4 minute read
Licorice ROOT
By Christian Dixchler
Licorice root’s value goes beyond providing the polarizing flavor to the eponymous candy. For generations this versatile root has been used in recipes and medicine across the globe. Ranging from ancient Egyptian tea blends to something as simple as an all-natural multivitamin supplement, its importance cannot be understated. It’s the anti-viral super food spearheading our body’s fight against infection, inflammation, heartburn and fatigue.
Originally utilized for its sugar-like properties, licorice now represents much more with its role in the super food world. It contains many phytonutrients, such as glycyrrhizin acid (GL), which gives it the sweetness and flagship flavor that’s known worldwide. What’s not as known is how beneficial GL is for the human body in balanced doses. It provides an advantage against viruses and bacteria, helping create an unfavorable environment for infections to thrive, while simultaneously assisting to remove them. This includes infections like COVID-19, Hepatitis C and herpetic viruses like shingles. This is a crucial component to what makes licorice root valuable, and ongoing studies continue to support its effectiveness. However, knowing its benefits means also knowing it’s risks. Moderation is important with GL, as long-term abuse of it can result in issues such as edema. If you intend for long-term or heavy use, consider a deglycyrrhizinated (DGL) version, which has a substantial amount less.
The most accessible form of licorice root outside of a supplement is herbal tea. This ancient root has long been the centerpiece in a variety of cultures as they harness its medicinal powers in the form of tea. Next time you’re in the grocery have a look at the multitude of licorice-infused teas that are available. You might be surprised how many different ailments they treat. It’s often recommended as a digestive aid in the wake of a large or questionable meal. If you suffer from chronic stomach pain, such as GERD, its soothing qualities will promote natural digestion and regularity. It also provides a substantial boost to the human adrenal glands, and outperforms other popular herbs like ginseng in recharging our batteries.
If treating the above symptoms isn’t a priority, consider licorice root as a natural method to help you quit smoking, or as a substitute for the ever-popular caffeine addiction. It’s truly a wonder the power contained within this mighty root and how many benefits it can bring to the human experience. Next time you ignore all the black jellybeans, remember that the flavor is only a fraction of this complex super food.
executive publishers Hal G. Fox & Suzanne Polk Fox
managing editor Suzanne Polk Fox
copy editor Christian Dischler
contributing writers Amber Marie Arevalos Jack Burden Patricia Danflous Christian Dischler Dr. Aaron Dutruch Del Griffith Rebecca Gutknecht Emily Keolsch Lynette McDonald Crissie Mergogey Shirin Mehdi Juliane Morris design and production Suzanne Polk Fox Claire Thomas
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The world is a dangerous place. It’s dangerous to your health and your mind.
Let me explain.
We live in a fast-paced time. Everyone is in a hurry. There’s not much time for health and wellness. There are fast-food restaurants on every corner. Yes, they make it easier to feed your family on the run, but you sacrifice nutrition and health. Events are generally focused around food. Unhealthy food. Rubber chicken with high-fat dressing and pasta is the standard.
Even the grocery store has more unhealthy, convenient foods than ever before.
Fast forward to our cover story.
Raj Patel went from U.S. Attorney to Happiness Guru by fueling her energy from a stressful job to a healthier way of life.
What a great concept.
Slow down, take time for yourself. Do what makes you happy. Take the time to prepare healthier meals. When your body is healthy on the inside, you are happy on the outside.
Everyone is different. Find what works for you and do you. There are so many diet and wellness ideas out there it’s almost impossible to ignore it. From healthy apps on your phone, to nutrition seminars online, there’s always a way to get out of your rut and improve your body, mind and soul.
The resources are here, at your fingertips.
Read on and be healthy,
Suzanne Fox
The information contained in Inspire Health is intended for educational purposes only. A reader should never substitute information contained in Inspire Health for the advice of a health care professional. Jumpstart Publishing, LLC and publishers of Inspire Health, do not endorse or promote any of the products or services described in the pages of Inspire Health and the publishers do not verify the accuracy of any claims made in the editorial or advertisements contained in Inspire Health. Readers should not use the information in Inspire Health for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Readers should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or have or suspect they have a health problem. V3
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