well worth adding to your day-to-day regimen!

ACV for Acne and Pimples

ACV contains antibacterial and antiseptics that can target and kill the root of acne and pimples deep inside your pores. Further, it contains both malic and lactic acids that help exfoliate and soften the skin. When you feel like you are getting a pimple, just apply a small amount with a cotton pad on the affected area.

ACV for a Natural Skin Toner

You don’t need to buy over-the-counter skin toners filled with chemicals and unnatural ingredients! Go natural and use ACV for your everyday skin toner. ACV can balance your skin's pH and clear away excess oil. At night, apply evenly on your skin with a cotton pad. The strong odor will subside shortly, so don't let that stop you from trying this.

ACV for Sunburn Relief

The anti-inflammatory substances in ACV can help soothe and reduce sunburn pain. According to Earth Clinic, ACV’s mineral and vitamin content can nourish the skin faster back to recovery. Pour two cups of ACV into a lukewarm bath and soak for immediate relief!

ACV Reduce Your Age Spots

According to Organic Facts, ACV can help reduce or even completely eliminate age spots. Add a few drops of ACV to a glass of water and drink. In addition, try mixing ACV and lemon juice, and apply directly to age spots in order to fade their appearance or eliminate them all together.

ACV Detox Bath

ACV is wonderful for an overall detox of your body, including skin issues and yeast infections such as candida. It serves as an overall detoxifier for muscle aches and pains. ACV baths can aid in drawing excess uric acid from your kidneys. And for those who have concerns about body odors, ACV baths can help eliminate that problem, too!




Don’t use inclement weather as an excuse to pack on extra pounds this winter. Be inspired by winter sports such as skiing, skating and snowboarding. Take advice from winter sports athletes who are strong, fast and resilient regardless of harsh weather conditions.


Skaters must propel their bodies up and forward using their shoulders, triceps, biceps and core. The following exercise will help create strong arms while also working the obliques and abdominal muscles.  Begin in a plank position by bracing the abs tightly and pressing your palms to the floor. Balance with strong arms, keeping shoulders directly above your palms.


Winter sports athletes may train indoors to strengthen their core, increase agility and become faster. Try these super-charged, calorie-burning exercises to strengthen your core and provide high energy. When Old Man Winter forces you to stay inside, get pumped up with this high-intensity workout! By: Tami Charbonnet | Milestone Photography: Melanie Langteau Model: Jessica Kempainen

 Slowly lower your chest by bending your elbows. Keep elbows close to your ribs. If you find your elbows outside your ribs or your back arching, come to your knees and then complete the move.  Push back up into the full plank position.  Gently rotate your body to the side and lift your top arm upward. Repeat on the opposite side. Bring one knee to the floor if the full side plank is too difficult. Repeat the triceps pushup to side plank extension 5-10 times.


Skiers need powerful quads and glutes and balance when gravity pulls them forward on a steep downhill. Squat extensions build powerful legs while extending arms up, forward and down, bracing the core for optimum balance.  Stand with heels anchored to the ground, aligned with your hips.  Bend knees and drop your backside into a deep squat, sending your hands forward.  Without compromising your spine, brace your core and bring arms to the floor.  Return to Position 1. Repeat 10-20 times. A low-impact option is to slightly bend knees and keep arms above your head.




Rows strengthen your spine and shoulders, helping you to endure impact and prevent injury. The standing row is a simple and effective movement to strengthen yourshoulders and back.  Stand up tall and strong. Tuck your chin into your chest to protect your neck. Keep your knees soft.

 Hinging from your hips, tip your upper body forward, and bring your arms out and down toward your knees.  Squeeze your hands into tight fists.  Bring your elbows back slowly, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold for 5-10 seconds.  Release your fists and arms, and slowly rise to standing start position. Repeat standing rows 10-20 times.


Side lunges open the hips and the inner thigh area, which aids in agility.  From a standing position, step out to the right side and bend your knee deeply. Be sure to brace your core, and balance your weight onto the right heel.  Come back to a standing position, and repeat the exercise on the left side. Repeat 10-20 times on each side.



Skaters need incredible balance and spend hours working on balance drills.  Stand tall and tuck in your chin.  Bracing your core and keeping your hips strong and squared to the ground, slowly hinge forward from the hips as you lift one leg. The goal is to keep the body in a beautiful straight line from the neck and spine to the heel.  Try holding for 1 minute. Switch sides and repeat. Tip: Relax and focus your eyes on an object that is not moving. This will help you with balance.

 Squat: drop your backside down to your knees.  Bring your hands to the floor, brace your core, and shoot your legs back into a full plank position. Do not let your back arch. If your back arches, bring your knees to the floor.  Lower halfway, elbows shaving the ribs. Push back up into plank.  Jump the feet back into squat position. Repeat 10-20 times. This is an advanced move. Be sure you are ready before conquering this move.





EAT SMART DURING the Holidays T empting finger foods, salty snacks, festive sugar-laden desserts and high-caloric beverages adorn lavishly decorated holiday tables of temptation!

Parties, sporting events and extra time with friends and family during the holidays put added demands on our time–and inches on our waistlines! Our willpower is tested when we are offered just one taste of apple pie or another serving of mashed potatoes. Experts tell us that we tend to overeat when we’re in social situations, as much as 50 percent more than when we’re eating alone. The solution? Adopt an “eat smart” plan that helps you anticipate how to handle those situations where you are tempted to overindulge.

Here are 10 tips to eat smart with resolve and willpower for continued weight loss: ❶ Wake up and drink 8 ounces of water with freshly squeezed lemon. ➋ Prepare a large “Inspire Health” water bottle with the same above combo and sip all day! ➌ Eat a light, nutrient-dense breakfast to keep you full and energized. See the oatmeal recipe in this issue’s Eat Fresh article. By Tami Charbonnet

➍ When you feel hungry, eat freshly cut apples, pears, carrots, celery, or other natural snacks. The key is to keep snacks on hand, ready for a hungry emergency! Soak sliced apples in a shallow container with water and fresh lemon juice. If you are traveling, keep fruit in an ice chest for a quick, cold, crispy snack.

➎ For lunch, have a large quinoa salad packed with fresh mixed greens, avocado, tomatoes, tofu or lean protein, beans and a few crushed walnuts or almonds.

➏ Make time to snack; don’t get so busy you forget to eat. Eating smart means you must snack on your healthy pre-made snacks.

➐ Exercise at least 30 minutes daily. Take a walk or jog, hit the gym, or practice the exercises listed in the Inspire Health Exercise article.

➑ Relax. Find a quiet place to decompress, sit comfortably or lie down. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for 15 minutes. Clear your mind. We often overeat when we’re stressed. If you relax, you’ll slow down and re-focus.

➒ Take the edge off your hunger. Eat a complete, nutrient-dense meal before you attend an event.

➓ Set limits on yourself. Have no more than two beverages and one small cocktail plate of food. Stash healthy snacks in your purse or bag to get you through those hunger pangs!


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